PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY MARCH 28, 1963 4 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MAR(~ 2R. l9~ .141...8 V1VFd i/S1i A lllir till 1jQ l alVJ Nelson, Bartseh Hold Hopes in NCAA's PHONE CALLS AUDITED: No Evidence Butts Gambled I1 By DAVE GOOD Dick Nelson hardly ever wins a race these days-except his spe- cialty, the collegiate championship in the 100-yd. breaststroke. As Michigan heads into the first day of competition in the NCAA swimming championships today at Raleigh, N.C., much of the load will rest with Nelson, a cagey senior from Grand Rapids who will be trying to make it three in a row at 100 yds. Although Nelson is Michigan's only defending champion in the meet, Coach Gus Stager also has high hopes for sophomore back- stroker Ed Bartsch, whom he calls 'our only ene who can possibly win two first places." Don't Get Hopes Upi As far as the team battle goes, things don't look very good for Michigan. At least this is the con- tention of Stager, who has coach- ed Wolverine teams to four na- tional titles in the last six years but usually prefers to take the role of underdog. "Yale looks like a good bet, but I'm putting my 'sneaking' money on Southern Cal," he offered. "It's a rat race and we probably won't be in on it. If we're going to do anything, it's going to take a superlative effort on the part of our swimmers," he added. Changes Mind Stager said that he favors USC, even though he voted for Yale in a recent coaches' poll that predict- ed the following finish: Yale, Southern California, Minnesota, Ohio State, Michigan and South- ern Methodist. Michigan edged out Minnesota in the Big Ten championships earlier in the month, finishing second for the third straight year behind Indiana. The Hoosiers are ineligible until 1965 for the col- legiate title. The general opinion seems to be, however, that the Wolverines' depth won't help them so much in the NCAA's, where only six places in each event earn points instead of the 12 places scored in the Big Ten meet. Minnesota, behind freestyler Steve Jackman and butterflyer Walt Richardson, won six first places in the conference meet and would have beaten Michigan han- dily by the six-place scoring sys- em. Repeat Performance? "We don't have the big guns," Stager conceded. "We could be as bad as fifth this year," he pre- dicted, remembering how Michi- gan flopped to fourth in last sea- son's NCAA meet after being rated nearly even with Minnesota, Southern Cal and Ohio State, the eventual champion. Last year Nelson was in top form for the meet, scoring 121/2 of Michigan's 32 points. Besides his touch-out victory over Princeton's Gardiner Green in the 100, he{ came up with a surprise secondl v C+ place in the 200, his weaker dis- tance, behind Minnesota's Virg Luken. Nelson finally defeated Luken at 200 yds. last week in a heat of the AAU meet, although neither man qualified for the finals. Nel- son also placed fourth in the 100, the event in which he became an American record-holder before he swam his first victory race for Michigan. Good Old Days Nelson has since bettered his old record (1:02.4) many times, but so have other swimmers. The record pending now is :58.5 by Indiana's Chet Jastremski, whom Nelson has not defeated since the Big Ten meet two years ago when both were sophomores. Nelson's best so far is 1:01.3, although he has done 1:00.6 with a flying start on a relay. And al- though Nelson also established a personal best of 2:17.0 at 200 yds. this year, Stager is a little wor- ried. "He can win the 100. but he might not even qualify for the 200, and that doesn't help the team much. On the other hand, he could get hot and swim a good 200," Stager commented. John Rowe of Southern Metho- dist is Stager's personal choice in the 200 after his excellent 2:13.9 last week. Bartsch Starts Collection Wile Nelson is trying to keep his string of NCAA victories intact, Bartsch will be trying to start one. He earned a berth on the U.S. Pan-American team last week by placing second in the AAU 100-yd. backstroke (:53.5) after he had tied for third in the 200 (1:58.5). The trick was that nobody who beat him was eligible. for the NCAA championships-not Chuck Bittick ' (U.S. Navy), who won both races; not Tom Stock (In- diana), who finished second at 200 yds.; and not Rich McGeagh (Southern California freshman), who tied Bartsch in the longer race. Has Good Chance Now that Bartsch has defeated Ohio State's L. B. Schaefer and Princeton's Jed Graef, first and second, respectively, in last year's NCAA's, Stager thinks the Phila- delphia sophomore has a good chance to become a double win- n)er. Besides Nelson and Bartsch, Stager is entering 12 other men in the meet: sophomores , Lanny Reppert, Jim Riutta and Ed Boothman; juniors Jeff Moore, Jeff Longstreth, Tom Dudley, Roy Burry, Geza Bodolay and Frank Berry; and seniors Pete Cox, Steve Thrasher and John Du- mont, the captain. The only ones to place last year were Burry, fourth in the 1500- meter freestyle, and Cox, fourth in the three-meter dive. Nelson, Longstreth and Berry all swam on the sixth-place medley relay team. Two others who placed last year, however, will not make the trip this time: Jon Baker, fourth in the 200-yd. breaststroke, and Warren Uhler, sixth in the 1500- meter freestyle. The Wolverines are deep in both positions this year. And while Stager is counting on depth in all events to keep his team near the top, Yale and Min- nesota are counting almost en- tirely on their freestyle sprinters. The Elis have the finest free- style relay team in history in Steve Clark, Mike Austin, Ed Townsend and Dave Lyons, but their only other standout is back- stroker Roger Goettsche. Besides Jackman and Richard- son, Minnesota has freestylers Ralph Allen and Mike Stauffer, and all the other teams are hop- ing that the two will nullify each other in the freestyle events. USC Equals 'X' Perennially s t r o n g Southern California is something of an un- known quantity, but does have backstroker Bob Bennett and dis- tance man Tsuyoshi Yamanaka, both former Olympians, and ver- satile John House, third in the 200-yd. individual medley last year. Ohio State boasts two of the best divers in the country in Lou Vitucci and Juan Botella. Stager thinks these two plus Bill Glueck can take 26 points in two events. The Buckeyes also have NCAA champions Schaefer and Marty Mull, both of whom have had poor seasons, however. Stager figures that the deciding factor in the meet for Michigan will be how the Wolverines com- pare with Ohio State in the in- dividual medley, backstroke and diving. "If they're tougher than we are there, then they're going to knock us down," he said. "All they need is a little help. If they get lucky, they could wind up in second place." SENIOR SWIMMER-Dick Nelson will be attempting to defend his two-time national championship In the 100-yd. breaststroke event in the NCAA meet starting today at Raleigh, N.C. ONCE AGAIN: AAU Officials Refuse To Sanction LA Relays By The Associated Press ATLANTA-Atty. Gen. Eugene Cook said yesterday telephone records showed that Wally Butts, former Georgia athletic director, had placed calls to persons who had been involved in gambling on college sports events. "But there is no evidence that Butts was engaged in gambling," said Cook. The attorney general also indicated his investigation had shown no violation of state laws in alleged telephone conver- sations between Butts and coach Paul (Bear) Bryant of Alabama. Not Legal Cook indicated that final dis- position of the Butts-Bryant case would be up to the Southeastern Conference as an ethical, not legal, matter. The Saturday Evening Post said in its March 23 edition that Butts telephoned Bryant and gave away Georgia's football secrets eight days before the Sept. 22 game which Alabama won 35-0. Butts and Bryant have denied the charges. Butts has filed a $10 million libel suit against the Post publishers. Both men have denied gambling on football games. Involvement "Tabulations of telephone calls placed by Butts were made to some persons who had records of having been involved in gambling on intercollegiate contests," Cook said. Some of the calls were made shortly before the alleged Sept. 14 call from Butts to Bryant, Cook said. The attorney general said the calls were under investigation by the United States Senate Investi- gations Committee. Chief Counsel Donald F. O'Donnell of the com- mittee was not available for comment. No Evidence O'Donnell said Tuesday he had found no evidence of gambling in connection with the Post story and that his investigation might take three months. Butts'attorney, William H. Sch- roder, said he understood Cook's statement "informed the public that there is no evidence that Coach Wallace Buttswas engaged in gambling. "O'Donnell has repeatedly stat- ed that he uncovered no evidence that either Coach Butts or Coach Bryant had been or were engaged in any gambling activity, and he is working hand in hand with Mr. Cook's office. "As I understand it, it is Mr. O'Donnell's mission to investigate this field and not that of Mr, Cook. "I cannot understand how one holding the high position of attor- ney general . . . could in one breath insinuate that he had un- covered evidence which implies that Wallace Butts had gambled on football games and then in the very next breath say there is no evidence to support such an in- sinuation." Outlawing of Boxing Predieted by Engle .1 . ? 4 By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES - A member of the executive board of the South- ern California Committee for the Olympic Games charged a top national AAU official yesterday with discriminating against the annual Los Angeles Coliseum Re- lays. Frank Bull, a member of the committee which stages the re- lays, said his group talked by long distance telephone Tuesday with Col. Donald Hull, executive direc- tor of the AAU. The AAU, Bull said has denied sanction to the relays, scheduled for May 17. "We asked Hull why the AAU would sanction the 'Drake and Penn Relays but not our relays," said Bull. In both meets college and AAU athletes competed. "He replied it was because we were the biggest." Hull, in New York, was not available for comment. The U. S. Track and Field Fed- eration, involved in a row with the AAU, has given its sanction to the meet. "We sent out simultaneous re- quest to the AAU and the Federa- tion for their respective sanc- tions," Bull said. "Apparently the Federation got it first and ap- proved it. "The Southern California Com- mittee has always maintained equal relations with the AAU and the colleges. We favor neither in the present controversy. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Sen. C 1 a i r Engle (D-Calif), co-sponsor of a bill to put professional boxing un- der federal regulation, predicted yesterday the sport will be out- lawed in this country unless it is reformed. Referring to the fatal ring in- juries suffered recently by former featherweight champion D a v e y Moore in California, Engle said in a statement: "In this tragic death, the nation and the world have witnessed a requiem for a boxer." He added: "It may be that we are also witnessing the requiem for boxing itself. "The sport is on trial. The charge is legalized manslaughter and corruption. And the odds-on favorite, I would say, is the prose- cution. Unless something is done in a hurry, chances for acquittal are slight." Engle has joined Sen. Estes Ke- fauver (D-Tenn) in introducing a bill providing for a national box- ing commissioner to license fight- ers, promoters and managers, to get fitness and health check-up standards, and otherwise to regu- late professional boxing. Exhibition Baseball Milwaukee 6, Detroit 1 Philadelphia 9, Kansas City 2 New York (A) 7, Minnesota 6 Cincinnati 6, Los Angeles (N) 0 New York (N) 6, St. Louis 4 Los Angeles (A) 4, Boston 3 Chicago (N) 12,'Cleveland 11 '.,1. .1........ 1 Y .. ..f.. r.. ..r.. .1..r....... ."v ? :........ .. ..... ... ....... ..........4>.....":""."".............".... ....... .... ......>:{ ":.....49..................{ .. .... .+:.... ..y.$r....".......\ ... .... ..4.. .. (Continued from Page 2) Technical Operations Research, Fort Belvoir, Va.-Students interested in a career in Operations Research. Partic. interested in graduate students of the Physical or BehavioralgSciences who have a strong Math bkgd., for whom vacancies exist at all levels from the BS to PhD. Vacancies exist for students with exper. in intermediate or large computers as Prob. Analysts, Program- mers, or Coders. Ford Motor Co., S.A. Mexico City, Mexico-Opportunities for Mexican citi- zens who are graduates of U.S. col- leges. Areas of work available are: Engrg., Mfg., Mktg., Sales, Finance, In- dust. Rels., & Purchasing & Traffic. Port Huron Sulphite & Paper Co., Port Huron, Mich.-Opening for BS in ChE, ME or Chemistry. For work in Research & Dev. See Engrg. Placement for further info., 128-H W. Engrg. * * * For further information, please General Div., Bureau of Appts., SAB, Ext. 3544. call 3200 boys & international students. This is a family camp. Camp Arbutus, Mich.-Will interviewI for a Secretary & a Music & Dramatics1 person. for girls' camp. Interviews heldl March 29, Fri., from 2 to 4 p.m. Hamilton Stores, in Yellowstone Parki -Need 4 more male employes. If in-; terested, corpe to Summer Placemento for interview with Mr. Peterson. Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. -Summer openings for students in Chem. or Mech. Engrg. & for holders of MA degrees in Bus. Ad. interested in Sales as a career selling either plastics, organic and/or inorganic chemicals. Must be male U.S. citizen.I Camp Iroquois, Ann Arbor, Mich.- This is a day camp 20 miles from Ann Arbor. Need an arts & crafts instructor, a naturalist, & a swimming instructor who mupst have a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor's cert. The season runs from June 24 thru Aug. 23. Univ. of Michigan Fresh Air Camp, Patterson Lake, Mich.-Unit Clerk posi- tion for male or female (male pref.). Messenger type work in fascinating camp for emotionally disturbed chil- dren. Work should be hard but exciting. Camp from June 21 to Aug. 17. Salary $150. Call Herman Resnick, Ext. 2031. For further information, please come to Summer Placement-DO NOT CALL. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign interview schedule at 128-H West Engrg. for the following: It's Complete Barber Services! Try one of our: SHAVES and HAIRCUTS SCALP and FACIAL TREATMENTS Shoe Shines Available THE DASCOLA BARBERS near Michigan Theater MARCH 28-29-- Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, Los An- geles, N.Y., & domestic jobsites - BS: ChE, EE & ME. MS: CE. Men & Women. Des. & Construction. MARCH 29- Fairbanks Morse & Co., Initially Det. as Sales Engr. with field engrg. position at later date in 4 state area including Mich., Ohio, Ind. & Ky.-BS: EE & ME. Sales. Hupp Corp., Gibson Refrigerator Div., Greenville, Mich.-BS: ChE, EE, ME & Met. R. & D. MARCH 28-29- Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co., St. Paul, Minn.-Ail Degrees: ChE. BS-MS: EE & ME. BS: E Physics. Men & Women. R. & D., Des., Sales, Process Indust. Engrg. MARCH 29- Watkins-Johnson Co., Palo Alto, Calif. -All Degrees: EE & Physics. MS-PhD: Commun. Sci. BS: E Physics. R. & D. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Placement Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:00 Employers desirous of hiring stu- porary work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board In Rm. 2200, daily. MALE 1-Electrical Engnr. Jr. or Sr. with at least a 3.00 grade average. Must be a U.S. citizen and able to get secur- ity clearance. Must also have trans- portation. %-time position on a long-term basis. 1-Faculty member or experienced re- searcher with solid state experience in application of microphonic-tran- sistors-type, solid state devices as transducer using (Microphones, phone-cartridges, etc.) in manufac- turing. Full-time summer only. FEMALE 1-%-time permanent secretary with training or experience. Must be able to take shorthand and be familiar with medical terminology. --Several Clerical people who can work half days are needed. Typing and/or shorthand experience is es- sential. get 'J S a ToddI4 OrTRY SuOPS NORTHLAND, Southfield DOWNTOWN, 1216 Randolph DEARBORN, 5000 Scheafer BIRMINGHAM, 159 W. Maple ANN ARBOR, 1209 S. University E. LANSING, 211 E. Gd. River SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB- Circle Pines Center, Delton, Mich.-. Will interview on Thurs. & Fri., March 28 & 29. Staff positions are open for ANN ARBOR FRIENDS OF SNCC present BENEFIT FOLK SING Friday, March 29 8 p.m. Donation 50c First Congregational Church State Street; corner of Williams Operation Lady-Killer calls for the clean-cut All-American approach. Which makes h.i.s. PostGrads a natural. Tried- and-true tailored with belt loops, regular-guy pockets and cuffs. Lean, lithe and legit, Post-Grads are on-the- level authentics, traditional to the last stitch. In color- ful, washable fabrics at hip shops...$4.95 to $8.95 $ savvy bachelors wear post-grad slacks TICKETS ON SALE TPDAY IN FISHBOWL U CHECKMATE FOR BETTER VALUES . k 'l .M. . s e NEW STYLES FIRST AT WILD'S A J S AEL T G WJL~f' THE BERMCDA HAIT 'ANTo make the most of leisure moments, gentlemen go Bermuda via the proprietor's authentic walk shorts. As may be glimpsed here, he has a smashing collection for the choosing. 1S GABARDINE I ,yL SPORT SHIRTS . '2i '. g f's iQ d ,eS 3.95 BERMUDAS Young men's cotton poplin, elbow-patched in suede 7 1 G I