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March 28, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-28

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28, 1963

DAY, m


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eds Declare Attacks

Violate Cuban

Army Balks
At Threats
Against Junta
SEOUL (A)-Important military
factions yesterday were reported
pressing strongman Gen. Chung
Hee Park to resist both civilian
and Washington pressure and ex-
tend his military rule for four
Informed sources said these fac-
tions were advocating stern resist-
ance to civilian demands for free
elections even if it means blood-
shed and an end to the United
States aid that keeps this Asian
nation financially afloat.
Park, however, was understood
to be trying to reach a compro-
mise that might ease mounting
United States pressure for quicker
progress toward civilian rule.
Kennedy Letter
Major newspapers said Park had
sent a personal letter to President
John F. Kennedy explaining his
position, but a junta spokesman
said he knew nothing about such
a letter.
Well informed Korean sources
said influential paratroop officers
and members of the so-called Kim
Chong-Pil group were embittered
by what they considered Park's re-
luctance to shed blood, if neces-
sary, to stay in power.
The government publicly main-
tained its strong stand against civ-
ilian demands for an immediate
end to military rule but there was
increasing feelings that Park
would settle for a compromise.
Military Coalition
A formula put forth in pro-
government circles involved a mil-
itary-civilian coalition regime for
perhaps a year before South Korea
could get a truly civilian govern-
ment. If approved by Park this
would be a great retreat from his
March 16 statement that another
four years of military rule are
necessary in South Korea..
Overt anti-Americanism was in-
jected into South Korea's political
crisis Wednesday.
The tough line was reported
gaining wide acceptance in elite
para-troop units of South Korea's
600000-man army and the politi-
cal machine left behind by Kim
Kim, Park's former army col-
league and at one time a master
strategist of the military regime,
left the country in February after
he was accused of trying to grab
power. .
Kim is known to feel South
Korea should cut away from the
United States and develop closer
ties with other countries, particu-
larly Japan and Nationalist China.
The leaflets followed by one day
word from Washington that the
United States government disap-
proved the military regime ulan
for four more years in power.

TAXES-Gov. George Romney (left) seems destined to avoid the
problem of dealing with a bill banning city income taxes that
plagued his predecessor as the proposal of Rep. William Hayward
died in the House yesterday.
House Defeats Measure
Voiding City Income Tax
Working hard to meet a legislative deadline yesterday, the House
killed a controversial bill banning city income taxes levied on
non-residents. It was introduced by Rep. William Hayward (R-
Royal Oak), also Royal Oak's mayor.
A similar bill still awaits action in the Senate, this one from
Sen. John T. Bowman (D-Roseville)-who had passed this bill as

Irate Teachers
Protest Wages
At Parliament
LONDON (AP)-Thousands of an-
gry school teachers streamed to
Parliament with military preci-
sion yesterday and protested new
pay scales set by Education Min-
ister Edward Boyle.
It was the second straight day
of protest at Westminster against
the Conservative government's ec-
onomic policies. About 3000 unem-
ployed workers from England,
Scotland and Northern Ireland
clashed with police Tuesday.
An extra force of police was on
duty before the Parliament build-
ing as about 5000 teachers assem-
bled, but stewards of the National
Union of Teachers maintained or-
Boyle called a news conference
to justify his pay scales, which
the teachers claimed had been
worked out without sufficient ad-
vance consultation.
"I am not acting illegally," Boyle
insisted. "Under the law I am re-
quired to be the last to-move."
The teachers union was not pla-
cated. It set up headquarters at
Church House, just behind West-
minster Abbey, and sent teachers-
across Parliament Square at reg-
ular intervals.

a representative last year only to
have it vetoed by former Gov.
John B. Swainson.
In the Senate a bill passed
which may benefit Washtenaw
County: it allows a portion of a
county not already served by a
community college district to set
one up. Its sponsor was Sen. Wil-
liam G. Milliken (R-Traverse
City), who noted that "local
groups" wanted to form a new
community - college district in
Gov. George Romney signed the
Aid to Dependent Children of the
Unemployed bill despite the health,
education and welfare depart-
ment's refusal to provide funds
for Michigan's version of the pro-
The Senate also agreed on a
Congressional reapportionment
plan which would eliminate the
state's congressman-at-large seat.
The plan, including changes in
six Wayne County and 12 outstate
districts, passed by a 20-13 vote,
would give the GOP a chance of
capturing three presently-Demo-
cratic seats, leaders of both parties
Parochial-school students would
enjoy bus transportation provided
by the state, under a bill passed
31-1 by the Senate and sent to
the House.
A bill passed by the House and
sent to the Senate requires cities
to hold a referendum before start-
ing or discontinuing fluoridation
of its water supply.

Blast Raids
On Vessels
By Refugees-
U.S. Denies Charge,
Condemns Sea Acts
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Un-
ion charged yesterday the United
States is violating the agreement
that eased last fall's Caribbean
missile crisis by backing anti-
Castro exiles making hit-and-run
raids on Cuba.
A Russian diplomatic note spe-
cifically protested the attack on
the Soviet freighter Lgov, shot at
by exiles March 17 at the sugar
port of Isabela de. Sagua, on
Cuba's north coast. It declared
the United States was responsible.
Deny Charge
The State Department in Wash-
ington speedily denied Russia's
Even before the Kremlin protest
had been officially received here,
State Department press officer
Lincoln White referred newsmen
to earlier United States condemna-
tions of the March 17 raid by anti-
Castro Cuban exiles.
"The United States government
is doing everything it possibly can
to prevent such incidents from
happening from United States ter-
ritory," White said.
Refute Assertion
The State Department spokes-
man also denied that there had
been any agreement between the
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion at the conclusion of last fall's
Cuban crisis to prevent such in-
Against strong United States op-
position, the latest anti-Castro
raiding party slipped into the Cu-
ban port Tuesday night, attacked
a Russian freighter and left it
in sinking condition.
The raiders, members of the
anti-Castro action group, Com-
mando L, said the attack was
carried out in the Cuban sugar
port of Isabela de Sagua.
After the sneak attack the raid-
ers returned safely and without
casualties to their base "some-
where in the Caribbean," he said.
It -was in this same Cuban port
on March 17 the members of the
anti-Castro organisation, Alpha 66,
shelled a Russian ship and mili-
tary camp.
In a note delivered today to the-
United States embassy in Moscow,
the Soviet Union held the United
States responsible for the March
17 attack on the freighter Lgov.
It declared that it expects the
United States to "take decisive
measures to prevent such pro-
vocative actions in the future."
The State Department quickly
denied responsibility. Its press of-
ficer, Lincoln White, said the gov-
ernment "is doing everything it
possibly can to prevent such in-
cidents from happening from
United States territory."
We of
welcome you to use
the, facilities of our

TO Accept
New York Union
Prolongs Strike
NEW YORK (P)-A small band
of 300 photoengravers last night
voted to continue their own brief
strike, thus thwarting the anti-
cipated end of New York's multi-
million dollar, 110-day newspaper
The engravers' rejection of a
proposed contract settlement stun-
ned an industry geared for a quick
return to the streets by eight clos-
ed dailies, Two of the papers had
announced an increase in news-
stand prices, so sure were they
of resuming publication.
A desire for an immediate 35
hour work week, without waiting
a year for it, apparently was the
chief factor in the engravers' 191
to 111 vote to recall all terms of
the proposed contract.
Others Accept
The general settlement formula
had been accepted by other news-
paper unions involved, including
printers whose December 8 strike
led to the blackout.
The engravers rode out 14 weeks
of the printers strike, before join-
ing the picket lines March 18. This
won them a pledge that printers'
picket lines would stand as long as
those of the engravers.
However, the possibility of a
revolt by other unions was voiced
by James J. McMahon, president
of the newspaper stereotypers un-
Raise Prices
The Times and the Herald Tri-
bune announced yesterday they
will raise their newsstand week-
day prices from 5 cents to 10 cents
on resuming publication. The tab-
loid News and Mirror said their
prices would stay at five cents.
The action by the Times and the
Herald Tribune marked the first
increase in New York newsstand
prices since 1957, when the three
Manhattan afternoon dailies, the
Post, World-Telegram and Sun
and the Journal-American, went
from a nickel to a dime.
These papers gave no indication
of a price rise in the wake of the
current blackout.
Economic Pressure
During the shutdown, there were
repeated warnings that one or
more of the papers might go out
of business because of economic
pressure from the newspaper un-
ions. However, there was no pres-
ent indication that any of the dail-
ies was about to fold.
TFX Probers
Get Questions
Robert F. Kennedy and Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
in a surprise move yesterday gave
Senate investigators a list of ques-
tions they want witnesses to an-
swer in the TFX warplane con-
tract inquiry.
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark)
would not disclose the contents of
the McNamara questions, saying
only they were intended to "bring
out evidence they (McNamara and
Kennedy) wanted in the record."

By The Associated Press
BERKELEY, Calif.-Berkeley is
trying to be calm about Ordinance
But Berkeley knows the state
capitol in Sacramento will be look-
ing over its shoulder next Tues-
day when it votes on whether to
let Negroes who can afford it move
up into the hills.
The nation may be watching,
proponents say, and perhaps the
world, for hundreds of the 23,696
University of California students
at Berkeley are dark-skinned visi-
tors from our lands.
Elimate Bias
Ordinance 3915 is an attempt to
eliminate admitted discrimination
in housing in this college city of
111,168 on San Francisco Bay.
It is the first such ordinance
to be adopted by a city council in
California. But a referendum pe-
tition bearing 10,555 signatures
took it out of the council's hands
and sent it to a popular vote.
The ordinance would make it a
crime--punishable by a maximum
penalty of six months in jail and
$500 fine-to refuse to comply
with a legal order to cease hous-
ing discrimination.
Oppose Ordinance
Outgoing Mayor Claude Hutch-
inson, vice-president emeritus of
the university, is opposed to the
Nobel Prize winner Prof. Owen
Chamberlain of the university of
California is co-chairman for the
The Berkeley Real Estate Board
opposes it as an unwise measure
that "has become a divisive factor"
in Berkeley creating "great ten-
Soviet Writer
Admits 'Error'
MOSCOW (P)-Yevgeny Yevtu-
shenko, a target of the Soviet
Communist party's drive to bridle
Russia's young artists, confessed
his "mistakes" yesterday at a
meeting of Soviet writers.
The Soviet news agency Tass
quoted the 30-year-old poet-idol
of Russia's young generation as
saying he is trying "to refute the
reputation of an anti-Soviet rebel
which the Western press ascribed
to me."

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sion -- emotional feeling runs
Sign Pledge
Geographically in the center is
the university, which requires own-
ers listing rentals with it to sign
a nondiscrimination pledge. More
than a third of the landlords re-
fuse to sign and remain unlisted.
Most of the city's Negro popula-
tion-21,850 in the 1960 census-is
crowded into the flatlands in the
southern and western sections of
the city.
Last year the city council ap-
pointed an 18-member committee
to study the problem.
In October, the committee re-
ported unanimously that discrim-
ination is "widespread and gener-
al, in both rentals and sale of
housing." By a split vote, it rec-
ommended an ordinance with
Opponents Absent
Ignoring an opinion of City At-
torney Robert Anderson that the
ordinance was probably unconsti-
tutional, the council on Jan. 15
adopted it 5-2. Two opponents
were absent.
The ordinance would apply to
all housing except a duplex where


5, 98, 4.98, 3.98

Fair Housing Faces Vote


an owner occupies one unit or to
religious, fraternal or similar or-
A four-member board would be
appointed by the council from the
Community Welfare Commission.
They would investigate, use per-
suasion, conciliation, and, if nec-
essary, hold public hearings. Fail-
ure to comply with a board order
would be a misdemeanor, subject
to prosecution.
Running Start'
Councilman Wilmont Sweeney,
Negro attorney who guided the or-
dinance through the council, con-
ceded that since 20,000 votes prob-
ably will decide the issue, "10,000
signatures does give the opposition
a running start, but it doesn't
appear overwhelming."
Wallace J. S. Johnson, a manu-
facturer and candidate for mayor,
has been the major spokesman
against the ordinance.
Johnson said he believes in the
"free opportunity to buy and free
opportunity to rent" but "the
equally fundamental human rights
of personal privacy of a home
owner should not be subject to
housing discrimination legisla-




World University








3:00 P.M.

Thursday, March 28


World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
Union firmly rejected yesterday
United States claimsthat two Rus-
sian reconnaissance planes pene-
trated 30 miles into American air
space March 15.
* 4* *
LISBON-Portuguese authori-
ties questioned Georges Aidault
for hours yesterday,rthen let it
be known that the French anti-
Gaullist leader will be expelled to
a country of his choice.
WASHINGTON-- House public
hearings on President John F.
Kennedy's $10.2-billion tax cut
and revision bill ended yesterday
in a blast of objections to pro-
posed new rules for oil industry
States Chamber of Commerce in-
troduced its new president yester-
day, Edwin P. Neilan, Delaware
* **
WASHINGTON-Damage from
winter crop freezes pushed the na-
tion's living cost level last month

back up to its highest point in
history, the Labor Department re-
ported yesterday. Its consumer
price index rose by one-tenth of
1 per cent in February to reach
106.1 per cent of the 1957-59 aver-
TOKYO - Communist China
said a United States military plane
"intruded" into its air space over
Yunghsing, Pei and Tung Islands
in Kwangtung Province of South
China yesterday.
* * *
GENEVA-Russia offered a mis-
sile control proposal Wednesday
at the 17-nation disarmament
conference. The United States
termed it inadequate.
(pick-up and delivery)
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NITEROI, Brazil - Brazilian
leftists looked last night to foreign
supporters to fire up their pro-
Castro pep meeting and salvage
this week's so-called Cuban Soli-
darity Conference.
* ,' *
NEW YORK-The New York
Stock Exchange gained further
ground yesterday, despite scattered
weak spots. The closing Dow-Jones
averages showed 30 industrials up
4.35, 20 railroads up .60, 15 utili-
ties up .20, and 65 other stocks up

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