/ EPITAPH FOR AFFILIATE BIAS See Editorial Page LiltA ujau 471 aii SUNNY, MILD High--62 Low-40 Fair, not so cold tonight, tomorrow Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXHI, No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES HARRIS REPORT: SGC Sets Bias Study Group Senate Sets Medical Unit By GLORIA BOWLES and ANDREW ORLIN Student Government Counci last night appointed an ad-hoc committee to draw up a "genera format" for implementation of the Harris report. Council approved the committee appointments of President Thomas Brown, '63BAd, who noted that a letter from sorority lawyers con. testing the legality of the Harris proposals had delayed its con- sideration by the Regents. Brown said, however, that the "temporary delay" should not stor the Council from "beginning tC formulate its procedures now.' Brown will serve on the ad-hoc committee with Daily editor Michael Olinick, '63, Panhellenic president Patricia Elkins, '64, Council members Kenneth Miller, '64 and Russell Epker, '64, and Richard Young, '63, a former chairman of. the Committee on Membership., Set Target Date The Council president also sug- gested that Council set May 8 as the target date for completion of the membership rules and proce- dures. Brown also suggested that Council hold public hearings be- fore that date. In other action, SGC decided to notify the Post Office that it wished them to forward two pub- lications which had been withheld because they had been deemed to be Communist propaganda. The Post Office withholds all such mail pending notification by the recipient that he wishes the matter forwarded. According to the motion, the measure "shall not be construed to mean that SGC approves" of the actions of the organization which mailed the publications, the In- ternational Union of Students. Student Representatives Olinick, in an effort to en- courage implementation of a Council passed motion on student government, asked that SGC ap- point student representatives to eight major Faculty Senate com- mittees. The motion intends that Coun- cil would be ready to immediately seat members in the event of Senate approval of SGC recom- mendations for a joint student- faculty government. An amendment introduced by Miller noted that "actual seating of such students shall, of course, be contingent on the approval of the Faculty Senate." Request Privileges The motion passed by Council also gives the Senate Advisory Committee the right to place items on the SGC agenda, and requests similar privileges for SGC inclu- sion of items on the agenda of faculty deliberative bodies. It also asks that students be appointed to the committees with- in a month. Council has been awaiting fac- ulty reaction to the student-fac- ulty mrtion they passed several weeks ago. Brown announced last night that Council will meet next Wednesday evening with the Stu- dent Relations committee of the Faculty senate. A meeting with the Senate Ad- visory committee is scheduled for mid-April, when Council hopes for faculty approval of the seating of students on the committees. Rubella StriKes Many Victims; Wards Filled An outbreak of "G e r m a n measles" or rubella now spreading across campus has forced Health Service, "practically full," to ad- vise students with it to go home, Director Dr. Morley B. Beckett said yesterday. He explained that the outbreak has been building up since last week, and "nobody knows how far it will go." Rubella, which is extremely con- tagious, is characterized by a mild rash and lasts for a few days. It is only dangerous to women in their first three months of pregnancy, Beckett explained. There are currently 21 students in Health Service with it. Beckett calls the outbreak considerable. Beckett voiced the hope that the spring vacation break next week will end the spread. He noted that Health Service is now "out of beds." In contrasting this outbreak wihnn m n nnc v+t-nn hp Px Harris Letter In (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following are excerpts from Prof. Robert Harris' letter to Student Government Council concerning his proposal for a Regental resolution to govern SGC implementation of the Regents' anti-discrimination bylaw.) I am confident that the Regents will adopt the proposal, or something substantially similar, in the near future. I base this con- fidence on what I believe to be the merit of the proposal and the fact that failure to adopt it would leave the University utterly bereft of policy or procedure in this area. The regime under which SGC was operating since May, 1960 when the Committee on Membership in Student Organizations was created, has fallen; nothing has been done under these procedures since the spring of 1962, and their death knell was sounded when University counsel rendered his opinion in January of this year that they were of dubious legality. The form of the proposed resolution which SGC endorsed emerg- ed from a series of informal conferences I held with selected members of the administration, faculty and student body, and from the changes suggested by SGC itself. I am convinced it is the best compromise that can be worked out among the conflicting interests on campus, assuming the Regents still adhere to their policy announcement of January 16, 1959: "The Regents are naturally concerned with the right of Uni- versity living groups to govern their own affairs, including freedom of choice of members, within the framework of University policy and not by requirement of a national organization. The Regents also have supported and do continue to support the idea of a strong, re- sponsible student government on the campus. "At the same time, the Regents' primary concern must be with See HARRIS, Page 2 r G I ,I '1 'Quick Action' Program 4 -- Hopes Sag For Delta C.':. : "ttY..{":":"::":J}:'l :"::V}::?": '.:":"::":"}:"fA":titt:1":"Y"'.. .,".t;.'Y. :'{'.:; t".}tY.1:{ti: :" ":'" "N:: ;.N.V:"":.'. .5'":.y}1Y:: ".">V.1"h11.. .: t:":: Ji".' i:{ i i: \'i t :":: i Y.i.......t .1.....t .. 1"} i"! 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A few hours before he spoke, Guido's interior secretary, Rodolfo Martinez, resigned under mount- ing military pressure. Martinez was chief architect of the plan to give Peronists a voice in restored civilian government. Guido asserted that everyone in Argentina wants elections except "the eternal five per cent" who he said always opposes them and who would "lead the country into chaos," opening the way "for any extremism.- Martinez refused to tell news- men why he quit. Guido blamed what he termed "the leading class" for slowing Argentine progress, but did not mention any names. The military has been his chief adversary in the struggle over letting Peronists take part in government. The United States treasury in Washington and the International Monetary Fund agreed yesterday to back Argentina's efforts to pro- mote economic stability until its present administration comes to an end next October 12. The fund announced early in the day a four-month extension in a $100 million stand-by agree- ment. Later in the day, the United States Treasury announced a four-; month extension of its $50 millionj dollars exchange agreement. Argentina had used up $50 mil- lion from the Fund and $25 mil-o lion from the Treasury. quor licenses issued along Wash- tenaw Ave. in the Arborland area. 'U' Buildings Included University buildings areconsid- ered schools if used for curricu- lum of a school, the State Liquor Control Commission announced yesterday. For instance, classroom buildings would be included, but plant facilities would not. The status of Hill Aud. is as yet unde- termined. Nothing can be done about churches. The first legal expression of the "dry line" was a 1903 ordi- nance, which was written into the city charter the next year. Before 1903, a city-backed "gentleman's conspiracy" prevented bars from gaining a foothold east of Division St. Division St. got its name from the "dry line." Original Provision The city's charter of 1956 re- tained the original provision, which reads: "Provided, that no person shall keep a saloon or other place ex- cept a drug store, where any spiri- tous malt, brewed, fermented, vin- ous or intoxicating liquors are sold or kept for sale, at wholesale or at retail" in the area. To Announce Study Group Special To The Daily Gov. George Romney will an- nounce tomorrow the remaining 56 members of his "blue-ribbon" citizens' committee to study Mich- igan's higher education system. ' The announcement has been de-a layed because of problems in se-l curing an equitable geographic representation among the com- mittee's members, Romney aide Charles Orlebeke explained yes-1 terday. He said that the individ-1 uals chosen will be notified byj letter at the time of the announce-1 ment.I The chairman, former Con-Coni delegate Dan E. Karn of Jackson,1 and two vice-chairmen have al-1 ready been announced.] Legislation Final Vote Delayed On 'Piggy-Back' Bill By KENNETH WINTER 'LANSING-Chances of gaining legislative approval this year for any of the three Delta College ex- pansion plans appear dim. Final voting on the so-called "piggy-back" bill, sponsored by Rep. Raymond C. Wurzel (R- North Street), was postponed in the House yesterday as legislators scurried to meet a midnight dead- line for non-appropriation bills, Wurzel explained that his bill is considered an appropriations bill -even though it contains no ap- propriations-because it was re- ported out by the House Commit- tee on Ways and Means. The "piggy-back" bill, which would set up an independent col- lege in the Delta area, is expected to pass the House before tomor- row's deadline for appropriations bills, but its opponents are confi- dent that it will be bottled up in the Senate. Illegal Proposal The second Delta proposal, sub- mitted last Friday as a Senate res- olution by Sen. William J. Leppien (R-Saginaw), is illegal, according to Assistant Attorney General Eu- gene Krasicky. The plan would set up a junior- year program, financed by private and local contributions, under the Delta Board this fall. The pilot program would be operated on a temporary basis, awaiting a final, long-range decision on Delta's fu- ture. But Krasicky said yesterday that the establishment of a third year cannot be done under Delta aus- pices, because Delta is by law a community college-offering only freshman-sophomore instruction. College Law Block He noted that even if the reso- lution passed, it would not super- sede the community college law, and taxpayers in the Delta area could have the pilot program de- clared illegal. "Also, it would be difficult to show that no public funds were being used for the junior year," he added, pointing out that there probably would be some overlap in administration or physical fa- cilities. "I think it would require some sort of procedure" to dissolve the present community college district before the junior year would be legitimate, Krasicky said. Boos Refuses In addition, the man who was expected to introduce the tem- porary junior-year resolution in the House will not do so. Rep. William Boos (D-Saginaw) ex- plained that he does not feel a resolution is necessary to set up the pilot program since only pri- vate funds are involved. He sug- gested that the program would be legal because it would be under the "sponsorship" of the University - meaning that the University would provide "advice"to the Delta lead- ers. The third plan, to establish a four-year University branch at Delta, was replaced in the Senate by the pilot-program resolution. Although it is still alive in the House Rules and Resolutions Com- mittee, Boos, one of its sponsors, admits that opposition there is heavily against it-especially since the House favors the "piggy-back" plan. RAYMOND C. WURZEL ... Delta bill PROJECT: : nSIW orkers A rres ted By JEAN TENANDER Ten Student Nonviolent Coordi- nating Committee workers and an as yet unidentified elderly man were arrested on disorderly con- duct charges in Greenwood, Miss., yesterday. About 150 Negroes marched to the Greenwood courthouse to show support for the Negro voter regis- trationi drive being carried on in the area and to seek federal pro- tection from the violence erupting with increasing frequency against those involved in civil rights inci- dents. Tension has been building up for some time in the South in the wake of continual harassment of SNCC workers. Late Tuesday night two shotgun blasts were fired into the home of Dewey Greene,, Sr., whose son, Dewey Greene, Jr., at- tempted to enter the University of Mississippi earlier this year. No one was injured. It was this inci- dent that sparked the demonstra- tion according to SNCC workers. Trouble Expected The City Council and Police Chief Curtis Lary said the trou- ble was due to "Negro racial agi- tators from outside of Greenwood and mostly from states other than Mississippi." Julian Bond, assist- ant at the SNCC headquarters in Atlanta, said only three of the so- called leaders who had been ar- rested were from outside. He said those arrested planned to remain in jail until the charges against them were dropped. He al- so said urgent requests for feder- al protection of workers on the voter registration drive were being sent to the administration. "The only thing that will alter the situation is for President John F. Kennedy to send us federal pro- tection," he said. He pointed out that such protection has been ask- ed for repeatedly. Growing Participation The violence has tended to in- crease participation in attempts to register to vote, Bond said. Since. the first attempt to burn SNCC headquarters in Greenwood three weeks ago, the number of those seeking to vote has become much greater. Bond said many of the marchers claimed that police confronted the crowd with sawed-off shot guns and released the police dogs from< their leashes. Greenwood mayor, Charles Sampson, and Lary were unavailable for comment. S tivtS .! J} fftt{ t i i FV ;y. ky't I :fI :IX it '"Y" Ai k is XM. yX f \t r3 r c c £ik v . ?r: %f _:f "Education to the limit of his capacity is the birthright of every child." This is a primary plank in incumbent Regent Eugene B. Power's, '27, platform today, just as it was when he was first elected on the Democratic ticket in 1955. Power says that he is campaigning on his record as a Re- gent and on his intention to continue to work towards imple- menting his six-point program for higher education: Doubled Enrollment 1) Educational opportunities for every child; 2) Preparation for a doubled enrollment in 1970; 3) Recognition in salary of the importance of the teacher's job; 4) Cooperation of all colleges and universities, both private and public, to provide the best educational services for the en- tire state; Free Inquiry 5) Preservation of the democratic tradition of a university as a place for free inquiry and discussion; and 6) Expansion of support for colleges and universities. Low tuition and adequate facilities are essential in pro- viding a maximum of educational opportunities, Power asserts. Educated Populace "The philosophy behind a low-tuition principle is one which recognizes that an effective democracy requires an educated populace. If a democratic society is to preserve itself, education must be a social responsibility not a private privilege," he main- tains. "There have been three fee increases while I have served on the Board, but in each instance the Regents have also in- creased the amount of available scholarship funds." Power says that he voted for a fee increase last year be- cause it was "essential to maintain the quality of education at the University." Maintain Faculty He emphasizes that the Regents have a responsibility to the students of the future to maintain an outstanding faculty; however, this cannot be pushed to the extent of out-pricing stu- dents. The University wants recognition from Lansing. Legislators must face up to the expanding needs of higher education, ac- cording to the Democratic can- didate. The state should realize that "expenditure for higher educa- tion is a good investment since . the state gets it back in the form of increased tax dollars, as. a result of increasing the earn- ing power of the individual w many times the amount of his education costs." Lower Fees Power contends that "rather than raising educational fees, we ought to be striving to lower them and eventually to elimin- ate them entirely." The other factor in providing a maximum of educational op- EUGENE B. POWER portunities is expansion of fa- ...six-point plan cilities to accommodate the rap- idly increasing number of qualified applicants. "The University is faced with the problem of either ex- panding on the central campus or electing to grow in other population centers," he says. "The University has received all the benefits of bigness and any significant growth in size on the Ann Arbor campus will only produce headaches." See 'U', Page 2 1: f.M ,i :;:;: : { ti :ti 'i ' ;: / {:L i'"i( '{ r fy; I l ": yti : :ti . L r; : :r, i :",:C .'::j ::": { ': : J:" Jl,: !f:: :ti} :X: i Z i;: i. Jy: J:: : r ower Stresses Slx-Point Plan (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second part in a series of five pro- files of Regental candidates. There are two openings for Regent which will be decided in the April 1 election.) By GAIL EVANS ............1 ........................... ..1.55:: hY. ..":.l" .115...... 1':'. .1 ;:}';: Substitution Ends Fight For Plans Thayer, Beadle Move To Reverse Omission By Romney, Group The Senate agreed to substi- tute Medical Science Unit II for the proposed architecture college building in the "quick action" cap- ital outlay bill on Tuesday. The substitution came after a long series of attempts to get a second such medical building for the University. Both Gov. George Romney and the Senate Appropri- ations Committee had omitted planning funds for this building from their capital outlay recom- mendations. Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair) introduced the substitu- tion measure after Sen. Stanley Bulletin In a 23-2 vote late last night the Senate approved a bill pro- viding for the establishment of a civil rights commission. The commission will review cases concerned with violations of civil rights presently guaran- teed under the constitution. Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) commented that ,the bill gave Michigan as strong a civil rights program as any state in the Union. G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor), and University officials convinced him of the need of priority for the medical building. Final Stage With the acceptance of the sub- stitution the capital outlay bill moved into its final action stage. The Senate will either approve or disapprove of the measure by Fri- day-the deadline on appropria- tions bills in the house of origin. Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said yesterday that the University had requested planning funds for the medical .building since the start of negotiations. Originally the University had asked for $400,000 to plan Medi- cal Science Unit II, $300,000 for the dental building, in addition to funds for the architecture struc- ture. Funds for the dental building have not been questioned. Explains Mix-up Thayer explained the delay in getting recognition for the medi- cal unit. "There was a mix-up in the state controller's office." Executive Vice-President Mar- vin L. Niehuss has indicated that the governor had promised the University funds for the medical building, which the University has been trying to get for about ten years but that there had been some confusion. Apparently Vice-President Nie- huss's attempts and consultation with University President Harlan Hatcher on Saturday swayed Bea- dle and the Senate. Lists Medical Unit The "quick action" measure con- tains no specific figures for proj- ects, Thayer pointed out. "The im- portant thing is that the medical unit is listed among the included projects." The building engineer- ing division of the administration will delineate specific figures for the projects when the entire capi- tal outlay measure passes both houses. The total "quick action" bill calls for $1.11 million. Laud Hopefuls For Regents r ........... .{# i . .i. . . . . . . . . . RESTRAIN MSU: Newton Discusses Limit Of State Universities Special To The Daily LANSING-The primary reason for the resolution to limit the size of a university campus in any one city to 27,500 students was to "head off a Michigan State University heating plant big enough for 45,000 students," Rep. Carroll C. Newton (R-Delton), sponsor of the resolution, said yesterday. 'CONTEMPORARY' FESTIVAL: Copland Reviews Trends, Audience of Composers Newton explained that although the resolution was not binding on the universities, it is an expression of legislative opinion which may effect attitudes towards appro- priations. The number - 27,500 - for the limit of enrollment at any one campus was based on the Califor- Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann, Arbor and Republican Regental candidate Ink White of St. Johns have fared best as two. area papers announced Regental endorsements yesterday. By BURTON MICHAEL S Knr.,an 1 n nafinrd4t,n mnu is p rnpripnni'nrnc at.r.n . n . rvn ai By JEFFREY K. CHASE "T,- n-- .n.c mtnf. a -nnrp of n ha,,miannp f. nwhai lh menemmissum