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March 24, 1963 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-24

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Parisian Spring, Summer Style Fabrications
To Offer Individuality, Personality Changes

Imported Sweaters
Grow in Popularity



PARIS .(*)-Spring and summer
came to the Paris fashion world
some three weeks ago and now-
both budgetwise and geographical-
ly-the- new styles are within
reach, of most.
There are 'new colors that will
cheer you and charm your friends.
New style features will make over
your own personality, if you feel
like a change. New hats will give
you A fresh ouilook on life.There
are clothes tit will see you
through the spring and summer-
models that do not have to be
extreme to be chic.
Paris fashion photo releases
show that Madame 1963 is fem-
inine in her appearance.
Her modern pace urges her to

adopt a trim, supple daytime sil-
houette. Her skirts cover her knee-
caps and because her figure is al-
ways youthful, her bosom is small
and well supported. The look is
By day she picks trim little
suits.- often belted - that are
sometimes a sheath with a tailor-
ed jacket. Suit jackets are of every
length.: Dior likes them short and
snugger than most. Balmain likes
an easy well-tailored look dropped
just below the hips. Cardin shows
the longer look, and so do at least
50 per cent of the other designers.
The outdoor daytime picture is
not limited to suit jackets. The
two piece smock suit takes over.

Sometimes it is in the form of a
bloused, overblouse, but mostly it's
the Fronch peasant smock of boy's
shirt that steps forth for every
hour, in every color, in every fab-
ric,, for the streets for afternoon
or for dinner.
Fabrics Flutter
Daytime styles appear in luxury
fabrics from cocktails on. And
after that most all fabrics flutter
in the spring breeze. Setting the
summer pace are new organzas,
and chiffons, featuring dark
prints; light-weight silk crepes
printed in single or widely spaced
abstractions; scattered Japanese
gai'den florals or single hand
painted bouquets.

Spring fabrics also include many
synthetic mixtures. Small pattern-
ed cloque weaves are used in for-
mal ensembles. Black and white
are favored.
The evening story is as glamor-
ous as you choose to make it. Lace
in the new versions is highly dec-
orative. Chiffon, organza, crepe
and the beautiful polished syn-
thetic silks take care of formals.
Pique Pushed
Pique has been pushed into the
front ranks. Jeweled embroidery
adds decor to many fabrics with
emphasis on jeweled torsos, glit-
tering long sleeves, and tinkling
mobile crystal chandelier baubles.
White organdy dressed for eve-
ning in raised florals is often
given a super-luxury treatment by
touches of glitter.
The floorlength dress has come
to stay. Actually long evening
dresses make a wonderful en-
trance and many low decollete
backs are cut with a bold hand.
Summer outdoor living has
made designers take dining at
home seriously. The terrace dress
is the answer, and it steps forth
in wide culotte skirts, or half
culotte skirts in everything, from
satin-chiffon to terrycloth. .

Imported sweaters are becom-
ing the vogue.
Because of inexpensive Coolie
labor, they can be hand-made
more cheaply and in more com-
plicated knit patterns than the
domestic sweaters. I m p o r t e d
sweaters can use round high
necks, long sleeves, buttons or
The bulky sweater is becoming
a more popular style. One reason
is the solid ice-cream colors in
which they can be bought. In
general, the gay colors are taking
over from the dark tones. The
long sweater coming down to the
hips is still quite the fashion.
Lots of bolero-type sweaters,
some in mohair, are coming out.
One feature which is really catch-
ing on this year is jewel and
flower trimmed sweaters. They
are replacing the mink-trimmed
sweater for evening wear.
New this year are jewel trim-
med cashmere sweaters. Trimming
can also be found on the colorful
pattern sweaters.



Orlon sweaters are suffering a
setback this year under the grow-
ing popularity of new and import-
ed styles.
Standard Investment
Cashmere sweaters will continue
to be a standard investment for
women this spring. The popular
colors will be the blue-reds along
with the soft -tones of red. A com-
pletely new color this year is
The imported Scottish cardi-
gans are usually fully-fashioned.
American manufactured versions
with importedhScottish yarn will
also be on the market in large
Light-weight furblend cardi-
gans will be sold in smaller num-
bers for the dressier occasions.
Sweaters play an important part
for young women who have limit-
ed but balanced wardrobes. Worn
over a simple jumper, a bulky
sweater will constitute casual
wear. With the same jumper but
with a jewel trimmed bolero a
young, woman is dressed to go out
for the eveniig.


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Stacks of wash'n'wear 65% Dacron - 35%
cotton with elasticized waist. In black, brown,
navy, light blue, olive and grey. Proportioned
sizes. short 846, average 8-20, tall 12-18:


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Fashion conscious women all
over the world are welcoming with
a mixture of excitement and sur-
prise t h e announcement o f
spring's six new colors.
Before knowing what the colors
are to be, these women may be
somewhat wary of coping with so
many new colors at one time. They
may think 1ack to the year that
the color chartreuse was heralded
as the newest thing.
However, their fears should be
set at rest; the supposedly "new"
colors are none other than the
all time basics. The newness is in
the way they are worn.
Established Favorites
The colors announced as the
most important for spring are
white, navy, pale blue, pink, yel-
low and beige. l1ach has enjoyed
a reign as "the color" in years
gone by and has now become an
established favorite.
This year's dresses, suits, and
two - piece outfits will appear
mainly in these colors and will be
cut along pure, zimple lines. These
"uniform" or little-nothing dress-
es are uncluttered and without
It is left up to the wearer to
complete the outfit by the differ-

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ent colors she chooses for her
coat, shoes, gloves, scarf, purse'
and most important of all, her.
Old Rules Out
Old rules and formulas, such as
the necessity for matching hand-
bag and purse, are out. The girls,
who have been u ing them should'
try .to experiment and develop
some long hidden spark of indi-
Long established taboos have
also vanished. For instance in
years gone by it has been consid-
ered poor style to wear pink and
red at the game time. However,
this year pink dresses and coats
can be worn with red or rose
accessories and withrbright red
patent leather pumps especially.
Although mainly left up to the'
individual sixth sense of what
looks "right" with what, fashion
experts make several suggestions
for creating different and indi-
vidual outfits.
White, the first of spring's six
basics, is being. shown in com-
bination with grey, and both are
complemented by gold and orang-
ish-amber jewelry. Shoes and.
purse can be almost anything. The
new cashew-colored simulated al-'
ligator pumps are one appropriate-I

Six Basic Colors Set New Mode

The new way to wear navy is
to underplay it with either black
or brown patent leather shoes and
dark handbag. Textured gold is
again chosen for jewelry and, in-
stead, of the traditional white
gloves, beige may easily be worn.
Pale Blue
Pale blue is either played up
with such colors 'as kelly green
or bright blue, or subtlely under-
played in combination with
chamois and pale browns. It is
hoped that the standard practical
grey flannel suit will be replaced
by a brighter,. more exciting pale
blue version.
The fake alligator shoes, in
,either patent leather or suede, will
be worn often; with this spring's
yellow. The yellow is not pale, but
rather the deep warm tone that
may go well with brown, blue or
even red accessories if they are
of an interesting texture and dark
The last of this spring's six new
colors is also the one best suited
for experimentation. Beige has
always been considered a neutral
which needs dressing up, so it
lends itself easily to the demand
for: individuality., and uniqueness
which characterizes fashion this


Stop at the Shop that
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Slacks of wash'n' wear Dacron-cotton with
elasticized waist. In black, brown, navy, light
blue, olive and grey. Proportioned sizes:
d'.rr A r , n rir,- A-20_ tall 12.1$_

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