Seventy-Third Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinios -Are re STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truths Will =Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Thh must be noted in all reprints. Y, FEBRUARY 5, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MARCUS Rushing and Pledging: Are Sororities Outdated? "Damn Yankee South Carolinians, Georgians, Louisianians, Tennesseans, Arkansans, North Carolinians, Floridians, Texans, Virginians ---" -- - : J - - s I' i: CA5LAA/- Yes .. POTENTIAL is a fragile thing, easily crushed. And the girl, whose potential is womanhood, coming to the University in search of educa- tion, enlightenment and, hopefully, the chance to make decisions independently and responsi- bly, may ruin her potential forever by stifling herself. It is all too easy to stifle yourself in that smug, complacent, secure world of fra- ternalism-the sorority. Sorority rush is an experience the uninformed cannot easily appreciate.,Perhaps the best ar- gument in its defense is that it is an experience that everyone should have 'once, like flunking an exam. Do it habitually, though, and it may destroy you. For the rushee, rush is nerve-wracking but exciting. She becomes entangled in a web of compliments, roses, shining hair and fashion- able clothes and the positively overwhelming warmth exuded by the sorors. Even those who begin rush with the intention only to see what it's like, soon become deeply involved. Of course, when others are judging you and deciding on your acceptability, it's only. natural to become involved and anxious about the outcome. On the 'other side, there are the rushers, with an intense desire to show their best side and present a united front, of eternal love and sisterhood. After all, the reputation of The House is at stake. BIT AFTER the party is over, at the sorority house there are loud, .long and impassioned harangues' on 'the virtues and faults of girls. powerless to defend themselves. Judgments are made on girls after brief meetings, casual chats and contrived confidences. Devotees of the sys- tem say this is a necessary evil. But is it nec- essary to dismember people without knowing even enough about them to form a casual friendship? The aftermath: the beautiful and smooth girls join the house populated by other beauti- ful and smooth girls, the activity girls band together, the party girls close ranks. The faces have changed but the 'substance remains in- tact. It is easy to spot a sorority girl; she is the one gaily waving to someone who looks remark- ably like her. Following a natural human ten- dency to the extreme, these girls choose to live with other in the same economic, social, reli, gious and racial group. These similarities bring with them similar ideas and beliefs. ' E POTENTIAL that once was so apparent in a freshman girl quickly dies as she be- comes ensconced in a world of similarities in which conflict and discovery are snuffed out. Jews live with Jews, Negroes with Negroes, white Protestants with white Protestants and so on down the line. Every now and then observers note a "liberal" house, one which opens its ranks to all girls, stipulating only the ability to live together and like one another. But this ideal is a rarity. One of the most obnoxious aspects of sorori- ties is the need for a pin to identify each group. It is a badge. for all the world to see, a sign that "I am different"-better?-"than you" and "I belong and you do not." It is the overt symbol of the smugness that is implicit in a group which excludes others from its ranks and shields it- self from the cruel blows of the outside world which may challenge its dearly held beliefs and behaviors. Only when people learn to live together in ' harmony-and this means all people-will this planet be a safe and peaceful place to live. The suffering we endure because we are human beings and essentially alone is only intensified by the alienation .we inflict upon one another. College students who,we are told, hold the keys to the future, should and must have'the cour- age to open themselves to new ideas. In com- ing to this. institution, each of us has made a commitment to the betterment of ourselves and others, to that which all moral persons mrust ;attempt-the living of a full and honest life with an open mind and heart." FOR THESE REASONS, at once so philosophi- cal and so applicable to daily life, a system which stifles and prevents full exploration of all the facets of university life, of all types of people and ideas, must be damned.- Not the least. of the sorority system's con- temptible qualities .is.its underlying hyprocrisy. It preaches sisterhood, yetteaches discrimina- tion. It stands for sisterhood, yet many girls laugh during initiation, knowing the absurdity and meaninglessness of the words. Perhaps those most to be ;pitied are the .girls who truly like sorority life. They enjoy it liv- ing as parasites on the securty and prestige it gives them. They haven't the courage to break loose and find true security in relationships made because of their intrinsic worth rather than because no one blackballed them. In this university, for those with the courage and initiative to seek them out, are fascinating and valuable experiences. There is the chance for development, maturity and intellectual growth. Sororities may very well die out here as more women realize that life is as wonderful and complete when you make it for yourself No... TWENTY-TWO sorority houses, now in the midst of formal rush, face a real challenge -can they reorient themselves to the Univer- sity's more academic atmosphere? Every year the selectivity of admissions re- quirements becomes increasingly stringent, producing an ever higher callibre of student. Consequently, the quality of the rushee has im- proved this year, Mixers have demonstrated that these girls know more about campus and about world affairs than in past years. Conversation topics are no longer limited to the weather, majors, dormitories and boy friends. Some of the rushees have shown a real concern about :racial equality and member- ship selection practices. The girls have not been afraid to ask specific questions about the individual houses and their practices-topics socially tabooed in past years. IF SORORITIES are going to maintain a po- sition on this campus in the coming years, they are going to have to follow the lead of the rushees, who are perhaps more in tune with the changing nature of the University. There is no questioning the fact that soror- ities no longer enjoy the security they once had as student organizations. Each year the number of rushees has decreased. And even among the rushees, the more academic minded individualists have been discouraged by the' superficiality of rush. No longer is sorority membership a pre- requisite for a girl's social success. And even social success is no longer given the priority it enjoyed in the past. Today girls at the University are preparing for careers, not just attending a husband-factory. If sororities are to survive they must at- tempt not only to attract the present group of more concerned rushees but also to interest many girls who normally would not consider going through rush. INDIVIDUALS and serious students are des- perately needed and wanted in many of the more progressive sorority houses.. These are the houses that are trying to lead the way out of the quagmire of superficiality and status-quoism which is destroying many chapters. Instead of refusing to rush, "think- ing" individuals are the very girls who should invade the sorority system to meet this de- mand.. Fear of oppressive conformity is the main factor discouraging many girls about the sys- tem. But I am a liberal, a Daily night editor and a sorority member and there is no in- soluable moral or ideological conflict. In- dividuality not conformity is the goal of a few sororities' today, potentially a majority in the next couple of years. 0 ATTRACT the individual, sororities must open themselves to criticism and must re- form in light of these criticisms. Openness not closedness is what may save the system. Certainly, the sorority has the most poten- tial to be the antithesis to institutionalized living of any type of housing offered on cam- pus. A sorority house is not a dormitory bureaucracy in which the student can get no satisfaction. A sorority house is responsive- the wishes of the girls are paramount. When students are away from home, they are looking for a place to live that can serve as a real home-away-from-home. I have yet to see anybody call Mary Markley home. The sorority house comes closer to satisfying this requirement for campus living than any other type of housing. THE SORORITY SYSTEM is far from per- fect. The potential which might exist in the system is only partially developed in, a few of the houses and completely dormant in others. However, it is impossible to expect sororities to root out the ridiculous superficiality, anti- intellectualism, prejudices, conservatism, and secretive, ritualistic nature unless girls who rec- ognize these problems swallow their pride and go through the present inane rush system. Once within the system with a little courage and conviction it is possible for members to work vigorously for local autonomy in mem- bership selection. Girls must work to minimize the role of the national organizations of the various sororities. The national should merely perform technical services for a confederation of local chapters and serve as a clearing-house for ideas from the locals. SORORITIES NEED MEMBERS who recog- nize that the idea of a sorority as a secret social society must be abandoned. Certainly, this is no longer a selling point for sororities. There is a definite possibility to rid the sorority of meaningless rituals. Hopefully a college girl should be able to recognize any benefits of a way of living without having. the principles spelled out for her in the form of rituals. There will always be some sororities that' will try to tell their members what to wear, whom to date and what activities to belong 'BILLY BUDD': The Spint is Weak But the Flash is Filling IN ADAPTING Melville's last novel, "Billy Budd," to the screen, Peter Ustinov has chosen to relieve it of its fundamental allegorical mean- ings and to reinvest them as strong moral overtones to a fine adven- ture story. Happily enough, this spiritual evisceration renders only two or three moments in the movie ambiguous. The plot of the book is simple and well known (if not archetypal): Billy Budd, a sailor impressed into British service (and also at once the innocence of Adam before the fall and the goodness of Jesus Christ) is maliciously accused by the ship's Master-at-arms, Claggart, of conspiracy to mutiny. Claggart is the evil of the devil, a mixture of Plato's Natural Depravity and Milton's Pale ire, envy and despair. The boat's captain, Vere (who has the penultimate world-view of jus- tice in the larger sense known mainly to God, Solomon, and some le- gal philosophers), brings the two together for explanation. Confronted with incontestable evil for the first time, Budd falls victim to his inevi- table tragic flaw, a tongue-tie, and, not .being able to speak, strikes Claggart dead on the spot. The Articles of War prescribe death for striking a superior and Budd is hanged. USTINOV'S CHANGES are necessary to transform the intimacy and tightness of the book into a spectacle of a movie. He expands the flamboyant aspects of some characters (Claggart's "dont, touch me," Budd's attempt to approach Claggart) and even adds characters ("Jenkins" and "Kincaid") to provide opportunities for the principals to behave in ways that replace important descriptive passages in the book. Where even this doesn't suffice, he makes old Dansker, who was, in the book, only the voice of experience, here the voice of Melville. But still the jealous hate of Claggart is not truly transmitted, his motives for injuring Budd remain largely mysterious. Vere's dedica- tion to a historical sense of justice which pits world order aganst in- dividual expression, or even his personal power over the drumhead court cannot be properly framed, and the decision to hang Billy, though paying lip-service to the book, is nearly unintelligible in the movie. Vere appears more Pharisaical than ever was intended. The line "God bless Captain Yere" is impossible to deliver with any meaning (indeed the audience laughed at it) and Billy's evangelical power to transfix the crew is lost. * * * * BUT ALL THESE LOSSES are more than compensated by a vigor- ous, well structured and well photographed sea-story. Uistinov's dialogue and the really compelling acting of Robert Ryan, Terence Stamp, and Utsinov himself make' "Billy Budd" a different production than the novel, but one which in its own way is quite as rewarding. See it. -Dick 'Pollinger 'A, A Lkc 1'a~ I UP FUTURE LOOKS Up: Investment, Education Assist Peninsula Recovery By WILLIAM BENOIT THE UPPER Peninsula of Michi- gan, long rated an econom- ically depressed. area from one end to the other, is struggling toward recovery. Serious unem- ployment has been with the penin- sula for a long time because of problems in the area's two basic industries, mining and logging. Now however these problems are under intensive study at research centers in Upper Peninsula col- leges. The progress madehin area re- search is echoed by the growth of the tourist industry, a new hope for the future in UP economy. Parallel to the rise in tourism was the establishment of the Upper Bargain PRESIDENT KENNEDY h a s submitted his budget for fiscal 1964. The total is $98.8 billion; had he made it $99.9 billion, it would sound even more like a bargain basement. Of this tidy, sum, $55.4 billion goes for "de- fense." Space is to get $5.7 bil- lion: the budget reads $4.2 for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, but this does not include funds obligated. Most space work, of course, is con- nected with "defense" and U.S. prestige in the cold war.. Of the miscellaneous items, totaling over $12 billion, it would be surprising if some were not connected with "defense"; where, for instance, is the Central Intelligence Agency? Thus ,the military budget alone, viewed realistically, is headed for the $60 billion mark and, at this rate, will reach it in fiscal 1965. * * * WE BEHOLD here the climatic splendor of Western civilization. Nineteen hundred and sixty-three years after Christ died on the cross and in the third year of the presidency of John F. Kennedy, with culture enthroned in Wash- ington and the Mona Lisa on dis- play, upwards of $55 'illion-and going up, up, up-is dedicated to the sacred cause of mass slaughter.. -The Nation Peninsula Committee on Area Problems (UPCAP) -and "Opera- tion Action-UP," two -organiza- tions which are working to set up specific redevelopment projects and obtain federal funds to fi- nance them. UNEMPLOYMENT in the UP can be traced largely to two situations:. 1) Logging companies have not been able to utilize forest products to the fullest benefit of the UP economy because of the distance. to large markets. Many corpora- tions have failed to set up logging operations after surveying the area because of the high cost of transporting finished goods over the Straits of Mackinac to metro- politan areas. Unemployment follows when established logging companies shut down as transportation costs make it impossible for them to compete on a large scale with wood pro- ducts imported from other parts of the country and the world. 2) Several iron mines have been forced to close, as have some cop- per mines, and the amount of both copper and iron mined each year is decreasing. Most of the penin- sula's high-grade ore has already been mined and the cost of ex- tracting what ore remains is pro- hibitive with existing processes. As a result, every year an alarm- ing number of miners join the ranks of the UP's unemployed. * * * HOWEVER, the peninsula has recently developed answers to both of these problems. Prof. M. E. Volin of the Michi- gan College of Mining and Tech-. nology's minerals research depart- ment has come up with a new process that will give a fifth more copper out of each ton of ore mined. This process will do much to support the cost of sinking mine shafts deeper to get at ore far under the land surface. The problem of getting forest products to a sizable market has been by-passed with the'establish- ment of small, localized wood pro- ducts plants serving and suj- porting only a portion of the UP's population. Plants such as the one in Bar- aga County, manufacturing wood siding and related wood products, have given work to whole towns in the Upper Peninsula. MUCH OF the upsurge in UP economy is due to the new and booming tourist industry. Caring for the people who come to visit and relax in the Upper Peninsula is rapidly approaching the mining and coal industries in importance to the area's economy. Fresh air, unlimited water resorces and ex- cellent winter skisdg conditions have the potential to make tne Upper Peninsula cre of the na- tion's most popu'sr year-round' resorts. A total of about $i .5 million !n federal aid from the Area Re- development Adrunistration and the Small Business Administra- tion is being nought by private concerns and individuals for the improvement or construction of peninsula ski areas. * * * OPERATION ACTION-UP is the outgrowth of a week-long, six-stop tour of the Upper Penin- sula by civic leaders of both the Upper and Lower Peninsulas. It was organized by Edgar L. Harden, president of Northern Michigan College, and Walker Cisler, presi- dent of Detroit Edison Company. Operation Action-UP recently announced plans to open a head- quarters at Marquette and to staff it with professionals from a New York development consulting firm. UPCAP is structured by coun- ties, with representatives from 14 of the Upper Peninsula's 15 coun- ties. Marquette county is not rep-, resented. Each county organiza- tion is empowered to develop. a blueprint 'for economic redevelop- ment projects in its own area. UPCAP is sponsored by Michigan State 'University and MSU exten- sion agents play a leading role, in the operation of the committee. * * * GROUPS IN the peninsula with' a plan for business development can work through UPCAP or Oper- ation Action-UP in seeking fi- nancial aid from governmental units such as the ARA or SBA. The ARA has already appropri-. ated $125,000 for the drafting over the next 18 months of an overall economic development program for the Upper Peninsula. ARA gave the planning job to a Washington firm specializing in economic counseling and technical advice. The firm is headquartered in Es- canaba and is cooperating closely with UPCAP. Recently, the Michigan Legisla- ture has paid close attention to the economic state of the Upper Peninsula. Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), chairman of the newly- formed economic development committee has called for the drafting of a bill that would allow banks to form a corporation and make loans to people with ideas for development projects but with little collateral to back financing of their ideas. Bursley also said that the com- mittee may try to introduce the controversial Industrial Revenue Bonding Act. Under this act, local industries could sell municipal bonds at a low cost because they are tax exempt. Bursley noted many opportunities for expansion in Upper Peninsula business this bill would make possible. * * * THE UP has one very important but less obvious industry-higher education. The area's colleges ex- pect multimillion dollar expansion over the next five years. Michigan College of Mining and Technology at Houghton and Sault Ste. Marie, Northern Michi- gan College at Marquette, Suomi College in Hancock, Gogebic Jun- ior College at" Ironwood and Es- canaba's proposed Delta Commun- ity College which won voter ap- proval in the Nov. 6 election have all seen tremendous increases' in enrollment recently. Enrollments at the four es- tablished colleges have more than tripled in the last 10 years-from 2,162 in 1952 to 7,467 in 1962 ac- cording to the Associated Press.' * * * WITH THE AID of an ARA grant Northern Michigan College recently established a training center for workers in such needed technical skills as welding, ca- chine tool. operating and secre- tarial services. If future graduates from this and similar programs at penin- sula colleges can be induced to stay and work in the Upper Penin- sula, they will play a vital role in the economic future of the re- gion. With programs such as UPCAP and Operation Action-UP are developing, with research like Prof. Volin's and the research program like the one at Michigan College of Mining and Technology, with training programs like the one at Northern Michigan College and with governmental aid to redevel- opment projects the outlook for the Upper Peninsula is very good. The economy, which has been ail- ing for so long, is sure to see a turn for the better. As Charity.. IF THE Procurator of the Soviet Union were asked to speak on civil liberties and devoted him- self exclusively to denouncing their infraction in the United States, he would evoke snorts of derision. This ,- in reverse -- is .what Attorney General Robert Kennedy did in his address before the 10th anniversary of the Fund for' the Republic's Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions. The talk was to be on Civil Lib- erties and the Cold War, but at the last minute he changed this to Civil Rights and the Cold War. He did speak out strongly against violations of civil liberties, but only in the Soviet Union, South Africa and Ghanal He said not one word about their decline at home, or our own need for a re- fresher in Jeffersonianism. What he had to say of the Soviet Union's failings was quite true if - like his jokes - hardly new. But only to talk of the mote in the other fellow's eye was less than Chris- tian in a speech so well larded with references to God. One of the luncheon guests summed up the disappointment when he said, amid the weak spatter of barely polite applause, "Well, we've just won another victory in the cold war." I I I 14 I I -I. F. Stone's BI-Weekly FEIFFER 1'OTCE 61FI 00) TH6 t*~5) IF TO~ DJER1 W~~1J T660 A 2: W999 F +e'P6 - 17qt~ MTIaA! T600OVCR AID 'STAT A C0?V6R5AT1o0 ~J to PoW Z10560 To WIOTE AL14T 10 JCM AQW 001 M1Eqp 66r OFF TgC 005 jgeq' Ye ORPR660 80cau MtSAP 6F 2. AUPIu MAI All( ~ IF 16"PAq. 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