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March 24, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-24

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"'-
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must b. noted in all reprints.

High Quality Music
THE SECOND CONCERT of the current Festival of Contemporary
Music sponsored by the School of Music featured chamber music
for strings and piano and one string quartet. The entire concert was
outstanding for the generally high quality of the music and the ex-
cellence of each performance.
The opening work was Benjamin Britten's Sonata in C major for
Cello and Piano. The five movement work upheld Britten's reputation


Bills Take A Breather
While Committee Thinks

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THE ADVOCATES of the University-branch
plan for Delta College have found a clever
way to retire their unpopular brain-child quiet-
ly-while at the same time keeping it alive
for next year.
The branch concept has had a rough two
weeks. As the rival "piggy-back" plan moved
through the House, a resolution backing the
branch-plan vegetated in the Senate Business
Committee. The state's other college and uni-
versity leaders blasted it at a Michigan Co-
ordinating Council for Higher Education meet-
Then Gov. George Romney administered the
final coup by letting it be known that he didn't
want any sort of final action on the Thumb-
area school's expansion until his pet "blue-rib-
bon citizens' committee" made some decisions
about the future of Michigan's whole state-
college system.
BUT FOR .the bedraggled branch-plan, the
Governor's roadblock was a blessing in dis-
guise. Not only did it slow down the "piggy-
back" plan (which probably will pass the
House and then pass into obscurity for the rest

Follow Up

IN THE WAKE of the fair housing fracas,
University President Harlan Hatcher recent-
ly established a three-man committee to study
the Ann Arbor fair housing ordinance before
City Council and to discover its implications
for University personnel.
The president's action is commendable but
final judgment must wait until all University
persons can see tangible results of the presi-
dent's concern.
President Hatcher said yesterday that "I have
been much concerned to know what the specific
problems are as they relate to the students and
what effect the ordinance would have on
them." Furthermore, the president in his recent
statement to the Human Relations Board ex-
pressed both his and the University's deep con-
cern with the problem of discrimination in
This committee, composed of Professors Don-
ald Pelz of the Survey Research Center, Luke
K. Cooperrider of the Law School and Samuel
Eldersveld of the political science department,
is a positive and concrete step toward translat-
Ing the president's stated concern into action.
HOWEVER, the final action is not in the
hands of the committee members. The com-
mittee, after it has compiled its data, will sub-
mit its findings to President Hatcher. From
then on it is up to him.
We would hope that the creation of the study
committee is not merely a political move to
quiet the protests and pressures from student
and faculty members. Keeping in mind Presi-
dent Hatcher's clearly stated good intentions,
we would hope that the concern over securing
fair housing for all Ann Arborites does not die
down and that the University follows through
its stated concern.

of this year's session), but it also gave the
pro-branchers a pretext for discreetly with-
drawing their ill-starred resolution.
And better yet, they substituted for it a new
proposal which would allow the University to
keep its foot in Delta's door while the Romney
group mulls the future. The new resolution
would urge the University and Delta "to con-
tinue their plans of cooperating in the estab-
lishment of a degree-granting program as a
branch," then, for the benefit of Romney and
the anti-branchers, adds, "and to work in har-
mony with the Legislature in designing an ar-
rangement modifying or changing or cancelling
the cooperative effort to conform to recom-
mendations of any study approved by the Leg-
More specifically, the resolution's authors
(mainly Delta people and pro-branch legisla-
tors) seek the go-ahead to start a junior there
next fall: under Delta-rather than University
auspices, financed by the private local contribu-
tions which everyone confidently asserts will be
forthcoming. All this would be done with the
help of the University-whatever that means-
and would be cheerfully abandoned if the blue-
ribbon gang and the Legislature ultimately de-
cide againstthe branch idea.
IT LOOKS QUITE NEAT: the Thumb-area
gets a quick start on the college they need
so badly, the University helps get it on its feet
-and yet the final decision can be postponed
until the state decides which educational paths
it wants to pursue.
But it's quite unlikely to work out that way.
In the first place, the thinking behind the reso-
lution appears to be, to say the least, incom-
plete. There is the question of whether Delta,
as a junior college, has any legal business set-
ting up a third year at all. There is the ques-
tion of whether these potential contributors
that are expected to support the pilot-program
will really materialize in adequate profusion.
There is the question of whether any students
or faculty will be attracted to what may well
be a here-today-gone-tomorrow institution. And
there is the question of just what kind of as-
sistance the University can and will give to a
program it neither controls nor finances.
More important, there is the question of
whether the "blue-ribbon" committee can real-
ly conduct an impartial study while a new col-
lege is simultaneously becoming an accomplish-
ed fact over in Midland County. It will no
longer .be a matter of deciding between two
equally, un-implemented proposals, but of a
partially-established program vs. the "piggy-
back" plan, still amounting to nothing more
than 100 pages of double-spaced type.
THERE IS LIKELY to be a considerable pro-
pensity on the part of the "blue-ribbon"
people to say, "Look: we've got a going concern
here. Let's not tear it down now." And this
will be reinforced by the well-foundedrexpecta-
tion of an uproar in the Thumb-area if the
pilot-program were to be aborted.
Whether or not Romney's study really is nec-
essary, it is going to happen-and conditions
should be made as favorable as possible for it.
Let's not bias the investigation before it even

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for craftsmanship and contained
many moments of wit and interest.
On the whole it was a pleasant
piece, but not a terribly distinctive
The cellist, Jerome Jelinek, and
the pianist, Rhea Kish, performed
the work with relish and displayed
excellent ensemble throughout.
Paul Cooper's Sonata for Viola
and Piano was next performed by
Robert Courte, violist, and Lydia
Courte, pianist. The work is rel-
atively subdued and intensely lyric.
THE REFLECTIVE middle sec-
tion contains some of the most
touching music of this century.
Following this the viola has a long
solo passage after which the piano
rejoins it in a splendid dramatic
The Courtes brought their mar-
velous artistrytouMr.hCooper's
beautiful work, which resulted in
a musical experience both intense
and very satisfying-an experience
well worth repeating.
After the intermission Donald
Harris' Fantasy for Violin and
Piano was given the first perform-
ance in this country. The violinist
was Gilbert Ross and the pianist
was Wallace Berry. The work ap-
pears to be a string of fragmentary
sections, which is, of course, in the
nature of a fantasy. However, it
seemed to me that little was done
with any of the material and the
work came through in bits and
-Robert Jobe
* * *
THE FIRST. performance of
Roberto Gerhard's String Quartet
No. 2, which concluded the con-
cert, was an electrifying exper-
ience. To judge by audience re-
.ction, a repeat performance would
be well received.
Gerhard's ideas are extreme. If
a scherzo should be essentially a
rhythmic texture, then let that es-
sence be established by striking
the wood of the instruments with
the bows. Or if an ostinato involv-
ing all four instruments should be-
gin, let it continue until it does
indeed seem obstinate..
Gerhard has achieved -a reson-
ance among the instruments. What
each does reinforces, and never
cancels, the total effect. Conse-
quently, at the end especially, four
men playing four instruments gen-
erated a ferocious intensity that
might more believably have come
from an orchestra.
-David Sutherland

Father is a Hollywood produc-
tion. Sexy girls, sophisticated New
Yorkers, lush apartments, and a
freckled child-star pervade the
Panavision screen. But, though it
has all the trappings, the movie
does not fall prey to the medio-
crity that one might expect.
The mastermind behind the
courtship of Eddie's father is Eddie
(Ronny Howard). He conducts a
personal campaign to find a wife
for his recently widowed father
(Glenn Ford). The first candidate
is a ravishing redhead (Stella
Stevens). Eddie is fascinated by
her; Dad isn't. The second candi-
date is a stunning sophisticate
(Dina Merrill). Days likes her; Ed-
die doesn't. The third candidate is
a bubbly blonde (Shirley Jones).
Eddie is crazy about her; Dad's in-
different. In the end, the winner
is unanimously approved.
* * *
EDDIE, with his six year old
insight, gives the movie its re-
freshing vitality. He advises his
father how to tell a good lady from
a bad lady : "I learned in comic
books that the bad ones got skinny
eyes and big busts. The good ones
always got medium-sized busts and
round eyes." But, the prevailing
mood is not comic. The movie
blends tears with laughter, for
Eddie also has the ability to make
us cry. The wistful way in which
he talks about his mother deeply
touches us.
A large part of the movie's suc-
cess is due to MGM's faithful
reproduction of the novel by Mark
Toby. The warmth of the charac-
ters has been preserved through a
fine job of casting and consistently
good acting.
Above all, Ronny Howard is ap-
pealingly convincing as Eddie. The
tenderness of the story has not
been victimized by Hollywood's
familiar devices.
-Kathlyn Deutch
-Joan Boykoff

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UN Must Have Power


Mutiny on The Bounty

through the United Nations.
But before the UN can become an
effective instrument for peace it
must be strengthened in all its
Executive power, enforcement
power, financial and spiritual
power must be increased to make
the UN the supreme force behind
peace in the world.
Most individuals would like to
see the executive power of the
entire institution increased. But
rather than have the existing of-
ficials and other interested people
attempt to work their reforms
through the entire UN, it would be
better to pick a specific area in
which to bolster authority, and
use this as a starting point.
In spite of the measures which
are periodically introduced into
the General Assembly and the
Security Council, the prestige of
the world body is diminishing.
Most frequently these attempts
at reform are used as vehicles for
disarmament proposals. Instead
they should be made independent
of any disarmament questions.
This would not only facilitate dis-
armament, but start the wheels
of needed reform.
THE ORGAN of the UN which
has the most respect and standing
in the world community is the
International Court of Justice.
The members of the world court
have primary allegiance to the
United Nations which insures their
international character, and re-
moves from their discussions the
mmediate demands of nationalism.
The authority of the world
court should be increased. This
would emphasize the prime im-
portance of the rule of law. If
civilization is to continue law must
reign supreme.
Global respect will be given the
World Court if its members can
achieve a university of opinion
and spirit.
However, before this high po-
sition of worldrrespect can be
achieved, aside from the organiza-
tional mechanics which must be
worked out, it is vital that the
Court members exhibit a dedica-
tion to the ideal of world com-
munity which completely over-
shadows stifling concerns of na-
IF ONLY the executive power
of the International Court of Jus-
tice could be increased, this would
be the first step. But executive
authority is contingent upon en-
forcement power. No authority is
worth the paper it's been printed
on without the force to back it up.
Measures will have to be initiat-
ed for the establishment and de-
velopment of a cogent UN peace
force, recruited and supported by
the UN. This peace force would
form the basis of an international
security force. Again, as with the
members of the World Court,
these soldiers must be convinced
that their primary allegiance would
be directly to the UN. This force
must be thoroughly convinced that
it is truly international and serv-
ing mankind, not a specific coun-
try or ideology. Admittedly, this

difficulties since its inception.
It has two alternatives: It can
either demand that all member
nations must contribute forces and
money to projects, even those not
unanimously accepted. Or it will
have to work out a system of con-
tributions, based on a percentage
scale, for those who support the
proposed action, and penalize the
Pragmatically, not as im-
portant as the financial indepen-
dence, but basically vital to the
full development of the UN as a
force for peace is its spiritual

Gratitude to The Union

ONE OFTEN HEARS of "man's inhumanity
to man," but it takes a mighty strong stom-
ach indeed to put up with the inhumanity this
insufferably egotistical being inflicts on "poor
dumb animals," of which inhumanity, one of
the vilest examples, is the bounty system.
It seems strange that in a supposedly civilized
state such as Michigan we should find $250,000
being extracted from hunting and fishing li-
cense buyers every year to pay some grizzled
old mountaineer for bashing in the skulls of a
litter of fox pups at $5 a head, when one con-
siders the many useful and infinitely more
human uses to which this money could be put.
But what is far more strange is that a hand-
ful of selfish Upper Peninsula bounty hunters
could have so much "pull" with the supposedly
integrious members from that area in the
House of Representatives that two current
bills to outlaw such cruel treatment of our
state's wildlife should be in danger of dying
in committee through their efforts.
The bills in question passed the Senate with-
out any problems back on March 5. But in the
House, it is apparently quite a different mat-
ter. According to one member of the House
Conservation Committee, which is now consid-
ering the legislation, "Right now, if this came
to a vote, I don't think the committee would
release the bills."
Opponents of the bounty system have a
strong case for their side in the fact that the
system is plainly a waste of money; the num-
ber of predators slain under its auspices has
shown to be not sizable enough to justify the
expenditure, nor have the numbers of game
species been greatly increased. Gov. George
Romney favors repeal of the bounty system, as
did John Swainson and G. Mennen Williams

These same individuals are now high-pressur-
ing their local legislators into fighting repeal
of the bounty system on the grounds that it
would be better all the way around if the ani-
mals most often attacked-foxes, bobcats, and
the like-were annihilated. Preferring to make
a little pocket money by killing wildlife need-
lessly, these Upper Peninsula residents seem
to be excusing their actions by claiming that
they are doing the state a favor. They are
In using such a feeble excuse to apologize
the heartless slaughter they would condone,
these "honorable" men are doing more harm
than good. Not only do they exaggerate far
out of proportion the number of game animals
and livestock such animals as foxes and bob-
cats actually kill, but they intentionally over-
look the far greater good done by these preda-
tors in destroying rodents.
THE OTHER-and perhaps even more impor-
tant-reason for doing away with the boun-
ty system is that, as a recent statement of the
Michigan Humane Society points out, "Abolition
of the system would save hundreds of animals
from unspeakable torture." Probably the aver-
age blas6 city-dweller, not giving a hang!
about what goes on in the wilds of the Upper
Peninsula to begin with, would consider such
a statement to be somewhat exaggerated; but
no person who has seen a fox caught in the
painful vise of a bounty hunter's trap, his life
slowly ebbing away through starvation or loss
of blood or both, could shrug the sight off--
unless he were about to remove the dead ani-
mal from the trap and cash it in at the nearest
bounty office.
Even if these animals were killed in a more
n.- - - h --nlini +h f 4 1-

To the Editor:
TN REPLY to Steven Hendel's re-
cent castigation of the Michigan
Union, I should like to relate an
experience which does not bear out
his charges. Recently the Student
Relations Board of the Develop-
ment Council sponsored a Jazz
Concert featuring Dave Brubeck.
The entire proceeds of the con-
cert are all committed to a
scholarship program of the Stu-
dent Relations Board to recognize
outstanding student service to the
University. The Union does not
share in the proceeds.
Yet, in a most commendable and
unselfish manner, the Michigan
Union cooperated with the Stu-
dent Relations Board in handling
all of the arrangements and work
that goes into making the affair
successful. It does so out of a
spirit of cooperation and service to
students and other student organ-
We would like therefore to take
this opportunity to express publicly
our gratitude and appreciation to
the Michigan Union for its splen-
did assistance. We are pleased to
have been included as a part of
its Creative Arts Festival.
-Stanley Saeks, '63
Student Relations Board
Development Council
Culture .. .
To the Editor:
" tory editorial on the Culture
Club heappears to have over-
stepped himself. If he had taken
the time to find out the facts
about the Culture Club, he would
have discovered some interesting
information. It is true that the
Culture Club "is an expansion of
the original Culture Club (form-
erly the Jazz Club)." However, it
has "expanded" into a slightly dif-
ferent area.
At this time one group is al-
ready working with students in
Ann Arbor elementary and high
schools, tutoring them in subjects
where they need help. The second
group will work with foreign stu-
dents in improving their English.
I am sure Mr. Simon's statements
were not the result of any mali-
cious intent, but rather of ignor-
ance on the subject.

agency to find interested students
someone to work with. This, we
admit, is a valuable function, but
we just wonder whether it jus-
tifies the comment that the pro-
gram " . . . helps draw high cali-
ber students to the medical school,
as few schools in the country offer
this research opportunity to in-
terested students."
Considering the liberalized cur-
iculum changes recently instituted
at several other medical schools,
it must be realized that the Uni-
versity's Medical School is some-
what less than a hotbed of educa-
tional reform. To quote an anony-
mous medical school faculty mem-
ber, "One is looked upon with
suspicion if he tries to change
things too rapidly at a midwestern
medical school."
-Lewis J. Kleinsmith, '66Med
-Howard Kutchai, '66Med
Proud . .
To the Editor:
IT APPEARS to me that readers
of The Daily might be interest-
ed in knowing that the University
Club of Washington, D.C. present-
ed another very successful annual
Congressional Dinner at the Na-
tional Press Club in February. The
turnout of local Michiganders was
most gratifying, as was the turn-
out of many significant persons
in government, including what
seemedtonbehalf of the Congress.
President Harlan Hatcher was
the principal speaker, and, need-
less to say, presented many impor-
tant ideas in a thought-provoking
manner. But special honor, I think,
must go to four members of "The
Friars"-Brook Stanford, Ronald
Jeffers, Roger Sergeant, and Ralph
Helzerman. These men came all
the way from Ann Arbor to en-
tertain us in the best Michigan
manner. Certainly their perform-
ance made all of us very proud of
the glee club and of our Univer-
-Peter L. Wolff, '59
Feet ...
To the Editor:
practiced by students in the
undergraduate library that has
become increasingly annoying is
that of using chairs as footstools.
Anyone not arriving before

By this is meant the awakening
consciousness among men and wo-
men all over the world, that their
complete destruction is imminent
because of a potential nuclear war.
They must see in the UN their
main chance for survival. Mankind
must move from the era of look-
ing at individual countries as the
final hope for progress, and rec-
ognize this hope in the UN.
If the UN can achieve this moral
following, people will see that
their common concern for survival
ties in the world-mindedness which
centers around the United Na-

and clothes over a number of
chairs and desks assures space
for his late arriving friends. An-
other practice is to park one's
books in a choice spot early in
the morning and leave them there
all day while one is at class or
eating, etc.
The result of all this activity is
that free places are difficult to
find even though rarely are there
students sitting in half the avail-
able spots.
-David A. Olson, Grad
Hiss .. .
To the Editor:
I DISAGREE both generally and
specifically with Rashel Le-
vine's recent conclusions regard-
ing the lecture hall hiss.
Generally, the spirit of open
examination in which hissing is
nurtured is to be encouraged. Edu-
cation is not merely the learning
of skills. Education consists of a
series of value judgments. The
well-placed hiss is a healthy sign
the student is rejecting the judg-
ment-of-the-moment as:
1) objectionable in terms of the
student's philosophy, or

2) insufficently explained and
thus incomprehensible. It is only
the unhealthy society, the society
that refuses to examine its values,
that condemns hissing.
Specifically, the hissing in chem-
istry 106 is not personally directed
at the instructor. Rather, it is
directed at the pedagogues who
refuse to accept the principle of
self-determinism in course selec-
tion. To their minds freshmen are
still of a "tender age." Force-fed
chemistry courses will not lead
us to the happy state of logic-
trained minds and/or a Rickover-
ian paradise. Personally, I have
always held the greatest suspicion
of departments whose existence
depended upon the requirements
of a college catalogue.
Miss Levine feels that hissing is
gross. Yet a greater grossness is
practiced by those who unhissi-
tatingly accept. the professorial
pronouncement. The greater bar-
barians are those who silently run
the channel of required courses
dug for us by the academic plan-
ners. We can well afford gross-
ness of the former variety; gross-
ness of the latter sort poses the
graver danger.
-Elmer White, '64L

Moving Symbolism.,

made their contribution to the
creative arts festival on Friday
and Saturday in Lydia Mendols-
sohn Theatre. Of all the festival
events, their concert shows up the
cultural difficulties facing creative
Dancing until very recently
lacked a language in which mem-
ories can be preserved and trans-
mitted; it still lacks a common
language in which choreographers
can think.
Every new creative effort in
dance is important, whether it suc-
ceeds or fails. It says much that
this concert of fourteen pieces
produced half a dozen dances with
good things in them. Ono of tt em.
"Parenthesis," was a strikn first
work; another, "Fugue." was a
mature wonder.
* * *
'FUGUE" IS Bonnie Taylor's

desire around a man standing
powerfully immobile.
Two delightful dances begin
well and then get cluttered with
too many combinations in the
middle. The short "Baluba" by
Marianne Livant, to Congolese
music, and childrens "Rhymes"
by Sandra Diskin. "Baluba," a first
dance, shows a strong style re-
minding one that gravity is al-
ways a r o u n d and working.
"Rhymes" is completely charming,
verging on the fine edge of pan-
tomime. Under the charm, hdv-
ever, is perfect control.
THREE DANCES from the phy-
sical education workshop, "The
Bomb," "Perfect" a n d "Stop
Pushing," weak structurally, had
some good motions, and all had
good endings. Something about
ending must attract the begin-
ning choreographer. Brenda Bo-

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