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March 23, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-23

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4 41W A6P
tr togan

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Sunny, warmer
fair today,-

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom






Harris Report

Scrap Resolution
On 'U'-Delta Plan
Sponsors Substitute New Proposal
For Interim Junior-Year Program
Sponsors of the Legislative resolution to establish a University
branch at Delta College have abandoned it in favor of sa temporary
arrangement to provide junior-year courses at Delta this fall.
The plan, submitted as a substitute for the University-branch
resolution, would set up a Junior year under the Delta "Board on an
interim basis-awaiting the results of a statewide study by Gov.
George Romney's new "blue-ribbon" citizens' committee.
The University would help in setting up this pilot program, but
it would neither be financed by nor under the control of the Uni-
"versity during the interim period,
Sen. William J. Leppien (R-Sagi-

... committee bill
'To announce
Vice-President for the Dearborn
Campus William E. Stirton told
the Regents yesterday that the
complete membership of Gov.
George Romney's "blue-ribbon"
citizens' committee on higher edu-
cation will be announced in Lans-
ing this weekend.
University President H a r I a n
Hatcher and Vice-President Stirton
called the recently revealed charge
to the citizens' committee "a good
statement of the concerns of high-
er education."
Three Main Objectives
There are three main objectives
of the committee incorporated in
the charge:
1) To review the present and fu-
ture needs of higher education;
2) To recommend to the gover-
nor for transmission to the Legis-
lature suitable plans for meeting
these needs; and
3) To communicate its recom-
mendations to the public.
Requirement Diversity
The charge recognizes a diver-
sity of requirements for gradu-
ate-professional and undergradu-
ate studies and states that "noth-
ing will so seriously threaten the
quality of what has been done (in
higher education) than to ignore
these unique differences among in-
stitutions in tasks and in compe-
The group will study the pres-
ent system of higher education,
including the curriculum, enroll-
ment, degrees granted and services
The problem of securing ade-
quate financial support for higher
education will concern the group.
Operation Effectiveness
The effectiveness of the present
operation will also be analyzed,
such as the employment of new
teaching techniques, admissions
policies and plant utilization.
The ability of the existing in-
stitutions to meet the enrollment
and service demands and patterns
for 'expansion are. on the agenda.
In addition the community col-
lege and the role of the private
institution will be discussed.
The charge to the committee al-
so includes the problem of coordi-
nating the elemhentary and sec-
ondary schools with colleges and
Braze Permits
Cuban Session

naw) said last night.
Depends on Committee
Then, if Romney's committee
backs the branch concept, and the
Legislature agrees, the pilot-pro-
gram could become a full-fledged
University campus. If not, the
University could pull out of the
Delta operation, Leppien com-
"The idea is simply that the
Legislature approve for 1963 that
the University and Delta join
forces to provide facilities on the
Delta campus for Delta students
who will be ready for junior work
next fall," Leppien explained.
If no final dcision has been
made a year from now, the pilot
program woud add a senior year
to handle these students, he
The new resolution is sponsored
by Leppien and Senators Stanley
G. Thayer*- (R-Ann Arbor) and
William G. Milliken (R-Traverse
City), chairman of the Senate'
Committee on Education. In the
House it will be substituted for the
branch resolution by Rep. Wil-
liam Boos (D-Saginaw)
Exactly what role the University
will play in the pilot program has
not been decided, Leppien noted.
He emphasized, however, that
neither University nor Delta funds
would be spent on it: the expenses
would be borne by local, private
Involved ir, the new resolution
is a legal question: does Delta, a
two-year community college, have
the authority to set up an addi:-
tional year or two?
Only Two Years
A 1955 law, authorizing locali-
ties to set up community colleges,
stipulates that they "shall not
embrace more than two years of
collegiate work."
Leppien admitted that he was
-"not sure" on this point. He said
that there was "not time" to con-
sider it at the Thursday-morning
meeting between University and
Delta officials and the sponsors
of the resolution, when the deci-
sion was made.
"I think there is some flexibility
in the community college law,"
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns commented
last night. Vice-President Heyns
pointed out that the distinction
between freshman-sophomore and
junior courses is not clear-cut, and
that many junior colleges already+
give courses for which senior col-
leges give junior-year credit.
And though the new resolution
would not be an official amend-+
ment to the community college
law, Vice-President Heyns added
that its passage would indicate+
that the Legislature considers it ao
legitimate arrangement.

Get Advice
On Policy
University President Harlan
Hatcher announced yesterday re-
ceipt of a letter from legal coun-
sel engaged by six sororities who
challenge Council's right to with-
draw recognition from student or-
The Regents will meet with
sorority lawyers before they con-
sider the Harris report, passed by
SGC recently.
Five of the sororities-Delta
Delta Delta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu,
Sigma Kappa and Alpha Epsilon
Phi have not complied with SGC
demands to submit st:ements
which detail their membership
practices. A sixth house, Gamma
Phi Beta, has complied with SGC
Answer Report
The Grand Rapids law firm of
Schmidt, Smith, Howlett and Hall-
iday wrote the letter under the
"pressure of time" after notifica-
tion that SGC had passed the
Harris report, and that it might
be considered by the Regents on
March 22. The report clarifies
SGC authority to withdraw recog-
nition from student organizations
found in violation of Regent's by-
law 2.14 and a similar Council
regulation. -
The lawyers said that with-
drawal of recognition would com-
pletely destroy the existence of the
sororities and effect real estate
of substantial value."-
Four Objections
The letter questioned SGC au-
thority on four specific grounds:
1) The firm asserts that the
Regents, as a legislative body, have
no legal right to delegate their
legislative authority to any other
2) It also asks if the bylaw
which provides that the Univer-
sity shall "work for the elinna-
tion of discrimination in private
organizations recognized by the
University," is a sufficiently clear
statement of policy;
SGC Authority
.3) The lawyers noted that
though the bylaw which pledges
the University to "work" for the
elimination of discrimination,
does not necessarily "evidence any
intention that this work should
be carried out by SGC."1
4) The lawyers questioned
whether the Regents could "law-
fully delegate any authority to a
transitory group of private in-
dividuals, some elected by the
student body and ex-officios, who
may not be Michigan residents,
citizens of the United States or
of legal age"; andj
5) Sorority lawyers contend that
the Harris report is "in direct
violation of the constitutional
guarantees of due process."
SGC President Thomas Brown,
'63BAd, said he did not think the
sorority lawyers action would in
any way delay Council implemen-
tation of the Harris plan.
Vice-President for Student Af-1
fairs James A. Lewis said his
office was formulating "three or
four questions relevant to the is-
sues raised in the letter, would be
submitted to Dean of the Law
School Allan Smith."
Lewis said that consideration of
the Harris report would followf
comment from the Law Schoolc
and a Regent's meeting with soror-
ity leaders.I












Makes No

Budget Changes

Regents Vote

To Join Council

The Regents unanimously voted yesterday to make the University
a member of a new voluntary council of public and private colleges.
The new group, the Council of Michigan College Presidents, is
the first attempt to unite public, private and religious affiliated
schools in a single cooperative unit. If all the colleges and universities
ratify the organization's constitution, the council hopes "to pro-


* new chairmanship
Select Paper
For Position
The Regents approved the ap-
pointment of Prof. Herbert H.
Paper of the Near Eastern lan-
guage department to the chair-
manship of the department of
linguistics, which was created last
Prof. Paper is the first chair-
man of the new department.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns told the
Regents that although there are
113 faculty members taking leaves
of absence, the figure has de-
creased to nine per cent from last
year's 10.7 per cent of the total
faculty, and that the total semes-
ters of leave has dropped from
229 last year to 157.,
The Regents accepted bids for
the $1.2 million bio-systematics
addition to the Museums Bldg.
ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont announced.
In other action the Regents ap-
proved a change in the charter
of the Development Council. The
move will add the chairman of
the Presidents Club to the ooard
of directors of the council as an
ex-officio member. There will now
be 38 ex-officios.

4mote the educational advancement
and efficiency of the member in-
Second School
The University became the sec-
ond school to become a member.
The University of Detroit has al-
ready approved the plan.
University President Harlan
Hatcher and Vice-President for
the Dearborn campus William E.
Stirton emphasized that the or-
ganization will work for a more
effective pattern of education in
the state.
Vice-President Stirton, who is
the executive secretary of the
evolving unit, said that it "will
be pertinant to Gov. George Rom-
ney's new "blue-ribbon" citizens'
committee on higher education"
Approved Council
Romney and the newly appoint-
ed top officials of the citizens'
group have supported the forma-
tion of the council, Vice-President
Stirton indicated.
The CMCP constitution, which
the Regents approved almost with-
out question, indicates that the
organization will:
1) Hold conferences of represen-
tatives of the faculty and ad-
2) make studies of educational
and administrative problems;
3), serve as a clearing house for
informational exchange;
4) promote educational experi-
5) provide a "common and clear
voice for the member institutions";
6) undertake cooperative pro-
grams in teaching or research.
Questions Wisdom
Regent Alan Sorenson of Mid-
land was the only Regent who
questioned the wisdom of joining
another voluntary co-ordinating
council before more careful con-
sideration of the plan.
The Regents approved member-
ship in the council at the meeting,
although they had not previously
seen the constitution or final de-
Each of the schools will be rep-
resented on the council by its
president. Community colleges will
be represented by the presiding
officer of the Michigan Council
of Community College Administra-
tors and by a past president of this
Not Hurt Autonomy
The constitution states that
membership in the organization
would not infringe upon the au-
tonomy of the institutions.
The council would nmeet semi-
annually and would be financed by
contributions from the member
President Hatcher introduced
the original motion for the ap-
proval of the writers of the docu-
ment early this month.
The University is already a
member of two voluntary coopera-
tive organizations-the Michigan
Co-ordinating Council for Puolic
Higher education and the Michi-
gan Council of State College Pres-
Announce Skits'
For Weekend
The Spring Weekend Central
Committee today announced the
final six skits for Skit Night 19633


PRESIDENTS COUNCIL-Vice-President for the Dearborn Cam-
pus William E. Stirton (left) and University President Harlan
Hatcher received Regental approval for their request that the
University join a new group, the Council of Michigan College
Burns Praises Michigan
As Model for Democrats
The crucial fact about the Democratic national party is that,
generally speaking, it is not in very good shape, Prof. James Mac-
Gregor Burns of Williams College declared last night.
"In many states, the model of politics follows the Massachusetts
pattern rather than the Michigan model. Burns noted that Democrats
win in his state, but on the "day after" there are many headaches

State Gives
S16.9 Million
To Education
Measure Remains
As Set by Committee;
'U' Gets 38.2 Million
The Michigan Senate voted fav-
orably yesterday on a bill alloting
$116.9 million to institutions of
higher learning in the state.
The total education bill, $122.7
million,. was passed by a vote of
32-1 with essentially no change
from the way it was reported out
of the Senate Committee on Ap-
propriations Thursday. The bill
followed the general lines of budg-
et recommendations made by Gov.
deorge Romney last fall, with
$38.2 million going to the Univer-
However, the Senate did pass on
a committee amendment to take
away $386,000 from the combined
appropriation for the agricultural
and extension services at Michigan
State University and added $500,-
000 to the Wayne State University
WSU Requests
The switch is a result of re-
quests from WSU officials for
more money to enable them to in-
crease the number of students in
medical classes from 100 to 125.
Another amendment approved
by the Senate cut the proposed sal-
ary hike for the state superin-
tendent of public instruction from
$22,500.to $22,000 a year.
Sen. Charles Blondy (D-De-
troit), minority floor leader, re-
marked that the bill was probably
"the best we could do."
Go to House
The bill will now go to the
House where action must be taken
on it before an April 24 deadline.
Key legislators in the House have
already indicated approval of the
bill as passed by the Senate.
The Senate's final appropria-
tions to Michigan's ten state-sup-
ported institutions were the fol-
lowing: MSU, $38.1 million; WSU,
$17.6 million; Ferris Institute, $2.6
million; Michigan College of Min-
ing and Technology, $3.5 million;
Grand Valley State College, $558,-
000; Central Michigan University,
$3.5 million; Northern Michigan
University, $1.8 million; and West-
ern Michigan Universty, $5.9 mil-
Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann Ar-
bor), majority floor leader, com-
mented that the lack of an ap-
propriation of $1-1.5 million for
the Institute of Science and Tech-
nology, requested by the Univer-
sity, did not necessarily constitute
rejection of the idea behind such
proposed increases.
Early Death
In the House yesterday, Gov.
Romney's recommended $750,000
for setting up a pilot program in
state-supported research met an
early death as the House Commit-
tee on Ways and Means failed to
report It out with the rest of the
appropriations bills.
Chairman Arnell Engstrom (R-
Traverse City) said that the com-
mittee had "no real inclination
to put it out, but still has until
March 29 to do so"
Engstrom said many of the com-
mittee members were opposed to
"seeing all that money sitting
around to be given out by so few
Under the original conditions of
the research provision, the money
would have been administered to
the best research projects submit-
ted by state colleges and divided
proportionately on the basis of

caused by poor government and
administration. However, the
Democratic party in Massachu-
setts is reforming itself, he said.
Michigan Lesson
The whole nation and Massa-
chusetts in particular, has a great
deal to learn from Michigan pol-
itics, he commented. Burns lauded
Democratic Congressman-at-large
Neil Staebler for his excellent or-
ganization and recruitment in the
"It is very difficult for one great
national party to be consistently
effective in many places because
we live in a heterogeneous nation.
We can miantain our strength in
the cities, but this is not always
possible in towns such as Ann
Arbor," he noted.
Minority party leaders can act
in three ways: they can "live off
the crumbs thrown to them by the
majorityhparty," can quit, as the
South has done, or can stay in
the foray, as the Ann Arbor Demo-
crats have succeeded in accomp-
lishing, Burns declared.
Build a Party
"Within the next year and a
half, the Democrats have to take
part in a vast construction
scheme. We must build a party
that will not only win the Presi-
dency in 1964, but will put Ken-
nedy Democrats in Congress."
President John F. Kennedy.
needs administrative, legislative
and party help. Kennedy must be
able to convert his personal popu-
larity into party popularity. This
is a job for him, but even more a
job for the whole party, Burns
Democratic Objectives
He noted objectives to be ac-
complished by the Democratic
party within the next year. Party
machinery must be perfected and
recruitment policies must be im-
proved so that many new people

School To Add
Two Teachers
Of Education
The education school will add
two faculty members next fall to
aid in the preparation of teachers
in two critical and rapidly expand-
ing programs, Charles F. Lehmann,
assistant dean of the education
school said yesterday.
Prof. Melvin Semmel of the Uni-
versity of New York at Buffalo
will work in preparing teachers
for the mentally retarded as a
part of the special education pro-
Prof. Semmel, who is also cur-
rently finishing his doctorate at
Peabody University,is a "distin-
guished researcher" in his field,
Dean Lehmann said, and will help
relieve the burden of the special
education program which is cur-
rently handled by one person.
"The field of special education
has expanded rapidly and we have
been looking for qualified faculty
members to add to the staff for
some time," Dean Lehmann said.
At present the education school
special education program-which
deals with helping exceptional
children of all kinds-has manag-
ed its load by cooperation with
other concerned units.
The secondnew member of the
staff will be Prof. Burton Voss of
Pennsylvania State University who
will handle graduate programs in
the field of science education.
Prof. Voss' appointment will
double the size of the education
school staff, which handles the
preparation of science teachers.

Creative Rebirth of Spring

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