EGTM THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MVJ EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, ........................................-...__ ____ ~ IU *~S%~.S~.S'~SS.'__ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .t. . . fn.e% % ;... sY. :y.wnss} ,f . . ..'sv...............#..}.v:.:, .:..:.*.*Arlrfl.*.l ... . . . .'':r.1.' ..:v :.,. .. .. :. ..::*.*.-.* .:.*..*. .. .:^:.*.*.,,* . . . .1.. .....:w...v.\... ..vii:} S S.h. . (Continued from Page 2) the Scholarship Office, 2011 Student Ac- tivities Bldg. Deadline for receipt of completed applications is April 1. Fur- Doctoral Recital Postponed: The re- ther information on the Univ. College, cital of Sheila Bates, pianist, earlier London may be obtained from Dr. James schedulde for Fri. evening, March 22, M. Davis, International Center. has been postponed due to the illnev of Miss Bates. Her recital date hasE been reset for Fri., May 17, 8:30 .p.m. I Events in Lane Hall Aud. I General Notices German Univ. Exchange Scholarship:t Two grants for study at any W. German Univ. have been made available by The Deutscher Akademisher Austauschdienstt to Univ. of Mich. students. These grants2 provide tuition fees, a maintenance al-t lowance of DM350 per month and round-f trip travel from U.S. port. Candidatesi are selected on the basis of the fol-1 lowing criteria: 1) General academicI achievement and potential, 2) Upper-i class or graduate standing by the au- tumn of 1963, 3) German language com- petence. Applications are available atf the Scholarship Office, 2011 Student Ac- tivities Bldg. Deadline for receipt ofi completed applications is April 1. Fur-1 ther information on this exchange pro- gram may be obtained from Dr. James1 M. Davis, International Center._ Thompson Street Parking Structure:i Effective March 18. Visitor Parking Per-9 mits for use at the Thompson Streetf Parking Structure will be made avail- able to students at the rate of 50 centsf per day. < This procedure is on a temporary basis and will be effective until fur- ther notice. Summary of Action Taken by Student Government Council at its Meeting of March 21, 1963 Approved: That Michael Stengel be appointed Chairman of the Committee on Student Activities) Approved: That Tom Leonard, Robert Sheff, and Robert Bibbee be appointed to the Cinema Guild Board for remain- der of term. These people may re- petition as incumbents. Elected: The following officers of Student Government Council to serve until November 1963: President-Tom Brown. Executive Vice-President-Ed Sasaki. Administrative Vice-President -- Tom Smithson. Treasurer-Fred Rhines. Received: Report from Graduate Stu- dent Council. Copies of Student Government Coun- cil minutes are available in the Stu- dent Government Council office, Stu- dent Activities Bldg. Summer Seminar in Yugoslavia: The Univ. of Mich. has been invited to nominate students for consideration for this program which will be held ap- proximately July 14-28. Candidates are selected on the basis of the followingj criteria: 1) Knowledgeable of Eastern Europe and American studies, 2) Ef- fective American representative. Oppor- tunities for which selection is made include round-trip air travel from home to Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; equivalent of $11 per day in dinars. Application materials may be obtained at the Schol- arship Office, 2011, Student Activities Bldg., and must be returned by April 1. Further information on this seminar may be obtained from James M. Davis, International Center. University College, London Exchange. Scholarship: One award is made each year to a student selected on the basis of the following criteria: 1) General academic achievementand potential, 2) Graduate standing by the autumn of 1963, 3) Interest in student affairs and, student government. The award pro- videsifree tuition and a maintenance allowance of about 450 pounds for the year. Applications are now available at Recital of French .Poetry: M. Pierre Viala, French actor and recitalist, will present a program of French poetry Sun., March 24, at 8:00 p.m., in Aud. C, Angell Hall. The public is invited. Degree Recital: David Wilson, pianist, will present a recital on Sun., March 24, 8:30 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud. in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music? He will play tle compositions of Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and Prokofiev. Mr. Wilson is the student of Marion Owen and his recital is open to the public. Contemporary Music Festival: The second program of the School of Music's Third Festival of Contemporary Music is scheduled for Sat., March 23, 8:30 p.m., in Rackham Lecture Hall. Con- temporary composers featured on this program are Benjamin Britten, Paul Cooper, Donald Harris, and Roberto Gerhard. Artists presenting the program are Jerome Jelinek, cello;/Rhea Kish, piano; Robert Courte, viola; Lydia Courte, piano; Gilbert Ross, violin; Wallace Berry, piano; and Gustave Ros- seels, violin. Open to the public with- out charge. The following sponsored student events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Af- fairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on the Tuesday prior to the event. MARCH 22-. Helen Newberry, Dance; Huber House, TGIF in Club 600, S.Q.; Jordan Hall, Mixer; Prescott-Tyler, Open open, E.Q.; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Dessert, 733 S. State; Theta Chi, After party, 1351 Washtenaw; Theta Delta Chi, Mixer, 700 S. State; Lambda Chi Alpha, Exchange Dinner, 1601 Washtenaw. MARCH 23- Adams, Open open & rec. room party, W.Q.; Alpha Delta Phi. Open house, 556 S. 'State; Alpha Sigma Phi, Party, 920 Baldwin; Alpha Tau Omega, Party, 1415 Cambridge; Anderson, Record dance, E.Q.; Beta Theta Pi, (Band) party, 604 S. State; Chicago, 1st floor Open open, W.Q.; Chi Phi, Party, 1530 Washtenaw; Delta Upsilon, Band party, 1331 Hill; Frederick House, Square dance & open open, S.Q.; Gomberg, Dance in house lounge, S.Q.; Huber House, Kid- die party in Lounge, S.Q. Michigan, Open open, W.Q.; Phi Gamma Delta, Bundle party, 707 Ox- ford; Pi Lambda Phi, Pledge party, 715 Hill; Prescott-Tyler, Open open, E.Q,; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Party, 733 S. State; Tau Delta Phi, Post concert party, 2015 Washtenaw; Theta Chi, Theme party, 1351 Washtenaw; Theta Delta Chi, Rec- ord dance, 700 S. State; Theta Xi, Dance party, 1345 Washtenaw; Williams, Open open, W.Q. MARCH 24- Collegiate Sorosis, Pledge open open, 1501 Washtenaw; Prescott-Tyler, Open open, E.Q.; Stockwell, Open open; Wen- ley, Open open, W.Q. Placement ANNOUNCEMENT: U.S. Dept. of Health, Educ. & Welfare, Saint Elizabeth's .Hosp., Washington, D.C.-Social Science students inquire about the Psychodrama Training Pro- grams for Interns & Residents. This is one of only three programs of this type in the U.S. Trng. includes assoc. with patients in a broad range of mental illnesses & application of Sociometric & Psychodramatic methods to trng. & therapy. Eligibility requirements: BA with 12 semester hrs. in one or a com- bina. of the following: Psych., Soc., Social Work, Cultural Anthro., other social sciences. POSITION OPENINGS: Geo. A. Pflaum, Publisher, Inc., Day- ton, Ohio-Associate Editor far a week- ly periodical used in Catholic schools for the primary grades & for the Teach- er's Study Guide accompanying these periodicals. Young woman with BA in Elem. Educ. & minor in English or Journ. 2 or 3 yrs. of primary teaching pref.; at least student teaching in pri- mary grade. Kawneer Co., Niles, Mich.-Ass't. Gen- eral Manager-Alum. Window & Cur- tain Wall Div. Architectural or Engrg. degree. Pertinent exper. required. Also Ass't. Sales Manager-Arch. Products Div. BA degree with arch. or engrg. bkgd. Pertinent exper. City of Middletown, Ohio-Jr. Civil Engnr.-Degree CE for office design work in water lines, sewers, streets & other public works activities. Also Civil Engnr.-BS CE & municipal design ex- per. Ann Arbor Federal Savings & Loan, Ann Arbor-1) Programmer-to train in data processing. 2) Accountant-to train for eventual responsibility for all ac- counting. At least 2 yrs. college-degree not required. No exper. necessary. B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio-1) Supervisor-Tire Road Testing-degree Engrg., Science, or Bus. Ad. & pertinent exper. 2) Materials Engnr.-Aerospace & Defense Products. BS Mech., Aero., or Textile Engrg. No exper. necessary. 3) Product' Engineers-Engrg. degree with knowledge of thermosetting resins & reinforcing materials required. State of Conn.-Librarian II-De- gree plus 1 yr. grad study leading to degree in Library Sci. and also 2 yrs. exper. in prof. library work. Apply by April 10. Residence waived. Aurora Pump Div., Aurora, Ill. - BS Engineers. For work in hydraulic & mech. design. See Engrg. Placement, 128-H W. Engrg. for further information. Library of Congress-Openings as fol- lows: 1) Music Cataloger for Copyright Office; Editor-Trainee for Copyright Office; Area Specialist (Africa); Proj- ect Supervisor for Science & Tech. Div.; Science Research Specialist for Sci. & Tech. Div. For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWE, Bureau of Appointments-3200 SAB, Evt. 3544. This is a correction to a previous an- nouncement: WED., MARCH 27 - Underwood Corp., New York & Throughout U.S.-Men. Seeking: Liberal Arts, Humanities, Law, & Educ. MAS- TERS DEGREE ONLY. Positions avail- able: Advertising, Management Train- ing, Public Relations, Sales Promotion. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these 'jobs can be made in the Part-time Placement Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:00 Employers desirous of hiring stu- porary work. should contact Bob Cope, Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Rm. 2200, daily. MALE 1-Electrical Engnr. Jr. or Sr. with at least a 3.00 grade average. Must be a U.S. citizen and able to get secur- ity clearance. Must also have trans- portation. %-time position on a long-term basis. FEMALE 1-%-time permanent 'secretary with training or experience. Must be able to take shorthand and be familiar with medical terminology. 1-Full-time temporary clerk-typist. Must be an experienced and de- pendable girl, willing to work Sat. mornings. The position will last un- til at least Oct. 1. -Several Clerical people who can work half days are needed. Typing and/or shorthand experience is es- sential. 1-Sales clerk for sales and display work. Prefer full-time but will talk with applicants who can work at least three mornings per week until 1 p.m. and all day Saturday. SALE ! 60% OFF on EVEREST 50% OFF on TIME 40% OFF on LONDON (CM and CS) 30%-40% OFF on PRESTIGE, FOLKWAYS, COLUMBIA, WESTMINSTER, DEUTCHE, GRAMMOPHON, ARCHIVE SPECIALS* I !L"-, 4 ac u a .oo I 12 PRICE SALE I PAGLIACCI CARMEN Angel WEST SIDE STORY (soundtrack)..... ALL FLATT and SCRUGGS ......... . JOHNNY MATH IS "Heavenly"' "Faithfully" "More Greatest Hits" ...... . ... ALL BROTHERS FOUR ............. ALL CLANCY BROTHERS ........... THELONIOUS MONK "Monk's Dream".............. DAVE BRUBECK "Brubeck Time" "Plays Bernstein" "Count Down" "Time Further Out" ........... List $4.98 $3.98 $3.98 $3.98 $3.98 Now, $2.69 $2.19 $2.19 $2.19 $2.19 $3.98 $2.19 $3.98 $2.19 MADAME BUTTERFLY LA TRAVIATA complete catalog of ANGEL STEREO ANGEL OPERA DISC SHOP HI VICE NTER 1210 S. University 304 S. Thayer NO 3-6922 NO 5-4855 :Stereo Slightly Higher DISC SHOP&HIF(ENTER 1210 S. University 304 S. Thayer NO 3-6922 NO 5-4855 1l il THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT 9aa'u (or dine 3%'4 offers you a taste treat of a traditional Italian dish IPIZZAI will be served daily from 12 Noon to 2 P.M. and 5 P.M. to 2 A.M. FREE DELIVERY from 5 P.M. to 2 AM. INCLUDING NORTH CAMPUS 1 DINE OUT AND CELEBRATE THE FIRST WEEKEND IN a OLD HEIDELBERG 211-213 N. Main St. NO 8-9590 TAKE-OUT SERVICE AVAILABLE OPEN 24 HOURS ' Open 7 days a week 221 N. Main St. - Opposite the Post Office Phone NO 8-9550 or NO 3-3857 Specializing in GERMAN FOOD, FINE BEER, WINE, LIQUOR Hours: Daily 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Closed Mondays S, VIE UX CARRE9 215 STATE ST. Enjoy dinner in the romantic atmosphere of New Orleans. LUNCHEON AFTERNOON SNACKS DINNER OPEN 11A.M. to 8 P.M. Sunday 12:00 to 8:00 P.M. Friday and Saturday 'tit 11:30 P M . 77w TtIRGINIIN RESTAURANT State Street on Campus Phone NO 3-3441 Friday, Saturday, Sunday Special Dinner Grilled Center Cut Pork Chops Applesauce, whipped potatoes,$ 35 tossed garden salad, roll 3 and butter, hot delicious coffee ..... Hours: 7 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. Daily and Sunday WELCOME to the COPPER KETTLE CAFETERIA ---- State and Liberty -- Specializing in WESTERN STYLE CHOICE ROUNDS OF BEEF and .-"M1-1W U mr A mR Th Ij Serving Cocktails, Beer, SPECIAL Prime Top Turk SUNDAY DINNER Ribs of Beef Open 7 A.M. to 2, Sea Food Choice Steak 109 S Main St. ey or Chicken Serving Ann Arbor since 1903 A.M. r ,.. PREKETES' SUGAR BOWL ONLY THE BEST QUALITY FOOD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES? All, SPRING AT LAST!! It's the right kind of weather to take a walk downtown and enjoy a DELICIOUS LUNCH, DINNER or SNACK at your favorite Wine or Champagne L I u aiua 341 S.. Main NO 3-2401 DINE GRACIOUSLY in our CO o o m<=o o o o o O Enjoy the Finest Cantonese Food Take-out Orders Anytime oOpen Daily . from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. ] Closed Monday - --- cA0 I into action with a SPRING, COTTAGE INN COMPLETELY REDECORATED Dining Room. NOW SERVING COCKTAILS PIZZA I JUST DIAL NO 3-5902