Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1- .. UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opirilong Are r"'STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBoR, MICH., PHONE No 2-3241 Trutb Will Prevail" "Hey, Look What The Shifting Sands Have Turned Up" ROCKY IN '64: Pundits Prophesy Rockefeller Is 'In' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mustI b. noted in all rebrints. FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MARCUS Soft-Sell Persuaders Sell Out 'U' Purposes - * '* Y ' ° s ^' i. ~r" '" ; .- ' f .re. ' " + a; "Y * ag " 4 > 7 .r:±" THE UNIVERSITY is not a Ford car. It can not be sold to the public on the basis of its horsepower in producing dentists or doctors or on the shining chrome of the glittering de- vices from its research laboratories. Nor can there be any attempt to hide the rust spots from the public. The University and all those who are part of it must have a primary commitment to pure education and to studying man's environment. If this means controversy and public dispute over the best manner to secure goals, if this means studying areas which can produce no economic benefits for the state, if this means sacrificing quantity for quality, it must be done. The Image Maker has little place in an educational institution. YET WE ARE constantly becoming more aware of the role of the University's Image Maker. There are objections both to the type of image provided by the Office of University Relations and to the idea of "image," the degree to which the University is being in- fluenced in educational questions by the con- cept of what the outside community thinks of it,. The University would like to enjoy good pub- lic relations so that support would be readily forthcoming in the form of volunteer con- tributions, increased state appropriations, a greater general willingness to support educa- tion. The method employed is to stress the University's contributions to the economy of Michigan, the victory of the Cold War, the improvement of the state's health-the public service aspect of the University. There is nothing inherently wrong with such a publicity program. Sometimes, however, it does get out of hand as the University as- sumes a low brow, Madison Avenue approach to the problem. FOR EXAMPLE, the University's presentation in Lansing is a queer one. It ought to pre- sent a sober and comprehensive picture of the University's needs through an intelligent dis- cussion of the problems. However, the Uni- versity has apparently decided that the repre- sentatives in the Legislature do not have the mental capacity or interest to follow such argu- ments. This year, in its plea for more funds for the Institute of Science and Technology, the University brought the products of high civiliza- tion to awe the primitives in the capitol-a Laser rod, an OGO package, a gauge to measure the moon's atmosphere and a cestraton: here is the complex gadgetry the people's money goes to build. The impact of such a display is clear: im- pressed by the visual perception of an object he can't understand, the senator sees both that he is not really in a position to evaluate the way the University allocates its money and that results are produced for the money appropriated. ANOTHER EXAMPLE of the not-so-hidden persuaders in action is "Alexander Michi- gander and the University of Michigan," a 14 page brochure financed by gifts of Uni- versity alumni and recently mailed out across the state. It is the story of Alexander Michi- gander, "a fairly typical resident" of Michigan (36 years old, three children, $6,000 year sal- ary) and what the big University in Ann Arbor does to improve the water he drinks, the job he holds, the piano lessons of his daughter, the cold war security of his nation. It is written on the intellectual level of Reader's Digest advertisements and appeals to the "financial-expert" instinct in all men and to the notion that the University is after all a good financial investment. In such presentations before the Legislature and in such booklets as "Alexander Michi- gander," the accent on the need and spirit of liberal education is totally ignored. The importance of social scientific work is kept to a minimum and the humanities are almost totally ignored. Big Daddy VIEW of the current fraternity fad to adapt to the University's academic emphasis, there has been some talk of making such soph- omoric terms as "big Brother-little brother" more mature. We might suggest a reform to Big Daddy- Little Daddy, in which case the whole set-up could be termed a "paternity." -B. MICHAELS Editorial Staff MICHAEL OLINICK, Editor JUDITH OPPENHEIM MICHAEL HARRAH Editorial Director City Editor CAROLINE DOW.... ,... ,....... Personnel Director JUDITH BLEIER............Associate City Editor FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .. Assoc. Editorial Director Rather than cultivating in the people of the state an appreciation for what a University really ought to mean, the approach has been aimed at what the people will buy: Sputnik made the American people afraid of the Rus- sians and thus willing to spend some money to shoot a man into space. The public is willing to grant money for an IST or for new NASA constructions and the universities are cheer- fully milking this willingness dry. Other as- pects of education-particularly the non- physical sciences and undergraduate teaching- are being neglected. In this area, the Uni- versity's persistence in requesting capital out- lay funds for a new Music School is highly commendable. QUARRELING AGAINST the type of image of education being propogated by the Uni- versity-the accent on productive research- will not get one very far. For one thing, the University has not shown itself to be completely cold to other aspects of the campus: it does attempt to use the funds freed by federal re- search grants for those areas which have not been given much public support. For another, this sort of pitch seems to work. Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee praised the University's presentation as something new and different and exciting. Unfortunately, no money came out of this session but eventually it will probably produce more funds for the University. Certainly, more in the immediate future than a program which didn't stress the concrete and tangible. My chief criticism is of the mood on campus which is created by a University overly con- cerned with its image. Too many decisions are influenced by what the public's reactions to the new policy will be, even in cases where the Office of University Relations is not directly involved and where it has no knowledge or consultation role. For an instance, the Office of Student Af- fairs frequently rationalizes restrictions on the grounds that Michigan parents would complain too vociferously about the changes. For an- other, the University Senate is reluctant to open its session to Daily reporters partly be- cause some faculty members fear that publica- tion of the fact that faculty members do not always agree with the administration or with each other will destroy a "united front" toward the public and will thus hurt the financial hopes of the Athens of the West. Internal controversy is frowned upon and " the best interests of the University" as a cri- terion for enacting policy may too often become nothing more than "what will people say?" THE UNIVERSITY as a Ford-car symbol means that all advertising about the cor- porate product must be coordinated from one central source, that all programs aim at a con- sistent and complete attack on the consumer and his motivations, that one story and only one story emanates from the University and that story is a light, cool one stressing the happy family of man which lives and works on the fair campus, its eyes and heart devoted to the ever-expanding Gross State Product of Michigan. What this can imply when certain types of advertising executives ride the helm of the public relations office is that individuals in the University who don't salute the flag with the company slogan are chastized for ex- pressing their own version of the story of the University. There is little enthusiasm for speak- ing one's own mind about campus issues when one seeks to better the educational environment and finds himself at the other end of the telephone at 8:30 in the morning listening to the Director of University Relations tell you he is becoming "fed up" with The Daily's "Olinick-Oppenheim-Kramer axis" or accusing you of direct misrepresentation of the president of the University or challenging your sincerity in wanting a better University. The influence of public pressure or fear of public pressure has been seen quite a few times in educational questions around the state in the last year: How strong a stand on free- dom of speech would the Legislature tolerate in framing University speaker policies? What would parents say if women were allowed to visit in the men's quadrangle rooms? What would be the reaction of parents and alumnae to the changes in the OSA eliminating the posts of Dean of Men and Dean of Women? How will the public interpret a Daily editorial writer's opinion about a Regental candidate? What sort of a deal on out-of-state students is necessary to quiet the Legislature? In the extreme, the desire for more money for the University's budget could sanction the restriction of some of the very things a University is supposed to promote. A univer- sity which avoids a $10 million appropriations slash by banning a Communist speaker is not fit to be called a university. Fortunately, we have not hit that extreme here in Ann Arbor. But there must be an ever vigilant check that considerations of public reaction and capacity for drawing in more dollars does not lead to a prostitution of educational values. -MICHAEL OLINICK 5..,.. e .2 ~ . .,. ,iv,. u,:1.;:tc:}'; . " ~ i By ELLEN SILVERMAN THE NEWSPAPER pundits have been asking themselves and their Republican readers lately, "Who in '64?" And, in true form, they have answered, "Rocky." The question is a little pre- mature but the answer is nonthe- less true. Two years before the Republican convention the out- come of the Presidential nomina- tion race seems virtually assured. New York Gov. Nelson Rocke- feller is the current front-runner for opportunity to wave the GOP banner in the '64 election, and for good reason: the Republicans have lost their leadership in Wash- ington and Rockefeller is the most logical choice from the "outlying" areas. * * * REPUBLICANS, now out of power, lost their Washington leadership when former Vice- President Richard Nixon lost the race for governor in California. Former President Dwight D. Eisen- hower, although titular head of the party and a willing campaigner, is not a leader in forming policy or strategy. Since the leadership of the party depends on those who are willing and able to formulate policy and strategy, the leadership has shift- ed to Congressional leaders and governors. But in Congress the number of candidates for the Presidential nomination is small. Sen.. Barry Goldwater of Arizona has re- peatedly stated that he will not run in '64. Even if this were so (and in politics candidates often change their minds just prior to the actual convention) the chances of Goldwater securing the nomina- tion are slight. He is a conservative who may be acceptable to the Southern wing of the party but he is too far to the right for the GOP who follow senators like Jacob Javits of New York and Rockefeller him- self. The Southern wing, too, is still growing. It does not yet have a hold on the party and it is therefore highly debatable that the Southerners alone could swing the nomination Goldwater's way at the convention. * * * AWAY FROM the Capitol, the GOP is in better shape. The gov- ernors of most of the key states are Republicans-Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York. Yet most of these men just came into office in the last election. It is not only too early to predict what each man will do with his state's problems-most of them are fi- nancial problems-but it" is also too early for any of them to de- clare their intentions of running. And even if nominated, any one of these governors would have a difficult time presenting his views when the Democrats are sure to run on a platform "experienced leadership is what we need." BUT ROCKEFELLER is in a unique position. He has been in office for more than four years now and therefore is "experienc- ed." He is well liked in both the moderate and liberal wings of the Republican party. He can almost make the died-in-the-wool con- servatives admit that he has some good programs. Therefore, by playing his cards cagily, he could pull all the seg- ments of the party together and pull off the nomination in short order. There have been rumblings that Rockefeller is having trouble in his own state, which may be true; but the national attention which is now focused on New York is not the result of the governor's tax plan. Rockefeller has been speaking as if he were campaigning already and the national press is eager to repeat his pearls of wisdom on its front pages across the country. His "domestic" problems are then easily lost in the shuffle. Rockefeller, in the slang of the campus, seems to be "in." And in politics, a little less than two years is a short time. Fetish WHEN THE HISTORY of oar times comes to be written, the current furor over the possibility of secret nuclear tests under- ground or in outer space will be recognized for what it is--a form of mass delusion, like those which once set whole countries crazy with the fear of witches. It will take its place with other instances of human credulity and superstition ,The word supersti- tion may seem strong when we are dealing with the very latest advances in technology, but our national , obsession with nuclear weapons belong in the realm of ancient magic-the Bomb stirs in our still primitive unconscious the reverence the Cannanites once felt for Moloch; it too is both God and fiery furnace. We regard science with the awe a tribesman accorded his witch doctor-who knows what will be the next miracle of destructive- ness-to emerge from the mumbo- jumbo of mathematical formulas? We live in fear that some other tribe may outdo our magic, may some dark night work up a more devilish device than ours, may test it when we're not looking. -I. F. Stone's Bi-Weekly a r + t ~ -- "'° ,7 T tJfkSN tr T CSt"e '" CSZ ' "rS L s HISTORICAL IRONY: What Lincoln and Marx Began By ROBERT SELWA THE AUDIENCE attending Her- bert Aptheker's lecture last week on the Emancipation Proc- lamation realized that he was ex- aggerating when headescribed the Republican party at its founding as a "criminal Communist con- spiracy." He was speaking in sar- casm, of course. But his sarcasm points up some of the irony in the history of the development of Marxist and related philosophy. Aptheker, editor of "Political Affairs" magazine, a theoretical organ ofuthe Communist Party, pointed out that President Abra- ham Lincoln and Karl Marx ex- changed letters and that Marx was the European correspondent of the New York Tribune,a van- guard of the newly-born Republ- can party. Aptheker did not men- tion it, but the salary that the Tribune sent Marx helped keep him going while he wrote Das Kapital. This was probably the major contribution that Repub- licans made to the development of Communism. Aptheker's conclusion may have been far-fetched, but it served as a jibe against those who wouid persecute radicals for their as- sociations and beliefs. Unfortun- ately, Aptheker left the analysis there. HE SHOULD have carried it further, especially for the sake of the people who view the Cold War as a battle between Chris- tianity and atheistic Communism. For it is an irony of history that Christianity got its start in the East while Marxism got its start in the West. Aptheker's reference to Lincoln was appropriate. Both Lincoln and Marx sympathized with workers, with the poor and with the op- pressed. Lincoln had humble be- ginnings and most Americans know his story, but most Americans do not know that Mrs. Marx wished that Karl would have spent less time writing about capital and more time making it. Like an earlier President, An- drew Jackson, Lincoln was the common man in the White House, and he tried to help the common man. He signed the Homestead Act which benefitted those who had nothing to lose by beginning life anew on a 160-acre plot of land that could someday become their own. Lincoln also freed the slaves, and while for him this was secondary to restoring the union, it was a major step in the ad- vancement of that exploited group of workers. * * * BOTH LINCOLN and Marx be- lieved in a right to revolution. While Marx saw this as the way to achieve the workers' state, Lin- coln's belief stemmed from his devotion to the Declaration of In- dependence. The Declaration of Indepen- dence has always been and still is a radical document. It provides that "whenever any form of gov- ernment becomes destructive" of the ends of life, liberty equality, and the pursuit of happiness, "it . is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it . . ." And to leave South was preparing to secede, to "throw off" the federal govern- ment, and even though Lincoln's main goal was to maintain the union. * * * WHILE FOR Lincoln the drive behind revolution was primarily political, for Marx the drive be- hind revolution was primarily eco- nomic. The working class would end the exploitation it suffers by overthrowing the exploiters, the bourgeois class, according to Marx. For Lincoln what was at issue was a relationship between the governors and the governed; for Marx what was at issue was a relationship between a huge class of poor workers and a tiny class of rich owners. This distinction is important be- cause it is at the root of the difference existing today between the American Communist and what might be called the civil Democrat. The civil Democrat seeks political freedoms such as due process of law and the right to speak and associate as one chooses because he views these freedoms as the framework on which good men will construct a good society. Many American Communists, perhaps out of self- interest, also crusade for these freedoms, but maintain at the same time that these freedoms are not enough. These political rights have to be founded upon econom- ic and social rights, American Communists say; industrial Demo- cracy and equality of opportunity are the first necessity. Sound familiar? It should, for Marxism has its roots in the West.M The point about equality of op- portunity was also made in that radical document, the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration states that "all men are created equal," and most defenders of the Declaration explain that this means equality of opportunity. * * * THOUGH LESS familiar than equality of opportunity, the eon- cept of industrial Democracy is also rooted in our society. It was the goal of a Western manufac- turer, Robert Owen, and other Western utopians. The ideals of Karl Marx were promulgated in Russia by force, by a Bolshevik junta that sup- pressed all opponents with armed force. In the West, the ideals of Marx were spread not by force but by persuasion. Marx was view- ed favorably by a great many Americans, especially at the turn of the century. Marxian and uto- pian Socialism are in part the roots of the social democratic movement of Europe and of the United States this century. The oddity about the United States was that after 1910 America has almost totally abandoned all phi- losophies with the name socialism while actually implementing the aspect of socialism that urges government participation an the economy. Two world wars and two periods of anti-Communist hys- teria have resulted in the rejec- tion of the name Socialism while the most severe economic crisis in our history has resulted in the implementation of the least in- small group of Russians in their ascendency to dictatorship. Many of the greatgrandfathers of this generation of Americans, judged by the general outlooc of this generation of Americans, would be heretics and subversives today. are fellow travelers of his. And actually social democracy is a fruition of the seeds of Western development while Soviet Com- munism is an ugly hybrid. Thus, today the United States and its Western allies stand op- posed to a system that claims to be based on Marxism. Yet histoxy reveals that Marxism and utopian Socialism were kept alive in the West, kept alive until used by a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Union A Bad Bargain To the Editor: THE MICHIGAN UNION, we are told, is supposed to be a stu- dent organization run by students for the benefit of students. I think that several happenings over the years, and a few recent ones, should convince anyone that this is not the case, and the the Union in reality is: (a) run for the benefit of alumni, local business- men, and "visiting firemen," and (b) a good-sized pressure group. For instance, in regard to the current Creative Arts Festival, we will note that the Union has chosen to credit as a part of the CAF and thus itself any remotely cultural event that occurs within the times the CAF is set to run. Thus, the Toronto Symphony, which I had always thought was a part of the Choral Union series, suddenly becomes a part of the CAF; but it is in connection with the taping for television of the Limeliters' concert that the fact that the Union knows where to put a little payola where it will do the most good becomes evident. * * * THE TICKETS distributed Tues- day were for the dress rehearsal of the show; the tickets, as far as I can tell, for the actual taping never saw the light of day in terms of student distribution, but were placed here and there around the campus in various organiza- tionsy where the Union hopes to make friends and influence people towards the aims it propagates. Now the Union is run with stu- dent money and hypothetically for all the students (the males at least); why were not these tickets made generally available, so that more students and perhaps fewer potential friends of the Union could get them?) Finke, in his letter to The Daily last week, stated that the Union services are self-supporting and that the X-many dollars deducted from each student's tuition are used to pay off the bonded in- debtedness on the new wing of the Union constructed a few years ago. Although students do get lower rates in this wing, it is often used for visiting business- men and convention-goers who Union is, plainly, ridiculous. The service is amazingly slow, the por- tions small, the prices high. For all their wretchedness, local Ann Arbor businessmen give more and better and cheaper food than does the Union. These teeny little portions of French fries, for instance, for which the student is charged 15 or 25 cents, the ham sandwiches with a thin slab of meat between two pieces of bread for a price 5 or even 10 cents higher than most local places, and so on. The Union, Finke says, is not a monolith ("such as Voice") but harbors many individuals with all shades of opinion. Well, this may be true, but I have rarely heard any voice other than the tradi- tional conservative one reach the light of day; running through my mind is that picture of Finke, Stockmeyer and Meyerholz look- ing jubilant upon learning that the ex-officio referendum didn't pass. We are also told that future issues of the Union Reports will be paid for by advertising. It is bad enough that Union opinion' has in the past been expressed there, at times unsigned, and paid for by student money (although I suppose it makes no difference Carder, Finke, and the Board of Directors may come and go, but the Union goes on [progresses?] forever.) The new procedure, it seems to me, will merely mitigate the injury. The bad thing about the past procedure was not who paid for the issue or even whether they were signed or not, but that they were issued by the Union, a supposed service organization for the students; even were they lib- eral editorials, I would still object, because any opinion expressed in the Reports has behind it the force and body of the Union, being as it is an official journal. I would, by the way, seriously request and appreciate a message either from Finke or his successor on the distribution of those tickets. -Steven Hendel, '63 Healthy Sign.. . of autonomy of thought and ex- pression. To one unfamiliar with the workings over at 420 Maynard, Michael Olinick's Sunday editorial creates the initial impression that this oppressive board is one step short of snuffing out the last breath of liberty. This idea which he connoted is a cross between overstatement and misinterpreta- tion of the board's attitude, in my opinion. To anyone familiar with The Daily (andl its relation to the board) the conclusion is ines- capable that the board has no interest, desire or intention to restrict the free flow of ideas. Any regular reader of The Daily's edi- torial page has witnessed the free- dom of expression which is pres- ent-and such expression is at no time pre-judged or reviewed in advance of publication. PERHAPS in an attempt to prove a point, Olinick has taken the sole editorial restriction which exists (and has existed for some time), to hammer home a per- sonal feeling which is not sup- ported by the record. The restric- tion in question is the prohibition against printing partisan editorial comment on Regental elections. This limitation does not say that The Daily cannot discuss the elec- tions, platforms. It memerly re- stricts the taking of sides, and this is based upon the close ties between the Regents, the Univer- sity, and The Daily. It is deemed in the best interest of the Uni- versity community that The Daily should not endorse candidates for the Board of Regents. This is not an attempt by anyone to protect individuals or save feelings. This is not the proper place to debate the desirability of the re- striction in question. This is the time and place to point out that the students who read The Daily have an opportunity to be exposed to all points of view, many of which are controversial, and all of which are un-muzzled. Freedom of the press does exist here, and those that contend it is missing havefailed to comprehend the meaning and purpose of the only