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March 21, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-21

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Se&nty-Third Yer
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHoE mNo 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mmsf b- noted in all reprints.

Syphony Band Plays
Contemporary Music
THE SCHOOL of Music's Third Festival of Contemporary Music
began brilliantly last night with a concert by the Symphony Band
under the direction of William D. Revelli.
The evening was foreshadowed in the first few minutes. The
end of the first movement of Ingolf Dahl's "Music for Brass Instru-
ments," emerged from a maze of more or less conventional dissonance

Blue-Ribbon Cooks
Spoil Education Broth

0o MANY COOKS are going to spoil co-
ordinated state-wide higher education.
Certainly, there is an urgent need to come up
with some answers to the problem of a doubled
enrollment by 1965-just two years away, but
a muddle of 50 citizens, 10 college and uni-
versity presidents, a superintendent of public
instruction, a voluntary co-ordinating council,
the governor, and eight State Board of Edu-
cation members who will be stirring up trouble
if the proposed state constitution passes on
April 1, is not going to do it.
The fact that twice as many youngsters are
going to be knocking on the doors of Michi-
gan's colleges and universities in the next few
years comes as no surprise to the institutions
of higher education. They have been warning
the Legislature for years that austerity budgets
like this year's University appropriation will
not prepare the existing centers for the deluge.
But as per usual the politicians and the legis-
lators are about five years behind the univer-
sities in considering the implications of the
baby boom on higher education.
NOW THAT the problem is imminent, the
Lansing pseudo-education specialists are
whipping up a citizens' "blue-ribbon" commit-
tee on higher education and have dreamed up
a new co-ordinating function for the proposed
enlarged State Board of Education, both de-
signed to provide both solutions and assistance.
What the schools really need is money, not
Since the institutions have been presented
with study groups rather than money, it is
fortunate that educators were consulted on
the formation and functions of these bodies.
However, for two basic reasons, college ad-
ministrators had little choice in backing the
new groups: in the first place, they must try
anything simply to effect a solution to the
education problem; and in the second place,
they must co-operate with the whims of the
party in power, if they hope to get sufficient
appropriations in years to come.
The charge to Romney's "blue-ribbon" com-
inittee includes studies to determine the state's

responsibilities to higher education, priorities
and procedures for expanding higher educa-
tion, admissions policies of the various state
institutions, tuition levels and additional ways
to finance educational expansion.
After the committee's studies are concluded,
all it can do is recommend that certain steps
be taken. The 10 schools and the Legislature
would have to approve any "master-plan" for
state-wide education the group were to propose.
CERTAINLY, this is the wrong approach to
solving higher education problems. Citizens
don't have the necessary knowledge to work out
a plan which will satisfy both the taxpayers
and the schools, and there are to be no
educators on this citizens' committee.
Representatives from the colleges and uni-
versities will act as advisors to the committee,
but it will take a vast amount of time to
brief the group on the status of admissions
demand, enrollment, facilities, and expansion
possibilities of each of the 10 schools.
The irony is that if the educators know all
the needs and capabilities, why don't they just
sit down among themselves and plan pro-
cedures to accommodate the additional stu-
Some would like to try.
THE MICHIGAN Co-ordinating Council for
Public Higher Education, a group of all
the state college presidents and members of
their governing boards, is a voluntary group
of educators supposedly assembled to discuss
the problem of co-ordinating education in the
This group-the brain-trust of Michigan edu-'
cation-is certainly the most capable unit to
come up with quick, feasible means to prepare
for the educational needs of the future.
As Regent Eugene B. Power, chairman of
the council, has maintained, "The requirements
of state-wide education have been studied to
death." Many of these studies have been car-
ried out by the universities and colleges them-
selves, making these institutions the obvious
mechanisms for co-ordinating educational fa-
NOT ALL of the college president agree that
voluntary co-ordination is the' answer.
Northern Michigan University President Edgar
L. Harden declared last week that attempts
to achieve voluntary co-ordination among the
state's colleges and universities have failed,
leaving the state's higher education system in
a "state of near anarchy."
Following the Co-ordinating Council's failure
to act in any constructive way on the Delta
College issue last week, it might appear that
Harden was right.
The University brought its joint plan to
create a four-year degree-granting branch
college at Delta to the council for its con-
sideration and suggestions.
The only action which the body would take
was to refer the question to the new "blue-
ribbon" comittee. The council did not approve,
disapprove or amend the branch plan.
Under the surface of this non-committal
meeting, there was latent hostility between
some of the schools and the University, based
on selfish, institutional interests.

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The Daily's Code of Ethics

Mazel Tov

THE POLITICAL SCIENCE department is to
be congratulated for taking a gallant step
forward. This semester one of the introductory,
distribution courses, political science 140, has
come to grips with the problem of the dis-
Well. not exactly come to grips, but the new
text, Patterns in Government, does have several
chapters devoted to a discussion of how
scientific is political science. And the sub-
sequent examination of European governments
is apparently made with these points in mind.
Previously behavioralism was something
which was more or less heresy for under-
graduates, let alone people taking political
science for distribution. But the possibility
of scientific methods in political science is,
perhaps; one of the greatest intellectual chal-
lenges the discipline can offer. By exposing
the underclassmen and undergraduates to be-
havioralism, political science might retain those
who now are driven into sociology or social-
psychology because they cannot investigate
political phenomena from a behavioralist stand-
Hopefully the seeds of a stronger and more
progressive department have been sown.


The Lesson
THE LEGISLATURE has given the state a
lesson on what Gov. George Romney's "lib-
eralism" means. Two bills with a liberal hue
have moved through the legislative mill in
form, but not in substance. Both failed to sur-
vive during the Williams and Swainson regimes
and were promised by Romney in last fall's
election campaign.
The enabling legislation for Michigan to par-
ticipate in the aid to dependent' children of
unemployed fathers (ADC-U) had failed to
pass for three years. Yet it sailed through the
Legislature and onto the governor's desk. But
it restricts coverage to those who worked less
than 32 hours in two weeks and discriminates
against the children of many unemployed fath-
ers. The federal government saw through the
shell and refused to accept the weak and use-
less bill.
Meanwhile the Senate Labor Committee re-
ported out its first state minimum wage bill.
But it does not cover those that need it. The
grossly underpaid retail store employes, migrant
farm workers and domestics, receiving far under
the $1.15 minimum, are not covered.
Thus Romney liberalism is shown for what
it is a hollow, showy shell with no substance.

POWER IMMEDIATELY charged that the
group had "abrograted its responsibilities"
because it had failed to make any positive
recommendations. Later, Power partially exon-
erated the body because he said it lacked
proper procedures and experience to handle
such a problem. University President Harlan
Hatcher added Tuesday that the Co-ordinating
Council is primarily a discussion group.
Certainly there is no other body in the state
now which has had more experience in at-
tempting to co-ordinate the state's educational
facilities. The council does have the procedures
to handle specific issues such as the Delta
branch: this is the same group which adopted
a recommended state-widegspeaker policy this
fall. And if it does lack any procedural points,
why doesn't it take steps to incorporate new
methods to attack specific issues?
Even taking into account these criticisms of
the Co-ordinating Council's recent lack of ac-
tion on the Delta question, voluntary co-
ordination is not dead.
ROMNEY SEES his "blue-ribbon" committee
and the proposed enlarged state board as
ways to get around this problem of institutional
competition, by injecting the impartial citizen
into the soup.
However, if the educated elite, represented
by the college and university presidents, and
trustees, cannot agree among themselves what
is best for education in the state, they cer-
tainly are not going to let uninformed citizens
tell them how to co-ordinate their facilities.
The proposed state board is another obstacle
to voluntary co-ordination and institutional
autonomy. If the new constitution passes, the
colleges and universities will have to present
their appropriations requests to the board be-
fore going to the Legislature, giving the board
significant power in enforcing co-ordination
-1 -_ .. _4... i.. Y .. w n .ir.i a mrif h rl

(EDITOR'S NOTE: As Prof. Coop-
errider suggests, the text of The
Daily code of ethics appears below.)
To the Editor:
AS YOU KNOW, the Student
Government Council's request
that the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications reconsider The
Daily code of ethics rule that "no
editorial shall take sides in an
election to the Board of Regents"
will be considered by the board at
its next meeting. I have no desire
to debate the issue prior to that
time. Your Sunday editorial, how-
ever, is subject to three comments
which, I emphasize, are ,merely
expressions of personal opinion on
my part.
First, in the interest of accuracy
-your description of the situa-
tion in these terms, that "the
board does not grant total free-
dom of opinion to the students,"
is quite devoid of meaning. The
board obviously neither "grants"
nor withholds "freedom of opin-
ion" to any person. The rule in
question neither proscribes opin-
ion nor prohibits its expression.
It merely provides that the col-
umns of this newspaper shall not
be used to support or oppose a
regental candidacy.
Second, you apparently do not
appreciate the relationship be-
tween the University and The
Daily. This is not a situation of
interference by an outsider. Nor
is it a case of "society" imposing
restrictions upon the press, as you
seem to suggest. It is, rather, that
the University, in the person of
the board; owns this newspaper;
the regulations which it requires
the student editors to observe are
merely the conditions under which
it consents to the use of its fa-
cilities by the student editors-the
terms of the loan, if you will. Your
observation is accurate, that this
principle could be the basis for
more extensive restrictions upon
the content of the newspaper than
those now in effect. The fact that
it has not been so used is evidence
of the liberality of the board's
basic attitudes, rather than the
Third, while asserting that The
Daily is "remarkably unfettered in
its journalistic endeavors." you
manage in the same editorial to
imply that the student editors are
nevertheless heavily burdened with
limitations. At the beginning of
your editorial you remark that
"freedom is denied in several im-
portant ways"; at the end you as-
sert that "in every area but one
(The Daily's) staff members are
free to select and reject ideas in
public"; in the middle you imply
that the code of ethics is a col-
lection of unjustified inhibitions
upon freedom of expression which
has been only slightly liberalized
after years of student pressure
Your readers must have experienc-
ed some difficulty in following this
argument. They cannot, of course,
evaluate your assertions because
they are not generally informed as
to the content of the code of
ethics. Why don't you publish it,
Mr. Editor, and let them judge
for themselves the merits of your
-Prof. Luke K. Cooperrider

the authorization of the Univer-
sity, The Daily must have at heart
the interests of the University and
refrain from such unwarranted ac-
tion as may compromise the Uni-
versity in the eyes of the public.
The position of The Daily as a
representative of a free press shall
be preserved and prompted by
the editors through responsible
and considered use of their duties
and powers.
The editorial page of The Daily
shall be open to all points of
view. Intelligent editorial expres-
sion by all members of the staff
shall be encouraged and means
provided for comment by the pub-
lic. Freedom of expression ground-
ed on fact shall be the editorial
policy of The Daily. All material
on the editorial page shall be
signed by the writer.
Anything published in either the
news or editorial columns shall
conform to a standard of good
taste commensurate with The
Daily's place as a leader in the
field of college journalism.
The following list of operating
principles shall be used as a guide
to the specific implementation of
the above code. Both the code and
the list of operating principles
were revised by The Daily staff
of 1963 and approved by the Board
in Control of Student Publica-
A. Criteria for publication of
editorials shall include good taste,
good writing, logical thinking and
regard for the facts.
B. No editorials shall embrace
personal attack on the characters
of individuals.
C. No editorial shall take sides
in elections to the Board of Re-
D. Before editorials discussing
state appropriations to the Uni-
versity are published, the editor
shall consult the chairman of the
Board in Control of Student Pub-

lications or, in his absence,


to a simple dominant seventh
chord, which is about as common-
place a sound as there is.
Yet, DahI had so isolated that
chord from its normal context
that it came as a great shock. It
was one of the finest movements
in the entire composition.
The Theme and Variations,
Opus 43a, by Arnold Schoenberg
likewise provides at the outset a
shock, by starting off in appar-
ently normal harmony.
THE AUTHOR of the program
notes shrewdly left up guessing at
the obvious question-whether or
not the composition was built up
from a twelve-tone row or rows.
Inevitably, the music veered
away from the conventions sug-
gested at the beginning; but the
deflection was caused, not merely
by "wrong notes" (which is the
easy way to parody convention),
rather by Schoenberg's wild and
untameable instinct for counter-
The unpredictable complications
within the ensemble reminded me
of the terrors which Melville en-
visaged beneath the placid sur-
face of the sea.,
Stravinsky's "Symphonies of
Wind Instruments," is reminescent
of some extraordinary phenome-
non of light. Not that there is
anything etherial about the "Sym-
* * *
EVEN THOUGH the audience
responded rather cautiously last
night, I should think that few will
soon forget that music.
The performance was exception-
al. I do not dare to single out
any individual player for special
Last night's concert should rank
among the most impressive
achievements of the band and
William D. Reveilli.
-David A. Sutherland
Bad 'Folk'
LAST NIGHT in the Michigan
Union Ballroom ABC Television
put on a TV folk show that will
be video-taped for a series en-
titled "Hootenanny."
This show, played before a stu-
dent audience, featured the Lime-
liters, Bud and Travis, Josh White,
the New Lost City Ramblers, Bon-
nie Dobson, Elaine Stewart and
Bob Gibson.
The evaluation that a person
might place on the performances
would depend on individual taste.
As a commercial show, designed
to appeal to a mass audience, it
was fair.
As a show designed to reach the
college mass audience, it was ex-
cellent. As folk music, it stunk.
The producers of the show start-
ed the ball rolling by refusing to
let the New Lost City Ramblers, a
talented trio of ethnic stylists,
choose their own songs. The pro-
ducers felt that their material
sounded too much like "hillbilly"
music, which wasn't the right
sound for a folk music show.
Josh White was able to dis-
play his ability to handle the blues
idiom with a gutty rendition of
"Nobody Knows You," and Bonnie
Dobson did a beautiful lyric ver-
sion of "She's Like a Swallow."
Perhaps t h e TV producers
are right. Maybe the 1 average
American does have an idiot men-
tality and taste to match. The
show starts on April sixth. How-
ever, if you like folk music rather
than commercial crap, you'll do
better by going down to the Mid-
way Lunch to hear Washboard
-Howard Abrams

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
Is an excerpt from the American
Society of Newspaper Editors Cr-
teria of a Good Newspaper, its guide
to quality and ethical responsibl-
A good newspaper prints the im-
portant news and provides the in-
formation, comment, and guidance
that is most useful to its readers.
Its editorial comment pro-
vides an informed opinion on mat-
ters of vital concern to its readers.
By reflecting the total image of
its own community in its news
coverage and by providing wise
counsel in its editorials, a good
newspaper becomes a public con-
Finally, a good newspaper should
be guided in the publication of all
material by a concern for truth,
the hallmark of freedom, by a con-
cern for human decency- and hu-
man betterment, and by a respect
for the accepted standards of its
own community.
A good newspaper may judge its
own performance-and be judged
-by the criteria that follow.
The newspaper shall:
-Maintain vigorous standards
of honesty and fair play in the
selection and editing of its content
as well as in all relations with
news sources and the public.
-Deal dispassionately with con-
troversial subjects and treat dis-
puted issues with impartiality.
-Practice humility and toler-
ance in the face of honest con-
flicting opinions or disagreement.
-Provide a forum for the ex-
change of pertinent comment and
criticism, especially if it is in con-
flict with the newspaper's editor-
ial point of view.
-Label its own editorial views or
expressions of opinion.
The newspaper shall:
-Use mature and considered
judgment in the public interest
at all times.
-Select, edit, and display news
on the basis of its significance
and its genuine usefulness to the
-Edit news affecting public
morals with candor and good taste
and avoid an imbalance of sensa-
tional, preponderantly negative, or
merely trivial news.
-Accent when possible a rea-
sonable amount of news which il-
lustrates the values of compas-
sion,rself-sacrifice, heroism, good
citizenship, and patriotism.
--Clearly define sources of news,
and tell the reader when compe-
tent sources cannot be identified.
-Respect rights of privacy.
-Instruct its staff members to
conduct themselves with dignity
and decorum.
The newspaper shall:
-Act with courage in serving
the public.
-Stimulate and vigorously sup-
port public officials, private
groups, and individuals in cru-
sades and campaigns to increase
the good works and eliminate the
bad in the community
-Help to protect all rights and
privileges guaranteed by law.
-Serve as a constructive critic
of government at all levels, pro-
vide leadership for necessary re-
forms or innovations, and expose
any misfeasance in office or any
misuse of public power.
-Oppose demagogues and other
selfish and unwholesome interests
regardless of their size or influ-

A. Good Taste
1. Sex crimes, suicides, or viol-
lent crimes may be reported if
in the public interest to do so.
2. Items of a pornographic na-
ture shall have no place in
The Daily.
3. No writer shall express ra-
cial or religious bias in any
story, or editorial, nor shall
there be any racial or religious
bias in advertising.
B. Operational
1. Crimes involving members
of the faculty or students
shall not be reported without
first notifying the proper
University authorities when-
ever possible, except as such
crimes are a matter of court
2. Members of the staff shall
at all times be encouraged to
take advantage of the facili-
ties of the University and the
broad experience of faculty
members in writing articles of
a comprehensive, interpretive
3. The news columns of The
Daily shall be open to campus
news of legitimate interest
and shall afford all campus
organizations news space
within the confines of good
journalistic practice.
4. All interviews with faculty
shall be checked with the in-
terviewee, either personally or
by phone, before they are pub-
lished unless the writer is
specifically excused by the in-
5. Names of busines establish-
ments (local or out-of-town),
industries, firms, or brand
names shall not appear in The
Daily news or editorial col-
umns unless their news value
is of sufficient significance to
justify their publication.

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(Continued from Page 2)
Hilview Resort, Riverside, Mich.-
ocial Dir., Waterfront, Waitresses, Dish-
washers, maid.s (all women). Also cooks
& baker (male or female).
Camp To-Ho-Ne, Great Barrington,
Mass.-A boys' camp. All types of male
Manitowabing, Ontario-Positions in
coed camp. Interviewing from 8-12 &
Camp Wahonowin, Ontario-Various
positions open for girls who are at least
19 yrs. old. Coed camp. Interviewing
from 8-12 & 1:30 to 5.
DO NOT CALL for appts., come to
Summer Placement.
Beginning March 25, the following
representatives will be at the Bureau to
interview candidates for the school
year 1963-1964:
Hazel Park, Mich.-Elem., Libr., PE,
Music, Art; Jr. HS Art, Sci., Ind. Arts,
HS Girl's Couns., Girl's PE. Biol., Home
Ec., Inst. Mus., Ment. Handi.
Inster, Mich .w(herrvH lUl Sh. Dist.)

Corr., Read.; Grade 5-8 Libr., Voc., Art,
Conver. French, Guid., Ment. Handi.,
Engl./Soc. St., Math/Sci., PE.
Northville, Mich.-Fields not announc-
Milford, Mich. (Huron Valley Sch.
Dist.)-Elem., Voc. Mus.
Romulus, Mich.-Elem.; Jr. HS Engl/
Soc. St., Math, Set., Art, Girl's PE, HS
Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Girl's PE, Coun/
Guid., Diag., Sp. Corr.
Walled Lake, Mich.-Elem. Libr., Voc.;
Sec. Home Ec., Art, Math, Girl's PE,
Engl., French, Bus. Ed., Ind. Arts, Bas-
ketball Coach with major in mentioned
Sec. fields.
Warren, Mich.-Elem. K-6, Sp. Ed.,
Music, Libr., Engl., Set., Ind. Arts, Bus.
Ed., Math, Sp. Services.
Grand Rapids, Mich.-AI Fields, ex-
cept Men's PE, Soc. St., Hist.
Flint, Mich. (Beecher Sch. Dist.) -
Elem. Voc. Mus., Sp. Corr.; Jr. HS Math/
PE, Hist/Arith., Engl/Read., Hist/Geog.'
Arith/Sci.; HS Engl/Latin, Engl., Girl's
PE, Math/Set.
Belding( Mich.-Elem. Type A, Grade
8 & 9 Engl., Grade 10 & 11 Engl., Comm.-
Short., Voc. & Inst. Mus., Art.
Grosse Ile, Mich.-Elem.; Jr. HS Span.,
Math. Engl.. Hist.. Set.. Music, Guid.,

VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for the following:
Aeronca Manufacturing Corp., Middle-
town Div. of Aeronca Mfg. Corp., Mid-
dletown, Ohio-BS: AE & Astro., ChE &
ME. R. & D., Des.
Amoco Chemicals Corp., Mfg. Dept.-
Joliet, Ill. (Process Engr.) Mkt. Dept.
-Chicago (Sales & Mkt. Trainees)-BS-
MS: ChE, Chem. MBA: Grads w/under-
grad in Chem. or Chem. Engrg. Prod.,
Sales & Marketing Trainees.
CTS Corp., Elkhart, Ind.; Berne, Ind.;
Paducah, Ky.; Asheville, N.C.; S. Pasa-
dena, Calif.; & Ontario, Canada - for
Engnrs.). Elkhart, Ind. & Berne, Ind.
(for Physics). Elkhart, Ind.-(for Bus.
Ad.)-All Degrees: ChE, EE, IE, Physics.
BS: E Physics, Sci. Engrg. BA: Account-
ing. R. & D., Des. Prod., Sales Account-
Carrier Air Conditioning Co., Syra-
cuse, Bryant, Indianapolis-(Des. only)
-BS-MS: ChE, EE, ME. R. & D., Des.,
Double A. Products Co.-BS-MS: EM
& ME. R. & D., Des. & Sales.
General Dynamics, Electric Boat Div.
-All Degrees: ChE, EE, ME, Met., NA &
t- r.t.- - --9 - -uI ..s .- i c t~- V...

Chem.-(Inorg. & Organic) R. & U~
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.,
during the following hours: Mon. thru
Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:00
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
porary work, should contact Bob Cope,
Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511,
Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
1-Electrical Engnr. Jr. or Sr. with at
least a 3.00 grade average. Must be
a U.S. citizen and, able to get secur-'
ity clearance. Must also have trans-
portation. %-time position on a
long-term basis.
1-Short-order cook to work two days
per week from 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Must have transportation.
1--1-time permanent secretary with

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