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March 21, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-21

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Groesbeck NotesAcademicAbility of U'At


Athletes rate about average academically.
Describing University athletes as a group, Byron Groesbeck,
assistant director of admissions, said that "as a group, they look
like undergraduates whose level of aspiration does not extend be-
yond undergraduate work."
The average grade point among athletes is slightly on the low
side of a 2.3, Groesbeck said. This is typical of undergraduates
whose academic ambition is only a bachelor's degree, he added.
Three Equal Groups
Very roughly, athletes divide into three equal groups in the
literary college, the education school and the engineering school
with only a smattering spread among the other undergraduate units.
At various times, the faculty has manifested its concern over
the academic standards among students participating in inter-col-
legiate athletics. A 1959 report of the Committee on Athletic Policy
points out that "athletes tended to be disproportionately enrolled
in literary college courses with 'easy' grading standards."
Yet the report found that the average University athlete
"ranked above 78 per cent of the students in his high school grad-

uating class, a figure probably unsurpassed by any Big Ten school.
On the other hand, a slightly later study of athletes enrolled
in the literary college by a literary college committee points out
"that the academic performance of athletes as a group is generally
inferior to that of other men in the college."
The athletes, however, do not form a uniformly inferior group.
They can be found at all levels of academic competence; further-
more, here was no semester, among those the committee studied,
in which as many as 45 per cent of the athletes earned grade aver-
ages below C.
More recent data indicates that the median rank of football
players in their high school graduating class is the 83rd percentile,
Groesbeck said..
Special Consideration
Noting that both in-state and out-of-state athletes do receive
some special consideration in the admissions procedure, Groesbeck
said that "the University has had a long-standing policy of aiming
towards a variety of interests and abilities in its student body."
Comparisons of entering athletes to the entire group of enter-

ing students puts the athletes roughly in the 40th percentile, Groes-
beck said.
Indeed, the faculty report says "our committee was pleased to
note the extent to which our recruiting procedures present the
University to the student as a great academic institution. Our chief
selling point is that the prospective student will receive a better
education at Michigan than at the other institutions competing
for his favor ..-
Reputation Boomerangs
"However, the University's academic reputation sometimes
boomerangs on our athletic recruiters. We are told that rival re-
cruiters warn students that they won't be able to make satisfactory
grades at the University."
The literary college report notes "that on the average, the high
school achievement of athletes (as measured by their ranks in their
high school classes) is lower than that of other students admitted
to the college
"Although we do not feel that there have been actual violations
of college admissions policy, the data . . . indicates that in the past
athletic ability has occasionally been allowed to weigh too heavily in

the admission of students below the 75th percentile of their high
school graduating classes . . ."
Specific Athlete
When the athletic department is interested in a specific ath-
lete, it sends a card to the admissions office indicating its interest.
Similar procedures are used by the music school to indicate interest
in an applicant.
However, the card is not included in the student's folder when
the final decision on whether or not he is admitted is actually made,
Groesbeck said.
Growing Practice
He also pointed out that the-system of a unit or office filing
cards with the admissions office on students in whom they feel some
special interest is a growing practice.
The major void in knowledge comes on the question of what
happens to athletes after they graduate.
According to Groesbeck, there are no records by which this
can be readily determined. Nearly all of the data in this field comes
from pointing to one or two conspicuous examples of later success
or failure, he said.

See Editorial Page


S1itr i~rn

:43 a t t

Clear and colder

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


NEW OFFICERS-Thomas Brown, '63BAd, was elected the new
president of Student Government Council in officer elections last
night. Edwin Sasaki, Grad, was elected executive vice-president.
Brow"In, Sasaki Win
Top 'SGC Positions
Thomas Brown, '63BAd, last night edged out Kenneth Miller, '63,
to take the Student Government Council presidency.
The 10-8 vote by secret ballot was not announced but Council
members had already indicated alliances before the start of the meet-
ing at 10:50 p.m.
Edwin Sasaki, Grad, was elected executive vice-president, Thomas'

Term Union
In Progress
New Deal
SAN JOSE toP)-President John
F. Kennedy yesterday called the
$20 billion Alliance fob Progress
Latin America's new deal, guided
by basic principles of freedom and
progress. In a last-minute switch
he omitted direct references to
Cuba that were carried in his pub-
lished text of a speech.
Reviving a quotation by Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, President Kenne-
dy told students at the University
of Costa Rica :
"I can say here to. ypu: This
generation of r Americans - your
generation of Americans-has a
rendezvous with destiny."
President Kennedy dropped from
his prepared text a declaration
that the Soviet Union must go the
way of previous foreign conquerors
in Latin America-that is, get out
of Cuba.
He also omitted other textual
references to Cuba, including a
statement that Cubans should
share in the freedoms and prog-
ress which he said guide the Alli-
ance. But he referred to Cuba in-'
directly as an example of what3
he called the destruction of the
myth of Communist promises.
"It is no accident that agricul-
tural production in Cuba is off 25
per cent from five years ago," he
said. When economic and social
freedom are denied, he added, the
right to advance is denied.j
Correspondents who travel with
President Kennedy noted that hea
frequently departs from his pre-
pared texts. They saw no specal
significance in his ommision of the
section on Cuba.<
Winding up his three-day soli-l
darity meeting with presidents of
six Middle American republics,
President Kennedy told students
and townspeople they share in the,
task of proving that men can pro-
tect freedom and conquer wantt
and ignorance.
An estimated 10,000. people,
about half of them students, stood
quietly as the President spoke.
Near the end he was interrupted
by cries of "Viva Kennedy." He,
stopped, smiled, looking a littleI
embarrassed, then continued. At1
the end he said:
"Viva Costa Rica. Muchas gra-l
The cheering crowd then gave
him a wildly enthusiastic sendoff,
flattening barriers, s w e e p i n g
guards aside and escorting him tot
the side of his Marine Corps heli-

Senate Group




Smithson, '65, is administrative vice-p
Chaperones C
in ,
To Remainre
Student Government Council of
received a letter last night from an
Vice-President for Student Affairs sto
James A. Lewis rejected Council's
recommendation calling for the (
elimination of mandatory chap- Br
erone forms. se
In noting the concern for a tra
"standard of excellence" in stu- co
dent organizations, the letter cited id(
that a "direct correlation exists re4
between the presence of older
persons and a good social func- ce
tion." Vice-President Lewis stated im
that persons closely related to stu- po
dent groups saw a higher quality ad
of programs where "older persons"
acted in advisory capacities. se
The motion which passed SGCD
called the filing of mandatory in
chaperone forms ineffective and de
The rationale further noted that
the elimination of the mandatory bee
filing would end the preserit lying, an
forgery and unnecessary, added mo
work for the house's social chair- tiv
man. It would have "little if any I
effect" on the conduct of parties to
since the present "regulation is rol
lax and only the most blatant me
violations are prosecuted." Br
In rejecting this contention, the "ii
letter pointed to views of the cie
chaperones themselves. One chap- the
erone reported "A grand group-
so energetic-very well mannered."
Another stated, "The decorations me
were very cute and quite good." gra
YRs Oppose l1t
Voting by Unit e
The University Young Republi- of
cans chapter took a slap at "boss- tiv
ism" yesterday in proposing an
amendment to their state consti-
tution opposing unit rule voting
at the annual YR convention. C

President, and Frederick Rhines,
4, treasurer, thus placing two
berals and two conservatives on7
ouncil's executive committee.
A large audience heard Brown
a nomination acceptance speech
edge himself to work for the
moval of restrictions on dress in
omen's dormitories, improvement
parking facilities for students
d study of a new student book
Barnell Nominates
Charles Barnell, '63, placed
rown's name in nomination as-
rting that Council was in a
ansition period and needed a
ntinuation of the kind of pres-
ential leadership the body has
cently known.
"Brown is a more logical and ac-
ptable person to deal with the
plementation of the Harris re-
rt, and bias procedure," Barnell
Disagreeing with Barnell's as-
Ation of a council in transition,
aily Editor Michael Olinick, '63,
a nomination speech for Miller,'
dcared Council was in a "rut."
Cites 'Rut'
Olinick added that "Council has
en essentially the same for years,
d if Council is ever going toj
ove out of that rut, it needs ac-
ve leadership."
Brown and Miller ;both spoke
questions on their view of the
le of the President and imple-
entation of Council motions with
own asserting that he would
mplement as quickly and effi-
ently as possible the motions of
e Council."
Limited Role
He added that "this does not
'an that I do not have a pro-
am as a member of the Coun-
," but indicated the president
ould play a fairly limited legis-
ive role.
Miller, however, said he thought
)uncil -presidents could "imple-
nt all motions with more or less
Lhusiasm" and cited the role
the president as the most ac-
e legislator on Council."
!EW Rejects
hild-Aid Plain

To Resume
Excess Food
GREENWOOD, Miss. (A') - La-
Flore County officials said yester-
day they bowed to federal pres-
sure and agreed to resume a full-
scale surplus food distribution pro-
gram for one month.
The County Board of Super-
visors said in a statement that
representatives of the Agriculture
Department handed the county de-
mands Tuesday to resume the
program at government expense
or have the government take over
food distribution.
The board said it "was con-
fronted with the proposition of
accepting the offer of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture to permit it
(the board) to make the distribu-
tion at the sole expense of the
federal government or to decline
and subject the people of LaFlore
County to an invasion of federal
agents and probably marshals."
Not Enough Funds
An Agriculture Department
spokesman said in Washington,
however, that "They (the board)
indicated, as they always have
claimed, that they did not have
the funds for this, and if the funds
were provided, they would do it."
The spokesman indicated the
cost at about $15,000.
SNCC Charge
Since the county decided to dis-
tribute surplus foods only to those
certified as needy by the welfare
department, the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee
has charged the action was in re-
taliation for efforts to register Ne-
groes as voters. SNCC began col-
lecting food for distribution in the
The FBI and Civil Rights Com-
mission have investigated. The
state Civil Rights Advisory Com-
mittee said there was nothing to
indicate the curtailed food distri-
bution program was retaliatory.

Reports Out

Special To The Daily:
LANSING-The bill for a "pig-
gy-back" junior-senior college at
the present Delta College moved
from the House Ways and Means
Committee to the House floor yes-
terday and toward probable pass-
The committee made a few
amendments to the bill of educa-
tion committee chairman Ray-
mond C. Wurzel (R-North Street)
in reporting it out.

He said the University branch
plan received little consideration
by the coml~mittee.
Passes Committee
First, the bill dealt with the
"piggy-back" plan and had passed
the education committee.
Second, the lack of support by
the Michigan Coordinating Coun-
cil for Public Higher Education
"carried weight" in disdaining the
alternate University branch plan,
Engstrom explained.
He added that he preferred to
wait until the coordinating coun-
cil had settled the matter, but the
bill which had been referred to the
committee from the education
committee could not wait.
Plan Sponsors
Meanwhile, the sponsors of both
Delta plans seemed a little inclin-
ed to wait for a study by Gov.
George Romney's 50-man "blue
ribbon" committee on education
or a .solution by the coordinating
Rep. William A. Boos, Jr. (D-
Saginaw) -said that his resolution
calling for legislative support of
the University branch plan should
come up to the House next week.
He said the resolution will prob-
ably be amended to say that the
Delta branch would submit to
whatever arrangement Romney's
committee comes up with.
Informal Discussion
Boos added that there had been
some informal discussion of mak-
ing the University a trustee of the
"piggy-back" college until it was
on its feet, but that there was no
concrete proposal to so compro-
mise the Wurzel bill.
Wurzel called this suggestion no
compromise at all. "I am against
any sort of concept of any college,
taking over a community college.
Here the University would take
over the college for two years to
see how it works."
He reiterated his opposition to
any major university taking over

... discusses Delta

Delta Bill Heads for Passo

Fails To Ask
ge Medical Unit
Plans Money
Thayer Foresees
}EQuick Acceptance
"iz:: Of Education ;Budget

...discusses Delta
community colleges. He said that
the University has had enough
problems taking care of its own
institution, let alone spreading out
to branches.
Furthermore, the quality of the
institution would not be as good
as the main center, nor would the
branch attract the calibre of stu-
dents it seeks, Wurzel continued.
He added that University officials'
had admitted that they were not
getting "nearly the students they
wanted" at the Flint Branch or
Dearborn Campus.
"The state needs many more
community colleges. It would be
silly to form four year colleges all
over the state."
Wurzel said that community
colleges would educate more stu-
dents more cheaply. He looked for-
ward to the time when community
colleges would take in any student,
regardless of high school grades,
with those seeking further studies
going to the major universities in
the junior year.

It said that the $1 million gift
for capital expansion must be cash
or in negotiable securities in es-
crow and must be spent under the
direction of the Legislature.
Legislative Consent
Further, the college must have
legislative consent to buy or sell
Committee Chairman Rep. Ar-
nell Engstrom (R-Traverse City)
said that the amendments were
designed to tighten up the bill.

Special To The Daily
LANSING-The Senate Approp-
riations Committee added $125,000
for University Hospital renova-
tion but failed to include a second
medical science building or a
children's hospital in capital out-
lay bills reported out yesterday.
The increase raised to $625,000
the amount the hospital is to re-
ceive. The University will also
get $750,000 to complete remodel-
ing of the heating plant, $772,000
to complete the Physics-Astron-
omy Bldg., $2.3 million to continue
work on the music school bldg.
and $500,000 to start a $2.565 mil-
lion fluids engineering bldg. This
totals $4.947 million out of the
$24.999 million bill.
The committee set no money
figure on the "quick action" cap-
ital outlay planning bill, allocat-
ing $1.110 million for it. This was
$102,000 more than Gov. George
Romney prrposed.
Planning Studies
Romney suggested preliminary
planning studies for new dental
school and architecture buildings,
totalling approximately $180,000.
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Tra-
verse City), chairman of the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee and the Joint Legislative Com-
mittee on Capital Ontlay (a work-
ing group of four members each
of the appropriations and of the
ways and means committees), had
said that one of the Medical Cen-
ter units might be .substituted.
However, Senate Majority Lead-
er Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor), an appropriations com-
mittee'member, said that the com-
mittee "was following Romney's
budget" and had received no re-
quest to include the Medical Cen-
ter items.
-ie explained that no figures
other than the total cost and some
limitations on costs in state men-
tal health facilities planning, had
been set so as to "let the plans
set the cost."
Inching Up
Often, Thayer continued, plans
have a way of inching up to the
limit set sand thus this method
will allow flexibility at a lower
The building engineering divi-
sion of the. administration de-
partment in the governor's office
will administer the "quick action"
program, he added.
Thayer predicted little opposi-
tion to the capital, outlay bills but
saw some on the higher education
appropriations, reported out Tues-
He said some senators had ob-
jected to adding $500,000 to

Limelters Gibson, hite Resound in Hootenanny'

Last night the Michigan Union Ballroom experienced its greatest
and most energetic upheaval since Student Government Council
Count Night.
The Limeliters and other folk music notables raised the commo-
tion as ABC-TV taped two segments of its new series, "Hootenanny,"
sponsored by the Union's Creative Arts Festival.
The Union Ballroom was filled to capacity as students watched
the performance and participated in the show. Performers included
some of the best known names in folk music: the Limeliters, Bud and
Travis, Bob Gibson, the New Lost City Ramblers, Elan Stuart, Josh
White, and Bonnie Dobson.
"Hootenanny" has been taped at various campuses all over the
country, including Brown, George Washington, Pennsylvania State
and the University of Virginia.
Limeliters Featured
The featured group in the series is the Limeliters, who are Lou

< ' 4.


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