HATCHER DECLINES TO HELP COUNCIL :Y Sir i4an &Iiatl4 RAIN AND SHOWERS High-46 Low--24 Slippery freezing rain and sleet See Editorial Page Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES APPROPRIATIONS: Senate To Receive 'U Bills } Special To The Daily LANSING-The Senate, Appro- priations Committee will report out a University appropriations bill "along the lines of the Gov- ernor's request,"' its chairman, Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair) said last night. This would mean a 1963-64 op- erating appropriation of about $38.2 million. The University re- quested $43.9 million. In another action, the House Committee on Ways and Means will consider the "piggy-beck" plan i -Daily-Richard Cooper UNION: OFFICERS-Raymond Rusnak, '64, (center) was named the new president of the Michigan Union last night. Also named to senior positions were Robert McKenzie, '64, (right) executive vice-president and Norman Peslar, '64E, administrative vice- president. Rusnak To Succeed Finke As New President of Union By RONALD WILTON Raymond Rusnak, '64, was named the new president of the Michigan Union last night, succeeding Robert Finke, '63. Also named to senior positions by the Selections Committee of the Union Board of Directors were Robert McKenzie, '64, executive vice-president and Norman Peslar, '64E, administrative vice-president. Rusnak saw his most important job as "guiding the direction the Union will take in the future. This year we have become more ^of a dynamic force because we for Delta College tdoay-an action partially delayed by press reports that Gov. George Romney wants to postpone action on college ex- pansion in the Delta area until his "blue-ribbon citizens' commit- tee" on education makes a state- wide study of college needs. May Report The ways and means committee may report the bill with "strength- ening amendments" to the House floor, its chairman, Rep. Arnei Engstrom' (R-Traverse City) said last night. Engstrom will meet with Rom- ney this morning, seeking clarifi- cation of the Governor's position on Delta, which the committee has not officially received. The "piggy-back" bill would es- tablish an independent two-year senior college near Delta, a locally- supported junior college. It is an alternative plan to one which would establish a four-year Uni- versity branch at Delta. Although nothing is definite until the committee considers it, the "piggy-back" bill may be brought to the House floor and passed for the record, Engstrom said. The Senate, he continued, would then hand the matter over to the "blue-ribbon" group. No Figures Yet The exact figures on the Uni- versity operating appropriation cannot be released until the bill is reported out, Beadle asserted. Engstrom, who also chairs the Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay, said that this com- mittee has submitted its recom- mendations for the University capital-outlay appropriation to Beadle's appropriations commit- tee. Beadle said that his committee is considering the recommenda- tion and expects to report it iut on the Senate floor by Wednesday. "We've got to get the bill out this week," he noted. Awiiards Bid To Detroit NEW YORK W)-The Board of Directors of the U.S. Olympic Committee reconfirmed last night its choice of Detroit as the U. S. city which should bid for the 1968 Olympic games. The vote was 32 for Detroit, 4 for Los Angeles, 2 for Portland, Ore., and 1 each for San Fran- cisco and Philadelphia. Five Cites The decision was made after an all-day session at Olympic House where the board reviewed pre- sentations from five cities-San Francisco, Portland, Ore., Phila- delphia, Los Angeles and Detroit. Detroit was picked as the single U. S. bidder for the games at a meeting last October in Chicago, but a rview was ordered by the 11-member U. S. Olympic Execu- tive Committee after a protest by Los Angeles. It was contended that the board had not heard full presentations from the cities seeking the games. Present Cases The governor of Michigan, George Romney, and the Detroit mayor, Jerome P. Cavanaugh, headed a 19-man delegation of in- dustrial and civic leaders who presented their case to the 41- member board. "If we get the games, you will see the greatest Olympiad ever held," Romney said. He sharply criticised opposition to Detroit's original selection,, See OLYMPIC, Page 7 ~President Sends No Testimony By MICHAEL SATTINGER The University does not plan to send a representative to tonight's Ann Arbor City Council public hearings on the proposed fair housing ordinance, Michael Rad- ock. director of public relations, said last night. However, University President Harlan Hatcher's letter to the council was filed at last night's regular council meeting. The ab- sence of a University representa- tive at tonight's hearings does not preclude the possibility of send- ing a representative to any other council meeting, President Hatch- er said. "If as the ordinance develops it appears that a substantial num- ber of University personnel are affected, or that further testimon- ial on the part of the University is indicated, then we would have a representative present," he said Not Indicated "I do not beev tnat this situ- ation has as yet been indicated," the President said. Radock added that "it is im- possible to say in legalistic terns under what conditions the Uni- versity will send representatives." David Aroner, '63, chairman of the SGC Human Relations Board, said, "There is ample evidence that amendments introduced last week will affect substantial num- bers of University personnel. Provides Information "The HRB will continue to pro- vide additional information which may aid a representative of the University in presenting public testimony before Thursday when the city Human Relations Com- mission meets. This testimony would be on the specific parts of the ordinance which would con- cern the University," Aroner said. Republican Mayor Cecil O. Creal said, "I do not think that a rep- resentative from the University could add anything beyond the contents of President Hatcher's letter to the council." However, first ward Democratic councilman Lynn Eley said, "A University representative w h o would present information to the council would be desirable. Testimony Helpful "It would be helpful to have additional information given to the council on University stu- dents' and faculty's experience with discrimination in Ann Arbor. "However, I believe that Presi- dent Hatcher's letter to Mayor Creal and his comments on the subject of discrimination provide unqualified backing of the concept of fair housing legislation," Eley said. Last night at city council, a motion by Eley to set next Mon- day as the date for the second reading of the ordinance was de- feated. The date is still undeter- mined. Two or Three Hearings In other action, Creal called for "two public hearings, possibly three." Next Monday's city coun- cil work session will dscuss pro- posed amendments and public hearing testimony. A public demonstration sched- uled for the session will urge pass- age of the ordinance before te April 1 elections. The public hearings will last two hours, with individual testi- mony limited to two minutes. WUOM-FM, the University's radio station, will broadcast tonight's hearing, which begins at 7:30 p.m. i , High Georgia Legislative Views Vary Voti* Court On Measure Predict No Effect On Michigan Laws By ELLEN SILVERMAN and PHILIP SUTIN Reaction to the newest Supreme Court decision on voting rules was varied in Lansing yesterday while three members of the University's political science department agreed that the decision will not be con- clusive on cases dealing with state legislative apportionment, espe- cially the Michigan case now be- Cite Impact On Education Special To The Daily LANSING-Gov. George Rom- ney's 50-man "blue ribbon" citi- zens' committee on higher educa- tion will have a major influence in shaping future state higher education policy, even to the point of drawing up a master plan, sev- eral key legislators agreed yester- day. Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) saw the committee draw- ing up a "master plan" for future educational development. He said that a rational scheme was need- ed for the long-range development and distribution of higher educa- tion. The plan would provide for an orderly allocation of funds for the location of new facilities and for capital expansion of current ones, he indicated. Long Range He stressed it would also pro- vide for long-range development. If the state could not go for- ward one year, because of insuffi- cient funds, it could effectively catch up in succeeding years as it knows where it is going. Bursley said the commission s role of co-ordinating higher edu- cation would be taken over by the state board of education created in the proposed constitution. Philosophy "The study would develop a gen- eral philosophy of higher educa- tion in Michigan and come up with a general plan,- respecting the state's geography, environ- ment and 'political aspirations of various groups," Senate majority leader Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) explained. He said the commission would give guidelines for spending on higher education. "The commission would decide where education is going. Now the Legislature provides mvney for programs the universities startl without any bearing on higher education of the state," Thayer declared. Budgetary Demands He warned that budgetary de- mands both in education and from competing needs require that the Legislature "make every dollar count, not only in the immediate future hut at' the graduate level." are thinking of the University in the future along with expanded activities and facilities." Study Committee Viewing the work of the Union- League study committee, he as- serted that the committee is cor- rect in working towards one or- ganization because "it is in keep- ing with trends within the Uni- versity." Commenting on the fear that some women have of seeing a single organization dominated by men, Rusnak claimed that this was not the important issue. He cited Wisconsin, whose student union has had women presidents as evidence that male domination is not inevitable. Rusnak, who will become an ex- officio member of Student Gov- ernment Council, saw two basic areas where he would like to see the body work. These are student- faculty government which he sees as "stronger than the present sys- tem," and a breakdown of the strict party lines which the cam- pus is currently tied up in. Special Projects Turning to special projects he explained that he is interested "in getting some kind of study. going to find out where we are lacking and once this is found out, how we can improve. I also iant to continue the emphasis of our committee system on the academic needs of the University commun-, ity." He also thinks the Union Board should be modified. "It is unreal- istic to have it as it presently exists. An 18 man board is too unruly, a smaller board would insure more equal representation." The Selections Committee made alterations in the role of the two vice-presidents. In addition to his other duties, McKenzie, who sue- 'ceeds Jon Carlson, '63, will fuxic- tion as the administrative head of the Student Activities Wing, hav- ing "definite responsibility for the operation of some of the executive council committees, and for the entire budgeting process of the activities wing. 'He will also co- ordinate the legislative efforts of the board of directors. Taking over for Albert Acker, '63, Peslar will add to his con- stitutional responsibilities Lh. ad- ministration of the co-ordinatirig activities of the Union, MUSKET, Spring Weekend, Michigras and Homecoming. He will also be con- cerned with some of the Union's business operations. Defeats .ng Rule fore the Court. Attorney General Frank Kelly, a Democrat who has actively work- ed for the reapportionment of Michigan's Legislature, lauded the bill as a victory for the "one man,' one vote" concept. Sen. Raymond Dzendzel (D-De- troit), former Senate minority leader, who led the fight for Sen- ate reapportionment in that chamber last .year, asserted that the proposed Michigan constitu- tion 's apportionment of Senate districts is unconstitutional in light of the Georgia decision. No Affect Sen. Farrell E. Roberts (R-Pon- tiac), chairman of the Senate Ju- diciary Committee which is work- ing on the reapportionmentof the state's congressional districts and the Legislature, said the Georgia decision"dotsnot affect Michi- gan's problems." He said the decision indicates that all votes have to be equal within districts and that it will only partially affect reapportion- ment considerations. Edward A. McLogan, executive director of the coordinating com- mittee for the new constitution, said, "The highly unusual Geor- gia county unit system which is unknown to Michigan was what the court was considering. University Opinions At the University, Prof. Eugene Feingold commented that "the ma- jority opinion does state "one per- son-one vote" rule and thus es- tablishes an idea which may be carried over to a non-statewide basis." But he explained that in view of Justice Thomas Clark's concurring opinion, the rule as of now applies only to statewide elec- tion of officials responsible to the entire state. However, Prof. Norman C. Thomas noted that "one could argue that the Michigan legisla- tive apportionment was adopted in a statewide election. "But we can't say if the court would accept this argument until we get a more concrete judicial expression on apportionment re- garding state legislatures or con- gressional districts," he said. Prof. John White emphasized this point. He said that "we can't regard it (the Georgia case) as conclusive until we get a case which is specfically on state leg- islative apportionment." need to work for a statement of< authority for AHC so that the dormitories can have a unified front and so that Assembly can become a legislative body," Miss Hager said. "It is also important in order to have a direct line of communication and representa- tion," she said. Written Rules "Although Assembly as a whole and its chairmen know the areas in which they are to function, we want to have these written down," she commented. "Once we have the statement of authority, we need to take it back to the houses for their op- inions," Miss Loomis noted. "More effective communication between individuals, Assembly and the ad- ministration is needed," she added. Miss Hager cited a closer rela- tionship between Inter-Quadrangle Council and Assembly as a natural out-growth of co-ed housing, which will be implemented next fall. IQC Merger? "Due to my work on the co-ed housing committee this past se- mester, I have gained insight into the structure of IQC and I feel there may be a basis for a merger between it and Assembly," she said. "We can work for this merger with joint meetings and obtain closer union in the areas for which both organizations are responsible through joint study committees,' she pointed out. Miss Loomis, who has also work- ed on co-ed housing, noted that Assembly's sphere of authority must be clearly defined before such a merger can take place. Women's Hours "Then Assembly can also rep- resent the feelings of the inde- pendent Women in the matter of liberalizing women's hours," she noted. "o think it is of the utmost im- portance in the next year to work with Panhellenic Association and the Joint Judiciary Council to im- plement extended closing hours for freshman women, permission foi RAYMOND DZENDZEL WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS ... unconstitutional ... Georgia decision AUTHORITY RULE: Elect Char lene Hager New AHC President By MARY LOU BUTCHER Charlene Hager, '65, was elected president of Assembly Associa- tion by members of Assembly House Council at their weekly meeting yesterday. Maxine Loomis, '65N, who was also a presidential candidate, was then nominated from the floor for the office of executive vice- president and was elected by acclamation. In the coming year, "we To Equalize Metropolitan Ballot Power Decision To Remove County-Unit System Fromi tate Primaries WASHINGTON (P) - The Su- preme Court took another step yesterday toward equalizing the ballot power of city voters with that of the rural voter. f It laid down in an 8-1 decision a "one voter, one vote" rule for statewide elections. The decisionkilled Georgia's county-unit system for nominat- ing candidates for United States senator and judicial officers re- sponsible to a statewide constitu- ency. The system was used at times also in congressional elec- tions. Maryland Rule It left on the hook, ready for over-ruling in another legal ac- tion, Maryland's county-unit plan. Maryland is the only other state having a county-unit plan similar to Georgia's. Under the Georgia county-unit system the candidate winning a majority or plurality of a county's popular vote got all its unit votes. No county had less than two units and none more than six. Thus, it was possible for a candidate to poll a popular-vote majority in a statewide poll but still lose in the county-unit tally. Expect Decision The ruling apparently had been widely expected among Georgia politicians because it had been foreshadowed by a 1960 decision of a special three-judge federal court which forced conduct of last year's Democratic primary on a popular-vote basis. In Atlanta, Gov. Carl E. Sanders said the Supreme Court decision outlawing the county unit system was no surprise and that Georg- ians like the popular vote basis on which he won last September. Yesterday's county-unit decision, wvritten by Justice William O. Douglas, was the Court's first in- volving voters' rights since a land- mark case from Tennessee which was decided'last March 26. Apportionment Case In that case the Court said fed- eral judges have the right to re- view state legislative apportion- ment to determine whether in- vidious discrimination is involved against city and suburban voters. Legislative apportionment was not involved in the Georgia case and this fact was stressed by Jus- tice Potter Stewart in a concur- ring opinion in which Justice Tom C. Clark joined. .The legislative apportionment has brought a wave of litigation, but the Supreme Court has still not laid down any fixed guidelines for parceling out state legislative seats. Last Primary Georgia conducted its latest pri- mary election without using the county-unit system. This was made necessary when a lower court in Atlanta ruled the system denied voters equal protection of law and enjoined its use. One result of the popular vot- ing was the defeat of veteran Rep. James C. Davis of the fifth Geor- gia district. He lost in the Demo- cratic primary to Charles L. Welt- ner who subsequently won In the general election. Justice John M. Harlan, the lone dissenter, cited the dissent- ing opinion of retired Justice Felix Frankfurter in the Tennessee leg- islative apportionment case to the effect that "one person, one vote" has never been the universially accepted policy in England, the American Colonies or the United States. City Approves Right of Way At the Ann Arbor City Council CHARLENE HAGER ... elected president ARTS FESTIVAL: Indian Dancers To Perform MAXINE LOOMIS ....vice-president State House Delays Over Anti-Red Bill Special To The Daily freshman women to visit men's apartments, apartment permis- sions for junior women and no hours for junior women," Miss Hager commented. Russia Predicts Talks To Fail GENEVA (A)--The Soviet Union said yesterday Western insistence on more than three on-site in- spections a year will inevitably lead to a breakdown of the nu- LANSING-The House passed, 58-45, then voted to reconsider and adjourned last night without acting on a bill to outlaw and sub- versive political parties. The bill, sponsored by Reps. Richard A. Guzowski (D-Detroit) and Frederick Marshall (R-Allen), would deny ballots and other legal privileges to the Communist Party, but Rep. Adam Sumeracki (D- Detroit) successfully amended the bill to include any subversive party. This caused confusion and a delay of the bill. The. House, on the amendment of speaker pro tem Wilfred G. - - i.mmMm 1