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March 17, 1963 - Image 8

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STT"AV- WARVIT 111- lQlt2


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Pojan Explains Purposes
Of Venezuela Park System

Rickover Cites Problems
In American Education

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The main purposes of national
parks in Venezuela are the preser-
vation of wilderness areas, water-
sheds, and tourist attractions, Jose
M. Pojan, assistant engineer with
the Venezuelan Ministry of Agri-
culture, and Alberto Bruzual,
assistant to the chief of afforesta-
tion, said recently.
Pojan explained that the Vene-
zuelan National Park System was
set up in 1958, and several thou-
sand tourists visit the parks each
Of the other uses to which the
national parks are put, Bruzual
noted that a watershed is import-
ant because of the climate in
Venezuela. In general, there are
a rainy season and a dry season
during the courseof the year, and
this presents problems to farmers,
especially those on the plains.
Take to the Hills
During the rainy season, the
flatlands are flooded with water,
necessitating removal of livestock
to higher regions. But during the
dry season these same areas may
be devoid of rainfall, and it is
often from reservoirs in the na-
tional parks that needed irriga-
tion must come.
As yet there are no private con-
cessions operating in the Vene-
zuelan national parks, but the
government is now considering
setting a few up in parks located
near large cities, Bruzual pointed
out. He added that tourism in the
parks is not essentially seasonal,
inasmuch as Venezuela does not
have well-defined seasons of the
There is no admission charge to
any of these parks, Bruzual said.
Thus they are not a source of in-
come for the Venezuelan govern-
ment at the present time. He add-
ed, however, that at such time as
concessionaires do obtain licenses
to operate in the parks, a part of
their earnings will go to the gov-
Few Snakes
Bruzual, noted that malaria is
not a problem any longer in the
parks, nor are venomous snakes.
"There are a few poisonous spe-
cies, but they try to avoid the
places where people tend to go."
Speaking of his position with
Action Taken
On Committee
(Continued from Page 1)
will be in constant contact with
all colleges and universities con-
cerning the priorities in their ap-
propriations requests," he said.
Need Plan
Romney remarked in a speech
yesterday that the "blue-ribbon"'
group was necessary because no
"orderly procedures for expanding
higher education" presently exist.
The Governor also claimed that
"the concept of this committee has
received the unanimous support
of Michigan's higher education
However, two Regents, Demo-
crats Eugene B. Power of Ann
Arbor and Donald M. D. Thurber,
of Grosse Pointe, have attacked
the setting-up of the committee.
Power charged at the last Re-
gents' meeting that Romney has
ignoredthe existence of the Mih-
igan Co-Ordinating Council for
Public Higher Education, which
attempts to achieve state-wide
co-ordination on a voluntary basis.
Too Much Study
Power also charged that the
Romney committee was a device
to avoid taking action on the
state's education needs, asserting
that these questions have already
been "studied to death."
The last state-wide higher edu-
cation study was commissioned by
the Legislature and completed in
1958. Since then, several smaller
studies have included some men-

tion of statewide needs.
Mrs. Edna Strachan, Alpha Tau
Omega housemother, announces
that she will escort a group of
girls from this campus to the Uni-
versity of Hawaii Summer Session.
This group will join several hun-
dred other girls from campuses
throughout the United States as
members of the nationally-known
Howard Tour, which is the ori-
ginal study and fun program to
the Pacific.
Although sizeable in total mem-
bership, the tour is divided into
several units based on place of
residence and individual inter-
est to insure greatest of personal
attention to every person. Each
member has a choice of dormitory
residence at Wilcox Hall -on the
campus adjoining the University of
Hawaii or living in cn cportment at
the new Waikiki Surf Hotel which
furnishes complete and daily hotel
service, including maid, service.
,he $589 tour price includes
round-trip jet between the West
Coast and Hawaii, living accom-
modations for 55 niahts, and the

the government, Bruzual explain-
ed that afforestation-converting
bare land into forests - was his
main concern, but he emphasized
that the afforestation and nation-
al parks are two separate divisions
of the agriculture ministry. He
added that the organization is now
in the course of a ten-year in-
vestigation which will result in its
being somewhat altered.
Bruzual noted that most agri-
culture in Venezuela at the pres-
ent time is of a traditional and
primitive nature. He added that
one job of the agriculture minis-
try is to rehabilitate land destroy-
ed by such primitive techniques.
Such areas are mostly in the
mountain regions.
New land is provided to farmers
under a special division, the '3u1-
reau of Agrarian Reform. Such
farmers are moved from the high-
er regions and relocated in the
plains by the government, which
then restores the original farm-
lands to production capability.
Make Changes
In Traditional
Senior Night
"This year's Senior Night will
be a combination of the old and
the new, based on the theme,
'Stop the World-We Want to
Get On'," Senior Night Central
Committee Chairman Marion E.
Jackson, '63, announced recently.
"It will keep some of the old
traditions, change some and estab-
lish a few new ones," she added.
Senior Night, to be held at 6
p.m. Thursday, is traditionally a
banquet and evening's entertain-
ment presented by the junior
women in honor of the seniors. It
is officially operated through the
Women's League whose interview-
ing and nominating committee
selects the central committee
Diag Tradition
Traditionally, Senior Night fes-
tivities began in the late afternoon
on the Diag where all the women
met and marched en masse to the
League Ballroom. It was the cus-
tom to wear mortar boards and
gowns for the occasion.
According to Miss Jackson this
procedure will be discontinued this
year due to "a general loss of in-
terest in this kind of thing and
a long history of bad weather for
thie occasion."
Instead, the women will meet
at the League Ballroom for a ban-
quet, which Miss Jackson predicts
will be attended by 400-500 people,
including 20 guests from the fac-
ulty and administration who have
worked with women's groups on
Discontinued Play
Following the banquet, the jun-
iors traditionally entertained their
guests with a dress rehearsal per-
formance of the Junior Girls'
Play. There will be no such pres-
entation next Thursday, since JGP
was discontinued this year due to
lack of participation.
In place of JGP, the central
committee has scheduled a series
of skits and short reviews as en-
tertainment. These will include
skits from this year's Frosh Week-
end plus short reviews of all the
senior class projects from Frosh
Weekend through Soph Show and
the last of the JGP shows.
Status Ceremony
Following these will be the tra-
ditional declaration of status
ceremony, during which each
woman performs a certain ritual
depending upon her marital
status: married women blow out
candles; engaged women suck on
lemons; pinned women receive
safety pins from a cushion;
women going steady receive corks
to keep plugging; and the un-

attacr-- 1 throw pennies into a
wishing well.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Davenport,
assistant to the vice-president of
student affairs, will deliver a short
Tickets for the occasion are on
sale now through Wednesday in
the Undergraduate Office of the

(Continued from Page 1)
Last May, in a hearing on Eng-
lish education before the House
Committee on Appropriations,
Rep. Clarence Cannon (D-Mo)
asked me by what means I
thought Congress might help speed
educational progress.
National Standards
I suggested that a national stan-
dards committee be created. This
would be a small committee, com-
posed of men of national stature
and eminence-trustworthy, intel-
ligent, scholarly, and devoted to
the ideal of an American educa-
tion second to none.
The committee would have two
First, it would act as an educa-
tional watchtower, announcing
danger when it saw it approach-
ing. It would keep under continu-
ous scrutiny, and periodically re-
port on, the state of American ed-
ucation. Does it meet the needs of
our times? Is it competitive with
education in countries of similar
levels of culture and technology?
We need a disinterested agency
to tell us the unvarnished trutn
about the true state of American
Specific Needs
Second, the committee would
formulate a national scholastic
standard on the basis of its find-
ings: A standard which would
make us internationally competi-
tive and would also respond to our
specific domestic needs. The com-
mittee would do this by means of
examinations set at different abil-
ity levels. No one would have to
take them, but those who passed
them would receive national ac-
The committee would in no way
interfere with established institu-
tions now granting degrees or
diplomas. It would simply set
up a higher standard, offer it to
anyone who wished to meet it,
and certify those who had success-
fully done so.
Such a committee would help
prevent complacency and illusions
of superiority and thus save us
from the kind of painful shocks
that Sputnik and other evidence
of Russian scientific proficiency
have given us in the past few
Voluntary Examinations
Cannon expressed hope that my
remarks would stimulate a na-
tional debate on the question of
permissive national standards es-
tablished by way of voluntary na-
tional examinations. Those inter-
ested in this matter may obtain
a copy of the hearings, "Education
for All Children: What We Can
Learn from England."
There is precedent for the set-
ting of permissive national stan-
dards. We have something very
like it in the 1961 amendment to
the 1956 Water Pollution Act.
This amendment authorizes the
federal government - if so re-
quested by a state-to research
and develop new methods of pol-
lution control and to award
grants-in-aid to localities and
states wishing to use these fed-
erally established methods.
Proposed Committee
In principle, you have here a
national standard very much like
the scholastic standards of the
proposed committee, in that it is
not imposed but merely offered
as a service, on a take-it-or-leave-
it basis.
In both cases we face a problem
that cannot be solved by local
and state authorities alone, but
requires some assistance from the
federal government. I believe im-
provement of the quality of Amer-
ican education is at least as press-
ing as the need for an assured
supply of clean water.
Let me make it crystal clear that
nothing in my proposal would
violate the constitutional separa-
tion of power between federal and
state governments, nor go counter
to our tradition of control of
schools by the local community.
Rendering Service

I envisage the rendering of a
service, not regulation in any way,
shape or manner.
The proposed committee would
not usurp the functions of any
existing institution. Its job would
be to draw up national examina-
tions going deeply into a candi-
date's true knowledge and intel-

.. . U.S. education
lectual caliber-not IBM-graded
multiple choice tests. The tests
might well be modeled on the
English national examinations,
which come at three levels and
which offer many subject tests.
Students choose the number of
subjects and the level at which
they wish to be examined.
The committee might provide
one set of examinations at the
level appropriate for a high school
graduate who aspires to enter a
first-rate college, and another set
at the level of students who may
wish to prepare for a semi-pro-
fessional or technician's job not
requiring a bachelor degree but
still requiring a good high school
Another Set
There could be still another set
for candidates of various types of
colleges, especially those bound
for the teaching profession.
I stress again that no one would
need to take these examinations,
but those who did pass them suc-
cessfully would obtain national
certification, perhaps the nota-
tion "N.S." - National Scholar -
stamped on their regular diplo-
mas or degrees.
There are many occasions when
admissions officers of higher edu-
cational institutions, or prospec-
tive employers, have a valid rea-
son for wanting to know what an
applicant's scholastic qualifica-
tions actually are. Think how
much time and money would be
saved if the diploma were clearly
to indicate this!
Share Pride
I do not share the pride our
educationists take in the fact that
we are the only leading nation
with a school system that does
not challenge its children to meet
a national scholastic standard in
order to receive academic awards.
I do not agree with them that
children must not be "judged,"
that each child has a right to
"equal education a n d equal
I do not believe that, as one
superintendent of schools put it,
"straight thinking and democrat-
ically minded school administra-
tors will hand out the same di-
ploma, regardless of the varia-
tion of high school courses and
the range of scholastic achieve-
ment that are presented by the
graduates as evidence of accom-
Nor do I share educationist
concern that children who do not
measure up to a standard will
suffer pain and lose face.
Early Age
All of life is a series of tests.
Young people will be better able
to take these tests in their stride
if at an early age they begin to
learn that everything worthwhile
requires great effort but that the
satisfaction derived from attain-
ing a standard makes effort
Given the wide differences of
aptitude with which we are born
and which we do not know how
to alter, is it not good for young
children to discover that some
goals are beyond their capacities,
that they cannot win all the
Is it not better to know one's
limitations, as well1as one's capa-
cities: Not to live in delusions
which life sooner or later will
rudely shatter?

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
4:15 p.m.-School of Music Concert-
In cooperation with Zonta Internation-
al Salute to Woman's Week: Sheila
Bates, pianist: Aud. A, Angeli Hall.
Events Monday
8:30 a.m.-Arson Control Seminar -
Registration: Rackham Bldg.
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon-Bureau of
Industrial Relations Seminar for Uni-
versity Managers-Fred C. Munson, As-
sistant Prof. of Industrial Relations,
"Handling Employe Disciplinary Prob-
lems in the Univ. Setting": Rm. 3529,
Student Activities Bldg.
12 noon-Social Work-Social Science
Colloquium-J. W. Atkinson, Prof. of
Psychology, "Social Implications of
Achievement-Motivation": Student-Fac-
ulty Lounge, Fourth Floor, Frieze Bldg.
12:00 noon-Salute to Women Who
Work Week Industry Day Luncheon-
Miss Deborah Bacon, Assistant Prof. of
English, "If You Can't Lick It, Join It".
Mich. League Ballroom.
1:30 p.m.-Dept. of Anatomy Special
Lecture-Dr. Mildred Trotter, washing-
ton Univ., St. Louis, "The Skeletal
Contribution to Body Composition":
Rm. 2501, E. Medical Bldg.
4:00 p.m.-Don W. Gudakunst Memor-
ial Lecture-Dr. Robert Wilson, Assist-
ant Medical director, Connaught Medi-
cal Research Laboratories, "Poliomyeli-
tis Vaccines-Progress and Problems: A
Canadian Perspective": School of Pub-
lic Health Aud.
8:00 p.m.-Phi Sigma S.ociety Lecture
-Prof. Warren H. Wagner, Jr., Dept. of
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Group, Supper, 6 p.m., Pastor Scheips:
Predestination & Human Responsibility,
6:45 p.m., March 17, 1511 Washtenaw
* * *
Gilbert & Sullivan Society, Rehearsal
for "Gondoliers," March 17, 7 p.m.,
* * *
Lutheran Student Chapel, "The 7 Last
Words of Christ on the Cross" by He-
rich Schuetz--given by Chapel Choir,
soloists & string ensemble, March 17,
7:30 p.m., Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
* 4' *
Phi Sigma Society, Illustrated Lec-
ture, March 18, 8 p.m., Rackham Bldg.,
W. Conf. Rm. Speaker: Prof. W. H.
Wagner, Jr., Dept. of Botany: "Mod-
ern Research on Evolution as Illustrat-
ed by Ferns."
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia-coffee,
conversation, music, March 18, 3-5
p.m., 3050 FB.
Unitarian Student Group, Meeting,
March 17, 7:30 p.m., 1st Unitarian
Church, Speaker: Maurice Jay, teaching
fellow, English Dept.: "Why 'Everyone'
should Read 'Finnegan's Wake'."
Wesleyan Guild, Seminar, March 17,
10:15 a.m., Pine Room; Cabinet Meet-
ing, March 17, 5:30 p.m., Pine Room;
Worship & Program on New State Con-
stitution, March 17, 7 p.m., Social Hall;
Open House, March 18, 8-11 p.m., Jean
Robe's Apt.

Botany, "Modern Research on Evolu-
tion As Illustrated by Ferns": W. Con-
ference Rm., Rackham Bldg.
8:30 p.m.-Univ. Musical Society Con-
cert-Birgit Nilsson, soprano: Hill Aud.
Degree Recital: Daniel Levine, double;
bass, will present a recital Mon., March
18, 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud., in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree Bachelor of Music. Mr.
Levine will play the compositions of
Handel, Bach, Vanhal, Faure, and Pro-
kofiev. He will be accompanied by Bar-
bara Christoph, pianist, and assisted by
Edith Perrow, violin; Janice Hupp, vio-
la; Janice Piaseczny, cello, and John
Farrer, clarinet. His recital is open to
the general public.
Math 809 Approximation Theory: Prof.
J. L. Ullnan will speak on "Generalized
Section Theory; The Question of Real
Zeroes." Meeting is in 340 W. Engrg.,
Mon., March 18 at 2:00 p.m.
General Notices
English Honors Program: Students in-
terested in the English Honors pro-
gram are invited to a meeting on Mon.,
March 18, at 4 p.m. in 429 Haven Hall
at which the program as well as the
qualifications for admission will be
discussed. Freshmen as well as sopho-
mores are invited. Students definitely
planning to apply should see Prof. Bar-
rows (in 1223 AH) or Prof. Greenhut
(in 2634 HH) before arranging their
schedules for next fall. Students in the
Teacher's program are eligible.
June Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
All requirements for the teacher's cer-
tificate must be completed by May 1.
These requirements include the teach-
er's oath, the health statement, and
the Bureau of Appointments material.
The oath should be taken as soon as
possible in Rm. 1203 Univ. High School.
Detroit Armenian Women's Club Grad-
uate Fellowship Award: This award is
available to men and women students
of Armenian parentage whose legal
residence is in Mich., who have demon-
strated high academic achievement and
stability of character for pursuing col-
lege grad work. Applications may be
obtained at the Scholarship Office, 2011
Student Activities Bldg. and should be
returned to that office by April 8.
212 SAB--
Detroit Edison-Will interview Juniors
in LS&A who are interested in Busi-
"'ti} epMw.::.w .": ". : ,}:2':5 1S;:fi :'Y.{r MU vr ","",:M""

ness Mgmt. on Tues., March 19. Bkgd.
in Econ. & Finance helpful. Interviews
from 9 to 4:30.
Micrometrical Mfg. Co., Ann Arbor-
Positions for students having complet-
ed their freshman yr. Drafting & de-
sign, primarily for mech. engnrs., but
open to any field interested.
We have applications from the Mich,,
Ill., Wis., Conn., & New Hampshire Em-
ployment Services. These are for jobs
in Camps & Resorts in those states.
The applications are avail. at Summer
We have applications from the Ameri-
can Camping Assoc., the Assoc. of Pri-I
vate Camps and the New York Section{
of the Amer. Camping Assoc.'
We have just added 100 new resorts
to our files.
of Appts., Seniors & grad students,
please call Ext. 3544 for appts. with the
Detroit Civil Service-Men & women.
Feb., June & Aug. grads. U.S. citizen-
ship required. Seeking: Majors in flori-'
culture, forestry, landscape arch., park
mgmt., recreation & any other phase'
of liberal arts. Positions: Municipal
Forestry & Park Mgmt., Economists,
Mgmt. Trng., Office Mgmt., Personnel,
Publ. Admin., Publ. Rels., Purchasing,
Recreation, Social Work, Stat., Traf-
fic, Trans., Writfig-general, tech.
Ford Motor So., Detroit, Dearborn,
Nationwide-June & Aug. grads. Men.

U.S. citizenship required. Seeking: Lib-
eral Arts majors with special mention
of Econ., Psych., Law, Chem. Positions:
Economist, Elec. Computing, Market
Research, Personnel, Prod., Publ. Rels.,
Purchasing, Sales Promotion, Stat., De-
sign, Res. & Dev.
Marathon Oil Co., Findlay, Ohio-Men
(women-secretarial only). June & Aug.
grads. U.S. citizenship required. Seek-
ing: 1) Math students and also women
in English, Speech, Journ., or Educ. who
are interested in secretarial work. 2)
Male grads interested in sales work.
3) Math majors for Elec. Computing and
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Co., Detroit-Men & women. Feb., June
& Aug. grads. U.S. citizenship required.
Seeking: Liberal Arts majors with spe-
cial mention of English & Sociology.
Positions: Insurance, Sales Trng.
American National Red Cross, 16 Mid-
west states & women recreation work-
ers for assignment in Korea-Men &
women. June & Aug. grads. U.S. citizen-
ship required. Seeking : Liberal Arts
majors with special mention of Soc.
& Psych. Positions: Service Private
Welfare Agency, Recreation, Secretarial,
Social Work (both BA & MA).
American National Red Cross-(Sed
Ford Motor Co.-(See Tues.).
Public Health Service, Dept. of Health,
Educ. & Welfare, Chicago Region--Men
& women. June grads. U.S. citizenship
required. Seeking: Public Health can-
didates. Positions: Area Programs.

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