ARCH 16, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 1 (Continued from Page 2) chine Tool Div.; Jur. Public Rels. & Sales Promotion man; Manager, Market Res.; Ass't. Personnel Mgr.: Fairbanks Morse & Co., Detroit, Mich. -Sales Trainee. BS Engrg. Will receive Instruction leading to assig nmentas. Bales Engnr. See Engrg. Placement, 128-H W. Engrg. for further info. Conn. Civil Service-Case Supervisor (Public Assistance)-Cmpletion of grad trng. in Social Work plus 2 yrs. em- ployment in Social Work or Child Wel- fare Work. Residence waived. Apply by March 27. For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign interview schedule at 128-H West Engrg. for the following: MARCH 19 (p.m.)= Abbott Labs.-BS-MS: ChE. Res. & Dev. & Training Prog. MARCH 19 (a.m.)- Bristol Labs.-BS-MS: ChE, Gen'l. & Org. Ghem. R. & D., Des. MARCH 19- The Budd Co., Automative Div.-Det. Plant, .Detroit, Mich.-BS-MS: EE, IE, ME, Met. BS: Sci. Engrg. Max. age-26 yrs. Upper one-third of class. 18 mo. Prod. Mgmt. Trng. Prog. leading to a guaranteed Mgmt. position. Detroit Civil Service Comm., All Depts. of Det. City-BS: ChE, CE, EE,. E Math, EM, E Physics, ME, Met. & Sci. Engrg. Men & Women. Des. r t. Arrive N. Y. 8:30 Depart N. Y. 7:45 April 14 Arrive Detroit 10:00 0 Free meals served during flight Tronsportation to and from Metro included A. Ex-Cello-O Corp.-BS-MS: BE, EM, IE & ME. ES: E Physics. MS: Nuclear. Men & Women. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales & Mgmt. Trng. Prog. Gerber Products Co., Fremont, Mich.; Rochester, N.Y.-BS-MS: ChE &D E. R. & D., & Prod. ChE-for R & D of Food processes, Dehydration, Freezing, Freeze drying, etc. Continuous process-; ing of foods, instru. & proportioning. IE-for Plant Engnr. staff. Bkgd. & in- terest in stat. & Math analysis of process, machine component capabil- ity, etc. Marathon Oil Co., Tech. Service - Findlay, Ohio. Prod. Res.-Findlay. Res. -Denver, Colo.-BS-MS: ChE, EE, ME & Chemists. BS: E. Math. R. & D., Tech. Services-Procedures Res. (Computers). Michigan Consolidated Gas Co., Det. & central Mich. area-BS: ChE, CE, BE, IE, ME, Met. & Sci. Des., Sales, Engrg., 'Operations Activity (Service & Meter- ing, Street, Gas Distribution). (p.m.)-- Quaker Oats Co., Barrington. Ill.; Ohama,. Neb.; Chicago, Ill., & Overseas Operations-BS-MS: Bus. Ad., Liberal Arts, IE, ChE or Chem. w/strong bkgd. in organic Chem. & aptitude for sales. BE, ME & Home Ec. Prod. Mgmt, Trainee Prog., Sales Trainee, for Chem. Divs., Prod. Trainee, Engrg. Dev. Prog. Overseas reps. in prod. & mktg., Home Ec. writer. Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc., TAPqO-a div. of Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Cleveland, Ohio-All De- grees: EM, Mat ls.,ME & MetsMS-PhD:/ Instru. BS:. B Math & B Physics. R. & D., Des. EDUCATION DIVISION: Beginning March 18, the following representatives will be at the Bureau to interview candidates 'for the school year 1963-1964: MON., MARCH 18-- Royal Oak, Mich.-Ali Fields. THURS., MARCH 21- Lincoln Park, Mich.-Elem.F Sec, Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Girl's PE, Span., Fren., Engl., Math, Sci. Art, Music; Sp. Ed., Visit. Teach., Sp. Corr. Alpena,, Mich.-Elem., Mus. (Voc. & Inst.), Art; Jr. HS Math, Soc St., Engl., Set., Art, Voc. & Inst. Music, Type A, Nurse, Read., Cons.; HS Engl., Guid., Ind, Math, Metal Shop, Line Coach, Gen. Set., Band. Rockford, Mich.--lem.; Jr. HS Core.; HS Engl/Soc. St., Math/Sci.; Jr. HS Sp. Ed. Rockville, Md.-Art, Bus. Ed., Engl., Home Bc., Fren., Latin, Span., Math, Music, PE, Set., Geog., Govt., Hist., Sp. Theatre, Sp. Hear. Lorain, Ohio-Elem.; Jr. HS Engl., Engl/Soc. St., Math, Ind. Arts. ,HS Engl., Fren., Germ., Chem., Math, Comm., Ind. Arts, Voc. Elec., Voc. Machine Shop, Home Bc., Girl's PE. Waukegan, Ill. (High Sch. Dist.) - Master's required. Engl., Math, Math/ Set., Soc. St., French, Russ., Ind. Arts, Home Ec., Girl's PE. Marshall, Mich.-Elem. Ment. Handi.; Jr. HS 'Sci/Math, Math, Soc. St.; HS. Art, French/Engl., Gen. Sci/Chem. Fraser, Mich.-Elem. Libr., Art; Jr. HS Math/Sol., Engl/Soc. St., Boy's PE, Girl's PE, Home Ec., Shop, Art, Vocal/Inst. Mus.; HS Engl., Engl/Jour., Shop, Sp. Ther., Visit. Teach.,;Diag. FRI., MARCH .2-' Mount Clemens, Mich.--Elem. Voc.' Mus., Art; Jr. HS Voc. Mus., Arts/ Crafts, Engl/Sco. St., Math, Ment. Retd. Port Huron, Mich.-Elem. K-6, Libr., Sp. Ed.; Sec. All Fields except Soc. St. and Boy's PE; Sp. Ed. Anaheim, Calif. (HS Dist.)-Engl., Soc. St., Dr. Ed., Ind., Srts., Math, For. Lang., Sci., Bus. Ed., Home Ec., Photo., Journ., Girl's PE. Arlington Heights, Ill.-Elem.; Jr. HS Lang. Arts/Soc. St., Math, Sp. Ed., Guid. * *. * Make appointments about one week' In advance., For additional information and ap- pointments vontact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext. 3547. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign interview schedule at 128-H West Engrg. for the following: MARCH 18-19- Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.-Ail Degrees: BE, Mat'ls., EM & ME. MS-PhD: ChE. BS: E Physics & IE. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Atlantic Refining Co., Dallas, Texas Labs.-All Degrees: ChE, BE, Physics, Phys. Chem. & Geophysics. R. & D. MARCH 18- Blaw-Knox Co., Pittsburgh, Mattoon, Ill.; Erie, Pa.; Buffalo, N.Y.; E. Chi- cago, Ind.-BS-MS: ChE, CE, BE, IE, ME & Met. Des., Prod. & Sales. Conductron Corp., Ann Arbor area - All Degrees: BE, Physics & Math. MS- PhD: AE & Astro., Instru. & Commun. Set. PhD: Meteorology. BS: E Physics. Men & Women. R. & D., Des. The Duriron Co., Inc., Dayton, Ohio -BS: ChE, IE, ME & Met. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. General Dynamics Corp., Liquid Car- bonic Div., Primarily Chicago but oth- er major cities-BS-MS: ChE. All De- grees: Chem.-(Analyt., Inorg., & Org.). BS: ME. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. MARCH 18 (a.m.)- Parke, Davis- & Co., Detroit, Mich.- BS-MS: IE & ME. Des. & Methods. MARCH 18- Ralston Purina Co., Battle Creek, Cin- cinnati, Davenport, Iowa-Co.-wide - BS: ChE, BE, E I&EME. Prod. (Revco, Inc., Deerfield, Mich.BS: BE, IE & ME. R. & D., Des., Prod. Shelby Business Forms, Inc., Shelby, Ohio-BS: ME. Des. & Prod. MARCH 18-19- Westinghouse Electric Corp., Atomic Divs. in Pittsburgh, Pa. area; Defense Activities in Baltimore, Md.; Pitts- burgh, Pa.; & Lima, Ohio-MS-PhD: BE. EM, Instru., ME. Mat'ls., Nuclear & Physics. PhD: Math, Prof.: Applied Mech's. Men & Women. R. & D. & Des. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Placement Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:00 Employers desirous of hiring stu- dents for part-time or full-time tem- porary work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Rm. 2200, daily. MALE 1-Electrical Engnr. Jr. or Sr. with at least a 3.00 grade average. Must be a U.S. citizen and dble to get secur- ity clearance. Must also have trans- portation. 1%-time position on a long-term basis. FEMALE 1-1z-time permanent secretary with training or experience. Must be able to take shorthand and be famaliar with medical terminology. --Several Clerical people who can work half days are needed. Typing and/or shorthand gxperience is es- sential. PERSONAL UNIVERSITY GROUP JET FLIGHT to Europe leaving Detroit July 8, return- ing from London Aug. 5. $357 (saving $190). Call NO 3-5718. F7 WATCH FOR A & D ART AUCTION F6 DELENE, YOU'VE GOT 5 MORE DAYS! F7 TO ALL March Hares and Mad Hatters, meet me in the Union Ballroom on March 21. 1 DAY 3 DAYS 2 3 4 .70 .85 1.00 1 .95 2.40 2.85 6 DAYS 3.45 4.20 4.95 Alice For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. F62 Figure 5 average words to a line. Phone NO 2-4786 GENERAL TICKET S A L E S FOR SOUNDS FROM THE SUMMIT begin on Monday, March 18 from 8:00-5:00 at the Hill Auditorium Box Office. F16 eE e-e (cummings) is in the DANCE CONCERT, 22nd & 23rd, Lydia. F15 STOP THE WORLD at Senior Night, Thurs., March 21 in League Ballroom. Tickets on sale weekdays through March 20, 3:15-5:00 p.m. in the League Undergraduate Office. F8 NEED GIRLS to sell Michigan Technic in Arch. Any day March 25-30 10:30- 12:00 or 12-1:30. Commission basis. Contact Carol Merna, 663-1561, Ext. 473 Mon.-Fri. 4-6 P.M. F8 LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? Find it at University Reformed Church Sunday at 10:30 a.m. or 7 p.m. meet- ing at the "Y." F9 I.Q. TESTS. Accurate, home-administer- ed, professionally scored. Research data needed. University Testing In- stitute. R-39, Box 6744, Stanford, Calif. F TO JERRY I. and Walter M. Jr.-N.Y.U. will fall by two. If they start getting sore Duke will up it to four. B. C. (Squeeky) F10 RIDE WANTEP to N.Y. City weekend of March 22. Will share driving, ex- penses. Call Howard: NO 3-2628. Fi1 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING .67 carat, color-rivers perfection: flaw- less. 14K White Gold mounting: never worn. Appraised value $767. Save 30 per cent. Must be sold. Call John, NO 2-7558. F38 FEBRUARY 27 has been declared a na- tional holiday by the Board in "Con- trol" of Social Aareness, F12 TO JUDY JONES: Lord Wug is attempting to recover. Please identify yourself. Hail Wugs! Death to the Fergs! Lord Wug F13 BRIDAL RING SET-Appraised at $375. 0.69K total, save, call Bob, 662-7558. P34 LORD WUG shall speak to the people on Saturday, March 16 at 2 P.M. on the Diag. He will speak on: "The Frivolity and Decadence of Ferg Life." Wug L. (Corresponding Sec'y.) F14 RIDE NEEDED TO N.Y.-N.J. area spring vacation. Can leave anytime. Will share expenses, driving. Call Barbara, NO 3-6463, F37 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University, 663- 7151. F43 MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU MISS MOTHER'S COOKING? On Sunday morning why not try RALPH'S MARKET hot bagels, lox, onion rolls, smoked fish, pastries open at 8 Sunday mornings 709 Packard M1 Old Heidelberg Restaurant GERMAN AND AMERICAN CUISINE Try our Cold Beer and Liquor We specialize in German foods. STUDENT SPECIALS DAILY 211 N. Main HELP WANTE PERSON TO LIVE in, assist lady in care of 3 children May 19-June 17 or part. Room, Board, Stipend, car provided. Student acceptable. Call NO 5-5917. H HOTEL, COOK WANTED - June 25 Sept. 5. Mackinaw Island. Write or call: John Ross, 3821 Bishop, Detroit 24, TU 1-3470. H19- FOR SALE 1897 WASHBURN Mandolin. Excellent condition. $40. NO 5-4111, Ext. 564 (Dave). B41 4 SKY-BLUE bridesmaid's dresses with capsleeves, scoop neck, and bell skirt (chiffon fitted over taffeta), worn only once. Sizes: 8, 10, 10, & 12. Also, pillbox hats with veils to match. Price: $20 each. Call NO 3-1605 or NO 3-6319. B42 HARLEY '57 TRICYCLE. Excellent con- dition. Many extras. $300. 2-7686. B39 1960 RENAULT 4-door, runs good. $350. NO 3-7658. B31 3 BDRM. RANCH House-Furn'd. Rea- sonable. Call 668-6231. B19 WOMAN'S SKI BOOTS-Excellent con- dition. $15. Size 8. NO 5-3486. B34 DRAFTING TABLE, adjustable, new white linoleum top. Phone NO 2-8728. B40 3 BEAUTIFUL never been worn formals, size 7; matching crowns as low as $15.00. Marty, 3-1561, Ext. 1445. B37 NAVAL OFFICER'S UNIFORMS-Size 40-41, 2 khaki's, 2 pairs pants each, 1 set blues. NO 5-7674. B38 FOR SALE - Ski parka, hair dryer, skirts, slacks, sweaters, etc. Call 6442 Markley. B36 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Wallet, downstairs at Newman 'Club. If, found, phone 3-7541, Ext. 304. A18 LOST-BROWN Pocket Book in room 4203 Angel Hall. REWARD. Call 5-7711 ext. 3217. A-9 LOST IN THE UGLI-Man's ring, black star sapphire, set in white gold band with diamond chips. Reward. Call Stan, NO 2-6852. A26 MUSICAL MDSE. RADIOS, REPAIRS NEW VALVE TROMBONE-$175 or best offer. Sandy, NO 2-7686. X11 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY on' radios, phonos, tape recorders and TVs with this ad. Campus Radio & TV, 325 B. Hoover. X9 A-1 NEW AND USED INSTRUMENTS BANJOS, GUITARS AND BONGOS r Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington WANTED TO RENT WANTED-House to rent July to De- cember, couple and 2 school age boys. Call NO 3-1531, Ext. 7421, J. Blat. L7 GARAGE WANTED Vicinity of Canterbury Rd., Ann Arbor Woods, John Allen School or South- east Ann Arbor area. Phone NO 5-9429 after 5 p.m. BUSINESS SERVICES ANY MOTH HOLES. TEARS or BURNS in your clothes. We'll reweave them like new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. J2 TYPING-Experienced. Call NO 5-8470 after 12 noon. JA FOR RENT ONE MALE ROOMMATE to share 2 man apt. rest of semester. Pine panel- ing, shower, stereo, kitchen. $50/mo. Call NO 5-4559 or stop by 824 Arch. C21 SUBLET-HURON TOWERS Large Studio-April to Aug. $116 old rate, view, pool, garage. Call NO 5- 9161 day, NO 5-8319 eve. C20 ON CAMPUS -- Parking available. Call NO 2-1443. C5 ONE OR TWO GIRLS to share new apt. Jan.-June. Call NO 5-4828. C44 THIRD MAN wanted to share new apartment. Call NO 2-4866. C6 SINGLE ROOM for man-Newly decor- rated, linen, cleaning, kitchen privi- leges, near campus. NO 3-2109. C22 THIS SUMMER LIVE ON MADISON AVE. Modern, air-conditioned, apt. for 4. Parking. Call NO 5-0936. C80 MALE ROOMMATE wanted for new apt. $40 mo. 1026 Vauhn.d AA. NO 3-9238. C15 FOXCROFT APARTMENTS Now under construction and renting for fall at State and Hill. Largest, most tastefully furnished, one and two bedroom apartments on campus and featuring air-conditioning, balconies, carpeting, study areas, and individual storage on each, floor. NO 3-0696 C2i THE SUMMIT HOUSE-Act now for fall 1, 2, 3 bedrooms, fireplaces, on campus. Call NO 8-8723 from 12-12. C33 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for two near campus. $110 furnished. All utilities paid. Call NO 3-1237 after one. C6 MALE STUDENT to share 2-man off- campus apartment. Rent paid thru March. Call NO 2-5929. 'C WANTED-Female for fourth in spa- cious apartment. Call Grace Rogers, 5-8385. C3 APARTMENT, only 330 yds. from Angell Hall; for 2; small, $100 per month. Call 665-6347. Clo FURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM APART- MENT-1 mile from campus; immedi- ate possession; $170 for four-$135 for 3. 428-2664. C16 LIVE LIKE A king at the SUMMIT. New 3 bedroom apts. for fall. Fire- place, patio. Furnished. $250. Call 668- 8723 from 12-12. C FALL APPLICATIONS now being ac- cepted for Tiffany I apartments, Privacy and economy for 1 or 2 persons. NO 2-0166. C APPLY NOW for June and August oc- cupancy; 1 and 2 bedroom furnished and unfurnished modern student apts. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, NO 2-7787. C19 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Rugs, beds, and miscellaneous., NO 5-0393. Ph. P37? 1 WEDNESDAY AT S i i 1 t s 7 Alpha Omega Fellowship, Weekly Meeting, Every Sunday Morning, 10 a.m., 110 N. State St. Lecture & Dis- cussion on. "Harmony of the Gospels." Interested students are welcome.. Baha'i Student Group, Fireside:-Thief in the Night, March 16, 8 p.m.; Teach- ings of Baha'u'llah, March 17, 11 a.m.; 1400 Granger: Lutheran Student Chapel, "The 7 Last Words of Christ on the Cross" by Hein- rich Schuetz-given by Chapel Choir, soloists & strng ensemble, March 17, 7:30 p.m., Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. * * * DIAMONDS at rock bottom prices through student representative of large Detroit Jewelry Store. Call 663- 7194. B7 LARGE, HEAVY-DUTY wooden tables, suitable! for housing unit dining or private work tables. Call Don Mac- Ritchie, NO 5-9193. B21 FOR SALE-Northland Skiis with Ski- Free releases and binding. Imported men's English Shetland crewrieck- loden green. Also striped men's boat- neck, Sizes 44. Imported English ten- nis sweater-size 42. Grey Harris tweed 3-button sports jackete-40-41 long. Call 5-5:45, 6:30-6:45. 5-052 B36 TRANSPORTATION Drive Yourself . AND SAVE pickups, panels, stakes, MOVING VANS Whit's Rent-A-Truck HU 2-4434 59 Ecorse Road, Ypsilanti, Michigan USED CARS 1953 PLYMOUTH-Standard, $70. Call H.S. U. at NO 8-6577. N30 CONVERTIBLE-1955 Morris. New top, good condition throughout, $275. Call HA 6-4371 (no toll) after 6. N28 EN tLISH FORD Consul Convertible 1958. Good condition. Brand new tires. Call 5-0523. Best time to call 5-5:45, 6:30-6:45. N27 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES FOREIGN CAR SERVICE We service all makes and models of Foregin and Sports Cars. MICHIGANENSIAN ILLUSTRATING ror thesis, slides, and charts plus lettering by three exp. technical illustrators. Dial 2-7876 or 3-3244 after 6 p.m. J10 FOR THE FINEST SELECTION of party favors and unique gifts contact Bud- Mor Agency, 1103 S. University, NO 2-6362. J4 MANUSCRIPTS, TERM PAPERS typed, Multilith .Offset for reproduction, photo copy, mailings. Gretzinger's Business Service, 320 S. Huron. BT 2-0191. J8 $5 PROF. KAUFMAN IL Unitarian Student Group, Meeting, March 17, 7:30 p.m., 1st Unitarian Church. Speaker: Maurice Jay, teaching fellow, English Dept., "Why 'Everyone' 1 1429 Hill Street I. J Sould Rtead i nnegan's iWake'." FOR RENT DON'T RENT until you've seen State Street Manor, Ann Arbor's newest, most luxurious student apartments on campus. Spe- cial features include: the ultimate in furnishings, wall to wall carpeting, ample desk, chest, and closet space, air conditioning, balconies, garbage disposals, skylights, and maid service is available. One and 2 bedrooms for 2, 3, or 4. Students $175-$230. Phone now for fall and summer rental. 5-9405. C SPACIOUS ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT S Tiffany II, 731-735 Packard-Fall ap- plications now being taken for these unique accommodations. Each apt. encompasses two entire floors. LIVING LEVEL: dining room, living room kitchen SLEEPING LEVEL: spacious bedroom, study, bath. - A decorative staircase provides private access between the two levels. Call Mr. Skolnik (University Housing Developers Inc.) at NO 3-8866 for additional information. 05 HURON TOWERS BALCONIES, Studio, 1, 2, 3 bedrooms from $113 to $312. Call NO 3-0800. 01 A BEAUTIFUL, spacious 3 bedroor Whitmore Lake front ranch housi Fully equipped, smartly furnished 10 min. to Campus, Available Sept, June. 4 or 5 male grad students. Cal Tuxedo 2-9661. C1 AVOIDl THE RUSH - ILOOK NOW - Apartments for the fall. We are sur that we have something for you. Two three, or four man apartments. APARTMENTS LIMITED NO 3-0511 C THREE BEDROOM unfurnished ranch type house available for immediat occupancy. % mile west of Dexter Mich. Please contact Universit Apartments Office, 2364 Bishop St. North Campus, or call NO 2-3169. Cl FOR RENT-Efficiency and one bedroor furnished apartments. Available fc immediate assignment to marrie students and faculty members. Con tact the University Apts. Office, 236 Bishop St., North Campus or phon 662-3169. C1 JUNE OR SEPTEMBER Spacious, luxuriously furnished and carpeted apts. for 3 or 4 students be ing built 2 blocks from campus on!E Madison. Features include: private panelled studies off living room, ai conditioning, private balconies, $17 Lubrication $1.50 821 59 VESPA-Best offer. Call Ray, 2-6253. N26 1963 NEW LAMBRETTA'S and Vespa's-~ $375.00, New Yamaha's - $295.00. Electric-Starter 212 MA.P.G. DETROIT SCOOTER 7343 W. 8 Mile Rd. DI 1-3197 ATTRACTIVE, modern one and two-bedroom apartments are avail- able in beautiful, s fcious Pitts- field Village. Unfurnished except for stove and refrigerator. Call Mrs. Wagner at NO 2-6553 for details or appointment to Inspect. r. Children are welcome in pleasant New England-type munity. this com- C4 of Ann Arbor on March 19th by SAM'S STORE HAS LEVI'S GALORE! "WHITE LEVI'S" SLIM-FITS $4.49 FOR "GUYS AND DOLLS" Black, loden, "white," cactus, light blue. SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington I SPECIAL STUDENT- FACULTY DISCOUNT Now, vacationing students and faculty members can enjoy summer accommodations at Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns, at special low rates! Thanks to Sheraton's Student I.D, or Faculty Guest Cards, you'll have a better vacation this summer for less money! Sheraton Hotels get straight A's in every department: Comfort, convenience, and cuisine. And if you're traveling by car, there's Free Parkia nt n a t+e Raan n ae and..r National Theosophical Lecturer ..' I EI I I II SI'I