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March 15, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-15

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15, 1963



'15, 1963 aW ball VUIl iV flAT_.



Syria, Iraq










Detail Plans
With Nasser
Forecast Expansion
To Socialist Republic
By The Associated Press
DAMASCUS - Syrian Premier
Salah Bitar announced yesterday
plebiscites will be held shortly ir
the United Arab Republic, Syris
and Iraq on a draft agreement for
a federal union of the three coun-
The announcement followed a
statement by the new Syrian army
commander, Mai. Gen. Luway At-
assi, declaring "the movement for
. nification is actually under
Informed sources said an agree-
ment in principle had been reach-
ed for a three-member federal
Arab republic. Delegations from
the new revolutionary regimes of
Syria and Iraq were in Cairo for
talks with UAR President Gamal
Abdel Nasser.
Socialist State
=Maj. Gen. Atassi told the na-
tion in a broadcast the movement
will "expand until it becomes the
great Arab socialist state, and it
becomes one of the great powers of
this earth."
Atassi's statement and the dis-
patch of a Syrian delegation to
Cairo indicated that the new Syr-
Ian cabinet, meeting for four days
to draft future policy, has finally
reached agreement.
' Damascus radio said the mixed
military and civilian delegation
will work out details of the union
as soon as possible.
The announcement of a union
as soon as possible is regarded
here as a compromise between the
staunch Syrian pro-Nasser factions'
and the Iraq-Syrian Ba'ath party
alliance that advocates Arab unity
in more general terms.
The Syrian Nasserites are re-
ported- to be pressing for imme-
diate resurrection of the Syrian-
Egyptian merger as the UiAR,
which broke, up September, 1961.
The Ba'athists were reported to
be advocating a gradual federa-
tion of the three countries.
The union poses a sharp threat
to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. It
is bound to give a boost to pro-
union forces in Jordan, squeezed
between Syria and Iraq. Jordanian
King Hussein also has long been
the target of violent attacks by
the propaganda machine of Nas-
In addition to the projected po-
litical union of the three coun-
tries, Ba'athist leaders in Iraq and
Syria have suggested the forma-
tion of a joint five-power military
command, to include Yemen and
Nasser is reported to be reluc-
tant to rush back into union with.
Syria or to unite with Iraq with-
out careful preparation.
While the revolt leaders in
Baghdad and Damascus have been
issuing emotional statements in-
dicating unity was just around the
corner, the atmosphere in Cairo
has been notably calmer.
French Unions
Start Striking
PARIS (AP)-French railroad un-
ions yesterday called a 24-hour
nationwide strike as optimism
spread among coal miners that
they are winning their 14-day
strike for better wages and hours.

The rail unions scheduled the
strike to begin today. Trains en
route at the deadline were in-
structed to continue to the next
station and halt. The railroad
strike was called by the same un-
ion organizations which represent
the striking coal and iron miners.

Argentina Places
Forces On Alert
By The Associated Press
BUENOS AIRES-Argentina's armed forces went on full-scale
alert yesterday, and the divided government debated its course in the
face of a new Peronist bid for power.
A Vatican decision lifting excommunication against Argentinian
ex-dictator Juan D. Peron, now in exile in Madrid raised hopes of his
follewsr girding for a comeback in June elections.
Alarmed at signs of Peronist resurgence, military leaders ordered
the full-dress alert, and federal police took security measures at key
installations which were lifted"

Take Step
In Battle
CHICAGO (AP)-Union and man-
agement negotiators looked to
Washington yesterday for the next
movein the stalematedwork rules
battle between the nation's rail-
roads and about 200,000 workers.
Some action by President John
F. Kennedy or Labor Secretary
Willard Wirtz to get the sides back
to the bargaining table and avert
a possible national railroad strike
was regarded as a certainty.
The latest efforts to reach agree-
ment on the nearly four-year-old
controversy over the carriers' pro-
posal to overhaul longestanding
work rules 'collapsed Wednesday.
Five Brotherhoods
Chiefs of the five operating
brotherhoods representing engi-
neers, firemen, trainmen, brake-
men and switchmen remained in
Chicago despite the breakoff of
Their spokesman said they were
ready to resume negotiations if
the carriers' representatives will
engage in "true collective bargain-
in g .""
James E. Wolfe, chief negotiator
for the carriers, indicated he favors
third party intervention. He said
it appears further direct negotia-
tions with the unions would be
Washington Summons
Persons close to the negotiations
said it was possible President Ken-
nedy or Wirtz would summon the
parties to Washington to impress
them with the need for continuing
' President Kennedy could also
appoint an emergency board to in-
vestigate the dispute and make
recommendations for a settlement.
Appointment of such a board
would forestall a strike-if one is
called-for at least 60 days.
The carriers propose sweeping
overhaul of work, rules, termed
featherbedding by the railroads,
which they say have cost them
$600 million a year.
Some 65,000 jobs are at stake,
including those of 40,000 firemen;
which the railroads say are un-
necessary for the operation of
modern rail equipment.

Publishers Warn House
Of Constitutional Danger
WASHINGTON (MP-The general manager of the American News-
paper Publishers Association said yesterday Congress would be "skat-
ing on thin ice constitutionally" in any move to force an increase in
"the number and variety of 'voices' in the newspaper field.
Stanford Smith and other officials of the publishers' organiza-
tion went before a House anti-trust subcommittee with a mass of
testimony and a 189-page legal brief. Officials of the ANPA urged that
the inquiry be broadened to include the "power and practices" of labor
unions.Smith said current news-+

SQUEEZED OUT-.fordanian King Hussein (left), worried that
hie country, located in between Syria and Iraq, was in danger when
delegates from Syria and Iraq were sent to Cairo to discuss a fed-
eral union draft with UAR President Nasser.
Federal Judge Frees GM
From Anti-Trust Charges
LOS ANGELES (A')-A federal judge acquitted General Motors of
anti-trust charges yesterday, ending a suit which some said imperiled
a basic sales technique, the franchise system.
The government contended in a criminal action that General
Motors conspired with Cl- ,rolet dealer associations to halt sale of
new cars to discount houses.
United States Judge Thurmond Clarke said the Justice Depart-

ment "failed to prove an unfair


World News

By The Associated Press
has appealed for men and equip-
ment from six nations to help re-
train its ill-disciplined army, gov-
ernment sources said yesterday.
They said the United States was
asked to give logistic support only.
SEATTLE - Defense Secretary
Robert S. McNamara said yester-
day the fate of the Air Force Dy-
na-Soar manned space glider pro-
gram will not be decided for sev-
eral weeks.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Legislation'
continuing the draft law another
four years advanced through the
Senate Armed Services Committee
yesterday and was ticketed for
Senate action early next week.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Informed sen-
ators said yesterday construction
of a new system of missile sites
around Leningrad might indicate
that Soviet Russia has perfected a
successful anti-missile missile. The
senators, who refused to permit
use of their names, said Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
was questioned about the new con-
struction at a closed session of the
Senate Armed Services Committee.
* * *
will have to do some heavy troop-
loading tomorrow if they are to
fulfill their promise to remove sev-
eral thousand men from Cuba by
March 15, an informed source said
yesterday. He said that so far only
several hundred Russians are be-
lieved to have left the island.
BONN-West German Chancel-
lor Konrad Adenauer will quit as
leader of the Christian Democratic
party when he retires as chancel-
lor next fall, the party's executive
chairman said yesterday.
* * * -
NEW YORK-A moderate stock
market rise ended amidst a late
decline yesterday as trading con-
tinued slow. The closing Dow-
Jones averages showed 30 indus-
trials down 3.93, 20 railroads down
.08, 15 utilities up .58 and 65
stocks down .55.

estraint of .trade." The government
" said it will continue to push a
civil suit filed as a parallel to the
criminal case dismissed.
Exclusive Rights
Under the franchise system, au-
thorized dealers are granted exclu-
sive rights to sell products in their
territory. When car sales were
slow, certain dealers wholesaled
cars to discount houses, which,
sold them at prices under those of
franchised dealers.
The government contended that
to put a stop to this practice GM
and dealers associations secretly
agreed to pressure offending deal-
ers into stopping the practice.
Free Enterprise
Judge Clarke said he agreed with
the Justice Department that con-
sumers must be protected, but said
the rights of industry under the
free enterprise system must be
protected also.
"The present franchise system
between General Motors and their
dealers is hereby upheld," the
judge announced.
A spokesman at GM headquar-
ters in Detroit said the company
is making no comment on the
judge's action.
The case began Oct. 12, 1961,
when a federal grand jury indict-
ed General Motors, three south-
ern California car dealer associa-
tions and various individuals.
Surprise Move
Sends Dog Bill
To House Floor
LANSING--The House State Af-
fairs Committee introduced into
the House yesterday a proposal to
legalize dog racing in Michigan.
The surprise move was made
after the committee reluctantly
reported out a bill providing that
an increase in the state's take
from horse race betting be used
to underwrite stadium bonds.
"As long as they want racing,
we'll give it to them," committee
chairman Lloyd Gibbs (R-Port-
land) said, following a successful
fight by Gov. George Romney and
Republican leaders to pry the fi-
nancing bill from the committee.
The proposal would set up a
schedule of meetings under a state
commission similar to the one that
oversees horse racing. It was indi-
cated that the bill would be turned
over to the House Ways and Means
Committee before it could be
brought to a vote.

later in the day yesterday. Extra
guards made no immediate move
to leave various communications
Mounting Anxiety
The military, professed oppon-
ents of any Peronist revival, had
shown mounting anxiety following
an electoral court ruling that cer-
tified a Peronist front party, Un-
ion Popular, for the nationwide
elections June 23.
The navy vowed that "the era
of dictatorship can never return."
Naval forces were reported in a
state of "battle readiness."
Civilian members of Argentinian
President Jose Maria Guido's gov-
ernment are in favor of Peronist
participation in the election cam-
paign. The cabinet was summon-
ed into full session Friday to con-
sider the situation.
Deposed Frondizi
Guido came to power a year
ago when the military deposed
Argentinian President A r t u r o
Frondizi following sharp Peronist
electoral gains.
Held for, many months on a
navy island, Frondizi was moved
earlier this month to Southern
The army's commander in chief,
Gen. Juan Carlos Ongania, may
play a major part in future devel-
opments. Ongania, who led a re-
bellion last September that laid
the basis for the scheduledelec-
tions, has just completed a three-
week tour of military bases in the
United States.
S'Informants said that Ongania
might determine the course of
events, ifdhe should relax his pre-
viously avowed opposition to Per-
onist participation in elections.
Ongania controls a powerful
garrison outside Buenos Aires, gen-
erally considered the key factor
in any military dispute because of
its tanks and 12,000 men.
Peron has been quoted as saying
Argentine industrialists are press-
ing him to return to Argentina be-
cause the present regime is push-
ing the country toward economic

British Bond
On Kenya Issue
MOGADISHU (M)--The Somali
National Assembly yesterday ap-
proved a government 'decision to
break diplomatic relations with
Britain in a territorial dispute in-
volving Kenya's northern frontier
Somalia wants the northern dis-
trict of Kenya, inhabited mainly by
Somalis.' Britain last week an-
nounced general elections through-
out Kenya in May as a step to-
ward independence.t
Demonstrators rioted last week
outside the British embassy here
and the British consulate in Har-
geisa. Although officials in Lon-
don said they understood Britons
were safe, several have been flown
out by chartered plane to Aden.
Ethiopia also has claims on the
northern frontier district and
troops of both Ethiopia and Kenya
have been reported moving close
to the Somalia border.



paper strikes in New York and
Cleveland make such a study nec-
Proper Scope
The association's presentation
touched off a dispute with sub-
committee members about the
proper scope of the House inquiry
into concentration of ownership
in the newspaper field.
Chairman Emmanuel Celler (D-
NY) said the ANPA arguments in-
dicated the organization objects
to the whole inquiry.
Smith said the publishers' asso-
ciation "raises no question as to
the authority of this subcommittee
to inquire into general newspaper
business practices."
Legal Brief
The ANPA's legal brief was pre-
pared by Arthur B. Hanson, the
ANPA general counsel, and spe-
cial counsel Prof. S. Chesterfield
Oppenheim of the Law School.
They contended that "one basic
barrier to any drastic application
of anti-trust policy to newspapers
is the First Amendment's consti-
tutional safeguard. In sum, this
guarantee of freedom of the press
precludes governmental interfer-
ence with the functions of the
press which go beyond the - mere
business practices topwhich the
anti-trust laws may properly be
Prof. Oppenheim said "there is
no question' about the jurisdiction
of this subcommittee to investi-
gate the practices of the newspa-
per business as of any business."
He said any special legislation
designed to halt newspaper mer-
gers "could raise a constitutional

printers' strike.


Unions To Vote
On Ratification
O af cOf Settlement
NEW YORK (AJ)-More barriers
fell yesterday and increased hopes
for an end to New York's 97-day
newspaper blackout by early next
Stereotypers and Guild members
on eight closed dailies scheduled
ratification votes on publishers'
settlement terms.
The AFL-CIO New York News-
paper Guild, which bargains in-
dividually with the papers, is hav-
ing its membership vote on sun-
day and Monday, which could pro-
long the costly blackout until Tues-
The Guild is not on strike but
was drawn into negotiations after
striking Local 6, AFL-CIO Inter-
national Typographical Union,
reached tentative settlement last
week with publishers of the eight
ITU leaders and publishers ten-
tively agreed on a $12.50 a week
contract package spread over two
years. The proposal will be voted
on by Local 6 on Sunday, and
union officials have predicted ac-
The ITU settlement plan also
provided for a common expiration
date for newspaper contracts with
10 different labor unions. The date
is to coincide with the end of the
printers' strike.



(Athr of "I Was a Te!!t-cagewarr,"Te ay
Lovs*f*Dbi Gili* . c.




TONIGHT, MARCH 15, at 7:30
SPONSORED by Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority
Members of Delta Gamma Sorority as Guests

Sermon-jone Cornick

Cantor-Ellen Grossman

ONEG SHAB BAT, with singing and dancing
after the Service

Today let us examine that much maligned, widely misuoder-.
stood, grossly overworked, wholly dedicated campus figure-
the dean.
The dean (from the Latin Deanere-to expel) is not, as many
think, primarily a disciplinary officer. He is a counselor and
glide, a haven and refuge for the troubled student. The dean
(from the Greek Deanos-to skewer) is characterized chiefly by
sympathy, wisdom, patience, forbearance, and a fondness for
homely pleasures like community singing, farina, spelldowns,
and Marlboro Cigarettes. The dean (from the German Deange-
macht-to poop a party) is fond of Marlboros for the same
reason that all men of good will are fond of Marlboros-because
Marlboro is an honest cigarette. Those good Marlboro tobaccos
are honestly good, honestly aged to the peak of perfection,'hon-
estly blended for the best of all possible flavors. Marlboro
honestly comes in two different containers-a soft pack which
is honestly soft and a Flip-Top box which honestly flips. You
too will flip when next you try an honest Marlboro, which, one
honestly hopes, will be soon.

Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel

1429 Hill Street



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Last Times Tonight at 7:00 and 9:20

But I digress. We were learning how a dean helps poor,
troubled undergraduates. To illustrate, let us take a typical
case from the files of Dean 3'i......of the University of Y.
(Oh, why be so mysterious? The dean's name is Sigafoos and
the University is Yutah.)
Wise, kindly Dean Sigafoos was visited one day by a fresh-
man named Walter Aguincourt who came to ask permission to
marry one Emma Blenheim, his dormitory laundress. To the
dean the marriage seemed ill-advised, for Walter was only 18
years old and Emma was 91. Walter agreed with the dean, but
said he felt obligated to go through with it because Emma had
invested her life savings in a transparent rainhood to protect
her from the mist at Niagara Falls, where they planned to spend
their honeymoon. If Walter called off the wedding, what use
would the poor woman possibly have for a rainhood in Yutah?
The wise, kindly dean pondered briefly and came up with a
brilliant answer: let Walter punch holes in the back of Emma's
steam iron. With steam billowing back at the old lady, she
would find a rainhood very useful-possibly even essential.
Whimpering with gratitude, Walter kissed the dean's Phi
Beta Kappa key and hastened away to follow his advice-and
the results, I am pleased to report, were madly successful i
Today Emma is a happy woman-singing lustily, wearing
her rainhood, eating soft-center chocolates, and ironing clothes
-twice as happy, to be candid, than if she had married Walter
... And what of Walter? He is happy too. Freed from his un-
wanted liaison with Fmma, he married a girl much nearer his
own age-Agnes Yucca, 72. Walter is now-the proud father-

2nd Annual IFC-Vulcans

AuMu! meAlN mi 'IL ~


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