MY 1, 1962 TAF MICUTt. A N lFbA Ti.V S1 16 u L' 111 1 4 E A 1I REA of PAGE SEVEN . 77'/" lT JUiU1ULE UfEKA1UI: Television Center Provides Variety of Services By BURTON MICHAELS In 'a reconverted mortuary on Maynard Street the University Television Center operates the "most unique and extensive" col- lege educational television service in the nation. Begun in 1950, when it present- ed the first university-produced television series devoted to a sin- gle subject, the Television Center "shares with the state, the na- tion and the world the resources of the University-particularly the contributions of the faculty," Prof. Garnet Garrison of the speech de- partmenti and director of broad- casting, said recently. As a public service, the Televi- sion Center distributes its video tape and kinescope programs to 12 state television stations free and to 43 outstate stations at a nom- inal charge covering shipping and previewing costs. The University supports the operation with an annual budget of $200,000. 'Direct Distribution' The Center's "direct distibu- tion" programs number over 4,000 broadcasts a year and reach an estimated weekly audience of ap- proximately 1.25 million viewers. About 700 different faculty mem- bers have appeared on these pro- grams.' Because all 12 standard frequen- cy channels in the Ann Arbor area are being used, and few television sets are presently equipped to re- ceive ultra high frequency sta- tions, the Center does not have a station. But by act of Congress all sets made after 1964 must be equipped for ultra high frequency, and the possibility of establishing a station at that time is being dis- cussed. Television columnist John Cros- by, in a series of articles about the Television Center, cited as one of its greatest advantages the fact Shyness Gotch ya Fella? a i tie lee ry of coming that, since it "doesn't have spon- sors or ad agencies or Nielsen rat- ings to worry about, it can pre- sent the truth unvarnished." That truth comes in what Crosby called "the sheer importance of its sub- ject matter. When the viewer has finished with its programs, he is left with a very real sense of achievement, far more lasting and rewarding than any amount of .entertainment." Interesting Education To utilize its advantages, the Center "attempts to educate in an interesting manner. We use a variety of approaches-whatever is most effective to express the con- tent, whether it involves tech- niques or straight discussion. The high level of our subject matter is sometimes above the audience. We try to make such subjects as com- prehensible as possible without oversimplifying," Prof. Garrison said. The faculty members who pre- sent these subjects do so voluntar- ily, for "nominal" pay. In consid- ering promotions, "some depart- ment chairmen take television ap- pearances into consideration as an unofficial item," Prof. Garrison said. But the programs are not limit- ed to faculty members. Eleanor Roosevelt, Robert Frost, Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek, Linus Pauling, Miss Judith Anderson and Senator Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) are just a few of the international celebri- ties who have appeared on Univer- sity celluloid. Wide Range The range of programs is as great as their "stars." The "Un- derstanding Our World" series has treated such topics as the "un- palatable" behavior of American Korean War prisoners, social work, marriage in Russia, hypno- tism, the Peace Corps and labor songs. The Center also produces spe- cial series, such as the current 20- week "depth" study of law. It has examined Italy; psychology, storytelling, linguistics and Ameri- can folklore. "The Real Story of Billy the Kid," part of its "West- ern Way" sequence, was one of a few shows shown at a confer- ence in Salzburg on American tele- vision and has since been request- ed for rebroadcasting. In addition to programs for reg- ular distribution, the Center un- dertakes special contracts. It film- ed a series on Japan for the Na- tional Educational Television net- work. For The Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruc- tion, which transmits to schools in six states from an airplane flying from Purdue, it did a 64- part series on American literature for eleventh graders. The United States Intelligence Agency, a civil defense unit, the state of Nigeria, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. and the Ford Foundation have, awarded it contracts. Petitioning Government The Center is involved in the University petitioning of the Health, Education and Welfare Department for a $49,000 grant to program information about water pollution. It receives 400 requestsE annually for its audio-visual aidsF services. It recently produced a1 motion picture, "The Idea of Michigan," explaining 'Universityr functions, and hopes to begin filming an annual Universityi newsreel to show to alumni. f But perhaps the Center service of most immediate interest to stu- dents is closed circuit television. The Center is not in charge of instructional television, but mere- ly manages the technical equip- ment for academic instructors. I J The Medical School pioneered in closed circuit television at the University. Today it boasts an "elaborate" color studio with equipment worth $250,000. Televis- ed operations allow greater mag- nification than previous methods, while video tape "allows us to film a classic surgery in the way we do it here" for later showing, Prof. Garrison said. Plans are be- ing made for developing equip- ment attachable to microscopes. Successful Operations Television has been used most successfully with operations in gynecology and oral surgery. Re- cently interviews between psychia- trists and patients have been tele- vised, with the patient's permis- sion, to students who can trans- mit questions for the patient to the psychiatrist. The nursing and pharmacy schools now are also introducing television. "One of the most significant oc- curences in the legal profession in the last 100 years," John C. Satterfield, president of the Amer- ican Bar Association, called the Law School's closed circuit tele- vising of trials in the Washtenaw County Circuit Court. With the installation of a cam- era in the court room, the Law School became "the only institu- tion il the nation which permits students to view courtroom pro- cedure via television," Prof. Garri- son said. Since broadcasting trials is prohibited, television rooms in the law quadrangle have been de- clared adjunct courtrooms. From these rooms law students and in- structors can manipulate the cam- Wyllie Named As Director For PR Unit Director of Information Services Cleland B. Wyllie has been named director of the Great Lakes Dis- trict for the American College' Public Relations Association. Elected at the annual meeting held recently in Valparaiso, Wyllie will not take office until August, 1964. The Great Lakes District in- cludes the states of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. He now serves this district as membership chairman. Wyllie was promoted to his present post last July. Prior to that he had served as managing editor of Information and News Service for 16 years. era in the courtroom by a iemote control unit. 'Improved Presence' The effect of this installation i evident in the "improved (oUri- room presence" of studens in practice court, Prof. Edmond F. Devine of the Law School said. The speech department utiiiie educational television with both its cameras in the Friee Bldg. and its workshop at the Television Center, which is turned over to speech students on Friday after- noons. The zoology department uses its two cameras to televise experi- ments by senior professors to stu- dents in 10 classrooms, and to ex- hibit uniform specimens for tests The English Language Institu e focuses its cameras on lip action and articulation, to teach both foreign students and teachers of foreign students. The education school has tele- vised interviews with secondary school guidance counselors, in or-, der to improve guidance teci- niques. Exemplary of lie popular nic- has won the Variety "Showman- shp r, Urd or educational tele- x anon,. a 1 t he Billboard award 101 public sen ice promotion, To its cemt di r sev cial Ohio State Itit ute fr Eduncation by Padio and Tilvisin awaords. the Gavel Aw a of the American Bar Asso- eiaiion. and twon citations from the Freedonis Foundation. i i MA LYeN MARK'S th . Jiirlt iis of our BEAUTY SALON into a ladies store to buy your Valentine a gift Cols wo Wn't bite! 548 Church St, 662-3055 or 662-4276 2222 Fuller Rd. 663-8155 or 663-9738 s® II - ..T l ' -ems I in your MemorYth is found at " 'i t 1. x~l 514 S. State NO 5-9141 .r' . a: _ y, d Y..._: a. R._._..._.l : k:'F.'"FaTC ..<- ry -4 .: William AL Drawiigs and aintms February 3-March 1, 1963 Opening reception to meet the artist Sunday, February 3-3 to 6 P.M. - 201 Nickel Arcade - NOrmandy 3-0918 Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 10-4; Sat. 10-1 IN REHEARSAL-The Silver Gavel Award was presented to the Television Center by the American Bar Association for its series "Blessings of Liberty," shown here in rehearsal. JoinA Dynan * Student ownec I Student operat I Radio ... IF YOU Q like meetinc want to leai want to kno ® want practic LI] are interest( "airwork" wilIIcall NO the details c r. rgar wr atx w th ro h isd cal exprgac nineerin .d in the experience of 3-6100 you will learn of WCBN n college broadcasting . . . -popular, classical, jazz - --loal. UP wire servi ep II 26,000 STU 3,000 SENE cl yit 10000 f GR But only 1200 MichiI (130d have been s 4 DON'T BE L BUY NOW! >Enclosed find $5.00 (check or m << (Payable to Mic 1963 'Ension. Sorry, we cannot I Your receipt will be sent when yo Name AA Addres }} ~Mailing instructions: $1.04 additional c- ganensians left oid already) IEFT T P d.e 67 DUAE oney order only) for one higonension, 420 Maynard St.) bill you at a l er date, I I U I I I U I I I I I U I I ur order comes in. { ? , . R '4 We've even arranged a "Shy an's Corner" harge if book is to be minled The finest i MUSIC- NEWS- with special gift ideas just r for you, on our main 1* ron our main