THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,19 Finley Says Federal Aid Would Dull Local Efforts SGC ELECTIONS: Appraise Student-Faculty Government (Continued from Page 1)" i(n... "What we are trying to do is By ELLEN SILVERMAN explain differences in each coun- Special To The Daily try and compare them to see why WASHINGTON-Rep. Paul Fin- they are different." ley (R-Ill) recently told a United "What is needed in these coun- State National Student Association tries is a mixture of depth and conference on the National Ser- quantification for their studies. vice Conference that the corps Experience at a center like the would have a "stultifying effect" SRC would aid in establishing on local efforts to meet the social these survey techniques." problems of the day. He charged that as the respon- sibility for social welfare is shifted Across from the local level to the federal government the "competition be- tween communities will be dilut- Cam pus ed." A "keeping up with the Joneses" attitude works in gain- Kalavi Wiik of the Communica- ing good hospitals and community tions Science Laboratory will centers just as it does in consum- speak on "Groupings of Pronun- er buying, he said. ciation Problems in Foreign Lan- "The federal government is bas- guage Learning" 8 p.m. today in ically inefficient," Finley added. PROF. JAMES N. MORGAN Rm. 3003 North University Bldg. It goes off on spending sprees ... economic research which local governments, private Civil Rights . . . organizations or individuals would Civild Rightsefec tei not do. For this reason, volun- jobs and products effect their Prof. Samuel Estep of the law teer service organizations (such lives, he explained school will speak on "The Legal as the proposed corps) should be Economic Behavior Aspects of Civil Rights" at a kept on the local level. "This type of economic behavior luncheon discussion at the Inter- There is no need for a federally- study is an ideal vehicle for a national Center noon today, supported corps, he maintained. cross-national survey, focusing on "There is now a vast army of kinds of behavior which effect the Teaching . . . American citizens working full country's economic growth.." time to meet the problems." The cross-national study will The Center for Research ontieomethepbls. use variable which are fairly easy Learning and Teaching is spon- "This is not to say that these u measure, such as what effects soring a lecture by Prof. Robert problems don't exist, but they are the extinct to which people plan Glaser of the University of Pitts- not the purvue of the federal ahead, Prof. Morgan said. burgh on "The Professor, the Stu- government, the representative dent and the Ideal Classroom," at said. 4 p.m. today in Aud. A. He said that while he did not endorse these, there were num- ses Corps Research .erous federal efforts already being Researchmade in this area. He cited the Edward N. Cole, vice-president Manpower Training Act, the hous- s of the General Motors Corp. will ing legislation, the lending au- .at ]Ne v Idea' discuss "Let's Get Down to Earth thority for farmers, the urban re- on Research" at 6:30 p.m. today newal programs, the Bureau of in the League Ballroom. Indian Affairs and the studies of could Increase threefold from the juvenile delinquency as examples 1000 member proposal now before Literature . . . of federal action taken to alleviate Congress. Prof Arthur M Eastman of the social problems. "The support in Congress hasn't English department will discuss The federal government would come as fast as I would like it,E"Tlishndert e li- even with the success of the Peace Teaching p.m. today in the Rack- Corps on the record," he admitted. ham Lecture Hall under the aus-chs "We have waited long enough, pices of the speech department. G d however, to take the fire and willp oea .Ieviews in the country and put it into HllelT s e f s M harness. The student offices of the Mich- "I think that we can cut through Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the igan Union will take names of to the minority to get the bill economics department will begin those students returning to the through Congress." However, the the Hillel Series on "The Jew in University next fall who are inter- senator stressed that the bill would Western Culture" with a discussion ested in securing an interview need national support in order to of "Cross-Cultural Communication about becoming fall orientation secure passage. He recommended Between Christian and Jew" at leaders today from 2-5 pan. Inter- sending letters to Congressmen in 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foun- views will begin next week; orien- order to begin debate on the issue. dation. tation will be from August 26-30. better help in the areas of social deprivation, Finley commented, by eliminating the 30 per cent tax ceiling on charity donations tax deduction, abandoning President John F. Kennedy's proposed tax plan which "discourages charitable donating" and encouraging stu- dents to "get into gear and not wait for Uncle Sam." Counel Raps U Delta Bid (Continued from Page 1) possible. However, he stressed that no one master plan will solve the educational problems of the state-flexibility is necessary. Huff offered a compromise mo- tion which clearly stated that the Co-ordinating Council "firmly op- poses any program of founding satellite or branch campuses over the state" and that the Council believes that any institution in Michigan's Thumb Area should be "free-standing." However, the motion pointed out that since the citizens of the tri-county area strongly support the University-Delta plan, the Council should authorize the Uni- versity "to act in the capacity of a trustee in setting up an insti- tution along the line of the plan before the Council and that this trusteeship should last for seven years at the conclusion of which the Council will again review the progress made and recommend either the continuation of the trusteeship, that a free-standing institution be created or that Delta become in fact a branch campus of the University." The Huff motion failed with only Huff and President Hatcher voting in favor of the measure. The rest of the vote tallied two abstentions and six opposing. President Hatcher said that the Co-ordinating Council's failure to support the plan to create the University of Michigan at Delta was not surprising in light of the stand taken earlier in the day by the Michigan State Council of College Presidents. Yesterday morning the group of college presidents decided that the "University-Delta plan was not in the best interests of the area." rn Students are coordinated to help preserve national feelings. The International Center pur- posely refrains from overplanning for international student activi- ties, since "we feel that there is not enough opportunity for the in- dividual student to speak and plan for himself," Miss Cady said. Cam- pus programs such as the Union- League big sister and brother pro- grams promote year-long friend- ships for some international stu- dents, but much of the interaction mut be initiated by the individual. According to Klinger, cultural interaction routes develop easily when based on local professional fraternities and professional in- terest groups such as campus roundtables in graduate education, engineering, and political science. Interaction Effort In fields of area and language studies there is often a more con- scious effort toward interaction by both American and international students, Klinger said. He observed that spontaneous in- tercultural communication among married international students is also easier, through car-pools and the ISA "International Neighbor" program. are students and not experts in certain areas." Voice candidates and Smithson emphasize the role of the student in cooperation with the faculty, and ask that administration policy making power be lessened. Voice notes its sponsorship of the student-facultygovernment motion and asserts the party will work for "the attainment of this goal as a step towards a more re- sponsible and democratic deci- sion-making process within the academic community." University Philosophy Miss Norton criticizes the Uni- versity philosophy of acting in place of our parents. She cited as examples of "paternalism" rules regulating dress, prohibition of apartments to women except sen- ions, women's hours, and chaper- one form requirements. Miss Norton contends that "pa- ternalism impinges on individual- ism and hinders education" and concludes thatr"students should have thespower to make their own regulations regarding student con- duct." Rutherford notes that "student self regulation and complete free- dom is a wonderful principle but obviously the administration does Klinger Assesses Problems of Foreig By KENNETH WINTER Two Indiana universities have volunteered to start paying pro- perty taxes on real estate they own which is not used for educa- tional purposes. Indiana and Butler Universities, both of which own large amounts of property bought for income- producing purposes, are surrender- ing the tax exemption privilege formerly accorded to all properties owned by religious, educational and charitable organizations. In- diana is in the midst -of a fiscal crisis. However, the Indiana action does not apply to the University's real estate, University Attorney Edmund A. Cummiskey said yes- terday. "It has always been the policy of the Regents not to invest en- dowment funds in income-produc- ing properties," because they feel it unfair to deprive the local gov- ernments of such taxable real estate, he explained. He added that all property the University owns is used for an educational purpose of some sort. As for the possibility of relin- quishing their tax-exemption on these lands, Cummiskey said the University could not do it simply by a Regental decision. Such properties are actually owned by the state, and a state law guarantees exemption to "all properties belonging to the state of Michigan . . and still held by the state." Sanders To Join Fellows of AIA Prof. Walter B. Sanders of the architecture college will become a fellow of the American Institute of Architects at the annual A.I.A. Convention in Miami, May 5 to 9. He will be one of 35 members ad- vanced at that time, promotions being made on the basis of dis- tinguished performance in archi- tectural design, literature, educa- tion, public service, and service to the A.I.A. Klinger also pointed out that students from some countries are less likely to make extensive con- tacts because their traditionall conception of the student involvesj only academic pursuits.1 Services The International center fur-' nishes various services for inter- national students, such as coun- seling and vacation tours to ma- jor American cities. The 450-mem- ber International Student Asso- ciation coordinates intercultural association through the Interna- tional Student, a monthly news-, letter, and various luncheon andI panel discussions acquainting in- ternational students with civil rights, political systems, and oth- er aspects of American life. American students comprise 50 per cent of ISA's membership, and discussions and "culture nights"; are held to acquaint them and oth-1 er international students with a particular culture. Since the International Center1 feels that international students7 must balance intercultural con- tacts with associations with their1 countrymen, 18 nationality clubs, 1 7 I- I dRmm Ending Thursday I illi :+, ; ..lill "EXCITING, CHALLENGING, PASSIONATE, REMARKABLE!" CINEMA ART IN ITS MOST MODERN ASPECT!" -ate CaMerOn. Daffyffew the 4 lovers of teruel ', . I 11 I I COMING FRIDAY "CARRY ON 2 "DOCTOR TEACHER" HITS IN LOVE" I GOLD BARS & BRAID /eerentL: Il