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March 13, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-13

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See Editorial Page


Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

471 i1y

Rain early t'61s morning
changing to light snow



An Editorial...
WE BELIEVE that Student Government Council members
should advocate greater responsibility for students, assure
student rights and seek to participate in University policy for.
mation in both academic and nonacademic affairs.
SGC must use its full resources to guarantee students
the opportunity to maximize their educational growth, insist-
ing on the creation of a climate where all ideas may be
* expounded and studied.
SGC should realize that a student's education is im.
paired when he is prevented from associating with other
students of differing backgrounds and beliefs and thus,
Council candidates should stand for the elimination of all
such discrimination.
rTHERE ARE only four candidates with this vision of Stu-
dent Government Council and with the necessary knowl.
edge, experience and ability to translate their ideas into effec-
tive programs. They all clearly deserve election. They are:
Edwin Sasaki
Kenneth Miller
Howard Abrams
Mary Beth Norton.
Aptheker Cites Risk
Of ro Question
"The failure of the United States to resolve the Negro question in
the 19th century almost destroyed us, and, if it fails in the 20th
century we will be destroyed," Herbert Aptheker said yesterday
speaking on "The Emancipation Proclamation Now and 100 Years
Aptheker, editor of Political Affairs magazine, spoke at the Uni-
versity on the invitation of Voice political party and the Graduate

Tax Cuts
Financial Views
Vary on Changes
WASHINGTON (P)-A majority
report of Congress' Joint Econom-
ic Committee recommended yes-
terday that any tax cut this year
be bigger than President John F.
Kennedy proposed.
So did the Republican minority
But congressional uncertainty
about whether, and how much, to
cut taxes and revise them was mir-
rored in the many-sided 108-page
Study Only
The joint committee is a study
group only. But it includes some
members of the committees actu-
ally handling, the tax legislation-
ways and means in the House and
finance in the Senate.
Kennedy recommended an in-
come tax cut program eventually
reaching a net reduction of $10.6
billion a year. The 1963 reduction
would be about $3 billion.
The joint committee Democratic
majority recommended a $6-bil-
lion cut this year as the first step
and advocated also eliminating
some excise taxes, but not those
on tobacco and alcohol. It sug-
gested the income tax cut be ar-
ranged to provide $200 this year
for each married couple with in-
come of $4000 or more.
Asks Further Study
The Republicanminority also
said the administration-proposed
first-year cut is not big enough.
It said Congress should study the
matter further, but "an annual
reduction of from $7 billion to $8
billion might be about right." It
questioned the "prudence of en-
acting tax cuts to take effect two
or three years in the future."
The minority rapped the ad-
ministration for submitting, along
with tax cut recommendations, a
$98.8-billion budget which the Re-
publicans said would exceed spend-
ing at the peak of World War I.
They called for firm and deter-
mined action to hold down spend-
ing to a ceiling of $95 billion.
Sen. William. E. Proxmire (D-
Wis) said in separate views the
benefits of a tax ut would be a
mirage unless spending werecut
-and that it could be.
Douglas Comments
The joint committee chairman,1
Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill), told
a news conference he thinks "the
minority have eccepted the princi-
ple of a tax cut but would take
away with the left hand what,
they give with the right."
Douglas said he has not cal-
culated how much the majority
recommendations would increase
next year's deficit, figured at $11.9
billion by the administration, but
agreed it would raise it by sev-
eral billion dollars.
Minority Proposal
At the Republican news confer-
ence, Rep. Thomas B. Curtis of
Missouri agreed that the minority
proposal for a bigger tax cut, even
with reductions in spending, would
result in a somewhat larger deficit
next year than the administration
plan. But he said this would be as
one-time cut, not spread over
years, and that any future reduc-
tions would be contingent on the
development of the economy andi
successful control of spending. 1
He said he thinks such a pro-
gram could bring about a balanced
budget within a few years.i

'Ba ho
Students will elect seven mem-
bers to Student Government
Council today, as well as student
members of the Union, publica-
tions and intercollegiate athletics
boards and senior class officers
and vote on a referendum on SGC
Howard Abrams, '63, Michael
Knapp, '64, Michael Marston, '65L,
Kenneth Miller, '64, Sherry Miller,
'65, Mary Beth Norton, '64, Fred-
erick Rhines, '64, Michael Royer,
'64, John Rutherford, '64, Edwin
Sasaki, Grad, Thomas Smithson,
'65, and Henry Wallace, '64, are
seeking five-full year seats and
two half-year seats.
Distributed throughout t h e
campus area, 14 polls will be open



Posts, Issues

from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They are
located at the Union, East, West,
South and Law Quadrangles,
Mary Markley Hall, the Diag, the;
Fishbowl, Frieze Bldg., Engineer-'
ing Arch, Palmer Field, East Med-
ical Bldg., Business Administra-
tion Bldg., and the UGLI.
Referendum Advisory
The referendum which asks
whether all members of Student
Government Council be elected is
advisory only. Council would not
be bound to remove the current
seven ex-officio members if the
referendum passed.
SGC election director Gail
Dunham, '65, predicted a bight
vote as SGC executive vice-presi-
dent Thomas Brown, '63BA, added
that the predicted poor weather-

rain and snow-may diminish the
The counting will take place in
the Union Ballroom, starting at
7:30 p.m. The first results are ex-
pected around 9 p.m.
Running for the three seats on
the Board in Control of Student
Publications are: Michael Kass,
'65, Fred Russel Kramer, '64, Ed-
ward Langs, '65L, Michael Lewis,
'63, Frederick Riecker, '63, Lee
Sclar, '63, and Jan Winkelman,
Riclard Bay, Bill Bullard Jr.
and Robert Timberlake are vying
for the sophomore-elected seat on
the Board of Control for Inter-
collegiate Athletics. Only male
students may vote for the two-
year term seat.

Seeking the four undergraduate
seats on the Union board of di-
rectors are Stephen Berkowitz,
'65, Matthew Cohen, '64, James
Fadim, '65, John Karls, '64, and
John Roadhouse, '64. James Cope-
land, Grad, is the only person
running for the two graduate
student seats on the board. Only
male students may vote in this
Senior Class Presidency
Five juniors are running for the
literary college senior class presi-
dency-John Bacon, Robert Flax-
man, Roger Lowenstein, Robert
Rosenberg and Michael Useem.
Robert Abramson, John Markie-
wicz, Michael Levin and Robert
Tell are seeking the class vice-
presidency. William Raymer and

Robert Zimmer are the only ones
seeking the secretary and treas-
urer posts, respectively.
In the race for business admin-
istration school officers, juniors
Kenneth Dresner and Alfred
Pelham are running for president.
Ronald Reican and Richard Zahn
are seeking the vice-president and
treasurer posts respectively.
Only second-semester juniors
or first-semester seniors in the
school may vote in the class elec-
tions. Before balloting, each voter
must affirm his membership in
the school and class. If a suffi-
cient number of ballots are in-
valid, the election may be voided
and Joint Judiciary Council will
prosecute individual offenders,
Brown said.


R ef uses






Hands Issue
To Romney

... predicts difficulties.
Says Education
Fails To Lead
Social Values
Universities are not fulfilling the,
"fundamental aim of education-
to rise above our culture," Paul
Potter, Grad, and former USNSA
vice-president for national af-
fairs, said last night at the Voice
Education in this country "has
accommodated itself to the socie-
ty's system of values," he noted.
"Universities are being thought of
materialistically, in commodity
terms,'' as the place from which
one "buys" grades, academic pres-
tige or professional status.
Rather than being concerned
with developing their intrinsic ed-
ucational values, "universities are
placing undue emphasis on aca-
demic procedures and techniques,"
he said.
Teaching Methods
As an example in the teaching
methods, he cited "the problem
that we are unable to present to
our students a whoistic picture
of any academic discipline."
In Psychology 101, the student
is told that because of his lack
of knowledge "he shouldn't apply
what he is learning to those
around him." Potter warned that
"systematically we are cutting out
the human element of education."

" Student Council. Political Affairs
is the theoretical organ of the
Communist Party in the United
Beginning with an account of
the .Proclamation's history, Ap-
theker moved into a discussion of
ideas suggested to him by the
Invalid Assumption
Despite the fact that it is usual-
ly the dissenters and the radicals
who are charged with treason,
Aptheker said he believed the
Proclamation clearly showed this
to be an invalid assumption. "Ex-
ploitative systems when challeng-
ed by social developments seek, if
there is no other way out, to
drown the future in a blood bath,"
he. said. "The source of treason is
thus from the right and reaction-
The third lesson to be learned
from the Proclamation is that it
represents a vindication and a
culmination of the rejection of
moderation, gradualism, and tok-
enism, Apetheker said. "A policy
of gradualis mis geared toward ac-
quiesence to the status quo."
Negro Contribution
He pointed out that both the
Proclamation and the Civil War
hammer home the decisive qual-
ity of the Negro people's own con-
tribution to the emancipation.
"The salvation of the republic
and the freeing of 'the slaves are
intertwined," he said. "The image
of the slave as a docile unimagina-
tive creature is completely false."
Aptheker concluded his talk
with a plea for what he called "a;
second Emancipation Proclama-
tion." He said it remains for our
generation, the American workers,
the Negroes, and the youth to
bring Lincoln's great work to frui-
tion in this century.

To Introduce
On Proposal
Legislators Study
Leppien Measure
Special To The Daily
LANSING-A joint resolution
supporting a University branch at
Delta will soon be introduced in
the House and Senate, Sen. Wil-
liam Leppien (R-Saginaw) said
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Ar-
bor) and Rep. William Boos (D-
Saginaw) circulated the resolu-
tions yesterday along withLep-
According to Leppien the new
bill will include the University's
plan, but it will be more detailed
than previous resolutions.
Four-Year Institution
The plan would establish a four-
year degree-granting institution at
Delta, known the The University of
Michigan at Delta.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the
Ways and Means Committee Rep.
Arnell Engstrom (R - Traverse
City) explained that although Gov.
George Romney's recommendation
of $750,000 for research grants
for state-supported universities
was omitted from the report "as it
was printed," the bill "could al-
ways be amended later."
Orlebeke Explains
Romney's education-aide Charles
Orlebeke explained that the ways
and means committee probably
wanted to get a better idea about
what the money would be used
for. "As it is set up now the fund
is part of the governor's Economic
Development Program. The precise
use is not designated, because we
wanted to give maximum flexibil-

Cite Charges
Two charges of election pro-
cedure violation were leveled last
night in reaction to an unnamed
group producing and distributing
material advocating a no vote in
today's referendum.
The group was accused of using
the Michigan Union student of-
fices. The presence of its litera-
ture in the quadrangles brought
forth charges that 'yes' vote lit-
erature had been prohibited ac-
cess to the same facilities.
Co-chairman of the Committee
for a Democraitc Student Govern-
ment Melvin Warwick, '63, noted
that a "dummy committee to op-
pose the passage of the referen-
dum "had been established."
Union President Robert Finke,
'63, denied the charges of "mis-
allocation" of nis organization's
equipment. "No Union materials
of any sort went into the efforts
of those students working for a
'no' vote in today's referendum.
"It is an established policy of
the Union student offices that
office machines are available to
all groups apon request providing
that they have no such facilities
of their own and that they supply
their own materials," he added.
Inter-Quadrangle Council had
earlier ruled that only materials
on the candidates would be able
to be distributed in the quad-
rangles. However, early last eve-
ning IQC President Kent Bour-
land, '63, decided that the candi-
dates and issues were inseperable,
and gave interim permission for
distribution of referendum infor-
He said he made a futile at-
tempt to contact .the students who
had requested permission to dis-
tribute 'yes' vote material be-
cause of IQC's policy.
In other action, East Quad-
rangle Council endorsed a 'yes'
vote on the referendum last night,
although IQC had gone on record
against it.
Drivers Delay

killed seven Portuguese soldiers in
fighting last month in Portuguese
Guinea, a 36,000 square mile wedge
of West Africa.
The defense ministry denied,
however, reports from Conakry,
Guinea, that 2000 Portuguese sol-
diers were killed and five military
planes were lost in the action. A
communique said the reports
"were inspired by the so-called
movement for Guinean liberation."
Rebels seeking independence
have been active both in Mozam-
bique and Angola, Portugal's West
African territory.
At UN headquarters in New
York, United States Ambassador
Sidney R. Yates revived a United
States proposal to send two UN
representatives to survey political
and economic conditions in Mo-
zambique. Yates brought up the
idea while speaking to the UN
committee of 24, set up to speed
independence for dependent areas.
Premier Antonio de Oliveira Sal-
azar's Portuguese regime had
agreed to the United States sug-
gestion a year ago, but, with So-
viet bloc support, Asian and Afri-
can nations killed the plan and
demanded instead immediate in-
dependence for the two territories.
However, committee members
advanced the inspection idea again

. plan denied,

NVew York
NEW YORK (AP)-Talks between
publishers and the Newspaper
Guild about contract changes
which could enable a 95-day
printers strike to end broke off
No new talks were scheduled.
Executive Vice President of the
New York Guild Thomas J. Mur-
phy said he would report to May-
or Robert F. Wagner today. Wag-
ner had urged all newspaper un-
ions to make peace with the pub-
lishers so that eight closed dailies
can resume publication.
In return for changing its con-
tract expiration date to coincide
with the printers'-a condition
for settling the strike-the guild
sought contract adjustments sim-
ilar to the settlement agreed upon
for printers.

New Rebel Activity
May Loosen Grip
By The Associated Press
Portugal's hold on its African territories came under new pres-
sures Tuesday as rebels were reported active in Portuguese Guinea, and
trouble stirred in Mozambique.
United States diplomats called for a United Nations' look at both
Mozambique and Angola.
Portugal insists the areas are not colonies but overseas parts of
Portugal. Portugal's defense ministry confirmed in Lisbon that rebels'

Presidents Refuse
To Back Hatcher
On Institution Scheme
T h e Michigan Co-ordinating
Council for Public Higher Educa-
tion yesterday refused to support.
the University-Delta College plan
to create a branch campus at
This action followed the earlier
stand of the Michigan State
Council of College Presidents.
University President H a r l a n
Hatcher's motion asking the Co
ordinating Council to back the
proposed newndegree-granting,
four-year college in the Saginaw-
Bay City-Midland area, died for
lack of a second.
No Position
Instead of taking a position on
the method of creating a four-
year institution in the tri-county
area, the Co-ordinating Council
adopted a motion in a 7-3 vote to
hand the issue to the governorfs
new "blue-ribbon" citizen's com-
mittee on state-wide education.
President Hatcher voted against
this motion.
In the face of this action, Re-
gent Eugene B. Power of Ann Ar-
bor, chairman of the Council, de-
clared that the Council had "abro-
gated" its responsibility.
Last .night President Hatcher
expressed "disappointment" that
the Council failed to support the
joint plan. He said that he could
not understand the "accusitory
attitude" of the college and uni-
versity presidents and governing
board members.
Cite Criticism
Western Michigan University
President James Miller and Mich-
igan State University Trustee
Warren Huff cited the major crit-
icism of the University-Delta pro-
posal. They indicated that a fear
that the University would embark
on a program to establish branch
campuses all over the state was
the main objection.
Power assured the body that the
University "has no plans at pres-
ent nor has there been any dis-
cussion with other community
colleges in Benton Harbor, Tra-
verse City or other areas to create
additional branch campuses."
President Hatcher later added
that this speculation as to the
University's expansion plan was
"not a valid criticism."
"If the University were to be-
lieve that the branch plan is the
only solution to the state's needs
in higher education, it would have
embarked on such a plan long
ago," he added.
Effective Plan
Both President Hatcher and
Delta President Samuel Marble
commented that they beli-ved the
branch plan to be the most effec-
tive for the specific problems of

f i. _ _.

last week.

Referendum Splits Candidates

Farcical War

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a two-part series outlining
the stands of candidates for Student
Government Council on various pol-
icy issues.)
Twelve candidates running for
Student Government Council in
today's elections split evenly on
the ex-officio referendum, with six
urging a yes vote and another six
calling for defeat of the proposal
to popularly elect all Council mem-
Supporting removal of the sev-
en heads of student housing and
service organizations who current-
ly sit and vote on Council are
Thomas Smithson, '65, and five
candidates endorsed by Voice poli-
tical party, incumbents Kenneth
Miller, '64, and Howard Abrams,

and John Rutherford, '64. Sherry
Miller, '65, also asked for the con-
tinued seating o fex-officios but
said the campus should think in
terms of a more comprehensive
restructuring of Council and the
possible all campus election of
SGC president and vice-president.
'Student Opinion'

The paradox in these faults of
the universities is that the society
which causes the problems also
prohibits a framework to correct
them. "There is a vicious circle in
the University's environment where
everything is so circumscribed that
people ahe unable to identify those

The referendum is an "expres-
sion of student opinion." Passage
requires a 75 per cent vote of those
voting in the regular election, or
3000 votes, whichever is larger.
The vote is not binding on
Council. The unseating of ex-offi-
cios involves a change in the SGC
plan, requiring a two-thirds ma-
jority in Council, and approval of
the Regents.
Miller, along with Ma Warwick,


cios do not have sufficient time
to devote to Council matters.
Proven Leaders
The proposal's opponents, how-
ever, say that ex-officios are prov-
en leaders who bring knowledge
and experience to the Council ta-
ble, and that there are not enough
qualified students running for
election as regular Council mem-
bers to warrant the unseating of
All of the candidates praise
Council's passage of a motion on
student-faculty government which
seeks to place two students to
each of eight major committees
of the Faculty Senate.
However, Knapp, Marston, Ru-
therford, Rhines, Royer and Miss
Miller ask for more gradual im-

, I


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