,MARCH 12, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Iraq Official Gives Plans For nification DE GAULLE'S FOE: Adenauer Rebuffs Bidault Apj BONN ()-Put on the spot by a quirk of French politics, Chan- } cellor Konrad Adenauer yesterday rebuffed an appeal from his old friend Georges Bidault for asylum as the fugitive foe of a new friend, French President Charles de Gaulle. But Adenauer's government said it would have no objection if 4 Bavarian state authorities gave refuge to Bidault "under certain conditions." It did not spell out these conditions. A highly informed Takes Step To Heal Rift LONDON (M)-British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan em- barked yesterday on an attempt to repair the rift between Britain and France and bolster the mili- tary, economic and political strength of Western Europe. A is new move, in its formative stage as yet, was undertaken with the tacit blessing of the United States. Its major aim is to prevent the initiative for shaping the future of Western Europe from falling by default to President Charles de Gaulle of France. Diplomatic sources said Mac- millan specifically wants to keep open the prospect that Britain can join the Common Market at some later date, after dissipating French objections on this subject. Macmillan also wants European members of the North Atlantic alliance to push ahead with the multiateral nuclear force idea which he and President John F. Kennedy developed at their Nassau conference last December, inform- ants said. A broad outline of Macmillan's objectives was discussed at a For- eign Office meeting yesterday pre- sided over by Deputy Foreign Mini ister Edward Heath. More than 20 British ambassadors and senior of- ficials from key posts in Europe were called in for this conference. This is related to a second move -dispatching of Foreign Secretary Lord Home to Paris March 19 and 20 to address a regular meeting of the NATO permanent council. source said the most important one was that Bidault desist from all political activity. Switzerland eliminated itself as as possible haven. A Swiss govern- ment spokesman said both the po- litical leader of the French right- wing, anti-Gaullist Secret Army Organization and his chief aide, Jacques Soustelle, wouldn't even be allowed to cross the frontier. Friendly Country "They are leading a conspiracy against the legal government of France, a friendly neighboring country, and Switzerland cannot grant asylum to persons active in such a movement," he said. Austria remained a possibility in case Bidault is expelled. The dapper, 63-year-old French resistance leader, who formed close ties with Adenauer as for- eign minister and Premier in the years after World War II, was lo- cated by police at a Bavarian hide- out Sunday. He had dispatched a hand-written letter to the Chan- cellor asking him personally for political refuge. Unopened Letter Deputy Press Chief Werner Krueger said Adenauer, apparent- ly learning in advance of Bidault's intention, sent back the letter unopened. But the Deputy 'Press Chief pointed out that under, German law the decision on whether Bidault should be given asylum or expelled was up to local authorities of Bavaria, where Bidault remains under police surveillance and pro- tection. A French firing squad yesterday executed Lt. Col. Jean-Marie Bas- tien-Thiry, 35, confessed master- mind of a machine gun ambush last Aug. 22 in which de Gaulle narrowly escaped. ofrabs Would Link cieal Syria, Iraq With Egypt See Nasser Cautious On Any New Moves CAIRO (A')-Iraqi Foreign Min- ister Taleb Hussein Shabib arriv-I ed in Cairo yesterday and handed President Gamal Abdel Nasser pro- r> posals for immediately linking Syria, Iraq and the United Arab Republic militarily and politically.' The Iraqi revolutionary regime's blueprint for Arab unity also is intended to embrace Algeria and Yemen eventually. Speculation arose that a Nasser-style Arab summit meeting is in the making. Informed sources in Cairo said Shabib's proposals were welcomed warmly but that Nasser is deter- mined to approach any new moves :NAUER toward Arab unity with caution. idault One consideration is apparent doubts about how far each party is willing to go. Shatter Unity MAO TSE-TUNG ... USSR meeting KONRAD ADE ... refuses B SOMALIA, UK Break Of f Relations LONDON (P)-The Somali gov- ernment moved yesterday to break off diplomatic relations with Brit- ain because London refused to hand over a strip of northern Kenya claimed by Somalia. The British government express- ed regret and hope that the au- thorities in Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, will reconsider. A dispatch from Mcgadishu said Premier Abdirascid Ali Scher-I marche asked the National Assem- bly in emergency session to ap- prove the break. A debate was opened immediately. The tenor of speeches indicated the assembly will approve. The British attitude is that the area's future may be discussed' later when Kenya becomes in- dependent, but that other in- terested parties such as Ethiopia should also be allowed to express their views. Meanwhile, precautionary ineas- ures were being taken in Nairobi, Kenya's capital, to protect the northern frontier region. Gov. Malcolm MacDonald held urgent discussions with his defense and police chiefs. Then it was an- nounced that men of the general service unit-a semi-military force -were being dispatched to the Northern District. Kennedy Asks For Speed-U On Tax Plans WASHINGTON OP) - President John F. Kennedy prodded Con- gress yesterday, to get moving on his tax cut and other economic proposals to curb rising unemploy- ment, a condition he views as a na- tional disgrace. The President plugged for his pending programs in transmitting the first annual manpower report to Congress. It describes an econ- omy growing steadily more effi- cient and less able to provide jobs for a raidly increasing population. Underscoring the President's message and a separate Labor De- partment manpower report is the rise of unemployment from 5.8 per cent to 6.1 per cent of the work force in February. Ie Nasser's first achievement in Arab political unity, the 1958 mer- ger of Syria and Egypt, was shat- tered by an anti-Nasser coup in Syria in September, 1961. Since then, however, pro-Nasser military men have gained the upper hand again in Syari and taken over in Iraq and Yemen. Thus far there has been no dra- matic move in Cairo such as in Damascus, where an Iraqi delega- tion is publicly predicting that Syria, Iraq and the UAR will defi- nitely unite. Shabib flew to Cairo from Da- mascus, where he presented the Iraqi proposals to the Syrian lead- ers who took over that country in a bloodless coup Friday. Shabib's Visit Shabib's visit started specula- tion that he is opening a way for a summit session soon of Nasser, Syrian Premier Salah Bitar and Iraqi President Abdel Salam Aref. Informed sources in Cairo said it is possible that such a meeting would be discussed by Nasser and Shabib. The sources said it is certain that further meetings and consul- tations will be necessary to con- sider problems raised by the Iraqi proposal to set up a joint military command and political planning coordination organization. Iraqi Deputy Premier Ali Saleh El Saadi acknowledged at a news conference in Damascus that Nas- ser had not made his views known on the Iraqi proposals for a union or federation. But he emphasized that the. three nations "will definitely unite." Whether the merger will be a tight union was unclear. The Ba'ath Socialists behind last Fri- day's bloodlesscoup in Damascus lost their influence in Syria when it was joined with Egypt in the U.A.R. A military coup took Syria out of the U.A.R. in 1961. The Ba'athiats who engineered Iraq's coup Feb. 8 have worked closely with th9se in Syria and have talked more of a loose fed- eration with the U.A.R. than of union. iican proposai-stirrea tne only real controversy. Mao A rees pooe w-erdatetn Rep. Henry S. Reuss (D-Wis) e proposed a two-year draft exten- T o tsion period instead of the four years sought by the Pentagon and unanimously approved by the Armed Services Committee. He said that would give the next MOSCOW (A)-Red China's Mao Congress a chance to review the Tze-Tung has accepted Soviet inductions program. Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's - Astonish U.S. proposal for Soviet-Chinese talks Vinson argued any such move on their ideological dispute, the would astonishand confuse Unit- government newspaper Izvestia ed States allies around the world. said yesterday. "Of all times for letting the world The agreement could be an im- think we are reducing our force, portant break in the quarrel that this would be the wrong hour and has shaken the Communist world the wrong time," he said. or it could be simply a low-level The Reuss amendment was meeting. turned down on a 154-43 standing Informed sources said a Chi- vote nese-Soviet meeting could accom- Rep. Roman C. Pucinski (D-Ill) plish nothing unless Mao and sought to cut the maximum draft Khruschchev met personally. But age, arguing the present 18-to-26 there was no indication of this spread leaves millions of young in announcements here and in Pe-smea saeof unsetany ang king Nohin wa ado aemen in a state of uncertainty and fong. Not ing was said of a date makes it hard for them to find for a meeting or who will take jobs. He said the average induc- part. Ction age now is about 23. Chinese Concession Rep. Charles E. Goodell (R-NY) On the surface, the agreement proposed that the House declare also appeared to represent a Chi- it the sense of Congress that more nese concession to the Russians. men should be drafted when they The Chinese have demanded a are 181/2 to 19. showdown meeting on the ideolog- Provisions of Bill ical dispute with the participation I iti to ten of all the world Communist par- In addtion to extending the ties. draft until July 1, 196?, the bill Khrushchev, at the German w Extend for fthe Communist Party Congress in Jan- ye d for ur yearstheu13- uary, turned down the Chinese de- year-old suspensioneof statutory mand and asked for two-nation ceilings on personnel strength of tadlds. the armed services. Without that Halt Wrangling extension, the nation's military Tass News Agency said Khrush- would be forced to .lop more than chev sent a letter to the Chinese 500,000 from its rosters. Feb. 21, repeating his call for a -Continue the system of de- halt to the public wrangling and pendents' assistance allowances suggesting the two parties meet now provided for enlisted men in privately to iron out differences, the lower grades. They range from The letter was followed by a $55 to $105 a month. meeting in Peking Feb. 23 of Mao, -Retain the doctor's draft and the' Chinese Communist leader, the special pay now provided for and Soviet Ambassador Stepan V. medical men ordered to active Chervonenko, Tass reported. military duty. Wordews oud By The Associated Press negotiators drafted a new labor WASHINGTON - Secretary of contract yesterday, ending three State Dean Rusk told Congress months of agitation by Italy's the United States is warranted in 40,000 mines. running the risks of its proposals * * * for a nuclear test ban treaty. NEW YQRK-The stock market For these risks are not so great, resumed its familiar pattern of he said, as would be the risks last week yesterday, edging up- in a world without any restraint ward on very light volume. The on development of nuclear weap- closing Dow-Jones Industrial Av- ons. erages showed 30 industrials up * * * 1.59, 20 railroads down 0.38, util- WASHINGTON -- Secretary of ities up .60, and 65 selected stocks Defense Robert S. McNamara has up 0.43. told Congressmen that there may be several hundred missiles in Cuban caves, but he said he is convinced they are all relatively small defensive weapons. * a * ROME - Union and company ARE YOU FED UP TOO? THE STUDENT ZIONIST ORGANIZATION and B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION invite you to a (get-together) Continuing our weekly series of instruction in "ISRAEL'S DANCES and SONGS" Refreshments Thursday, March 14 . . . 7:30 P.M. HILLEL FOUNDATION ... 1429 Hill Street VOTE vo l F CANDIDATES for S.G.C. ELECTIONS See "MUSIC at MIDNIGHT" LONDON'S STAGE SENSATION PLAYING THIS WEEK ONLY! Shubert Theatre, Detroit I I I HENRY WALLACE HOWARD ABRAMS KENNETH MILLER MARY BETH NORTON EDWIN SASAKI for L. S. & A. President: Rn.FCR linWFKtTFI N I U I