t. e tNDERGRADUATE The Intellectual Catalyst YEARS. By DAVID MARCUS THE UNIVERSITY, so some prophets envision it, will eventually become a uptopia sans undergraduates. It will then be an institution, consisting of only the academically dedicated. Faculty members will devote themselves to a mad dash to- ward academic excellence with their stu- dents in hot pursuit, as one critic of American higher education put it. The undergraduate with his vagaries and whims, his tenuous academic dedication and his grade grubbing ways will be a museum piece on this campus, banished to the limbo of junior colleges and other lesser institutions. There is a very good case for these conclusions. On the whole, the Univer- sity's strongest area is not in the field of undergraduate studies. The University has tremendous resources for research and scholarly work; but as a rule, undergrad- uate students can make little use of them. Furthermore, the University has more and more consistently shifted emphasis from undergraduate studies to other areas, notably research and graduate work. Yet the University retains a commit- ment to undergraduate education. The ratio of graduates to undergraduates has changed only very slightly in the last ten years, indicating that the University has not started a program of "phasing out" the undergraduate programs. Much of the effort being expended in the field of re- search in higher education is devoted to improving undergraduate work. Finally, projects such as the honors program and the proposed small honors college indi- cate an institutionalization of the under- graduate, the building of a University structure with some provision for under- graduates. THERE ARE many reasons behind this commitment, some of them educa- tional and some of them extremely prac- tical. The Legislature and the citizens of Michigan would be more than a little upset if Johnny cannot go to the Uni- versity as an undergraduate. Further- more, if the University expects any gifts from its alumni in the future, it must continue working with the knowledge that a bachelor's degree seems to en- gender more loyality and looser purse strings than a doctorate. But the University need not apologize in such crass terms for continuation of its undergraduate programs. Baby boom aside, these curricula exist for a valid educational reason. For if students are ever going to get excited about the aca- demic world, this excitement is going to happen sometime in their undergraduate careers. This excitement can most likely occur in environment offering close con- tact with the academic world. Thus un- dergraduate programs at the University serve a special purpose; hopefully they stimulate the basic interest and excite- ment that will encourage people on through the grind of graduate school. Now it would be foolish to say the University is accomplishing this objec- tive fully. Undergraduate education here is a ."little like a bargain basement sale where a student can never be quite sure what he is getting for his efforts. A good deal of it is slightly soiled merchandise. THIS PROBLEM is particularly acute on the freshman level. The student with a high educational sophistication is bound to be disappointed by the steril- ity of the mass courses. Taught by teach- ing fellows of enormously varying-qual- ity, English 123 will impart skills that. a student with any background already knows. Similarly, his introductory science, social science and language courses will be lecture or teaching fellow taught. For the less sophisticated who thinks of the University as being like high school only harder, the freshman year provides him with little attachment to the intellectual community. The lack of stimulation on the fresh- man level is one of the major faults of the undergraduate program. For a few, it is solved by the honors program. The honors program, with .all its flaws, has induced many of the finest faculty mem- bers at the University to teach on the introductory and even freshman level. But this is for a chosen few. The masses must make do with a general program. The result of this neglect or at least superficial treatment of freshmen is withdrawal. Faculty members are con- stantly complaining that students are living in an atmosphere whose basic " " MARCH 10, 1 VOL. IX, NO.6 MAGAZI? Undergraduate Library : The Crucible THE POPULATION EXPLOS ION Concluded from Page Four Once asked for population-control help, then what can we do? At this point a country faces two tasks. It must first determine what kind of population policy it needs, then it must get its people to accept it. Western advice, and even active participation in gathering and compiling adequate population sta- tistics, in interpreting them and in setting policy goals, and in formulating specific action-programs would be very valuable. But when the time comes to "sell" birth- control ideas to the population at large, the campaign must be by the natives themselves. American running through the countryside, proselytizing birth con- trol, will likely arouse more hostility than enthusiasm. One more very important area in which our action is important is that of example. The United States represents, to many underdeveloped nations, a goal for which to strive. Our population growth is almost equal to that of the world as a whole, and we have no population policy. The obvious conclusion: such a policy isn't necessary. And when others see us, apparently pros- perous and stable despite such growth, any advice we give them that they should limit their birth rates sounds rather sus- picious. What are we trying to do-kill them off by depopulation, so we can have the world to ourselves? It becomes apparent, then, that even today the separation of man's problems into "theirs," as opposed to "ours," inso- far as it -implies no connection between the two, is illusory. Left unsolved, "our" problems will obstruct the solution of "theirs"; and "their" problems will even- tually become everyone's. And no prob- lem, as I hope I have demonstrated, is more basic than that of population. THE FUTURE, as they say, is in our hands. The human race is at the end of its adolescence, at the end of the period where it could take it easy and make mistakes and count on Mother Earth to rescue it. It is emerging into adulthood, where it must succeed or fail by its own merits. And the problems of adulthood, for a civilization as well as for an indi- vidual, are not small. To this end we need policymakers to whom "the future" means more than the next fiscal year; politicians whose con- cern extends beyond the next election; in fact, a whole world of people who are able to face the facts of their future and will- ing to act upon them. The roads to sur- vivaf'are few and the roads to disaster are many. Unless we begin to seek the former we shall soon end up on the latter. Population control is the essential first step on the road to a successful adult- hood, but it is only the first step. It will leave many problems unsolved and may well create some new ones. But if it can be achieved, at least then we can turn to our other problems, seeking creative solu- tions with hope and confidence. At least then we can permit ourselves to look forward, not to a perfect world. but to a better world-a world where man livesin harmony with his environ- ment ,a world where peace and liberty are possible, and a world where once again we can honestly call the birth of a new human being "a blessed event.' orientation is anti-intellectual. Students are more worried about parties, dates and grades than learning something. But the University and more specifically the faculty have done little or nothing to reach these students when they were forming their original impressions of University life. SOMETIMES this trend reverses itself in the junior or senior year when all students have the opportunity to come into contact with some of the finer teachers. Sometimes a student who is uninterested or apathetic meets a par- ticular faculty member, reads a book or takes a course that awakens an in- test and enthusiasm within him. But this process is a difficult and touchy problem with success always unpredict- able. Luckily, a sizeable portion of the ten- ure level faculty has an interest in teach- ing undergraduate courses. It is difficult to gage the exact number of those who -take a personal interest in these pro- grams or in which departments they are concentrated. Yet they have been unable to solve the real problem of systematizing in- tellectual opportunities. The new college with its small size, its residential charac- ter and its proposed intellectual orienta- tion may provide a partial solution. But acknowledging that the average student at the University is far from stupid, what can be done to stimulate his intellectual interests? Granted that this is an individual problem that can never be totally solved, the University still has the obligation to maximize opportuni- ties. . . This means setting ut a system whereby students can have access to at least some of the great minds at this institution. What has happened is that the hap- hazard expansion of the University has outstripped older arrangements. In the days of the depression and the late 1920's, the University was, by today's standards, only a medium sized institution. The growth that has occured since caused the University to retain essentially the same system without necessary modifications. Often only the worst features 'of the old system were retained. THUS WHAT started out as a plan to have small residence hall units has ended in the monstrous abortions called South Quadrangle and Mary Markley. What started out as faculty members liv- ing in the residence halls ended up as harried graduate students keeping order. What started out as a time and money saving device has ended up as more than 1000 students listening to introductory psychology lectures in Hill Aud. To the entering freshman, there must seem to be little relationship between the class- room where he is lectured and the rest of his life. Yet intellectual energy has not been snuffed out by these poor conditions. As one faculty member noted, "I hear com- plaints from my colleagues from time to time, but when I look over the really ex- cellent work being done by some stu- dents . . ." Further evidence is provided by University surveys which have found that contemporary students are doing far more reading on their own than in past periods. This could indicate that students are more bored and devote time to the things that please them as opposed to their classses. Yet if their extra time is spent in reading, it indicates some ;interest despite adverse conditions or dissatisfac- tion. Whether student interest is high or low, interest in grades is higher than ever. Some say that courses are more dif- ficult which is probably only partially true. There are of course the pressures to get into graduate or professional schools where standards are constantly rising as they are more and more be- sieged by applications. The gentleman's C is dead. The rush for high grade point averages usually is criticized severely. The biggest concern is for the creative student or for those unfortunates who have not learned how to con a professor into thinking- they know something about the course. How- ever, these students are a very small min- ority and their problems are probably without an institutional- solution. But the grade grubbing, from a slightly different viewpoint is not necessarily the worst evil that has hit the University since women students first entered the front door of the Michigan Union. It in- dicates that students are willing to expand energy. The point is to channel this energy. TH IS IS the challenge that faces the University if it is to continue-and it will-educating undergraduates. It must be met on several fronts. It must realize that the task of undergraduate education is to interest and direct. It must work to eliminate the "faceless courses" in favor of smaller groupings. Those faculty mem- bers who are interested insundergraduate education must constantly stand up for their cause. Some of the more distin- guished faculty members who limit their work to the honors program ought to see their work in a broader context. Above all, if the University is a com- munity of scholars, it must realize that future members and supporters must be recruited from within the ranks of the undergraduates. To fulfill . this goal is to give undergraduate education a context within the institution. David Marcus is a junior major- ing in English. A night editor on the Daily, he covers the area of academics for the paper. China versus Russ: Undergraduate Educ~ World University Ser The Population Expl THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE