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March 10, 1963 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-10

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Udall Views Service Corps

Faculty Analyze State's Constitution


Special To The Daily'
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
the Interior Stuart M. Udall re-
cently told a United States Na-
tional Student Association con-
ference on the National Service
Corps (domestic Peace Corps) that
the corps could efficiently func-
tion as a catalyst or stimulus to
action ins the United States.
Each generation has its "great
adventure," Udall said. This gen-
eration has more concern about
the waste of human talent than
any which has preceded it.
k Udall noted that when youth
leaves school to join the society
certain things impress them.
"Through our lives there are a
IPA To , Study
Financial Data,
Of Universitles
The Institute of Public Admin-
istration is administering a study
analyzing financial data concern-
ing the nation's colleges and uni-
When completed, the project
will present national standards
for the analysis of such data. It
is being supported by a grant
from the United States Office of
According to Prof. James H.
Maloon, director of the study,
comparing the operations of in-
stitutions of varying size and pur-
pose now presents a problem.
With the. current rush to get
into college, he continued, the
need for comparisons between in-
stitutions has increased. This
study will fulfill that need.
More than 100 representative
institutions have been asked to
participate in the study, Prof.
Maloon said.

series of contradictions," he said.
While millions of dollars are spent
on horse race gambling, juvenile
delinquency rates are very high. At
the same time that there are
numerous trained psychologists
and psychiatrists working in the
United States, the systems of
penology and criminology used
lag behind many other nations.
Spend Money
Udall added that in this coun-
try the agricultural production is
higher than most of the world's
yet the treatment of migratory
workers who harvest much of the
crops is in need of re-evaluation.
An while Americans spend money
for vacations, money spent for the
care of the mentally ill is not
equal in proportion.
"The (International) Peace
Corps represents one of the finest
achievements of the present ad-
ministration," Udall declared.
Through the corps, young people
are showing the best that the
United States has to offer.
The corps has shown that the
young people can get organized to
get things done efficiently, he said.
"We must realize that it is not
a matter of what resources a na-
tion has but its ability to or-
ganize itself into voluntary in-
More Challenging
The domestic corps, although
less exciting, is more challenging,
Udall claimed. There is a tre-
mendous task to be done in the
slums of the cities, the inadequate-
ly staffed public institutions and
with the people of the territories.
"There is much being done now,
but there is much still to be
done," the secretary said.
"We must get organized and act
as a catalyst in some of these
areas. The domestic corps could
serve this function. I think that it
will work and fill the country's
need," Udall said.
The secretary noted in answer-
ing questions that one of the
drawbacks of the corps would be

(Continued from Page 1)
policies of universities (now the
function of the superintendent),
Prof. Stein continued.
No 'Serious Conflict'
He doesn't believe, though, that
the board would assume functions
placing it "in serious conflict"
with the autonomous governing
units of colleges and universities.
In fact, it "might exercise con-
siderable financial leadership by
giving advice to the Legislature
which conflicts with or supports
the budgets provided by the in-
stitutions themselves.
"An energetic board could ac-
complish considerable coordina-
tion using this influence, provided
it gains the confidence of the Leg-
islature," Prof. Stein wrote.
Advisory Committee
The state education board would
also be required to name an ad-
visory committee for general sup-
ervision, planning and appropria-
tions requests of public commun-
ity and junior colleges.
Once again, the wording of the
provision is somewhat unclear, but
the exact nature of the board's
power over such institutions "e p-
pears to be somewhat limited,"
Prof. Stein said.
The proposed Constitution would
also "provide for improved in-

ternal management" of four in-
stitutions (Central, Eastern and
Western Michigan Universities and
Ferris Institute) by granting them
functional independence from the
Standardized Boards
Along the same lines, it would
standardize the composition of
governing boards for the Univer-
sity, Michigan State University
and Wayne State University.
Each would now have eight
members elected for eight-year
terms. Two members would be
elected every two years to estab-
lish overlapping terms.
Additionally, educational insti-
tutions would be required to give
annual accounting of income and
expenditures. This provision "has
been challenged at times in the
past, but not in recent years, by
the University and MSU."
All these changes-coordination,
governing and state board revision
and public accounting-are "gen-
erally considered to be improve-
ments," Prof. Stein wrote.
However, finance and taxing
provisions which will directly af-
fect education met with less en-
Two aspects of economic policy
are relevant.

First, "the sales tax provision
which has in the past provided a
major source of income for the
state-supported public school sys-
tem has not been changed.
"However, this tax has not been
adequate to meet the needs of the
public schools in the past and has
been supplemented out of income
derived from other sources. The
other taxes used at present to sup-
port educationt will not be af-
fected by the new Constitution."
Second, the proposed document
prohibits the use of a graduated
income tax, whether- on a rate
or a base.
"This is a somewhat more limit-
ing provision than was generally
thought to be in the present Con-
stitution," and may hamper ef-
forts to meet growing needs of
higher education, Prof. Stein ex-

Book Air Space
for Spring Vacation
at onn i rame 5-915f
(the agency anxious to help the student)





... great adventure

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its "invitational nature." The
corps, as proposed, would go to
work only in those areas where
local governmental officials have
requested aid.
Federal Level
"We will have to live with the
limitations of invitations," Udall
said, but he explained that' on
the federal level this problem
would not exist.
The invitation problem is cru-
cial, one delegate noted, since the
problems which many students are
concerned about are concentrated
in the South, an area which would
probably not invite this type of
Udall mentioned that there were
possibilities that the corps would
work with religious voluntary
groups but noted that the prob-
lem of conflict with the First
Amendment would probably not
crop up.
He also noted that part of the
corps program conceivably could
involve high school drop-outs, or
those "who have not had educa-
tional opportunities," and provide
them with a new environment in
which they could "find them-
"The News
We Do Not Get"
2:00 Today


SGutmacher Asks Growth
OfBirth Control Programs



(Author of "I Wasa TeeZ-.g Dwarf", "The Many
Loves of Dobe Gifis", etc.)

Although "hopeful signs" ap-
pear, much remains to be done in
world-wide planned parenthood
to avert disaster, Allen Gutt-
macher said Friday.
"The world population is grow-
ing at an alarming rate, widening
the gap between the have and
have-not nations," he said in his
speech to a planned parenthood
group. Whereas the birth rate in
underdeveloped countries remains
stable, the death rate is going
down. "A dislocated proportion of
age groups' is resulting with non-
working groups overly repre-
Increasing populations present
an "insurmountable drain on the
economy of underdeveloped na-
tions which cannot be improved,"
he said.
"It is useless for the United
States to dump some 90 billions"
into these nations.
Only Solution
Guttmacher sees planned par-
enthood as the only solution. "But
the Planned Parenthood Associa-
tion cannot do the job. Nations as
a whole must do it.
"And nations are committing
themselves to population control,"
he said. Sweden hopes to increase
its foreign aid to a greater per-
centage of its gross national pro-



The hounds of spring are on winter's traces. Soon buds the
crocus, soon trills the giant condor, soon come the new spring
fashions to adorn our lissome limbs.
And what will the American college student wear this spring?
Gather round, you rascals, and light a Marlboro Cigarette and
enjoy that fine mellow tobacco, that pure white filter, and
possess your souls in sweet content, and listen.
As everyone knows, campus fashions have always been casual.
This spring, however, they have gone beyond being merely
casual: they have become makeshift.
The object is to look madly improvised, gaily spur-of-the-
moment! For example, why don't you girls try wearing a
peasant skirt with a dinner jacket? Or matador pants with a
bridal veil? Or Bermuda shorts with bronze breastplates? Be
rakish! Be impromptu! Be devil-take-the-hindmost!
And, men, you be the same. Try an opera cape with sweat
pants. Or a letter-sweater with kilts. Or a strait jacket with
hip boots. Be bold!l Be daring! Be a tourist attraction!

duct than the United States.
"Sweden earmarks its aid for
birth control, giving both money
and technical personnel. It is not
ashamed or self-conscious.
"The United States is coming
around slowly," he continued.
"Our self-consciousness is being
reduced by vocalizing in the
United Nations, where for the first
time we supported 'a res,.ution for
birth control."
Catholic Church
In dealings with the Catholic
Church, planned parenthood sup-
porters have found "tremendous
areas of agreement, while the
areas of disagreement are slight
but sharp," he said.
Guttmacher praised the recent
statement of Richard Cardinal
Cushing "of Boston that "there
is no reason why Catholics should
withhold the opportunity for
birth control from others." One
of the committees of the Ecumen-
ical Council is considering popula-
tion control.
"And the Church still has no
official stand on the Searle pill,"
he said. "It is looking for a licit
technique, and this may be it.
The Church is just as concern-
ed with responsible parenthood C-3
anyone else."
Proper Method
Besides getting support for
planned parenthood, finding the
proper method poses a problem,
he said. "Western contraceptives
are unsuited to the environment
and culture of aost of the world."
One method is the pill which
c o n t r o 1 s menstrual processes.
Guttmacher believes "it would be
taken avidly." But this costs a
minimum of 43 cents a month.
Another possibility is a plastic
ring which, placed within the
cavity of the uterus, proves 80
per cent effective in preventing
impregnation. The ring costs
three cents,lasts indefinitely, and
may be inserted by "slightly train-
ed midwives."
Sterilization is being tried in
India, where legalized abortion
also is being considered f:r a
crash program. "Abortion is a safe
procedure, neither moral nor im-
moral. But on emotional bias, I
prefer modern methods," Gutt-
macher said.

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Talk about fit! This wonderful bra fits skin-smooth the way elegant
custom-made bras do. Adjusts to fit because the sides and center
front are made with nylon and uncovered Lycra@ spandex. Fit so
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'raish!BPi 7/7 ftc

But all is not innovation in college fashions this spring. In
fact, one of the highlights of the season turns time backward in
its flight. I refer, of course, to the comeback of the powdered
This charming accoutrement, too long neglected, has already
caught on with in undergrads everywhere. On hundreds of
campuses the bossa nova is giving way to the minuet, and
patriotic undergraduates are dumping British tea into the
nearest harbor. This, as you may imagine, does not sit well with
King George III who, according to reliable reports, has been
stamping his foot and uttering curses not fit to reproduce in
this family newspaper. For that matter, a lot of our own people
are steamed up too, and there has even been some talk about the
American colonies declaring their independence of England.
But I hardly think it will come to that. I mean, how can we
break with the mother country when we are dependent on her
for so many things-linsey-woolsey,Mini balls, taper snuffers,
and like that? She, on the other hand, relies on us for turkeys,
Marlboro Cigarettes, and Route 66. So I say, if Molly Pitcher
and those other Radcliffe hotheads will calm down, and if
gentlemen will cry "Peace! Peace!" we may yet find an
amicable solution to our differences. But let not our British
cousins mistake this willingness to negotiate for weakness. If
fight we must, then fight we will! Paul Revere is saddled up,
the rude bridge arches the flood, and the ROTC is armed!
But I digress. We were smoking Marlboro Cigarettes-O,
splendid cigarette! O, good golden tobaccos! O, pristine pure
white filter! 0, fresh! O, tasty! O, soft pack! O, flip top box!
O, get some!-we were, I say, smoking Marlboros and talking
about spring fashions.
7 -'. 1.......... .... , '- m.J. +.r...-anw.a .+joA

Save on dry cleaning with GREENE'S
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Budgets sometimes get pretty inelastic when the end of the
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It's a great way to stay neat and clean and still save lots
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Here's how it works! Just ask for cleaning by the pound at
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It's especially recommended for corduroys, sweaters or soft
wools of any kind. Why not try 4 pounds or more today.
You'll renllv like the results and price.


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in the ring and on the tag.


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