1'Y', MARCH 10, 1963 LV. MARCH10. 196ZTHE MICHIGAN DAILY PG r rA GE FIN DAILYOFFICIAL BULLETN t.n:":: ,v: ::. .. . . S..n;" .r:tv r!r !' r." y e ' S t. :.};."," "" . , C f . ::::..:..:.....:.....'::":0i:i:::v:veS.................r{o i". flssw.t . "". .vhtittaan .4 L" .1 }l .y MYt!. Y:t Jf i14. lJA1Mh~INlh J .! h. . ,y- . 'i1'.Y.Y~~": For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'tit 11:30 A.M. (Continued from Page 2) General Notices Sociedad Hispanica: Mon., March 11, 2050 Frieze Bldg., 3-5 p.m. Tertulia: Coffee, conversation, music. Vengan todos. Student Tea at the home of Presi- dent and Mrs. Hatcher will be held on Wed., March 13, from 4 to 6 p.m. Physical Education-Women Students: Women students taking required physi- cal education who were medically de- ferred .for the first half of this semes- ter should report to Office 15, Barbour Gym, to sign for their spring activity. Registration will be held from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., Mon.-Wed., March 11-13. Upperclass students who wish to elect phys. ed. classes may do so on Thurs. and Fri. mornings, March 28 and 29, Main Floor, Barbour Gym. E Events Monday 4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Science Colloquium --John D.. Hennings, attache for colon- lal affairs, British Embassy, "Britain and the New Africa": 429 Mason Hall. 4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Political Science Seminar-Prof. Alfred de Grazia, editor, The American Behavioral Scientist, on "Theories of Legislative Apportion- ment": 2429 Mason Hall. 5:30 p.m.-Bureau of Industrial Rela- tions Workshop-'Programmed Learn- ing and Teaching Machines": Mich. Un- ion. 8:00 p.m.-Physics Dept. Lecture-Dr. Heinrich Kaiser, Prof. of Physics, Univ. of Munster and director, Institute for Applied Spectroscopy, Dortmund, Ger- many, "Problems in Spectrochemical Analysis": Rm. 1041 Randall Lab. Math 809 Approximation Theory: Z. Nashed will speak on "A Survey of Iterative Methods for Linear Opera- tors." Meeting is in 340 West Engineer- ing, Mon., at 2:00 p.m. Dept. of Engrg. Mechanics Seminar: Russell Jones, Carnegie Institute of Technology, will speak on "Grain Size Effects in letals Subjected to Dynam- ic Loading," Mon., March 11, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 311, W. Engrg. Bldg. Coffee will II 71 ANNOUNCING EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS ON DIAMONDS! A large Jewelry store,,.ihich has served the Detroit area for 45 years, has initiated a student diamond service. Because of the store's large inventory and the absence of overhead, we are able to sell students Diamond Engagement and Wed- ding Rings at very low prices. All sales are fully guaranteed and full value will be allowed for future trade-ins. If you are interested in a ring, for now or for the future, contact our student representative at 663-7194 for an appointment. Let our experience and very low prices serve you soon. -for Appointments or Information- call 66347194 be served at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge. Placement SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB-- Camp White Pine, Ontario, Canada- Will interview men & women for staff positions. Interviews wil be from 1:30-5 on Tues., March 12. Westminster Camp, Mich.-Will in- terview men & women for staff posi- tions. Interviews from 1:30 to 5 on Wed., March 13. The camp has two four week sessions, one for boys & the other for girls. Camp Con-es-toga, Mich.-Will in- terview Thurs., March 14. Positions for mature men in water skiing and riflery, women in music & as a nurse. Yosemite National Park-The appli- cations from Yosemite Park & Curry Co. have arrived. DO NOT CALL for an appointment, come to Summer Placement. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview appointments with the following: MON., MARCH 11- Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, New York-Men & (women for research only). Seeking: Liberal Arts majors with special mention of Economics. Posi- tions: Junior Exec. Trng. (sales) Prog. -21 months. Securities Research Trng. Prog.-12 months. U.S. citizens pref. IBM World Trade Corp.-Foreign na- tionals to work in overseas subsidiaries -Seeking: Interested students from all fields, including Engrg. & Bus. Ad. Po- .sitions: Sales, Systems Engnr., Elec. Computing. TUES., MARCH 12- IBM World Trade Corp.-(See Mon.) Evanston Township High School, Evanston, 111.-Women pref. Seeking: woman with degree in Business Educ. & some exper. in office supervision. Position: be in charge of 50 secretarial- clerical staff members. Would include prelim. screening of applicants, job as- signments & leadership ' in in-service trng. progs. Make appt. with Educ. Div., Ext. 3547. Procter & Gamble Co., Overseas Mfg. Div.-Foreign nationals to work in their native countries in the overseas coun- tries of Western Europe, North Africa, Middle East, Philippines, Australia-New Zealand, South America. Seeking: Men with degrees in Chem. or Liberal Arts, Bus. Ad. Positions: Adv., Foreign Trade, Prod., Purchasing, Sales Promotion & Traffic. Also Acc't., Finance, Mktg., Prod. Mgmt. Baxter Laboratories, Inc., Morton Grove, 111.-Men. Seeking: Liberal Arts majors with special mention of Econ., Engl., Psych., Journ., Pharmacy & all phases of Chem. Positions: Adv., Econ., Labor Econ., Mgmt. Trng., Mkt. Res., Office Mgmt., Personnel, Public Rels., i Purchasing, Sales-both inside & terri- tory. Writing-general, Journ., Techni- cal, American Hospital S u p p ly Co., Throughout U.S.-Men. Seeking: Liberal Arts majors with special mention of Econ., Poli. Sc., Engl., Foreign Lang., Geog., Soc. Psych., Anthro., Journ., Speech, Edu., Hist., Chem., Physics, Geol., Math, Pharm., Bacti., Biochem., Public Health, & Arch. Positions: Mgmt. Trng., Mkt. Res., Office Mgmt., Sales- both inside & territorial, & Finance Trainees. U.S. citizenship required. Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D.C.-Men & women. (a.m.)-Seeking: Econ., Poll. S., Law, & also Public Health & Natural Resources (MS & PhD). Positions: Economist, Foreign Trade, Labor Econ., Publ. Admin., Sta- tistics. WED., MARCH 13- Bureau of the Budget-(See Tues.). Continental Casualty Co., Chicago - Men & (women-math only)-Seeking: Liberal Arts & Bus. Ad. Positions: Un- derwriting, Claim, Actuarial, Promotion, including Adv., Agency, Law Invest- ment, & Acc't. & Stat. U.S. citizenship required. Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn, N.Y.- Men & women. Seeking: Liberal Arts majors with special mention of Econ. & Eng. Positions: Mgmt. Trng., Mer- chandising, & Retailing. This is the fourth largest dept. store in U.S. U.S. citizenship required. American National Bank of Chicago-- Men (a.m. only)-Seeking: Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. Positions: Banking & Ac-, counting programs. Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y.- Men & women. Seeking: Liberal Arts majors with special mention of Econ., Analytical, Inorganic & Physical Chem., Physics, & Math (stat). Positions: De- sign, Mkt. Res., Personnel, Prod., Sales -territorial & inside, Sales Promotion, Stat., Traffic & Trans., Res. & Dev. U.S. citizen or applied for citizenship. WED. & THURS., MARCH 13-14- Argonne National Lab., Argonne, Mll. -all divisions-Operated by Univ. of Chicago. Men & women. Seeking: Math -all degrees. Physics-PhD only. Chem. -PhD except for Organic. Make appts. at Engrg. Placement, 128-H W.Engrg. THURS., MARCH 14- Housing & Home Finance Agency, Washington, D.C. & throughout U.S. - Men & women. Seeking: 1) Field Reps. with bkgd. in Public Ad., Poll. S., Bus. Ad., Social Sciencee & Liberal Arts. 2) LLB's & Econ, majors for var- ious positions. 3) Civil, Construction & Arch. Engrg. and Arch., Building Ad., Land Arch. & City Planning. 4) Finance Anaylsts-bkgd. Bus. Ad. esp. Finance, Money & Banking. 5) Auditors with bkgd. in Ac't. 6) Market Analyst Trng. Prog.-BA in Econ. ORGANIZATION NOTICES Cercle Francais, Concours de Poesie, March 12, 8:15 p.m., 3050 B. # * r Cong. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Eve- ning Relaxer, March 10, 8:30 p.m., 802 Monroe. r r Gamma Delta, Luth. Stud. Group, Supper, 6 p.m. Business Meeting & Ini- tiation, 6:45 p.m., March 10, 1511 Wash- tenaw. Gilbert & Sullivan Soc., Rehearsal for "The Gondoliers," March 10, 7 p.m., Union. Graduate Outing Club, Hike, March 10, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron St. Entrance. " * * Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia--Coffee, Conversation, Music, March 11; 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. r r 4 U. of M. Folk Dancers, International Folk Dancing, March 12, 8 p.m., 1429 Hill. Voice Political Party, Forum on the Universities with Paul Potter, March 12, 8 p.m., UGLI, Multipurpose Room. * * * Wesleyan Guild, Seminar, March 10, 11:15 a.m., Pine Room; Workshop & Program, March 10, 7 p.m., Wesley Lounge; Open House, March 11, 8-11 p.m., Jean Robe's Apt.; Retreat, March 15-17, Drake House. Young Democrats, Business Meeting, March 11, 7:45 p.m., Union, Rm. 3B. Speaker: Jack Faxon, Detroit, youngest Con-Con delegate: "What's Wrong with the New Constitution?" * * * International Students Assoc., March 10, 8 p.m., International Ctr. Speaker: Dr. Seigfried Richter, "A Talk on Aus- tria." Slides. * * * Unitarian Student Group, Weekly Meeting, Discussion on: "The Supreme Court & Religion," March 10, 7:30 p.m., 1st Unitarian Church. 1 -^' TON IGHT'S THE NIGHT! Who wins the COLD WAR? Come at 8 and see what's for H ILLEL- 1429 Hill Street PERSONAL GOOD SEATS on sale tomorrow for Development Council's DAVE BRU- BECK'S CONCERT. Sales begin 10 A.M. at Hill Aud. Box Office. F2 SALLY: Why don't you quit complaining about Roger looking like a centaur since his house signed up to pull your buckboard in the big Spring Weekend race? Jack's house hasn't even signed up. Jack isn't even half a man. KATHY F26 DELENE, YOU'VE GOT 11 MORE DAYS! F7 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University, 663- 7151. P43 BLOCK tickets for SOUNDS FROM THE SUMMIT go on sale on March 13 from 8:00-5:00 at Hill Auditorium Box Office. F23 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBARA JEAN F71 A HAMANTASH-Food or a nash-Never you mind-just see what's posh To- night at 8 when the scholars debate HILLEL F47 THE FERGS have increased their mem- bership to include Ferg XII who will head Ministry of Defense. (AP) F16 IT'S more fun than worrying about disarmament! SDT Pledge Open House Sunday, March 10. 7-10 p.m. 1405 Hill See our 20 new atomic bombs! F70 THE ONLY Good Ferg is a dead Ferg!! The Wugs F17 SEX STRIKE!!! Girls! Have you joined the social boy- cott of men whose houses haven't entered one of the Great Spring Weekend events Simply refuse to date them until they join the more than 60 other houses who have al- ready entered. They'll sign up soon enough. F25 GETTING MARRIED? Consult the doc- tors, nurses, marriage counselors of planned parenthood about birth con- trol and family spacing. Ann Arbor clinic hours: Tuesday afternoons by appointment, Tues. Thurs. 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. Call NO 2-9282 for additional information. Clinic is located at 201 East Liberty. DEAR BOB, HaRHa! I did find nine friends to go, to Sounds from the Summit on March 23. I'll be the first in line for my block order at Hill Auditorium on March 13. Figure 5 average words to a line. Phone NO 2-4786 1 ' HELP WANTED LABORATORY WORK-Preparing mic- romounts of helminths. Limited ex- perience helpful; 20 hr. minimum work week; choice of hours. Call Mr. Cornwell, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2138. H18 FOR SALE 1960 RENAULT 4-door, runs good. $350. INO 3-7658. B31 DIAMONDS at rock bottom prices through student representative of large Detroit Jewelry Store. Call 663- 7194. B7 3 BDRM. RANCH House-Furn'd. Rea- sonable. Call 665-5675 or 668-6231. B19 WOMAN'S SKI BOOTS-Excellent con- dition. $15. Size 8. NO 5-3486. B34 FOR SALE - Ski parka, hair dryer, skirts, slacks, sweaters, etc. Call 6442 Markley. B36 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Rugs, beds, and miscellaneous. Ph. NO 5-0393. B37 LARGE, HEAVY-DUTY wooden tables, suitable for housing unit dining or private work tables. Call Don Mac- Ritchie, NO 5-9193. B21 MISCELLANEOUS NEED A BITE TO EAT? Time for Sunday breakfast and the kitchen is bare? DashAto RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard We open at 8 Sunday morning. MUSICAL MDSE. RADIOS, REPAIRS FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVE1TY on radios, phonos, tape recorders and TVs with this ad. Campus Radio & TV, 325 E. Hoover. 89 GUITARS, ETC. Make; Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily WANTED TO RENT GARAGE WANTED Vicinity of Canterbury Rd., Ann Arbor Woods, John Allen School or South- eastrAnn Arbor area. Phone NO 5-9429 after 5 p.m. BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING-Experienced. Call NO 5-8470 after 12 noon. J9 NEED TYPING DONE? Fast, accurate typist. Reasonable rates. Call NO 2- 4782 for further information, J8 FOR THE FINEST SELECTION of party favors and unique gifts cnritact Bud- Mor Agency, 1103 S. University, NO 2-6$62. J4 MANUSCRIPTS, TERM PAPERS typed, Multilith Offset for reprooduction, photo copy, mailings. Gretzinger's Business Service, 320 S. Huron. HT) I2-0191. .J8 665-8184 Manuscript typing, transcription, med- ical, legal, technical conferences, mimeographing, offset. Quick, accu- rate, experienced. Professi( nal Serv- ice Associates, 334 Catherine. i11 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 .70 .85 1.00 1.95 2.40 2.85 3.45 4.20 4.95 Order Your SUBSCRIPTION Today NO 2-3241 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS FOR RENT ONE OR TWO GIRLS to share new apt. Jan.-June. Call NO 5-4828. CM THIRD MAN wanted to share new apartment. Call NO 2-4866. CG THE SUMMIT HOUSE-Act now for fal. 1, 2, 3 bedrooms, fireplaces, on campus. Call NO 8-8723 from 12-12. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for two nes: campus. $110 furnished. All utilitle: paid. Call NO 3-1237 after one. CC SUBLET-HURON TOWERS LARGE STUDIO--April to Aug. $116 of. rate, view, pool, garage. Call NO 5- 9161 day, NO 5-8319 eve. C 1 ON CAMPUS - Parking available. Cal, NO 2-1443. C: JUNE OR SEPTEMBER Spacious, luxuriously furnished and carpeted apts. for 3 or 4 students be- ing built 2 blocks from campus on E. Madison. Features include: private panelled studies off living room, air conditioning, private balconies. $175- $232 per mo. Call NO 3-7268. C8 AVOID THE RUSH -- LOOK NOW - Apartments for the fall. We are sure that we have something for you. Two. three, or four man apartments. APARTMENTS LIMITED NO 3-0511 c LIVE LIKE A king at the ST VMI. New 3 bedroom apts. for fall. Fr place, patio. Furnished. $250. Call 66 8723 from 12-12. C MALE STUDENT to share 2-man off campus apartment. Rent paid thrn March. Call NO 2-5929. C WANTED-Female for fourth in spa. cious apartment. Call Grace Rngne 5-8385. C? PARKING SPACE for rent close to Frieze Bldg. $4.00 month. Call NO 2-7274. C39 APARTMENT, only 330 yds from Ange; Hall; for 2; small, $100 per m(1tt.h. Call 665-6347. C10 FALL APPLICATIONS now, being ac- cepted for Tiffany I apartmen t Privacy and economy for 1 or persons. NO 2-0166.C ROOMMATE WANTED Male-Senior or graduate student for apt. at corner of Oakland andi Church. Call NO 2-0189 between and 7. . C19 THREE BEDROOM unfurnished ranch type house available for immediate occupancy. 3a mile west of Dexter, Mich. Please contact University Apartments Office, 2364 Bishop St.. North Campus, or call NO 2-3169. Cll BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE HAS LEVI'S GALORE! "WHITE LEVI'S" SLIM-FITS $4.49 FOR "GUYS AND DOLLS" Black, loden, "white," cactus, light blue. SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington Jed. F24 MICHIGAN UNION c CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL Lai TO NITE 8:00 P.M. Union Ballroom Admission Free FERG-What a strange name? Symbol of Biblical evil - Oppressors of the proletariat; corruptors of the bour- geosie; destroyers of the means of production. Evil incarnate - Down with the Fergs-evil natured Fergs- The Fergs are finks. The Wugs F9 BRAIN WAVE MACHINE technician. In service training. College educ. or de- gree. Preferably with some science. Meticulous. Close work with patients. Call University Hospital Personal. F15 PRES. FERG I is pleased with his army of Fergs-Be strong and death to the Wugs. Herb David Guitar Studio 209 S. STATE NO 5-8001 X5) Ferg I Flo i ATTN. - Better Business Bureau. The deans of LSA have the one and only cure for fallout. A long distance call making an appointment can insure that one day you too may enjoy a safe, sane and happy summer. Three Little Foxes F29, ATTENTION - Job opportunities in Chicago area: WANTED - Young, eager, intelligent male to provide escort service for co- ed. Co-operative client, "anything you want." Should be a bissel sarcastic. Call R. F28 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING .67 carat, color-rivers perfection: flaw- less. 14K White Gold mounting: never. worn. Appraised value $767. Save 30. per cent. Must be sold. Call John, NO 2-7558. P38 MICHIKICKERS sun dance this week. Practice next Sunday, weather per- mitting. Petition reps get busy! 77 sigs from first house in. F27. "MUSIC AT MIDNIGHT" - London Stage sensation. Free bus leaves 7 P.M. nightly from behind Ad. Build- ing. Reduced rates for students. Res ervations call NO 8-8405, 8 A.M.-8 P.M. F81 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Glasses, blue rimmed, between A 0 Pi and Lloyd. Call Ken, NO 5- 17183. A17 LOST-A pair of charcoal rimed glasses between Frieze and Virginian. Reward. Call NO 3-1561, Ext. 1102. A15 LOST-BROWN Pocket Book in room 4203 Angel Hall. REWARD. Call 5-7711 ext. 3217. A-9 LOST IN THE UGLI-Man's ring, black star sapphire, set in white gold band with diamond chips. Reward. Call Stan, NO 2-6852. A26 A-1 NEW AND USED INSTRUMENTS BANJOS, GUITARS AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES DO. YOU OWN A VOLKSWAGEN? If you do, you should know about Ann Arbor's only VOLKSWAGEN and Porsche service specialists AI R-COOLED MOTORS 936 N. Main 865-0051 665-3583 USED CARS '61 CORVETTE soft top, red and white. 230-3 speed. New tires, one owner. 23,000 miles. $2,950. Call 663-3452. Nit TRANSPORTATION SOCIETE NATIONEL de Etudiants de France flys you to Europe, $210 round trip Write Post'/Office Box 141, East Lansing, Mich., or call 517 332-1962. G21 Drive Yourself AND SAVE pickups, panels, stakes, MOVING VANS Whit's Rent-A-Truck HU 2-4434 59 Ecorse Road, Ypsilanti, Michigan FOR RENT MALE ROOMMATE WANTED- For Huron Towers Studio Apt. Rent: $66 a ma: or best offer. NO 2-1161 after 6. C9 FOR RENT-Efficiency and one bedroom furnished apartments. Available for immediate assignment to married students and faculty members. Con- tact the University Apts. Office, 2364 Bishop St., North Campus or phone 662-3169. C12 SPACIOUS ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT Tiffany II, 731-735 Packard-Fall ap- plications now being taken for these unique accommodations. Each apt. encompasses two entire floors. LIVING LEVEL: dining room, living room, kitchen SLEEPING LEVEL: spacious bedroom, study, bath. A decorative staircase provides private access between the two levels. Call' Mr. Skolnik (University Housing Developers Inc.) at NO 3-8866 for additional information. CS ATTRACTIVE, modern one and two-bedroom apartments are avail- able in beautiful, spacious Pitts- field Village. Unfurnished except for stove and refrigerator. Call Mrs. Wagner at NO 2-6553 for details or appointment to inspect. Children are welcome in this pleasant New England-type com- munity, C4 1963 MICH IGAN-'0 ENS IAA your campus yearbook ON SALE NOW limited supply '5.00 COME AND SEE US THIS TODAY Come on out, look around, have a tour of the beautiful Huron Towers. Studio, 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms. Rents from $113 to $312 per month. HURON TOWERS 2200 Fuller Road NO 3-0800 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sun. noon - 6:00 ,P.M. -- ---m I1 TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT! B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION ANNUAL PURIM DEBATE House Reps.-Ension Office ,,.._......r....,.,.- i I B AT 8 P.M. "The Latke, The Hamantash and Higher Education MARCH 16 u I S9MpKE AL - L-m The Latke, Louis L. Orlin, Ancient Near East Hist. & Lit. in the Cold War" vs. The Hamantash Paul Cohen, Chinese Hist. H. Michael Eisler, Univ. 1 E 11 I I Ii I m - - - NO Mw O -