Sewt -bird Yar EDrTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS of THE UNivEsrrY of MicmGAN UNDER AUTHORTrY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLCATIONS "WhereoOpnions Are Fre STVDENT PUBLIcATIONs BLDG., ANN ARBoR, MIcH., PHONE wo 2-3241 Truth Winl pre","' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This msst b noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 9,1963 NIGHT EDITOR: MALINDA BERRY Who's Got What Authorlty. r " Conditions Very Cloudy ASSEMBLY ASSOCIATION and the Office WET, A VOTE was taken without any sub- of Student Affairs have recently had a stantial discussion or any clear understand- clash involving their concepts of how much ing of what was at stake on the part of most power students should have in formulating of the AHC members. After the motion was their own regulations and how they should approved, Miss Norton asserted that this move seek this power. Whether or not this conflict would now serve as a precedent for future will eventually be resolved into a widened base legislation by that body. on which student government may rest remains It is unfortunate that she did not feel that toebe t eene the representatives deserved to know exactly Little more than a week ago, the president where Assembly stood in the eyes of the OSA. of Alice Lloyd Hall requested permission of It is even more unfortunate that she did not members of Assembly House Council to put feel that they could offer significant contribu- into effect new dress regulations. tions to the executive committee's attempt to The request was quite reasonable except for reorganize Assembly's internal structure. the fact that Assembly had no constitutional Instead, she helped to rush the motion authority to grant such permission, has never through in the hope that by setting a prece- before dealt with such an issue, and in fact dent, Assembly would automatically take over had no clear-cut authority from the Office one of the powers which the recently reorganiz- of Student Affairs for such move. ed OSA had seemed to overlook. /Nonetheless, AHC members proceeded to pass a motion to the effect that the residents AS WAS to be expected, the OSA denied that of Alice Lloyd should be free to set their own Assembly had this power and that its mo- dress regulations. tion was valid. It also reported that Assembly ess reu ns.has asked for a postponement of its considera- This is not to say that the meeting was any- tion o he ost ement of ity (dea thing less than a pointless discussion by a tion of the statement of authority (due largely myriad of quibbling, half-informed, hesitant to the fact that there has been adverse response representatives who were totally unaware of to its contents). the significance of the motion before them. The OSA asserts that it is more than willing to aid Assembly in its restructuring process, SEVERAL MONTHS AGO, Assembly Associa- that it is more than willing to consider appeals tion President Mary Beth Norton and the for more authority. Yet, it maintains, As- other members of the executive committee sembly will have to back up its requests with drafted what they termed a "statement of valid methods of implementing this additional authority" which, if approved by the OSA, power. would give AHC ultimate authority over the. It is to be hoped that the OSA is sincere government of the individual women's residence in this stated commitment to aid in redefining halls as well as other additional powers. the limits of student self-regulation. Up until The first draft of this statement was sub- now there has apparently been a great deal of icized and revised. The "revised" draft which confusion as to OSA's intentions mitted to the presidents of the various houses WOMEN of Alice Lloyd assert that they (not to' AHC representatives, however), crit- fJre instructed by the OSA to take their was issued in early February was substantially dress regulations to Assembly for approval. unchanged-it still called for Assembly to as- Assebly's prsident As ts that the oul sume authority which could possibly lead to Assemys presi assere counci qomplete domination of individual house gov- was given "tacit" instruction to handle the ernments. case; OSA flatly denies all. It is also to be hoped that when Assembly Although house presidents did receive copies again asks for expanded powers it will con- of the statement of authority, Assembly rep- sider not only its own desires but those of the resentatives heard no more than that it would women's residence halls, which in fact it rep- be considered after discussions were held in resents. Assembly, to carry out best its repre- individual house council meetings. The re- sentative function, should indeed seek more actions to the statement in the various houses leeway in self-regulation, At the same time, ranged from passive acceptance to heated in- e n sectihe so twa'd di ti its end objective should be to work towards dignaIon. eventual autonomy in the governments of in- dividual dormitories. Wednesday's Student REPRESENTATIVES from the passively ac- Government Council motion that each housing cepting houses were confused and annoyed unit should be free to determine its own dress when a discussion of the statement of author- rules is a step forward in the recognition of ity was invoked at the Assembly meeting by the need for such autonomy. a heatedly-indignant representative at just After all, with the multitude of types of the strategic moment that a motion concerning women's residences already on this campus and Alice Lloyd's dress regulations was on the floor, the prospective co-ed and Oxford plans, no Many could not understand what the "point" one policy could conceivably encompass the was of discussing whether or not Assembly had needs of all. That is why it is absolutely es- the power to pass such a motion; the easiest sential that Assembly not only strive for con- course was to take a vote and worry about the stitutional changes, but that it include in these outcome later. -Miss Norton did nothing to amendments specific statements of the powers clarify the point; in fact, she quite ably suc- which Assembly possesses and those which are ceeded in clouding the issue through caustic retained by the houses, with the line of de- remarks and over-simplification of the cir- marcation explicit. cumstances which led Alice Lloyd to seek Assembly's sanction. AT PRESENT, Assembly is hesitant to pro- Miss Norton ruled out the statement of ceed with its re-structuring, due to the authority as irrelevant to the discussion since overwhelming objections which house govern- it had not yet been approved by the OSA. She ments are now raising over the provisions of its asserted, however, that she was given to un- statement of authority and its unauthorized derstand "tacitly" by the OSA that Assembly regulation on dress rules. Yet, this should was free to grant or deny the right to change serve as further incentive to work out a policy dress regulations. more in accord with the ideals of dormitory It is difficult to see why a discussion of the government. bounds of an organization's authority is irrele- With the support of the women's residence vant to a move Which is clearly not provided for halls, Assembly may find the OSA more recep- within the pages of its constitution. It is tive to a request for additional authority in the equally difficult to imagine the OSA delegating sphere of student concerns. powers to students "tacitly." -MARY LOU BUTCHER Of Men and Audits The UncertainTrmpetSection BRANDEIS CONCLAVE: University Reform A Conference Way A 4 ,.I .., e.a,« ,s $E4Af},Jr 'pJ' SIDELINE ON STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Future Development in G By RICHARD KELLER SIMON RADUATE Student Council has been a little-known, little- heard group ostensibly represent- ing the interests of the graduate student. It may be moving out of its shell. At a special meeting last Thursday night GSC did several things that indicate a hopeful trend. For the first time in its history, the council heard and endorsed candidates for Student Govern- ment Council. It also asked for a yes vote on the referendum to elect all SGC members. For the first time in recent years, the council took concrete action in support of a principle. It agreed to co-sponsor the lecture of Herbert Apetheker next Tues- day and petition the graduate school for the use of Rackham's lecture hall. * * * THE PRINCIPLE here is free- dom of speech, for although Apetheker, a Negro historian, is speaking on "The Emancipation Proclamation, 100 years ago and Today,' he is also the editor of an extreme left-wing publication, and has been accused of being a Communist. The endorsement of SGC candi- dates and the plea for graduate students to vote in the elections (few have in the past) indicate the GSC is making a concerted effort to apply pressure on cam- pus for solution of graduate prob- lems. It endorsed six candidates-the liberal half, the same plank the Young Democats accepted-the Voice members plus "independent" Tom Smithson. But GSC, although obviously a liberal group, did not endorse the candidates because they were Voice or YD, but be- cause they best served the grad- uate student interest. In co-sponsoring the Apetheker lecture the council pointed out that this does not constitute en- dorsemeit of his political views, or imply any endorsement of Voice political party. GSC stood up for freedom of speech and freedom for "academ- icians." It's support of the lecture has more than paper importance, for it has a more "responsible" image to the Rackham authorities than Voice does, and is more likely to obtain the needed facilities. * * * COUNCIL PRESIDENT Steve Maddock said that another in- evitable result would be that more people would hear of GSC-some- thing it surely can benefit from. For GSC has problems of its own, although it has a consider- able amount of untested authority. The main problem is the attitude of the majority of graduate stu- dents take to all forms of extra- curricular activities-they consider them only undergraduate concerns. Thus, council has membership and attendance problems. Last Thursday, when GSC show- ed positive signs of developing in- to an effective voice on the cam- pus, it had trouble getting a quorum. Quorum is "25 per cent of the known members." There are about 60 known members. At reg- ular monthly meetings 30 generally attend-the same 30 all the time. Nevertheless, the dominant lib- eral leadership of the council pushed it into concrete action. IN THE PAST GSC has acted, but these were mainly actions without significant reactions. Slowly, however, the actions are becoming more important. Two weeks ago GSC called for a statment on fair housing from President Hatcher. But in doing so it merely added its name to a list of other organizations. Over a month ago the council endorsed a plan for extensive re- organization of SGC. It was, at least, an ambitious plan, drawn up by Edwin Sasaki, president of GSC at that time. Many GSC members showed their lack of knowledge about SGC at that time and even now they are not com- pletely aware of just what it is. Of course, neither do most un- dergraduates. Other concerns of the council have been the recently developing graduate problems over high fees, arbitrary language testing require- ments, and in-state, out-state dif- ferentials. In these areas GSC has inves- tigated, talked to administrators, tried to get them to change, oc- casionally have been slightly suc- cessful, and then stopped. * * * GSC LEADERSHIP has opened the way for the proper exercise of council power. But it can only go so far alone. It invites grad- uate support and gets little. It started out on an ambitious road last Thursday, but only 25 per cent of the total membership cared. Obviously more have to. The potential is there. In a com- parison with SGC, GSC is a much more mature, concerned and in- telligent group. It is not concern- ed with playing party politics, im- itating power blocks, and pre- tending it is anything it is not. The members of GSC who come are all concerned. This cannot be said of all SOC members. GSC sits informally in a quiet, carpeted, paneled conferenceroom in the top of Rackham, not in a playroom at the SAB. GSC mem- bers know less parlimentary pro- cedure than SGC members. But they know the difference between significant and trivial knowledge. They neither pass notes to each other nor look at their watches all the time. In fact, the president didn't even use a gavel. He banged on the table with his glass rims. He was serious and so was everyone else. T eaching "TEACHING IS a delightful paternal art, and especially teaching intelligent and warm- hearted youngsters, as m o s t Americans collegians are; but it is an art like acting, where the per- formance, often rehearsed, must be adapted to an audience hearing it only once. "The speaker must make con- cessions to their impatience, their taste, their capacity, their pre- judices, their ultimate good; he must neither bore nor perplex nor demoralize them. "His thoughts must be such as can flow daily, and be set down in notes; they must come when the bell rings and stop approp- riately when the bell rings a sec- ond time. The best that is in him . . . he dare not tell them; and as the substance of this possession is spiritual, to withhold is often to lose it. For it is not merely a matter of fearing not to be under- stood, or giving offence; in the presence of a hundred youthful upturned faces a man cannot, without diffidence, speak in his own person, of his own thoughts . .." -George Santayana By RONALD WILTON ONE NEW YORK student put it quite succinctly - Brandeis University is a beautiful school, but it's a bad place to hold a con- ference. The subject was a "Conference on University Reform," organized by the Brandeis chapter of the Students for a Democratic Society and held last weekend. It was the first student organized conference held on university reform and its planning and organization plainly showed this. It attracted about 50 students from schools like Har- vard, Swarthmore, Boston Uni- versityandtEmmanuel Catholic College as well as between 50-100 Brandeis students depending on the event. It was the non-Brandeis students who benefitted most. THE CHIEF METHOD of pre- sentation was the speech. The key- note address was given by Paul Goodman, author of "Growing Up Absurd" and "Community of Scholars," who drew 300 students to hear criticism of themselves, the educational system and society in general. Asserting that students don't understand Western culture he went on to cite two causes. "First of all Western culture has ir- revocably disgraced itself through world wars and a meaningless economy. Secondly most of you have been brought up in a time of interlocking mass media so that you imagine the world of radio, television, movies, magazines and newspapers is in some exclusive sense the real world. Well it isn't, it's a phorny, highly selected pic- ture of reality." He viewed the universities as places where most students went to get union cards and licences to fit into the "military-commercial system"and as institutions serving a "nursery school function in a time of surplus youth unemploy- ment." Finally getting to the subject of the conference he told the stu- dents, "When I hear you talk about making the university suit what you want, I as an adult don't think you know what you are talking about because you are brainwashed, you don't know what's right for you." However, he added that he did not like an authoritative figure telling stu- dents what to do "so we have a dilemma which I am not going to solve," an attitude which would raise its head throughout the con- ference. After his speech the "Freedom Singers," a group from the Student Non-Violent Coordi- nating Committee sang sit-in songs with the audience for a while and the conference appeared to have a fairly hopeful future. * * * THE NEXT MORNING, how- ever, saw a donnybrook. Tom Hay- den, president of SDS gave a talk on "The Role of Student in Edu- cational Decision-Making." In re- gard to this he outlined four models: total authority where the administration has complete con- trol with students moving within this framework; the position of the American Civil Liberties Un- ion and the American Association of University Professors which lets the administration have authority but gives students certain rights. without going too far; the nation of a student-faculty government where the administration is seen as doing tedious work and not making policy; and pulling out of the existing university and starting a new one. Commenting en these he noted that "there is a good deal of theorizing about the ideal Uni- versity but not about low level ideas as to what kinds of changes can be made immediately. We want those features of student life which are salient to develop- ment of democratic character." Profi Sacks of the Brandeis political science department who also happens to be dean of stu- dents and an emotional one at that, admonished Hayden, saying, "you might do better if you don't try to blow the whole thing up." He went on to assert that "the dean's function is to adjust people to the status quo; Mr. Hayden wants to adjust people to his status quo." He labeled Antioch as "one of the most totalitarian schools in the country because it makes kids con- form to groups. You see too much of your teachers to learn any- thing." He later told the students that most of them were confusing the role of the university and life adjustment. * * ., HE IN TURN ,was replied to by Robert Ross, '63, a. member of the SDS National Executive Com- mittee. He connected the univer- sity and social adjustment by say- ing that people should learn "how to come to terms with society and the way for people to learn to be in society is by giving them gen- uine things to do. We ought to look to genuine experience and not to restrictive rules, but this is labled anarchy-and this is a myth." The conference then broke for lunch with the students still buzz- 4nc ..nii. Tn f arl'ka .++a n Tenzer, Assistant to the Dean at Brandeis who spoke on "The Role of Students in the Choice of Cur- riculum," which he described as "non-existent." He saw three rea- sons for this, curriculums are rarely planned, they just grow; American colleges are run 1y Boards of Trustees and sometimes state legislatures; it is assumed that students come to college to learn and since they don't know the material how can they choose curricula. He claimed that students and faculty do not know their own power in this area and said that "every student government should have a committee on academic matters and every student body should learn about academic pol- icy and curricula experiments at other schools." * w a FOLLOWING HIM was Prof. Vic Walter of the Brandeis so- ciology department who claimed that the most important source of dissatisfaction with the univer- sity is part of a general dissatis- faction with culture. "Reforms ar e important as sanitation to reform the organization but they do not remove the major dissatisfaction with University life. "What the university needs is not reform but a renewal and change in spirit. When the zest, and imagination are missing from education it becomes sluggish and pedantic. If learning is not per- sonal it is dead." He gave way to Richard Hatha- way of Bowdoin College speaking on "Use of Supplementary Dialo- gue in the Curriculum; General Environment; etc. He listed a criteria for action encompassing three steps: the necessity for a really radical philosophy; the necessity to be discriminating; and the necessity'to be philosophically and politically relevant. * w w THE MEETING then broke for supper and reconvened in some- what reduced numbers to hear two speakers on the university and the cold war. Richard Flacks, Grad, charged that universities are be- coming reactionary institutions. "They never have been a force for social change but now they are going in the opposite direction. There has been a destruction of social concern among students by the faculty and the university. The university, while giving its all for the defense effort and national goals will not involve itself in social change." He was followed by Prof. Herbert Marcusa of the Brandeis political science department who asserted that "the university should stay out of the cold war, should have nothing to do with it and if t has to have something to do with it then it should be against it. ' He added that "as teachers we have to fight repressive and false positions. We have to foster in the students good conscience and new models of thought. As stu- dents you should want to talk about learning facts and how to think." * *w FOR ALL practical purposes the conference ended here and In- plicit in this was one of its great- est failures. If the two days of speeches had any kind of con- nection at all it was that they con- cerned themselves with theoretical, overall and ideological considera- tions of university reform but never got down to really answering the concrete question: "What can we do on our campuses now to effect university reform?" This was supposed to be taken care of the next day when various speak- ers were to discuss the role of specific campus institutions and problems. However these were never given. Instead it was decided to break the participants up into discus- sion groups. This was the second great failure of the conference. Speeches are necessary to present ideas and set guidlines for dis- cussion, but it is essential that they be dissected and applied to specific problems at the informal group level. The people organizing the conference tried to provide some time for workshops before the afternoon speeches but these never really came off, and when the groups actually did meet there was no organization to them and all too often the, topic was some- thing other than university ie- form. On Sunday morning for in- stance discussions were oriented around the problems of SDS. * * * ANOTHER unfortunate aspect of the conference was resentment on the part of some students; es- pecially those from Brandeis, on the dominant role played by Hay- den, Ross and Flacks. This was evidenced 'to by their support for Dean Sacks, even though the Brandeis students are engaged in their own struggle against him on the questions of student cars and segregation of freshmen. Despite these shortcomings the conference did have some good re- suits. The girls from Emmanuel and the students from Boston University went back to their cam- puses actively committed to work- ing for university reform and so wee indirii al idents from n 7.4 ". . I INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: NSA-ISA Program Will Aid Relations THE BEST-LAID plans of allies of University officials in the state Legislature have gone astray: Elmer Porter is back. The arch-conservative Republican senator, widely-famed and much-assailed for possessing a crotchety and tightwad attitude towards the needs of higher education, was counted down and out last December. At that time, he was involuntarily excused by GOP moderates from continuing as chairman of the powerful Sen- Editorial Staff MICHAEL OLINICK,.Editor JUDITH OPPENHEIM MIHAEL HARRIAH Editorial Director City Editor CAROLINE DOW...................Personnel Director 3UDITH BLEIER................ Associate City Editor FRED RUSSELL KRAMER . Assoc. Editorial Director CYNTHIA NEU .................. Co-Magazine' Editor HARRY PERLSTADT .............Co-Magazine Editor TOM WEBBER.........................Sports Editor DAVE ANDREWS ............. Associate Sports Editor JAN WINKLEMAN ............ Associate Sports Editor ate Appropriations Committee, which he had run for more than 13 years. But old Elmer quietly and shrewdly bided his time. Lo and behold, he now turns up as chairman of a group equally 'as potent--the Legislative Audit Commission. EDUCATORS around the state have good reason to be chagrined and apprehensive of this move, for the audit commission has authority to inspect any aspect of education budgets. In addition, during the past year it has been engrossed in an investigation of the out-of-state student percentage at Michigan universities. Thus Porter's comeback occurs at a time when a maximum of sensitivity and under- standing is required. Already, the commission, led by Rep. William D. Romano (D-Warren), has angered University officials by claiming they made and later violated an agreement to lower the ratio of non-Michigan students., r Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss issued a stout denial to the first charge, de- cided to stay silent on the second. There the matter rests. with each side refusing to docu- By GLORIA BOWLES A LONG OVERDUE evaluation of international student pro- gramming at the University will come tomorrow at the Union with a conference sponsored jointly by the local chapter of the United States National Student Associa- tion, and the International Stu- dent Association. The conference follows close on the heels of dissolution of Stu- dent Government Council's In- ternational Relations Board, which formerly functioned to coordinate foreign student projects on cam- pus, and also to initiate projects. The board thought other groups- primarily the women's League, the Michigan Union and ISA-were capably performing in these areas. * * * , THOSE THREE groups conduct commendable programs which aim at an integration of the foreign .l. J " . . . . .. r - .... &. .... student of his role as host to some 1600 foreign guests at the Univer- sity represents the most difficult of those problems: the foreign student at Michigan is sorely ne- glected by a student population which contends an interest in other lands as it enrolls in courses on Latin America and Asia, but makes no effort to establish re- lationships with representatives of those lands. * * * A UNIVERSITY REGENT la- mented this fact recently, noting that several Rusians studying in Ann Arbor last year found limited occasions for friendship with Americans. The Russians were en- tertained on many weekends by the Regent, who enjoyed them im- mensely, but wondered at the op- portunities being missed by the student population here. The NSA-ISA conference this weekend should help to make more -i-A- 4- - rt-- of +1 - 11 4. or