THE MICHIGAN DAILY TEAM WANTS TO GO: Miss. State Undecided On NCA A Tourney Bid Substitute Oosterbaan Aids Team = I. JACKSON, Miss. (P)-Whether to let Mississippi State University play in the integrated NCAA basketball tournament posed "the greatest challenge to our way of life since reconstruction," a State College Board member said yes- terday. M. M. Roberts of Hattiesburg, one of five members who sought the Saturday board session to consider the question, urged in a statement that the board "do its full duty to its constituents and to the southern way of life." 'Dischinger Top Rookie,' Coach Says BALTIMORE (R) - Terry Dis- chinger, a top-notch player on a last-place club, has'moved anoth- er step closer to rookie-of-the- year honors in the NBA. The former Purdue University star scored 27 points Wednesday night and was voted the game's most valuable player, as he paced the Chicago Zephyrs to a 121-111 victory over the San Francisco Warriors. Shifted to guard, to give Chi- cago more scoring punch and re- bounding in the backcourt, Dis- chinger hit 12 of 21 field goal at- tempts and added 3 for 4 from the foul line. Boston's John Havlicek is Dis- chinger's chief competitor for rookie honors, but Chicago Coach Bob Leonard says if his player isn't named it will be something akin to a Brink's robbery. Leonard's observation that Dis- chinger can do everything well on the court was echoed by Paul Hoffman, a former NBA player who coached Terry on the fresh- man team at Purdue four years, Last week, MSU President D. W. Colvard said the university would represent the Southeastern Con- ference in the NCAA playoffs un- less some higher authority inter- vened. The State College Board is vested by the state constitution with final authority over the in- stitutions. Barnett, Too Roberts' statement made clear he shared the views of Gov. Ross Barnett, who appointed him. Bar- nett told a news conference Wednesday, "I feel it participa- tion is not for the best interest of Mississippi State University, the State of Mississippi, or either of the races." Mississippi State earned an NCAA berth by winning the SEC basketball title, its fourth in five. years under Coach James Babe McCarthy. In previous years, State had declined the bid be- cause of an unwritten policy against participation in integrat- ed tournaments. The university basketball team, student body and faculty have supported the Colvard decision. Advocates said they felt a large m-ajority of alumni also wanted State to play.. Declines Comment Tom Tubb of West Point, Miss., head of the college board, de- clined comment on the new devel- opments. Tubb said* the Saturday board meeting was called at the request of five members, who of- ficially did not specify what they wanted to bring up. Tubb said he would not be pres- ent at the session because of a previous engagement. Mississippi State is scheduled to play-March 15 at East Lansing, Mich., against the winner of the Loyola of Chicago - Ohio Valley Conference champion g a m e, either Morehead, Ky., or Tennes- see Tech. If Mississippi State does not go, Georgia Tech is expected to represent the SEC. By BILL BULLARD John Oosterbaan has come a long way from the days when every press release from the Mich- igan athletic department carried the parenthesis after his name (no relation to Benny) or (who keeps busy explaining to people that he is no relation to -Benny). Now every Michigan sports fan knows at least the bare outline of his basketball career which will end this Saturday at Madison. Every true Wolverine fan can tell you how John transferred to Michigan after his freshman year at Hope College. And how after sitting out his year of residency, he led the team in the number of field goals made and percentage of shots made dur- ing his junior year. After being knocked off the starting team for this, his senior year, he is still a favorite of the crowd when he enters the game in a tough situa- tion. In his role of a substitute this season, his achievements have gen- erally gone unrecognized. However, there have been many situations where his presence in the game has made as great a contribution to winning as when he was a starting forward. Best Game Coach Dave Strack calls the first Iowa game Oosterbaan's best this season. But he mentions several other contests where the appear- ance of Oosterbaan made a signi- ficant difference to the team. Strack points out that the role of a substitute in basketball is a difficult one. He compares it to being a pinch hitter in baseball. "A substitute has got to. imme- diately pick up the tempo of the game," Strack comments. When- ever we've called on John, he's done an exemplary job." One of the reasons that Ooster- baan has. done such a good job in coming off the bench into the game is that he is such a fine' shooter, Strack says. During his junior season, Oosterbaan hit over 46 per cent of his shots from the floor. This season his percentage of field goals made is lower. But this is understandable when you consider the pressure-packed situ- -Daily-Ed Langs ACE CAGER-John Oosterbaan (34) closes out his basketball career this Saturday against Wisconsin. Following his transfer from Hope College, John started at forward last year, but moved out of the starting lineup this year when John Harris switched from center. BIG TEN MEETINGS: wolverines Request Aid: Earlier Football Practice II RCA VICTOR RED SEAL NEWI GREAT RECORDINGS from the PAST AND PRESENT "Some of the rarest treasures from 9, RCA Victor's vaults." Highly prized collector's items include Kreisler re- cordings with Efrem Zimbalist, Rach- J {{: maninoff, Geraldine Farrar, John McCormack. 16-page book with rare photos. Monaural only. LM-6099 "A real plum for every col- lector." RCA Victor vault re- cordings dating from 1907. 13 Caruso selections. 8 never before on L.P. In- cludes many of his famous operatic roles. Monaural only. LM-2639- ::.Many of these famous Gigi selections have been out of print for years. Fourteen selections. Seven operatic arias and seven songs all recorded with full orchestra. Monaural only. LM-2624 Re-issue recordings of two of the greatest Wagnerian singers of all time. These original recordings were cut F in the late 1930's. Monaural L f only. LM-2618 SC. "One of the finest documents of Rubinstein's life-long devotion to Mozart." Rubinstein hisel.ha provided the cadenzas in the places which Mozart left open in the" manu-: script of the C- Minor Concerto.= '' MMajestic wal music for en- chanting' listening and a spir- ited polka for the fun of it! of Colorful, light-hearted readings of: "Artists' Life," "Treasure Walz" and others. nt pac LM/LSC-260* O'g 4g R A hi-fi, stereo spectacular in- cluding the sound of actual fireworksl Dramatic readings filled with splendor and gran- diosity. Stokowski conducts a 125-piece orchestra, one of the largest ever assembled in a A xsVrtl'MHAER UN8FNL recording studio.M/C22* 1$ r -C LM/LSC2612*MCWOTN.YPN' "This is the music in which ' Munch excels!" Two favorite . . s fy concert pieces. For lovers of 19th Century French music and sound enthusiasts-. LM/LSC-2647 LIVING STEREO (LSC) MONAURAL NI-FI (LM) * ALSO ON TAPE Ask for the BUY WHERE YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL RCA Victor Red Seal -We offer the new RECORD DEALERS "Gift Guide,"I l 'available every record in the great f ovturing over 101 RCA Victor Red Seal catalog. Let us fet uion show you how"you can always be gift suggestions sureofgetting"The Music You Want for music lovers. When You Want It." CHICAGO W)- The new aca- demic look, a trimester term cov- ering the entire calendar year, was reflected in a Michigan re- quest to Big Ten athletic leaders yesterday for an Aug. 26 start of football practice next fall. The University will start classes next school year Sept. 2, possibly opening the way to three school terms, including a summer term. At present, two semesters cover the regular school year. Big Ten faculty representatives and athletic' directors will act to- day on Michigan's request for the earlier grid practice start which' would not give that school any advantage o v e r other league members. Classes generally start in the Big Ten between Sept. 15 and Oct. 1. and twice-a-day drills are per- mitted up to that point. Michigan starting practice Aug. 26, would have only six days of double drills prior to the Sept. 3 start of classes. Commissioner Bill Reed esti- mated Michigan would get in some 34 practice sessions, while other schools had a potential of 48 sessions even though starting later. The faculty representatives, meeting separately from the ath- letic directors Thursday, discussed matters of financial aid for new students and transfers. The faculty group decided aid could be given athletes during summer studies, provided a year's residence was established. It referred to its eligibility com- mittee the matter of determining eligibility status of an athlete who may practice at another school before enrolling at a con- ference school. The faculty men also decided an incoming student - athlete would be ineligible for tutoring from athletic funds if he failed to meet a projected C-minus academic rating. 1.. _ 'f ations that Oosterbaan usually ap- pears in.x Oosterbaan says that when he comes off the bench into a game, "I have confidence right away. I can get into a game faster than many players." Besides, when Oosterbaan is sent into a game it is because the Michigan scoring attack is faltering and the Wolver- ines need someone who can score. "Shooting has always been my strong point," Oosterbaan says. Shooting Falls . "I feel my shooting has fallen off a bit this season because of losing a little confidence," he con- tinues. Oosterbaan points out that he never scored less than 10 points for Michigan in a game that he started. But it is a little harder to keep your condifende after being substituted Into a game rather than starting it, he says. The times that Oosterbaan has helped the team this season are many. In the Iowa game at Iowa City, Oosterbaan scored 18 points, 14 of them in the second half, to lead the Wolverines to an 88-67 victory after being behind 36-38 at halftime. In the opening game of the season against Ball State, Michi- gan was behind 50-48 when Oos- terbaan started to work. He tied the score with a jump shot. Be- fore the crowd could realize what was happening, Oosterbaan had knocked the ball out of a Card- inal's hands over to Doug Herner who raced down the court for a lay-up. In quick succession, he scored six point by putting in a rebound, stealing the ball and dribbling the length of the court for the basket, and hit on another jump shot. The score was now 58-50 and the Wolverines went on to win the game. In Defeat, Too But Oosterbaan was a bright spot in some losing games as well. In the three-point loss to Min- nesota, Oosterbaan tied the score twice in the tense, closing minutes of the game. There were other in- stances too such as the second Northwestern game when Ooster- baan had the courage to shoot and score in tight situations. These heroics are the fitting close to a long basketball career. In Oosterbaan's senior year at Kalamazoo Christian High School, he led his team to the Michigan class C championship end was named to the all-state team for class C. Strack was an assistant coach here then and he remembers try- ing to recruit Oosterbaan.. Even though Oosterbaan had always wanted to attend Michigan, he entered Hope College on the advice of his parents. As a freshman, he was the "sixth man" on an un- defeated team. Oosterbaan came to see Strack the next summer just ater Strack had been named the new head coach. "John came to me and told me he was transferring to Michi- gan and wanted to try out for the team," Strack says. No Scholarship Oosterbaan comments, "I think my story shows that it's still pos- sible for an athlete to come to a Big Ten school without a scholar- ship and through hard work, make good. There are always risks in coming to a Big Ten school, risks that you won't be good enough. "I came to realize that I wasn't the greatest player ever here," Oosterbaan continues. "But you just have to try to carry through. I realized at the start of this season that I wouldn't be playing much but I wanted to help out the team however I could." Strack summarizes Oosterbaan's career by saying, "John has made a very great contribution to our basketball program." Strack also says that Oosterbaan never com- plained to him that he was not playing enough. "He seems to be really; involved in the game even when he's on the bench," Strack said. "That's the mark of a good kid and a good team member." SCORES 1 JOHN -;OOSTERBAAN . . 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Methodist 1 Texas Lutheran 4, Texas A&M 2 lJ I 11 MICHIGAN UNION - CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL Jll I I i