Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED By STUDENTS OF THE UNIRSITY OF MICHIGAIN - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Fr STUDENT PUBLiCATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must b- noted in all reprints. Birchhead ' " + 'I I Yr LATIN PROGRESS: Time Running Out As U.S. Fights The Past L ESDAY, MARCH 6,1963 NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA LAZARUS Harris Report Portent: A New Beginning for Affiliates' A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH in elimination of discriminatory practices among student organizations at the University has come in the last week with the release of the long- awaited "Harris report." Ever since the Sigma Kappa case in 1959- when that sorority defied local censure- Council has been attempting to clarify its right to consider the membership selection practices of student organizations. In 1959, Sigma Kappa defied a 1949 regula- tipn which denied recognition to any student xorganization which prohibited membership on the basis of race, color or creed, and at the same time the local was free to determine its own membership. The sorority took this stand en advice from the national. N A LONG series of incidents since 1959- with SGC members, faculty, administration uncertain as to which group was responsible for enforcement of tle 1949 regulation-Coun- cil has attempted to establish clearly its right to withdraw recognition from those student organizations it recognizes. With passage of a Regental bylaw and a Council regulation and appointment of a Com- nittee on /embership-Council seemed ready to take meaningful action in demands for membership statements from student organiza- tions. By this fall, however, the Committee on Membership was left with two members after students and several faculty members quit the committee. The faculty members called discrimination in student organizations "a stu- dent problem" and students were disgusted with the inability of the committee to make progress. The committee, in a report to Coun- cil last December, cited "SGC's paralysis in the area of discrimination" and thought Coun- cil showed "a disheartening, lack of conviction, and an apathy towards one of the most vital issues confronting this University and, indeed this country today." Council had repeatedly asked five sororities- Alpha Epsilon Phi, Phi Mu, Kappa Delta, Delta Delta, Delta and Sigma Kappa for member- ship statements; the five have thus far refused to comply with the Council demand, and Council did not pursue its requests. Council in 1962 found itself back where it had started in 1959-the group was uncertain of its real authority and was afraid to act. The sororities had engaged counsel; SGC did not particularly want to see them in court. The Council stood on "pretty shaky legal ground," was the way one member put it. SPECIFICALLY, Council wanted answers to several questions: could the Regents, pos- sessed of legislative and administrative author- ity and able to delegate only the latter, give Council the power to enforce its own anti- discrimination regulation based on bylaw 2.14? What did the Regents mean when they asked that groups "work for" elimination of dis- crimination? Was there a conflict between the more general stand taken by the bylaw, and the specific directive embodied in the SGC regulation? Exactly how should Council go about implementing its regulation? The Harris report attempts to answer these ,uestions as it provides for a membership judge and a membership committee appointed by SGC to consider cases of violation of Coun- oil's anti-discrimination regulation. The report seems to have unanimous Council support, and will be passed along , o the Regents. Dress T HE OFFICE of Student Affairs is presently in the process of deciding the lines of authority in the determination of rules re- garding women's dress regulations. The issue arose recently out of the decision of houses n Alice Lloyd to liberalize their dress stan- tlards-. When the University had an Office of Dean :if Women, final authority in such matters rested there. Abolition of that office in the reorganization of the OSA has left open all its previous authority, which is being relocated within the present OSA structure as the need arises. It has been the stated policy of many OSA >fficials that students should be given a larger role in determining their own rules and regu- lations. The attempt of coeds in Lloyd to establish their own rules ought, therefore, to be a welcome sight to the OSA, and should be encouraged by that office. P BE CONSISTENT with its stated philos- ophy, and to be consistent with the proper function of student determination of their own ives, the OSA and Vice-President Lewis have ao other choice than to give final authority to, he dormitory women. We have heard many ;ronouncements from officials of the OSA vishing the rise of student determination of rules and regulations. Let the OSA now come out strongly in favor )f students' rights to decide such questions for hemselves. Let the OSA now give final author- +, to the + wmen in the rednce hal svtm THOSE STUDENT organizations which will be affected by the projected moves of the Council-Greek organizations whose charters and constitutions reportedly contain "bias" clauses, or which practice "unwritten discrim- ination' in selection of their members-cite three problems which make compliance with SGC regulations difficult, or impossible. Some groups claim they have not been cer- tain of their responsibilities: however, a letter to several organizations from the then SGC president Richard Nohl in 1961 outlining the official form of such statements can hardly be criticized for lack of clarity. Nohl asked the groups to "list all current rules, regulations, policies, written or oral agreements, or any other written or unwritten criteria which in any way affect the selection of members. Secondly, he asked for the group's interpreta- tion of the ability of the group to comply with the University Regulation on Membership ... Other groups contend they do not practice discrimination in their fraternities or sororities but cite problems with the national which prevent compliance by the local with SGC reg- ulations. Sorority and fraternity leaders resent the "big push" on the campus, and can only bury their heads in their hands as they talk about national conventions deadlocked by southern chapters and alumni chapters over the question of "bias" clauses. These leaders assert they are working with other northern houses for elimination of bias clauses, but that it "takes time." Some nationals have given locals threatened with withdrawal of recog- nition on their own campuses a "waiver" priv- ilege: last spring Sigma Nu, with a bias clause in its national charter, was able to comply with local demands for a non-restrictive member- ship provision by use of the waiver. More importantly, many local Greek leaders and sorority and fraternity members question the right of students or SGC to act as the implementing agency for bylaw 2.14. These groups, question the right of students to be making demands of their fellow students. Thus they refuse "qn principle" demands for membership statements. Such a view represents a general philosophical position and spills over into every domain of student interest and action. The same students who ask that faculty and administration be more closely concerned with decisions relevant to discrimination in student organizations also show a mistrust of student capability and effectiveness in other areas. These are the same groups which condemn SGC discussion of "off-campus" issues, and which vote against membership in the United States National Student Association because that group formulates policy declarations on issues not of "direct student concern." An all-out condemnation of the Greek sys- tem would be unfair: there are numbers of sorority and fraternity people working toward elimination of bias and discriminatory prac- tices on both the local and the national level. More and more houses are pledging people they would not have accepted five years ago; hopefully they pledge those people on the basis of personal merit, and not because they want to prove they aren't prejudiced. THE SORORITY and fraternity system finds itself assailed, cornered, on the defensive. Its leaders seldom talk in positive terms any more, but instead find themselves responding to the demands of "liberals" for an "agonizing reappraisal" of the Greek system. That system is in transition, and its leaders must take the initiative to sponsor internal reforms which help it to evolve with a University which is in both evolution and revlution. Sororities and fraternities, like other student organizations, find themselves faced with an adjustment to the increasing academic load of the University. The most recent issue of the Fraternity News, a publication of the Interfraternity Council, recognized the neces- sity of the fraternity's more academic orien- tation when it carried an article asserting that fraternities promoted scholarship. Unfortunately, the article emphasized the fraternity's responsibility to encourage its members to "get good grades," and neglected more basic educational and intellectual goals which appreciate learning for learning's sake. THE SYSTEM has most recently found itself on the defensive when its leaders, oppose junior apartment permission for women-the sororities fear a drop in pledging if women know they are able to secure apartments dur- ing the last two years of University residence. The sorority system will continue to oppose liberalization of apartment permission privi- leges, and be supported by an-dadministration which is protecting them. But the question is basic: the system has come to a sad pass when its, leaders admit that sororities can attract members only on the basis of a physical plant. Sororities and fraternities as they currently exist are pass6. The rah rah, coonskin coat college days are no more. These groups must begin to look at themselves in a new light as they adjust to demands of students who ap- t i/ /' .. . E. Y. __._ ZX'R~as L I" Yk N l k I n OkWAIZA-roN NATIONAL SERVICE CORPS: By MALINDA BERRY THE MOST 'long-range, the big- gest, most serious, most para- doxical, and probably most in- soluable problem facing the West- ern world is the question of the development of Latin America. The United States has attempt- ed by several methods to inject what is considered to be the life- blood of Democracy into the seeth- ing continent-money. But the Alliance for Progress and the mil- lions of other dollars in undesig- nated foreign aid can't offer to any peoples the background neces- sary to accept the responsibility of Democracy. An unbroken history of oppres- sion, lack of education, and au- thoritarian'dictatorships cannot be erased. There is no basis for the institutions of a republican form of government. It takes fertile soil for the fruits of Democracy to flower. And LatinAmerica is bar- ren. It takes a high literacy rate, a prosperous middle class, a good rate of industrialization and, most important of all, a firm founda- tion of belief in the tenets of Democracy to make it successful. Latin America has none of these. It is possible to increase the literacy rate, and to infuse enough money and a planned economy into a country to make it materi- ally ready for Democracy-but no- thing but time can give the spirit of freedom. And tim~e is the com- modity that the United States and the United Nations are so painfully lacking. * * * LATIN AMERICA is rapidly coming to a point of crisis-a de- cision will be made which will determine just how the continent will go. Cuba was the first step. However, the extreme right-wing dictatorships of other countries are even more confining. This is the biggest problem of the demo- cratic West when dealing with Latin America-the southern half of the hemisphere has no concept of freedom. It doesn't know what liberty is. There is no question of sacrificing comforts in order to achieve the freedoms of election, speech, re- ligion, assembly, association and the others most Americans are willing to go hungry to maintain. To the peasant who has suffered under the yofe of dictatorships since the dim beginnings of time the highest possible goal is a full stomach and a fighting chance to live to maturity. It is not just the land barons and aristocracy who can be blam- ed for snuffing out any chance for the development of democratic Ideals and freedoms. The Catholic Church stands to take much of the blame. Between the great estates and the monolithic power of the Church in Latin America there was no chance for the ad- vancement of human dignity or the material progress of the people. WHETHER the United States can act fast enough and effectively enough to counter an unbroken history of oppression is the ques- tion. Latin America is soon to erupt. No longer are the peasants cut off from contact with the outside world so that they are unaware of the advancements made by other countries. They know that elsewhere people are going to bed with full stomachs and Commun- ism is offering this to them now. Also, it is an impossible task to describe to a country and a people who' have no concept of a free election, the difference between Communist "free" elections and the more meaningful choices of- fered in the democratic countries. ** * THE QUESTION comes down to the people of Latin America as a choice between life-in the form of food and goods-and a vague incomprehensible "freedom." It appears to be a moot question. But the United States has per- formed miracles before-and per- haps it can save its cause again. However, it's going to take a group of phenomenially dedicated and capable people equipped with enough money to act effectively and fast. Whether this is the pro- vince of the state department or private individuals who see the necessity for their work, is un- important. But without them the outlook is at best bleak. LETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: SINCERELY HOPE that a re- cent Daily trend does not con- tinue. I refer to examples of Daily staff members using its editorial columns to further their personal, non-journalistic activities. The case of City Editor Michael Harrah's Young GOP convention post-mortem in which, he sang the praises of a defeated, dark- horse candidate for YR state chairman is a fine example. Har- rah's "breath of fresh air from Grand Rapids" seems a trifle pre- judicial in view of the previous day's new story that it was Harrah himself who nominated the dark horse. Second case in point is the over- long discussion of the student role on the Athletic Board in Control, written by sports staffer Bill Bul- lard. I have been given to under- stand that Bullard is a candidate for a seat on that board and thus The Daily has provided him with a forum which (in view of The Daily's letter to editor length rule) is not available to his opposition. This is not to question the mo- tives or positions of either writer, but rather to ask whether or not the use of the newspaper in this way is a proper one. --Michael J. Gillman, '61 By ELLEN SILVERMAN CONFERENCES are often wild, gay affairs where delegates spend more time drinking than they do voting. Or conferences are dull affairs where speakers end- lessly trek on and off a platform and present proposals in mean- ingless platitudes. When a con- ference is held that is both fun and constructive then the basic aims of conferences in general are achieved. Such was the case last weekend when the United States National Student Association sponsored a conference on the proposed Na- tional Service Corps. THE CORPS is still in the plan- ning stage. No administration bill has yet been introduced into Con- gress to establish the corps. But behind the scenes there has been much effort pbut forth to produce the outlines of a workable corps which could be financed in this fiscal year. And these were the proposals that the USNSA dele-. gates evaluated. President John F. Kennedy has set up a Presidential study group to study the possibilities of put- ting a corps into effect. This group has been working since No- vember and has presented a vol- uminous report to the President on the workings of the corps. The group is chaired by Attorn- ey General Robert Kennedy and the experts on the committee are from many departments in the cabinet, all of those which will be affected by the corps work. * * * THERE HAVE already been charges of illegality in regard to the corps. Rep Paul Finley (R-Ill) told the conference that the use of federal funds for lobbying in Congress is prohibited by law. But whether or, not the project study is illegal, the fact remains that it is in existence and it has delved into all of the pertinent areas. The group is enthusiastic about the corps. So much so, in fact, that it was dismayed at the critical reaction of the delegates in the first workshop sessions. But in the end, the conference voted overwhelmingly to support the idea of the corps and suggested numerous areas in which it could work. In its plenary session the third day, the conference voted to en- dorse the idea of the corps. While discussing the various subpoints including the composition of the corps, the selection for it and the work which the corps would do in the field, an alternative resolution was offered to denounce the pro- ject. * * * THE GROUP which introduced this resolution used innumerable parliamentary devices to slow the progress of the conference. In the main the ranks of the obstruc- tionists came from Young Ameri- cans for Freedom. The main reso- lution was introduced by the na- tional chairman of YAF. The proposal noted that private and local organizations in the area of social welfare were doing and pass numerous resolutions which would suggest to the study group work which could be done by corpsmen. * * * THE CORPS is conceived of as a voluntary organization which would go into local areas of ex- treme social and economic depri- vation and doing work to aid, the people involved. Once initial pro- jects have been established, the corpsmen work would stimulate or catalize the local community and thus the progress can revert to local volunteers. In this manner, the conference felt that college students or the retired senior citizen with usable skills could, contribute to the work of the corps. Corpsmen were seen as working in the areas of mental health, as hospital aides, migrant workers, as teachers of both basic education and sanitation and health, in Indian affairs as teach- ers, in urban problems as develop- ers of indigenous leaders, in ju- venile delinquency as "detached workers" and as educators and teachers in tutorialprojects. The substance of the individual workshops on all of these prob- lems is almost as voluminous as the initial study group report. But the solutions presented to some of the United States' basic problems are intelligently thought out and the result of critical thinking. THE COLLEGE students did not merely gloss over the administra- tion's program, although it seem- ed at the beginning that the study group resource people had hoped that this would be the case. Nor did the students object for objection's sake. This seemed to be the aim of the YAF at times. Rather, in the limited amount of time given for discussion, they attempted to define the problems and find the most workable solu- tions to them. There were many who were dis-, appointed with the small number of corpsmen proposed, 1000-in the first year. But the entire concept of the corps depends upon the catalytic effect of the workers, not the work itself. * * * AS THE conference's purpose resolution states. "we see a Na- tional Service Corps as an actor, as a creative agent which through dialogue with the local public and voluntary organizations can facil- itate the development of compre- hensive programs directed at the erradication of social evils in this country and which can allocate human resources to the fulfill- ment of such a project." Of course, the final document was a compromise. All documents which are compiled by more than 300 persons of necessity are. The first workshop groups of about 20 people dilute the ideas to the satisfaction of all. And then the conference itself modifies the most controversial and important state- ments. But the end product of the con-j ference in Washington was an ex- pression of student thought. And the resolutions which were passed have a good chance of being in-1 corporated into the administration bill when it is introduced at the end of the month. STUDENTS IN COLLEGE will be the backbone of the corps just as they are of the Peace Corps. Two years ago USNSA endorsed the idea of the Peace Corps and the students showed a definite in- terest in it. Today the Peace Corps is an acknowledged success. The stu- dents in Washington showed an equally high interest. Perhaps this is a foreshadowing of the future. Review... To the Editor: I HAVE a complaint to make about the integrity of reviews appearing in the Sunday issue of The Daily. The article by Burton Michaels on the Peter, Paul, and Mary concert is the prime object of my dissatisfaction. They are a group of musicians, and criticism of them on the basis of their standards of performance, or ef- fectiveness before an audience is valid. Mention of the fact, that their names are or are not of a particular ethnic background is irrelevant, and linking the reserved performance of one Mary with that of the other one-Mary Mag- dalene-is not only extremely ir- relevant but in the worst possible taste. The comment on Mary's rising skirt was also unfortunate. I would like to ask the Honor- able Michaels if he has ever seen a ballet, a form of art without the connotations he applies to Mary, though the skirts are us- ually quite a bit more revealing. Perhaps his theater-going has not yet reached that level. Journalism is not only absurd, but insulting when carried on in this manner. Lately, the reviews _published on many things have seemed a bit picayune. The one in Sunday's issue follows suit, with a review of "Wine and Roses." Brien seems more concerned with Lee Remick's billing than the quality of the movie. He has more alliterations and aphorisms than insights. I move for a raising of the standards of threater reviewing. The Daily 'has such A. good repu- tation that I would hate to see it dragged down by a couple of mis- directed articles. -Herbert DuVal, 64 I TODAY AND TOMORROW: Whar Hawks and War Whoops By WALTER LIPPMANN AFTER A WEEK in Arizona, I not only have a fine sunburn,. but I also think I have learned something. By reading Mr. Pul- ham's newspapers in the morning and the evening, I have learned that we must distinguish between a war party-of which I have seen no traces out here-and a war whoop party, which likes to be warlike but does not want war. A war party consists of people conspiring and agitating to start a war from which the country will win, they think, profit and glory. It would be hard to find an Ameri- can who thinks that in any great war today there could be much profit or glory. The war whoop party consists of people who sup- pose that, no matter what we do, the Russians will not go to war. Having this kind of confidence, they suppose that, in order to get rid of Castro, we are quite free to flirt with smallish acts of war, knock the stuffings out of Krush- chev with a smashing editorial. S* * * I SHALL be going back to Wash- ington convinced that the country wants Cuba handled without war, big or little, and that it would not only be wrong but quite unneces- sary for the President to change his course in order to quiet the war whoopers. The fact in the Cuban problem is that there is now a consensus on the controlling facts. The responsible opposition, which is best represented by Sena- tor Keating of New York, is in agreement with the administration that 1) with the removal of the long-range missiles, there is no military threat to the United States, and 2) that with constant aerial photography, it would not be posible to do again what was done during the intelligence gap in September and October-to construct secretly an offensive base. They are agreed further- erning Cuba? The answer is that we shall not do this unless there is deliberate planned aggression from Cuba against American in- terests and rights. Why won't we do it? Because the invasion of Cuba would re- quire several divisions of troops and would cost very heavy casual- ties and would, after a successful invasion and conquest, leave us with the odious task of policing Cubal and with the obligation to feed and restore Cuba for a period of perhaps 10 years at the least. NOT EVEN the war whoopers in their most carefree and ir- Furriners WHILE EVERY possible effort should be made to accommo- date capable students within the state, no university can afford to responsible moments want an in- vasion and occupation. What then is left? What is left is what we now have: the policy of contain- ment. Once we adopt the policy of containment, we are faced with the consoling reality, which is that the United States alone cannot contain Castro tightly. How tightly he is contained depends not on us alone, but most of all on what the other American states are able and willing to do. We can help them with advice and tech- nical devices, but the United States cannot guard all the har- bors and airports and control the channels of communication, in- cluding embassles from all parts of the world, through which sub- version operates. Each American country will have to deal with the small aggressions. The United States, if it has Latin-American cooperation, can control the seas and intercept any large scale op- eration which might be launched from Cuba.