1, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DI LY ai t,+ iii i ./ ai Y \1 !Y 1 . 12113J Y DEPARTMENT CHAIRMANSHIPS: Board Sets Appointments, Promotions (r p (Continued from Page 1) .. Prof. Victor G. Cicirelli of Wayne State University was ap- pointed lecturer in education at the Flint College, with an assis- tant professor option if he com- pletes his PhD requirements by September.. Industrial Engineering The Regents appointed Gerald A. Fleischer of the engineering college assistant professor of in- dustrial engineering for 25 months effective immediately, so that he may represent the University un- der the engineering college pro- gram in Brazil. Prof. Wilbur C. Hallenbeck of Columbia University was appoint- ed visiting professor of education for the current semester and Prof. Linn Helander of Kansas State University was appointed profes- sor of mechanical engineering of one year effective immediately. The retired engineering dean at KSU, Prof. Helander will also par- ticipate in the Brazilian program. Former Ohio State Director of Finance James H. Maloon was designated project director for the Institute of Public Administra- tion's college and university fi- nancial analysis research project and John M. Malville was appoint- ed assistant professor of astron- omy beginning with the current Hannah Calls For Analysis Of MSU Goals (Continued from Page 1) semester. He has been associated v; ith the Eccentric Orbiting Geo- physical Satellite program. Internal Medicine Dr. Herbert H. Spencer of the Medical School was appointed as- sistant professor of internal medi- cine, effecive immediately, and Prof. Dennis Walsn of the radio astronomy laboratory was appoint- ed associate professor of astron- omy, effective immediately. Professors Warner G. Rice of the English Department and Wil- liam G. Dow of the engineering college were appointed to three- year terms on the Extension Ser- vice executive committee, to suc- ceed themselves, effective im- mediately. Appointments to the Office of Research Administration executive committee: Prof. Alfred W. Swin- yard of the business administra- tion school to succeed Dean Floyd A. Bond of the business adminis- tration school; Prof. William C. Parkinson of the physics depart- ment to succeed Pof Paul M. Fitts of the psychology depart- ment; Prof. Gordon J. Van Wylen of the engineering college to suc- ceed Prof. Stuart W. Churchill of the engineering college; and Prof. Solomon J. Axelrod of the public health school to succeed himself, all for three-year terms, effective immediately. Scott Award Appointments to the S. Spencer Scott Alumni Award Committee: Wayne E. Shawaker of Toledo for a two-year term retroactive to January, 1962. Alternates: Rep. John P. O'Hara (D-Mich) of Mt. Clemans and Wendel S. Miller of Plymouth. Appointments to the education school executive committee: Prof. Robert S. Fox to replace Prof. Joseph N. Payne, for two semes- ters, effective immediately, and Prof. William C. Morse to replace Prof. W. Beach for the current semester, effective immediately. Named to the Musical Society Board of Directors were former Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel, Chi- cago conductor Thor Johnson, Mu- sical Society President Charles A. Sink and Merlin Wiley. Law Professor Arthur F. Messiter Jr. of the engineering college was promoted to asociate professor aeronautical plained that "a university with our dedication" cannot exclusively ac- cept students who are interested in learning for learning's sake. But he indicated that MSU could do with fewer students who were in- terested primarily in "fun, frolic and the froth" of student activi- ties. C Average "I am disturbed when I find that almost 40 per cent of all freshmen are.one or more grade points below a full C average, and that these figures have not drop- ped as the quality of our students has improved., "Is our grading system right? If it is right then are we unrealistic in requiring a C average for ad- vancement and graduation?" Han- nah asked. The MSU president also said that the university's function in society; is to. serve as "a testing place of ideas, a laboratory for so- cial, political, economic, even mor- al analysis." Substantial Parts "In recent months we have seen evidences,, that substantial seg- ments of the public are not ready to accord to our public universi- ties the freedoms and immunities and privileges they must enjoy if they are to function effectively in this role. "This suggests that we have a job of teaching and interpretation to do. We would do well not to cry 'academic freedom' at every turn, every time faculty members are frustrated or disappointed, but rather we should teach the true meaning of academic freedom and; its importance to the public inter-j est," Hannah said.] But, he warned, "outside of his own field of competence and ex-J pertness, the professor is in the same role as any other citizen andE is liable to be called to account for public positions he espouses." PROF. JOHN CAROW ... Camp Filibert Roth "Heating and Airconditioning." His leave replaces that of Prof. Charles Lipson of the engineering college, which has been cancelled. Sick leave was granted Prof. Adelia M. Beeuwkes of the public health school, for a 5-week period ending Dec. 31 last. China Mainland Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the economics department was grant- ed a leave of absence of the com- ing year for a study of the in- dustrial development of the China mainland supported by a grant. from the Social Science Research Council Committee on the Econ- omy of China. Prof. Bertram Herzog of the engineering college was granted' a leave of absence of the current and coming semesters to accept the position of manager of the methods engineering sectio:i of the Ford Motor Company's scien- tific laboratories. Prof. John F. Holt of the Medi- cal School was granted sabbatical for six months effective May 1, to visit pediatric radiology depart- ments both in this country and abroad to acquire ideas which can be incorporated into the planning and eventual operation of the pro- posed new Children's Hospital., Nutritional Survey Prof. J. J. Martin of the en- gineering college was granted sab- batical-for the current semester to prepare a treatise on thermody- namics and Prof. Leo J., Miedler of the public health school was, granted a leave of absence from March 1 through May 15 to par- ticipate in a nutritional survey in Brazil,: supported by the Inter- departmental Committee on Nu-' trition for National Defense.' Prof. Julius E. M. Moravcsik of the philosophy department wasl granted a leave of absence for the fall semester to teach ancient phi- losophy at Harvard University. Sick leave was granted to Prof. George W. Nace of the zoology department, retroactive to Dec: 15 and Prof. Leo A. Schmidt of the business administration school, retroactive to Dec. 3. Regents Receive Grants, Gifts at January Meeting A gift of 20 acres of land adja- cent to the Radrick Farm area each for the J. F. Ervin Founda- was received by the Regents at tion Scholarship and the Engi- their January meeting. neering College Special Fund. The donor, who prefers to re- Two sources each gave $3,000: main anonymous, has placed a Mrs. James E. Harris and Marian value of $3,000 per acre on the E. Harris of Newark, for the gift. James E. Harris Scholarship in This is the remaining half of Chemistry, and Mrs. Richard T. a 40-acre parcel, the first half of Utley of Flint for the Harold M. which was given to the University Utley Memorial Scholarship. in 1962 and reported to the Re- From three sources came $2,500 gents in December. each: The Kenneth H. Campbell A total of $450,000 in gifts, Foundation for Neurological Re- grants and bequests was also ac- search of Grand Rapids for the cepted by the Regents. Kenneth H. Campbell Foundation Largest Item for Neurological Research Fund; George A. Fuller Co. of New York The largest item was from the for the George A. Fuller Co. Kresge Foundation of Detroit, for Award, and Mrs. Frazier McDon- the Kresge Hearing Research In- ald of Detroit for the Edgar A. stitute Construction Fund. Kahn Neurosurgical Fund. Next largest was $50,000 from Pillsbury Testimonial Elsie Druggan of Columbus to es- From Mrs. Walter B. Pillsbury tablish the Marc Luchs Scholar- of Ann Arbor came $2,441 for the ship for the music school. Walter B. Pillsbury Testimonial The Woodrow Wilson National Fund. Fellowship Foundation of Prince- Six donors each gave $2,000: ton provided $34,000 for the The American Conservation Asso- Woodrow Wilson supplementary ciation, Inc. of New York for the grant to the graduate school. Pinewood Conservation Research From E. I. duPont de Nemours & Fund; Mrs. Frederick W. DeFoe of Co. of Wilmington came $20,000 New York for the Frederick W. for three projects, half for the DeFoe Memorial Scholarship; Gol- duPont Fundamental Research in den W. Fuller of Flint for the Al- Chemistry Fund and a quarter lergy Special Fund; Parke Davis each for the duPont Fundamental & Co. of Ann Arbor for the Elec- Research in Chemical Engineering trolyte Research Fund; Sandoz and in Mechanical Engineering Pharmaceuticals of Hanover, N.J., Funds. for the Electrolyte Research Wayne State University provid- Fund; and Sears Roebuck Foun- ed $18,750 for the Institute of La- dation of Chicago for the Indus- bor and Industrial Relations. trialEngineering Hospital Study Dearborn Center Award. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Chus- man of Dearborn gave $10,093 for M ay Receive the Dearborn Center Planning Fund "in recognition of the affec- tion which Clara L. Snow has fora the University and for the Fair Lane home." Miss Snow is an aunt Veterans who incurred a dis- of the Cushmans. ability inupost-World War II The American Cancer Society of peace-time service are now elig- Lansing provided $9,686 for the ible for federally-sponsored re- Cancer Research Institute. habilitation training, the Veteran From an anonymous donor came Administration Bureau announced $8,000 for the Medical School Col- recently. or Television Fund.renty oTe insFundThose who were disabled be- Dean's Fund tween July 26, 1947, and June 26, The Michigan Heart Association 1950, and since Feb. 1, 1955, are of Detroit gave $7,251 for the eligible for aid under a law passed Michigan He a rt Association- by the last session of Congress. Dean's Fund. Books, tuition and subsistance al- Texas Instruments, Inc. of Dal- lowance will be granted for the las granted $7,200 to establish the training of veterans more than 30 Texas Instruments Inc. Fellow- per cent disabled. ship. Five sources each gave $5,000: Ayerst Laboratories of New York for the Circulation Research Read and Use Fund: Earl D. Babst of New York, for the Music Special Account in Daily Classijieds memory of his late wife, Edwina Uhl Babst; Ford Motor Co. of Dearborn, for the industry pro- gram of the engineering college; Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. of New York, for the Jules Stein Ophthalmology Research Fund; and The Upjohn Co. of Kalama- zoo, including $3,000 for the Up- john Fellowship in Pharmacy and $2,000 for the Harry Helfman Pemphigus Research Fund. From the J. F. Ervin Foundation of Ann Arbor came $4,000, half « PROF. WILLIAM G. DOW ...reappointed SPECIAL CAMPUS BATES and astronautical engineering, ef- fective immediately, and Beverley Pooley of the Law School was appointed assistant professor ef- fective in August. Prof. Joseph R Akerman of the engineering college was granted sabbatical for the current semes- ter to prepare a textbook on OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS TILL 8:30 PM. ~ V2 & / TlntrOdlUcinl OUr OWni T-5 o~ford SIiirt in a newly perfected Dacron-und-cotton The end of the day evidences this hlandsome shirt, looking as fresh as it did when starting out. The miracle discovery is T-35 Dacron* polyester, blend- ing with cotton for phenomenal rinkle-resistance- only one of its virtues. Just as important are its durability and wash and wear superiority. Lighter," snore supple and very comfortable, this advanced shirting by Burlington is cut according to S.F.A's Own specifications on our University Shop model, -h n o h ay vdncstihnsmesit Magazine TIME LIFE SPORTS ILLUSTRATED NEWSWEEK FORTUNE (new only) STUDENT 1.87 21 wks. 4.00 yr., 8.00 2 yrs. 2.00 6 mos. 2.98 yr. 5.95 2 yrs. 5.00 yr. 8.50 2 yrs. 2.75 34 wks. 3.50 yr. 7.00 2 yrs. 7.50 yr. 11.75 18 mos. 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