'od' THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRmAY.1 a a aLn 1 , tAA Dixon Discusses Public Health Practices '4>. By GAIL BLUMBERG James Dixon, president of An- tich College, identified some of the impediments of idealized prac- tice in public health at the an- nual Delta Omega lecture recently. Public health is in the liberal tradition of American history, Dixon said. Its effort has been to achieve social results through spe- cific methods while working in the public domain. These tra- ditions include the ability of man to better himself indefinitely and the implementation of such im- provement through deliberately adopted legislative techniques for change, he added. * A liberal view holds intellectual progress as its base and support. It substitutes for myth and anim- ism a definite knowledge of fact subsisiting with the foundations of social behavior, Dixon asserted. Analogy Dixon next developed the anal- ogy between public health and the liberal collegs in order to stress towards what goals public health should be progressing, The goals Regations Cover,,Uses' OfRadiation Michigan is not a leader but is way up front in state radiation regulation, Prof. Charles S. Si- mons of the medical school radiol- ogy department 'and member of the State Health Commission's ad- visory committee on radiation reg- ulations said recently at a meet- ing of the student chapter of the American Nuclear Society. "There are certain users of X- rays who are not familiar with the source installations," he continued. "The Atomic Energy'Commission has no jurisdiction over the use of X-rays or radium. One reason for setting up the present regulations was that the health commission wanted to see who operates radiation sources and whether they know how to use them. In addition the commission wanted to govern the use of sourc- es. However, the state regulations are not concerned with nuclear reactors, Prof. Simon noted.. The state regulations follow closely the National Bureau of Standards publications on this subject. One reason for this sim- ilarity is that Michigan wants to avoid friction. Also, the publica- tions have been carefully develop-' ed over a number of years. But since the NBS publications are not binding on individuals, the regula- tions were legislated. Minor revisions will probably be adopted soon for the five-year-old regulations now in operation. One prospective revision to the exist- ing regulations is that anyone who sells radiation source equipment must inform the purchaser of the state regulations, Prof. Simons commented. Wilkinson To Talk; Show HUAC Film Frank Wilkinson, Executive Di- rector of the National Association to Abolish the House Committee on Un-American Activities, will speak at 7:30 tonight in room 3RS of the Union. He will show a re- cently completed documentary film about HUAC. The program is co-sponsored by Voice and the Socialist Party. JAMES DIXON ... public health of any social institution are to insure the growth of knowledge and the capability of the mind to use it to identify moral respon- sibility with the individual and to insure the nation of political and social action, he noted. Antioch, Bard, Reed and Sarah Lawrence Colleges have served the American liberal tradition well, said Dixon, adding that they rec- ognize that man, not knowledge, is central in the universe. Know- ledge is the tool of man, and ad- vancement is made through free- dom without restraint and through responsibility, he said. Aimlessness has no place in the lives of men according to this philosophy. The ;production of great know- ledge has brought about grat specialization. Although a liberal education is founded on knowledge and fact, the pressure and de- Delta Board To Continue Supervision (Continued from Page 1) sound approach to the educational problems } of the Saginaw Valley and of the state." He added, "By joining the strength of the two institutions in this way, we will advance higher education in the Valley -by at least five years." The joint proposal makes clear that Delta will continue to be a locally supported and locally di- rected two-year college financed from local tax funds. The Univer- sity branch would in no way re- duce the legal authority of the Delta Board, according to the re- port. The University branch would be supported by state tax funds and possibly some private funds for separate private colleges within the public institution. Cooperation The University and Delta would cooperate on two levels under the new plan. First, there would be a joint board of governors and sec- ond, there would be an inter- change of faculty. The governing board of the branch would consist of 10 mem- bers, holding delegated powers from the Regents. "It is the in- tention that broad powers of local autonomy will be delegated to the Board of Governors, administra- tive officers and faculty of the University of Michigan at Delta," the report maintains. Three of the board members would be chosen by the Regents, three by the Delta board and the six members so selected would agree on the other three members. Ex-Officio The chief administrator of the branch and chairman of the board, to be chosen by the Re- gents upon the recommendation of the University President and the branch faculty, and board, would be the last board member, ex-officio without vote. One of the advantages of the joint program would be that the existance of a degree-granting university in conjunction with the community college would help to attract high quality faculty to the tri-county area. Faculty would probably be able to teach in both institutions on a cooperative basis Minor Offerings The branch campus would offer courses in biological sciences, chemistry, English, mathematics, physics, political science and psy- chology, with minor offerings in modern languages, philosophy, his- tory and sociology, starting in September. There would also be a nursing school. The first objective would be to establish a liberal arts college, then engineering and education and business administration. The potential of the branch as a re- search center is also being con- sidered. mands on most students tend to crowd out general education, he said. At these liberal institutions, an attempt is made to thwart the pressures of specialization, includ- ing emphasis on techniques of the use of knowledge and incorporate a generalized education. Dixon added that a student is given a problem of the times and sees what all fields have to say about this problem. Individual Fixation Dixon said that the moral re- ponsibility must be fixed with the individual. College age, he added, is a crucial period in such ideo- logical development. To encourage such self-development, it is neces- sary to limit the forces which govern conduct by fear and threat. Thus the liberal college has a maximum of self-government, he said. It is also necessary to recognize the hero' and peer in educational growth, Dixon added. In such in- stitutions attempts of "the mind, the spirit and the world" are made with the underlying feeling that man himself directs his private and public destiny, he noted. "A student must feel himself an active agent in the solution of world problems. We have gone to great pains to define academic freedom, freedom of speech and of dissent to their fullest. No lib- eral college can afford the fore- closure of freedom of dissent, but dissent cannot be restricted with- out knowledge, he said. Same Things Apply To return to public health as a social institution the same things apply, according to Dixon. Pro- gress along liberal conditions with an interaction between knowledge and action is necessary. In a pro- fessional situation, the ethics in- volved differ from pure scholastic ones. The ethics of scholars are maintained by academic freedom and the right to seek the truth for oneself. A policy of academic freedom and the right to dissent is needed in the public domain, Dixon said. He noted that the efforts of the government to monitor the dis- tribution of truth are a threat to democracy. Public health, according to Dixon, has failed to develop the expectations of a national social policy because of conservatism in the professions and because there has never been a liberal govern- ment with a liberal populace. Al- though the medical profession has improved through knowledge and developed a strong ethic, they have regarded government as evil. Thus, he said, they have limited the "range of the possible." By not working with government, they have raised the question of wheth- er social public health is a phan- tasy, he noted. Power Passes The power in our country is passing from the government to the scholar, Dixon continued. Edu- cation and action must be united so that public health can put its ethic into action. We have need of a community of scholars to act for the public, he added. Scholars must learn how to apply- their knowledge in the world, Dixon said, adding that colleges must make institutional commitments to action if their ethic is to work. Finally, said Dixon, in this struggle forsan ethic for this age, schools cannot retreat to safe po- sitions. Actions toward the im- provement of public conditions through knowledge is necessary. Knowledge and action will make attainable the "art of the pos- sible." 'U Expands Student Plan At Sheffield The education school's study abroad program at Sheffield, England, has been expanded to allow 30 students to participate, 15 students for each of the two se'mesters, according to Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen, director of the program. The program aims to enable students to engage in full-time study of professional education in another country. Under this plan it is possible to become acquaint- ed with school aims and practices in England as well as earn credit toward a secondary provisional teaching .certificate. Tuition at Sheffield is $100 for the semester and room and board runs $200 to $300. SGC HASH: A pp roves New .Role For Party By ANDREW ORLIN Student Government Council granted permission Wednesday for Voice political party to become a local chapter of Students for Dem- ocratic Society. Council also granted ad hoc rec- ognition to the Committee for a Democratic Student Government. Howard Abrams, '63, submitted his resignation as chairman of the United States Student Association Committee, effective immediately. He noted that his candidacy in the March 15 election made it ap- propriate that he resign at this time. Abrams cited his active par- ticipation in Regional United States National Student Associa- tion as another reason for his res- ignation. He felt that it would be better for the committee if an- other person who could devote more time to it became chairman. Acting on the recoipmendations of the Joint Judiciary Council In- terviewing Committee, Council ap- proved the following students for positions on JJC: Howard Eglit '64; John Markiewicz, '64; Suzanne Sherwood, '65; Catherine Sipe, '64; Harry Youtt, '64, and Patricia Golden, '63. In addition Council approved the appointment of eight students to SGC committees. Michael Maiden- berg, '64, was approved as chair- man of the Committee on the Uni- versity. Patrick Murray, '66, was also appointed to that committee. Peter Eisinger, '64; Linda Cole, '65, and Alan Jones, '66, were appoint- ed to the USNSA Committee. Gloria Marshall, '65BAd, and Beth Bower, '65, were appointed to the Committee on Student Activities while Diane Lebedeff, '65, was ap- pointed to the Committee on Stu- dent Concerns. Ayers Rej ects British Report On Sixth Ocean A recent news report to the ef- fect that the world may have six oceans rather than five, accord- ing to a group of British ocean- ographers, has been dismissed as "a matter of interpretation" by Prof. John C. Ayers of the zoology department and research ocean- ographer with the Great Lakes Research Division of the Insti- tute of Science and Technology. The British report claimed that the sixth ocean, hitherto unrecog- nized as such, consists of the Arabian Sea, including the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, which has generally been regarded as the northwest sector of the Indian Ocean. This area will be intensely in- vestigated by British workers dur- ing the International Indian Ocean Survey slated to get under way this year. The principal aim of such research, according to the British report, is "to establish the crust structure of the Arabian Sea and to determine its relation to the surrounding continental land masses." "The British have always con- sidered that such a body of water could be an ocean, while we Amer- icans traditionally refer to the area as an epeiric sea-that is to say, it is a sea which stands on the Continental Shelf," Prof. Ayers said. "It all depends on one's view- point," he said. By THOMAS DRAPER The class of '66 is participating in an extensive survey on student development, which will relate University experiences to persist- ence and change in students' in- terests, values and life choices, Gerald Gurin, program director of the Institute of Social Research, said recently. "The project started in orien- tation sessions this past summer and fall, when entering freshmen filled out a two-hour question- naire," Gurin said. "We were .in- terested in the values, interests and ideas which the freshmen brought to the University. Two or three times a year now we inter- view several hundred students from this class to determine what experiences at the University are related to different ways of re- solving such issues and life choic- es as values, vocation and self- concept." Significant Courses "We want to know what courses, books, or teachers are experi- ences," Gurin said. "We are inter- ested in student groups and friend- ship patterns and the effect on students of meeting people with interests and values different from their own." "The University or any environ- ment can be divided according to groups which focus. their atten- tion on different aspects of life," Gurin explained. He said that this project would try to discover to what extent different groups fo- cus on social, religious, political, aesthetic, intellectual and other Foley Terms Federal Aid Discriminatory Two parochial schools in Ann Arbor save the government over $600,000 a year, according to Thomas J. Foley, president of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Men. Addressing the University New- man Club, the Catholic lay lead- er noted recently that he was not campaigning for or against fed- eral aid to education. If federal aid to education is passed, Foley believes it would be wrong "to exclude almost seven million American children because their] parents exercise a basic right to send them to private schools. "Like any discriminatory policy, this would prove to be economic- ally as well as morally and ethic- ally unsound," he added. Foley cited the rising cost of education and the savings afford- ed to public education by private schoools. Fifteen per cent of all school children in Michigan are in parochial schools. It would have cost the Michigan taxpayer an ad- ditional $158,000,000 in 1961 if these children had attended pub- lic schools, he said. There are about 1400 students attending the two parochial schools in Ann Ar- bor. Noting that the per capita cost of education in Ann Arbor is $468, Foley estimated that these two schools save the community $655,000. "It must be remembered that these private schools teach the same secular subjects as the pub- lic schools and that, in so doing, they serve the same public pur- pose," he said. He added that the religious courses were a "plus f'c- tor." values." In this connection, Gurin pointed out that it is not the in- tent of the project to label the different groups and ways of life at the University as good or bad, but to gain better understanding. Continuation The project is a continuation of the work done in the late thirties at Bennington College by Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the so- cial psychology program, Gurin said. "Bennington was a small, isolated community. The school was new and there was a tremen- dous involvement in world affairs on the part of the students. Be- cause of these factors and the close student-faculty relationships, Bennington could be considered a single environment for the stu- dent." He said that the University study would differ because "Mich- igan is not one environment but many. What happens to the stu- dent here depends on what as- pects of this heterogeneous envir- onment he becomes involved in." He said that the entire project would not be completed for six years. The first information will be out in two years on the char- acteristics of incoming students that relate to choices of different groups and ways of life that these students have made as sopho- mores. Survey on Development Relates 'U' Experiences and Changes "..C. CINEMA GUILD peaent TONIGHT at 7 and 9 Kinugara's GATE .OF HELL. The Finest TECHNICOLOR Ever Filmed starring Michiko Kyo-Kano Hasegawa GRAND PRIZE, CANNES ACADEMY AWARDS SHORT: A Publisher Is Known By The Company He Keeps ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 Cents Tomorrow: PR EM I E RE SUMMERSKIN AT 9 P. M. S' FROM A MAJO sTUDIO , I The picture for the whole family *.Come either at 7 or 9 p.m. and see both preview and regular feature. The regular show is run right after the preview. Of course you want to know name of preview-but we are not permitted. We can darn near divulge it by saying it is a Joe Pasternak ptoduction in color, di- rected by Vincemete Minnelli. And maybe Glenn Ford & Shirley Jones are in it. Regular Feature {. Psychology Students Provide Group Care at State Hospital By BARBARA LAZARUS Students in psychology 510 have been working at Northville State Hospital with chronic, undifferen- tiated schizophrenics as a part of their course work. "The students attempt to get group occupational and recrea- tional activities started with the patients, who have no inter-per- sonal relationships and exhibit avoidant behavior patterns," Lau- rence Braunstein, '63, teaching as- sistant for the course, said recent- ly. The students work with about 360 patients who are distributed in wards of some 80 in each. "These wards have some of the most regressed patients in the hos- pital who are receiving custodial care and are under sedation," he added. Games and Discussion The recreational therapy in- cludes such things as volleyball, singing groups, various games and group discussions. The hospital is very enthusiastic about the pro- gram which began last spring, Braunstein explained. "In the beginning students just worked with building K which has 160 males and only about 30 would communicate. Now some 100 will participate, and the program also includes working with building ,J, which has female patients." Most students in the course are enrolled in psychology 455 and 555. The majority of them are psychology majors, but students in special education, nursing and medicine are also participating, Braunstein noted. Creditability "Although the program has been going for three semesters, this is the first year that it is offered for credit. A student may receive one or two credits, depending on the amount of time he works. The course also requires writing a re- port from four to 20 pages in length." The sponsor at Northville is Dr. Z. P. Lach, a staff psychiatrist, and Prof. Lingoes of the psychology department directs the course from the University. "All the patients are under se- dation,.and there have never been any incidents of violence. It is a valuable experience to work with these people, especially for stu- dents who plan to enter a field like psycho-pathology," Braunstein said. Lecture Continues Psychology Series ieS Prof. Kenneth MacCorquodale of the University of Minnesota will speak on "Hypothetical Constructs and Intervening Variables- Cas- ually Revisted" at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud. B. The program is part of the psychology colloquim series. .. .+. - DIAL 8-6416 Shows at 7-9 P.M. NOMINATED FOR 3 ACADEMY AWARDS ! MASTROIANNI, BEST ACTOR ALSO BEST DIRECTION BEST ORIGINAL STORY AND SCREEN PLAY "GREAT! SIZZLING FARCE! DELICIOUSLY INGENIOUS!" -BoslIy Crowther, New York Times "THE SEASON'S JOSEPH E. LEINE , i Nominated for 5 Academy Awards! "Best Actor" Jack Lemon, "Best Actress" Lee Remick, "Best Song," "Best Art Direction," and "Best Costume Design." ThISIN ffTS OWN TERJMYING WAY, IsA LOVE STOR. A i I 'N Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. YI"''3 HELD OVER!V That preposterous pro fesi is on the Loose Again ! AMERICA'S MOST EXCITING FOLK TRIO i~c JiJ11~htr -MARCELO 4 Mastroianni Two of the most startling performances you have ever seen in the most shattering enter- tainment experience you have ever known! - ~,m,- i I I I I I 7ii m ta TAW W, " - - .1 V. ** - A, - 'Ck I