Seventy-third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Of THE UNIERSIT OF MICHIGAN - UNDER AUTHORITY of BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE No 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mi s b. noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MARC US 'Soft Sell' Approach:* Necessary but Neglectful REPERTORY THEATRE: Unwinding 'Richard' RICHARD II is a transitional, transitory, and unshaped play. Shakes- peare at this period is undergoing the psychological growth which will carry him from the plays of sweeping historical occurrences or of exterior comical happenings to the great late plays of interiar conflict and despair. The result is worth producing primarily for the historical interest of the insight it provides into Shakespeare's development. Structurally, the play itself is in continual alternation between the historical and the interior. In the presentation there is, despite its great length, insufficient span of either aspect for the play to fall distinctly into either mold. Its direction is further sundered by the multiplicity of vacillators. Richard himself, of course, and Henry IV to be, and Aumerle 11 IN GRAPPLING with the state Legislature- undoubtedly the most onerous and sobering of tasks assigned to the inhabitants of th Administration Building-a shift in strategy seems to have taken place this year. Instead of hirsute warnings of the dire events which would ensue if the University wasn't given all the money it asked for, the new tack is one best described as a positive "soft sell," of showing legislators the helpful things the University can do for Michigan, if only a higher appropriation is delivered. First indication of the 'affirmative' approach came last October, when the Regents asked Lansing for an allocation of $44.2 million for the 1963-64 general operating budget. Obvious- ly, the needs and problems of the University hadn't diminished any since October 1961, yet this request was $1.6 million lower than the plea made a year before. ANOTHER TIPOFF on the gentle and ac- commodating line came late last December when Regents Eugene B. Power and Donald M.D. Thurber announced their plans to run for a second term on the board. Both geared their campaign platforms to glowing statements of the fruits to be derived from a more congenial state-University part- nership. "I am especially impressed with edu- cation in what it can do for the state as a whole, what it can do for the economy of the state, what it can do for Michigan industry," Power revealed. "We are particularly proud of the growth of the University in recent years as a research center whose vast facilities are used in cooper- ation with government and Michigan industry. The continued growth in this area will make a great contribution to Michigan's economy.' The pattern was continued when University President Harlan Hatcher appeared before the Senate Appropriations Committee in Lansing Feb. 13. Gov. George Romney's proposed ap- propriation of $38.3 million-or $3.9 million less than the sum the Regents thought would be very nice-would cause the University "to lose a little ground when it should advance," President Hatcher tactfully pointed out. Also, in recognizing that Romney's sum is probably just what the University will get (chances of the Legislature increasing the gov- ernor's appropriation are about as good as the Mets'), the President tried to get a special $1.-1.5 million in additional funds for the In- stitute of Science and Technology. University research is the "unique key to strengthening the economy of the state," he reiterated. "It really puzzles me that in plan- ning for Michigan's commercial and economic health, there is no provision for this on-going and creative center." ALL THIS is in somewhat sharp contrast to the blunt, urgent tone of the stances assumed last year. Around the time the Regents filed their request for $45.8 million, University Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss was putting forth the 'hard-line' justification for an 'ab- solutely essential' $4 million increase in the operating budget. "If we experience one more year of non- movement, we will be in serious trouble," he declared. "It would be difficult to control both faculty losses and morale" Another warning of a similar nature came later from President Hatcher, who criticized the "strong talk among legislators to 'hold the line' rather than 'see the needs.' We must not mark time again as we did last year." REGENT POWER was also hitting hard: "The University must have additional in- come to preserve its stature and quality. This is the year that something must be done." In fact, Power stumped the Upper Peninsula during that October, speaking in terms of "dead seriousness" (as a Sault St. Marie paper put it) to the grass-roots populace of the criticial need of the University to solve its financial problems. It would be stretching a point to give the impression that the University's bargaining strategy has gone from black to white within one year; while administrators were rendering their hard-line proclamations, the public rela- tions office was busy soft-selling alumni e groups and businessmen's clubs in honeyed y and patronizing tones. Still, there has been a marked shift in em- phasis; administrators' public statements this time around have carried considerably less urgency and more of a tone of "let's work to- gether" for the legislators. THE REASON for this is simple: the Uni- versity can't hike tuition. Last year, the University got only a $1.3 in- crease in appropriation from the state Legis- lature, out of the 'absolute essential' of $4 million, but it was able to raise student fees by a stiff percentage to bring in another $1.9 million, This year, the Regents can't raise out-of- state student tuition any more without setting completely exhorbitant levels and checking off the supply of non-Michigan applicants; it can't raise in-state fees enough to make a dif- ference without being hung in effigy by irate parents and taxpayers. So the University is almost solely dependent upon the state Legislature for extra funds, at a time when extra funds are badly needed, perhaps more so than last year. With the tuition hike, faculty people were given a deserved salary increase, thus lessen- ing somewhat the possibilities of a professional exodus to more lucrative pastures. But other pressing problems have gotten worse: coping with the first wave of the post- war 'baby-boom' crop of student applicants; trying to implement year-round operations, and trying to relieve over-burdened libraries and seriously overcrowded teaching, research and office facilities. MOST OF the legislators recognize these needs but feel that the overall condition of Michigan is even more critical and must be cured. They consider the state's highest prior- ity to be balancing its budget and getting back on its fiscal feet. While sympathizing with the University, they feel the state can afford only a $1.5 mil- lion increase in appropriation, although local officials had set $3 million as the bare mini- mum necessary to begin solving the crucial problems of the University. So the academic year 1963-64 will be another year of austerity for the University; the recent announcement by Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns that complete con- version to year-round operations would have to be suspended due to lack of funds was the University's public resignation to this regret- table fact of life. The future of the University is tied to the future of Michigan. Only with fiscal reform and a revived state economy will the Univer- sity be able to grow in quality and quantity. BECAUSE THEY fit in functionally with the programs of the now-dominant legislative moderates for effecting fiscal reform, our new affirmative bargaining tactics should be retain- ed. If there's any approach that will wring more funds out of Lansing, it will be a demon- stration of the utilitarian benefits to be de- rived from subsidizing University research into, methods of rejuvenating the state's economy. , However, the strength of the new strategy is also its weakness. The University, hopefully,R is something more than the Bureau of Business7 Research or the IST, and it is more than al breeding ground for pure and applied research. By representing the University as sort of a sophisticated, intellectual adjunct to Michigan factories, by stressing the University's utilitar- ian potential to the virtual exclusion of all itst other functions, our lobbying practices are nott furnishing the legislators with a complete pic- ture of what this place really is and what it is supposed to be. In lobbying, the most difficult and at thet same time most crucial of administrative tasks,s University officials should strive to keep re-8 search towards prespecified practical ends ins its proper context: as only one aspect, albeitv an important aspect, of an institution ofr higher education.t -GERALD STORCH t THE NEW LOOK-The new research dominated-coalition of industry, government and the University is symbolized by Federal Mogul-Bower Bearing, Inc. President Guy S. Peppiat, Gov. George Rom- ney and University President Harlan Hatcher at the dedication of the Federal Mogul research facility, the first in Ann Arbor's Research Park. The New 'U' Research Image By PHILIP SUTIN THE UNIVERSITY is wearing new image. Research, in recent months ha become its dominant feature, re placing the "educational institu tion that needs funds" image. Thi change is designed to meet th state's prevailing political deman4 on education. Gov. George Rom ney emphasized research as par of his program to revitalize th state's economy, and the Univer. sity is now exploiting the popula will. The current emphasis on re- search started late last year wit University President Harlar Hatcher's plea for expanded den- tal school facilities. He stressed the role of graduate and profes- sional education in the develop- ment of the state and wryly noted that he had seen better dental school facilities during his Latin American tour than at the Uni- versity. IN JANUARY the University opened its big propaganda guns with an announcement by Vice- President for Research Ralph A. Sawyer that if sponsored research increases at the current rate, the University will receive $36 mil- lion-an increase of $5 million over last year. The January Regents' meeting saw President Hatcher define the new image. He predicted that the University's research capabilities and their effect on state business and industry would "influence the new administration in Lansing." "What we've got to do is drive far in the utilization of this great facility. We must find a way whereby Michigan industry can exploit this pool of talent to the fullest-to use the experts we turn out, to use the ideas from our research, to move quickly into the promising new areas-then the state will really be on its way," he declared. * * * A WEEK and a half later, Saw- yer indicated the tone of the University's campaign in a speech to the Michigan Pastor's Con- ference. lHe laid out the Univer- sity'sresearch potential, itsngov- ernmental support, its growth po- tential and their relevance to the state. Much basic information about research was related in that speech. Meanwhile, a Public Health Ser- vice decision to build one of seven egional pollution control labora- ories added to the growing lus- tre of the image. President Hatcher put the grand ouches on this by now established new look at the Senate appropria- ions committee budget hearings, Feb. 13. Departing from recent presentations which stressed the University's educational role, he lemonstrated some of the Univer- ity's most spectacular research products and made a strong pitch or extra funds for the Institute f Science and Technology, the University agency that most close- y relates to business and indus- rial research. * * * SUCH ARE the major efforts. veanwhile, the Office of Uni- ersity Relations, especially News ervice, has been supporting this ffort with a drumfire of news eleases and other presentations. 'hese range from newspaper fil- ers on University research to a ewly-lithographed booklet of bor Research Park provided a plat- form to impress the public and the governor, present to dedicate it, at the same time. While this new image empha- sizes the greatest aspect of the University, it is not an entirely healthy one. True, it stresses the growing, dynamic part of the University, but it also de-empha- sizes its educational role and thereby endangers its growth and fiscal support. RESEARCH TODAY is well fi- nanced and is growing. Missile-age defense calls for extensive theore- tical and applied research and the University, an old hand in this business, is ready and willing to aid the government. The defense department pours $15 million an- nually into University projects and other federal agencies add an- other $14-16 million. This sum includes the also-burgeoning med- ical and physical science research. The state contributes little to research. Its main efforts are con- cerned with faculty salaries and construction of buildings such as the Institute for Science and Technology Bldg. and the Physics- Astronomy Bldg. Most state funds go toward the University's in- structional program, especially at the undergraduate level where re- search grants cannot defray part of the cost and foundation grants are scarce. AnJ emphasis on research can thus mislead legislators, resulting in the reduction of funds for un- dergraduate education just as the baby boom hits the University. It can slow any efforts to improve and expand educational programs in the humanities, in particular, where research funds cannot pay part of the cost. This could re- sult in a science, graduate, re- search-oriented University which could not provide an adequate liberal arts and undergraduate education. * * * THE IMAGE fails to explain clearly what sort of research the University will or will not do. It points glowingly to research in the abstract,-hiding the firm Univer- sity policy not to do applied "pro- duct" research for industry. "It is not the University's business to undertaketproduct development," IST director Prof. James T. Wil- son declared recently. "It is to do basic research-a part and parcel of the educational effort." The early reaction of key legis- lators indicates only a fuzzy awareness of the principle. "Re- search has not done all it might to develop Michigan industry," Senate appropriations committee chairman Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Claire) said. "I think one thing that is sadly lacking in our college research programs is a sense of respon- sibility to industry," Senate ma- jority leader Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) added. As the University upholds its policy, the legislators may become irritated with the lack of tangible results, either to slight the University or force it into product research. Thus the research image, while more accurate than other images the University attempts to portray, still has its potential for mischief. Like others it tells only the par- tial truth and can lead to unfore- seen and unwanted consequences. and the Duke of York-are all presentations of men in uncertain- ty. The only steadfast character is Sir John of Gaunt; and he dies rather early on. 'And of course Northumberland, whose fealty to the current might is exemplary for a righteous scoundrel. THE STRATEGY of Ellis Raab's direction accentuated the frag- mentation. In some productions, for example, it is suggested that Bolingbroke returned to England only after acquiring knowledge of the King's seizure of his proper- ties. It is then possible for him to play the good guy in the piece. Last night it was hard to see any justice in his cause soever. This approach is a projection in- to the whole of the character of Richard. In his presentation, as well as in the tactics of direction, Mr. Raab was, to my thinking, more successful. The opening pan- tomime--it seems there must be one--was brilliant. In the hand-wring scenes Raab brought considerable power to his Richard while keeping -him defi- nitely more pathetic than tragic. Curiously, it is again the mixture that pervades the play which robs Richard of stature as a man:it is his posturing vision of himself as a historical figure that keeps him introverted at the start and which, on its collapse-indicated by the shift from "we" to "I"-that pre- cipitates his degeneration. * * * THERE WERE a few other ac- tors. Will Geer's Gaunt--a name appropriate to Gaunt but not to Geer-provided a nice proportion of humor and the evening's closest approach to tragedy. Clayton Cor- zatte was still too much the Puck of two weeks ago to carry the full weight of his conspiracy. It is a pity that Rosemary Har- ris, a truly fine actress, has so characteristic a voice. One inevit- ably sees her peeping through her roles, however well devised, be- cause of it, a situation accentuat- ed by the exigencies of repertory theatre. Last night she did.a bet- ter than usual job of altering it to the part, a .difficult feat, no doubt, but worth it. * * * WELL. Here endeth the first year of APA's two year contract. They provided something long missing in this city. The fall sea- son comprised mostly out of the ordinary plays of varying merit but high interest. I particularly remember "Ghosts" and "School for Scandal" as outstanding per- formances of plays whose differ- ence in character displayed the versatility of the group to great advantage. The Shakespeare was a great a joy. "Midsummer Night's Dream" was as light and merry as possible; "Merchant of Venice" in modern dress, a stunning tour de force; "Richard II" a worthy conclusion. -J. Philip Benkard STANLEY QUARTET : B rahm Featured LAST NIGHT'S concert by the Stanley Quartet got off to a shaky start, but ended up in fine fashion. Opening the program was the Quartet No. 19 in C, K.465, the "Dissonant," by Mozart, composed in 1785. This was the last of a group of six quartets dedicated to Haydn, who, upon hearing them, proclaimed Mozart "the greatest composer known to me either in person or by name." The subtitle for this quartet arises in the adagio introduction to the first movement, where the first violin pierces two minor triads with a discordant, but quickly resolved note. The performance was marred by a lack of richness and fullness of tone in the violins-perhaps mere- ly an unwillingness to assert them- selves. Not until the gay finale was the true Mozartian spirit cap- tured, and by then it was almost too late. The second selection performed by the quartet-in-residence was "Quartet No. 8 (1960)," by our composer-in-residence, Prof. Ross Lee Finney. A cacophonous assort- ment of wild noises, only occasion- ally could I detect a melody or theme in it. Typifying the work is its ending, an abrupt glissando in thirds, sliding down the strings. Perhaps, had I been more familiar with the work, I might see some- thing more in it. With respect to the performance, the tones were definitely richer than in the open- ing work. * * * THE BRAHMS Quartet in B- flat, Op. 67, is one of the first examples of a cyclical work, in which themes from one movement occur in a later movement. The opening movement, marked vivace, was slightly stiff, and did .iot receive the rubato dance-like treatment it might have. However, the remainder of the quartet was quite pleasing. The beautiful theme;which flows throughout the andante cantabile was handled well by all the instruments. The ensuing agitato is- more like a viola sonata, with string accom- paniiment. The violins and Cello are muted, and Prof: Courte did an excellent job in the solo parts. The finale, theme and Jaria- tions, is the cyclic movement, where the main themes of the first and second movements return. (Brahms was to repeat this very same procedure later, in his fa- mous Clarinet Quintet.) The per- formance reached its height here, and the program ended on a happy note. -Henry A. Shevitz x , I I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Asks Specification of Objections toIlls* U' Budget Action Overdue GOO.ROMNEY'S overall plan regarding the state budget is to "get Michigan's fiscal house in order first," before expending large sums of money on projects that are not ab- solutely vital. This is generally a good policy. However, it seems that Lansing has once more displayed poor judgment in implementing this plan. First, Romney chose to take in some slack by pulling on the already taut noose known as the University's operating budget. Secondly, he refused to observe the urgency of the need for the top three buildings re- quested in capital outlay planning. The Regents anticipated a cut in their re- quested figure of $44 million; however there was no foam in the $6 million mouthful that LAST WEEK, he announced his recommenda- tions for "quick action" planning funds for the University. Again, only two items were mentioned, the Dental Building and the Architecture and Design building. The first priority request, for Medical Unit II, was com- pletely overlooked again. The first action by the governor seems to have taken the teeth out of the University's trimester plans. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said it will mean only "token trimester." Plans for an increased faculty and higher pay also had to be scrapped. This seems like price enough for the Uni- versity to pay to "put the fiscal house in order," without being forced also to forget Med. Sci. II for another year. It has been promised for 10 vears and it is ahnt time the t n t F I p R f ly t S re T le n2 To the Editor: MICHAEL HARRAH made some pretty libelous accusations in his diatribe against the Young Re- publicans Club and its Michigan Federation. He had better be able to substantiate those irresponsible innuendoes. In his editorial, Mr. Harrah more than hinted that the YRs are cur- rently dominated by leaders who are "inept and self-seeking"; lead- ers who "coerce inebriated dele- gates into signing false statements ..; send out ... influential lieu- tenants to spread deliberate lies about the opposition . . .; seek to impose the (illegal) unit voting rule . . .; stampede delegations, pay off chairmen, promise deals for subordinate positions, (and) make a lot of promises (they) wouldn't know how to go about keeping." Nor did Mr. Harrah spare the Federation in general, pegging it as lethargic and lacking courage. * * * ' AS WITH MOST cases of libel, the YRs are in an indefensible position, due to Mr. Harrah's fail- ure to give specific cases and his failure to substantiate the things he did say (however vague they were) with facts. There are two courses of action open to Mr. Harrah. He can either write another editorial, specifying his objections to the Young Re- publicans Club and stating facts to substantiate his objections; or he can write a public retraction of our support of the Human Rela- tions Board for its direct action in striving to get a definitive state-, ment on fair housing legislation from the president of the Univer- sity. It seems to us that a definite statement of proposed University action in support of fair housing legislation is the minimum that the University could do to end discrimination "affecting students, faculty, and employes." --Robert Heath, President Congregational Disciples, Evangelical Reformed, Evangelical United Brethren Guild House Hours... To the Editor: RECENTLY a girl was struck down in front of Stockwell Hall by an automobile. The re- actions of those present were ex- pected, but nevertheless startling. Hearing a sickening thump and thinking it to be an accident we hurried in the direction .from which it originated. En route we met another student. He said it sounded like two cars had col- lided. We replied that we felt that a person had been hit, due to the nature of the sound. Upon hearing this he immediately ran. When we arrived our suspicions were verified-a girl was lying in the street with two boys and a girl standing over her. The scene was one of panic. The first coherent that the people were regaining control of themselves. They cov- ered the girl with coats and two of the bystanders took time off from gaping to motion the traf- fic around the victim, but mean- while being careful not to lose their vantage points. One began to hate the human race as one listened to the filthy insults that the helpless girl en- dured from the passing cars. Shortly the police arrived, took charge and conducted a routine investigation. Within a few min- utes the street was empty, the students having left to return only for the next accident. One wonders how many late minutes the injured girl will be assessed . -Steve Doehrman, '64 -Jack H. Paldi, '64 Carades .. . To the Editor: AFTER many years of not read- ing the Daily, I must express my ultimate satisfaction in not reading it yesterday. The publication of a letter from Paul A. Hudon, which concerns his unbounded. view on love, far outstrips any literary endeavor undertaken by your organization previously. I wish to extend to you my compliments on becoming the ve- hicle for such valuable informa- tion as Mr. Hudon expounds; I know for a fact that he is the izations of the implications of the shortened final exam period are not merely unsatisfactory, but pos- itively objectionable. No matter how well one prepares for his courses, he cannot correlate and "tie in" what he has not yet learned. Studying for finals affords the opportunity of getting an overall view of the course, in- deed, of getting the real meaning out of the course. Miss Miller concludes that "the University is making every attempt to preserve the true traditions of educational purpose." But is her suggestion that students check the final exam schedule before selecting their courses, in other words, take into consideration their possible grades before their academic interest, in keeping with the aforementioned "true tra- ditions of educational purpose?" -Lucy Marton, '64 Education . . To the Editor: HAVE always wondered what one should expect of Army life. I hear it's pretty good though. Recently the National Guard boys down at the Ann Arbor Armory got to watch skin flicks (films of sex acts) as part of the weekly entertainment. I am certainly glad some of my tax money went to provide the auditorium, the boys chipped in 75 cents each for 'Y J