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February 28, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-28

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Intermittent light
snow; colder tonight





Legislature Hears Proposals

By The Associated Press
LANSNG-Gov. George Rom-
ney proposed yesterday sweeping
changes in the conditions under
which unemployment compensa-
tion is awarded.
Romney, in a message to the
legislature, offered a complex pro-
posal designed to satisfy both
labor and industry in Michigan.
The proposal is the result of a
series of meetings held earlier this
month between Romney's staff
and key persons from both union
and auto company interests.
The proposal stems from a con-
troversy over a 1959 Michigan
Supreme Court decision to award
benefits to workers from a River
Rouge auto plant idled by a strike
in an Ohio plant owned by the
same company.
Hurts Economy
The decision impaired the state's
economy by "spreading a charge
throughout the nation that in
Michigan a company had to f i-
nance a strike against itself,"
Romney said.
Both the Senate and the House
will be, considering bills embody-
ing the Governor's proposal. Key
Republican legislators said the
bills' chances of passing were good.
Romney's proposal would curtail
to some extent the circumstances
under which an employee could
qualify for compensation.
Conflict of Interest
Employees idled by a strike in
} their own plant would become
eligible for unemployment com-
pensation only if they are in a
different class' of workers from
those striking and if they have
no direct interest in the strike.
In other Lansing legislative ac-
tion yesterday Sen. Farrell E.
Roberts (R-Pontiac) introduced a
reapportionment plan to reduce
population variations in Michi-
gan's Congressional districts to
make creation of a new 19th dis-
trict possible.
Roberts noted that the plan
should satisfy both Democratic
and Republican legislators and
therefore stands a good chance of
Rep. Neil Staebler (D-Mich) of
Ann Arbor now holds the 19th dis-
trict seat. A Republican-controlled
Legislature failed to produce a re-
districting plan satisfactory to
Democratic former Gov. John B.
Swainson last year.
Roberts said his plan would
bring the populations in all 19
districts to within 20 per cent of
the norm-411,000. At present,
population figures vary as much as
six to one in the districts.
The Upper Peninsula would lose
Wite House
Tax Position
House reaffirmed yesterday Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's statement
Monday that he would reluctantly
abandon revenue-producing' tax
law changes if necessary to win a
tax cut this year.
At the same time it indicated
he still wants both-a tax reduc-
tion linked with some tax law
SSecretary of t h e Treasury
Douglas Dillon took a similar
position in testimony before the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee yesterday. Speaking of the
proposed tax legislation, he said:
Rate Revision'
"I certainly hope it will not be
a plain rate reduction bill and
nothing else. But if you ask me
what the important element is,
I have to say it is the rate . .
Dillon said he hoped Congress
wouldn't drop all proposals for

revenue - producing t a x 1 a w
changes, and emphasized the
Administration does not foresee
any recession this year.
Kennedy, proposed earlier this
year a $13.6 billion tax reduction
spread over three years, offset by
$3.3 billion in revenues produced
by tax lai changes. The program
is designed to stimulate the
Nothing in Way
In an address Monday before
the American Bankers Associa-
tion, Kennedy said the most im-
portant thing is to get a tax cut
this year "and nothing should
stand in its way." He made it
clear he still wanted revisions but
would accept a tax cut without

one of its two Congressmen. "Leg-
islators from the UP would oppose
this plan, and for that reason we
have to have Democratic support
in the House," Roberts continued.
New Districts
A portion of Oakland County
would comprise the largest dis-
trict, 450,000 people. But the boun-
daries on all Wayne County dis-
tricts would be redrawn as would
most of those outstate.
On the basis of past voting rec-
ords, the redistricting under Rob-
ert's plan would probably see the

election of another Republican
Current proposals for reappor-
tionment of Michigan's legislative
districts originates in claims that
outlying rural areas of the state
are over-represented. On the other
hand, urban areas show a large
number of voters and a relatively
small proportion of elected repre-
sentatives. Wayne County, and the
Detroit area, according to some
political observers, including Stae-
bler, is particularly not well-rep-

Russians Appear Hostile
To International Conrol
GENEVA WP)-The Russians seemed yesterday to be moving away
from the idea of any international control of a nuclear test ban
A feeling of pessimism grew within the 17-nation disarmament
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev announced in Moscow the
Soviet Union will not go beyond his offer to permit two or three on-

- ' "' l

. . . leads ISA

AdalemoS et
Ini ISA Post
The executive committee of the
International Student Associationl
last week elected Isaac Adalemo,
'64, for the present semester.
Adalemo, a geography major
from Otta, Nigeria, took over
from Fazil Aydnmakine, Grad,
from Turkey. He was elected by
acclamation. Formerly he was
editor of the International Stu-
dent, the ISA newsletter, as well
as a member of The Daily staff.
Viewing the role of ISA on the
campus Adalemo said "the ISA
is becoming more and more an
organization to be reckoned with
on the campus."
He asserted that his prime con-
cern at the moment is getting ISA
represented on Student Govern-
ment Council. "It is my feeling
that foreign student program-
ming' on campus outside 6f the
ISA is very poor and one of the
ways to correct this is by having
a foreign student on SGC."
Another of his aims concerns
working with the United States
National S t u d e n t Association
through its International Student
Relations Seminars to analyze
and evaluate foreign student pro-
gramming on this campus.
"Next week the ISA will host a
reorganization conference for the
Association for Foreign Students
in the state of Michigan. We ex-
pect that the conference may re-
sult in new programs benefitting
foreign students."

site inspections a year on Soviet
soil, an offer Western authorities
consider entirely inadequate.
The United States and Britain
want seven.
Soviet Ambassador Semyon K.
Tsarapkin carried the ball in the
Geneva conference.
He defined proposed automatic
seismic monitoring stations as no-
thing more than auxiliaries for
policing a test ban.
Only Three
And, whereas thenUnitedStates
has suggested seven of these ro-
bots should be put on Russian
territory, Tsarapkin said the So-
viet Union would admit only three.
William C. Foster, the chief
United States negotiator, sought
to break the conference stalemate
by getting the test ban discussions
referred again to the American-
British-Russian subcommittee for
detailed negotiations. This idea
won support from India, Brazil
and Italy, but drew no immediate
response from the Russians.
Tsarapkin made it clear that
Moscow does not accept the Yest-
ern concept that robot boxes, fill-
ed with recording instruments,
would form an independent part
of a treaty's enforcement system.
He said they would only check on
the findings of nationally manned
stations as to suspicious ear th
British:Minister of State Joseph
B. Godber told the delegates: "I
am depressed by the Soviet speech,
with its negative line." "
Godber denied a Soviet claim
that existing national seismic
systems alone can prevent viola-
"For all we know," the Briton
said, "the Soviet Union might be
testing underground at this very
The United States and Britain
believe in a complete automatic
seismic recording system.
Nehru Pushes
Arms Buildup
NEW DELHI (P-Indian Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru told
his people yesterday they cannot
fully depend on foreign help
against an attack by Communist
China but must arm themselves.
He repeated criticism of any
proposed permanent umbrella of'
Western planes to protect India
because, he said, this would create'
a Maginot Line mentality that
would leave India's air force weak.

On Rule
The first of a two part discus-
sion of a report from Prof. Rob-
ert J. Harris outlining implemen-
tation of Bylaw 2.14 was conducted
by Student Government Council
last night.
Council requested the report
from Harris in order to clarify
authority to carry out the non-
discrimination provisions of the
bylaw, and to make demands for
membership statements from stu-
dent organizations recognized by
SGC considered proposals for
a membership judge, who would
have the authority to impose sanc-
tions on student organizations
which refused to submit member-
ship statements, or whose char-
ters included clauses limiting
membership on the basis of race,
religion or national origin.
Interfraternity council president
John Meyerholz, '63BAd, asked
that Council consider the selec-
tion of the judge by SGC, and the
possibility of a political appoint-
ment. He noted that another
agency might be given appointive
Robert Ross, '63, commenting on
the suggested tenure for the judge,
noted that a one year term might
be preferable to the two year term
suggested by Harris. "The student
body should have as much of a
chance for change as possible," he
Council also considered a power
of subpoena which, according to
its interpretation of the proposal,
would give prosecutors access to
documents other than member-
ship statements. Panhellenic presi-
dent Ann McMillan, '63, question-
ed provisions which would hand
over sorority charters, for ex-
ample, to a Membership Commit-
tee, or a membership judge.
Still Strike
MILAN M) - Barricaded in
their. lass rooms, the Univer-
sity of Milan's architecture stu-
dents sat out last night, the
10th night of one of the strang-
est strikes in the curriculum of
college capers.'
They insist they won't let
their professors in until courses
are made harder and exams
stiffer. The professors are stay-
ing out, refusing to make the
classwork tougher than it is.
"It looks like a stalemate," a
spokesman for the 400 sit-in
student strikers said. "We're
not going to give in-and so far
thererhave been no signs that
the professors are going to eith-
er." Behind the strike is the
shadow of ever-mounting stu-
dent criticism ofancient Italy's
modern educational system.
"School authorities are fail-
ing to keep up with the chang-
ing times. Even the past of
jItaly's glorious heritage of cul-
ture can become a burden if ef-
forts are not made to rejuvenate
it to fit the needs of the pres-
ent," some of the students said.
Specifically, the students are
demanding guest lectures by
successful, practicing modern
architects, harder courses and
tougher exams that will weed
out the incompetent and fit
the graduates fcr jobs in boom-
ing, modern Italy. They also
want a consultative say with
their faculty advisors on what

the courses should include.

Request Aid
To Affiliates
Going Lo.al
Student Government Council
last night supported a motion
which asks the Regents to make
assistance available to sororities
and fraternities facing financial
difficulties due to compliance with
Regents Bylaw 2.14.
A communication will be sent to
the Regents noting that fraterni-
ties and- sororities might face a
withdrawal of financial support
from alumni or national organiza-
tions if compliance with SGC
membership regulations forces the
groups to undertake local auton-
Co-authors of the motion, How-
ard Abrams, '63, and Thomas
Brown, '63BAd, noted that the mo-
tion should not be construed "as
an encouragement for groups to
go local."
However, they pointed out that
"at various times during the past
the University has provided finan-
cial assistance to some of the fra-
ternities and sororities on campus
at times when their financial need
was particularly acute."
Robert Ross, '63, though, al-
though noting that the motion
might not be "realistic," it was val-
uable "only if to indicate to affili-
ated groups that Council is not
trying to persecute sororities and
fraternities" in its demands for
membership statements.
Abrams explained that "finan-
cial assistance to groups that find
themselves in jeopardy as a re-
sult of autonomy, and estranged
from financial backing because of
pursuit of policies of non-discrimi-
nation should receive such sup-
The motion received support by
the majority of Council members
present. Interfraternity Council
President John Meyerholz, '63BAd,
abstained, and Panhellenic Presi-
dent Ann McMillan, '63, voted yes
on the motion.
Vathana Meets
With Kennedy
For Laos Talk
WASHINGTON (P)-President
John F. Kennedy and King Savang
Vathana exchanged pledges of
support yesterday for a neutral
and independent Laos.
A joint communique issued after
the monarch paid an hour-long
farewell call at the White House
said the two men conferred on
recent developments in Laos, par-
ticularly the implimentation of he
Geneva accords and the future,
of Laotian-American relations.
"In discussing the future, his
majesty stressed his desire for
unity, peace and independence or
his people and reiterated the de-
termination of his country to -sup-
port the Geneva agreements," te
communique said.
Kennedy recalled that he and
Soviet Prime Minister Nikita S.
Khrushchev made an agreement
in Vienna in June 1961 for mutual
support of a neutral and indepen-
dent Laos, it said, and reaffirmed
the United States' policy.

C# <

... refutes charge ... supports charge
RomeThayer Attack,
jWSU 'Miser' Accusatin
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-The recent attack by the Wayne State University
chapter of the American Association of University Professors on the
"miserly" appropriation for WSU has drawn rebuttals from Gov.
George Romney and Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor).
Although "very sympathetic" with WSU's problems, "meeting
the problem they've talked about is related to the state's entire econ-
omy," Romney said. "It's necessary for us to make some tough choices.
We have to recognize we can't-
have what we can't afford."
'No Question' AEC Reports
T h a y e r acknowledged that
"there's no question" that WSU
needs more money. However, "if e
the university can't survive one N ewoStrike
yerwith only a modest increase,
the faculty isn't worth its salt any- RENO ()-The Atomic Energy
way," Thayer declared. Commission reported that about
"Michigan has not been nig- 500 workers struck yesterday in
gardly with its universities," he protest to the presence of non-
said, pointing out that it ranks union labor at the test site.
third among the states in annual Workers put up a sign at the
funds spent on higher education. highway juncture about five miles'
WSU President Clarence Hilber- from the main gate which read,
ry voiced support for the AAUP
protest, which said WSU was "be-
ing led to mediocrity" through low About 100 perspns stood by talk-
appropriations. ing. They were not picketing.


On Ex-Officio


Student Bod
To Express
Only Opinion
Technicality Results
In SGC Invalidation
Of Voice Petitions
Student Government Council
last night voted to place the issue
of ex-officios on the ballot. in
the March 13 election.
The vote will only be "an ex-
pression of student opinion" and
will have no binding effect on
After a motion by Executiye
Vice-President Thomas Brown,
'63BAd, to suspend the rules,
Council discussed the advisability
of placing the question of seats
for ex-officios on the ballot.
A petition calling for a refer-
endum on the question which was
circulated this past week was
ruled invalid on the grounds that
it was improperly worded.
The Council motion stated:
"Resolved that all members of
SOC be_ elected by the student
body." On an amendment by
Howard Abrams, '63, Article Tv/o
of the Student Government Coun-
cil Plan will precede this state-
ment. Article Two states the
composition of Council as it is
presently made. up.
The petition which had obtain-
ed over the required 1000 signa-
tures was declared invalid be-
cause it did not state under what
area of the Council Plan it came.,
Supporting this motion, Abrams
noted that this was the only way
to gather student reactions. He
claimed that the question of
whether an elected representative
body should have ex-officios on
it should be brought before the
Finke Opposed
Voicing opposition to this pro-
posal, Michigan Union President
Robert Finke,. 63, stated that it
suggested no alternate plan. He
noted further that ex-officios de-
vote as much time to Council as
the elected members. Finke also
noted that it would be difficult
to find 18 students who were cap-
able to serve on SGC without in-
cluding the ex-officios.
In other business, Robert Ross,
'63, moved to allow Voice candi-
dates to have the name of their
party written next to their name
on the ballot.
The action will only be in effect
,for the upcoming election. The
name of the party will only be
placed after candidate's names if
chairman of Voice political party
Joseph Chabot, '65, submits a let-
ter to the executive vice-president
requesting such an action.
The Voice candidates will have
to concur with Chabot to have the
name of the party placed after
their names on the ballots.



Lost Ground
"Our budget request was based
in large part on this agreement-
that WSU is losing ground and is
losing valuable personnel," Hil-
berry reported.
However, he said Romney told
him "to hold the line this year
in the hope that we can get fully
adequate support next year on a
broad basis that will carry into the
"He assured us that he was de-
termined to provide the real re-
sources necessary to support high-
er education, instead of trying to
do something now on a patchwork
basis," Hilberry continued.
Not Keeping Up
"The governor knows this means
more money, and he knows we are
not keeping up with other institu-
tions or with the rest of the econ-
In a related development, Hil-
berry and other WSU officials re-
quested a $550,000 increase in state
funds for its medical school in tes-
timony yesterday before the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee.
WSU asked the appropriation
increase in order to raise its fresh-
man medical class from 100 up to
125 students, with an eventual goal
of 200.
As part of its testimony, WSU
produced figures showing its year-
ly expenditures on medical stu-
dents were $3,572, compared to
$4,517 for the University's, Medical
WSU officials testified they were
having no difficulty enrolling well-
qualified medical students, say-
ing they rank in the top one third
nationally on the Medical College
Admission Test.
The University officials, in their
request for added funds beyond
those suggested by Gov. Romney
in his budget, noted that such
funds were needed for research,
which, they said, would further
the contributions of the Univer-
sityk to the state economy.
Kennedy Sets
Ridihts Ideas

SThe AEC said that all 300 elee-
tricians failed to show up for work
and were joined by workers from
other crafts.
The strikers constitute about 20
per cent of the craft workers.
Last month a strike by 500 of-
fice workers shut down the site
for several days.
The work crews are employed by
the Standard Construction Co,
first major non-union firm award-
ed a contract at the site in recent
The walkout came as labor lead-
ers, contractors and mediators met
at a 'special hearing of the Ne-
vada Test and Space Site Con-
struction Labor Board in Washing-

'Salamanders Spark Skepticism

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Prof. Charles F. Walker of the zoology department today ex-
pressed "extreme skepticism" toward a recent Moscow report of two
prehistoric tritons (salamanders) being revived after lying frozen
for 5000 years.
The report claimed that the salamanders had been found by
a team of Soviet geologists at a depth of about 25 feet in the frozen
wastelands of Siberia and had come back to life after being kept at
room temperature for some time.
The Soviet scientists classified their finds as tritons, members
of a group of amphibians which flourished in the Mesozoic Era, the
dinosaur age.
The Soviets said that if such creatures could be alive and in



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