1963 MOMPAWNW. ..'a .ars w.cs -A r.aaPAGE FIV For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. '. fl4VfltS'%.V . sWM. ^s" . A4 " .'.W r.vn% '. V"t:. MVW' +SSS pVt^... r...S ..r r^ "t"rrr .,f.. . x1t ,:,. . ^"Y! r.A y ¢v . .&Wt.WAWP& . :Y5}}Y.:. J .. n AR{ 4t'" 4:'JJf:^....4....e..a . rr . {r. ~v1 i4" ..... :.y ...,!'{:'^J {.{ .. '....ft..... r " .p.^. A .'. . .'^' '.? i... .{.. . . . . . . . . . . . ......,...{....... {.X{rhrC4:f 'h v.{..' V:^R{^? ,*...a ...5.....flflJ^.'' " r.y The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Day Calendar, 8:00 a.m.-Advanced Marine Engrg. Concepts for Increased Reliability Con- ference-Registration: Amphitheatre of Rackham Bldg. Mathematics Colloquium: Meets today in Rm. 3201 Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m. Prof. Taro Yoshizawa from Nihon Univ., Tokyo, Japan, currently visiting at Iowa State Univ., will be speaking on "Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations. Refreshments will be served in- Rm. 3212 Angell Hall at 3:30 p.m. Dept. of Engrg. Mechanics and Civil Engrg. Seminar: Prof. M. A. Save will speak on "Some Belgian Researchers in the Field of Plasticity," today, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 311 W. Engrg. Bldg. Prof. Save, of the Univ. of Mons, is currently Visiting Associate Prof. of Engrg. at Brown Univ. General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., March 22, Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than March 8. Please submit twenty-two copies of each com- munication. Honors Council, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Honors Council is sponsoring a lecture by Prof. Edwin Moise, James B. Conant Prof. of Education and Mathematics at Harvard Univ. on "A Theorem in Phil- osophy," Thurs., Feb. 28, Aud. A, 4:15 p.m. Martha Cook Bldg. Applications for residence are due no later than Mon., March 4. First appointments will be made through Fri., March 1. William W. Stout Scholarship: Appli- cations for this scholarship are now available at 2011 Student Activities Bldg. Undergrad students who have completed' at least 15 hours at the Univ. with grades of "B" or better and who need financial assistance may ap- ply. Applications must be completed by March 1. S: o S t . * O 1. . 11 tt <. ,' r, §, . to <' i t Following are the foreign visitors programmed through the International Center who will be on campus this week on the dates indicated. Program arrangements are being made by Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, Ext. 3358, Interna- tional Center. Nik Mohammad Mohyideen, Senior Lecturer in Islamic Theology, Muslim College of Malaya, Klang, Malaya, March Events Stanley Quartet: The Stanley Quar- tet, Gilbert Ross and Gustave Rosseels, violins, Robert Courte, viola, and Jer- ome Jelinek, cello, will present a re- cital on Wed., Feb. 27, 8:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall. They will per- form Mozart's Quartet in C major, K. 465, Ross Lee Finney's Quartet No. 8, and Brahms' Quartet in B-flat major, Op. 67. Open to the public. Guest Pianist: Joseph Banowetz, guest pianist, will present a recital on Wed., Feb. 27, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall, as part of the Doctor of Musical Arts (Piano) Series. He will play the com- positions of Prokofieff, Ravel, and Beet- hoven. His recital is open to the public. Opera: Albert Lortzing's "The Hunt- ers" (Wildschutz) }vill be presented, Tues. through Sat., March 5-9, by the U-M Players of the Dept. of Speech and the Opera Dept., School of Music, assisted by the Dance Area, Women's Dept. of Phys. Ed. Performances 8:00 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tick- ets are available now by mail. Tues., Wed., and Thurs. performances are $1.75, 1.25; Fri. & Sat. performances $2.00, 1.50. Send orders to U-M Players, Frieze Bldg., Ann Arbor. Checks pay- able to U-M Players. Sociedad Hispanica: Wed., Feb. 27, 8:00 p.m., Frieze Bldg. Dr. Martin Need- ler of the political science department speaking on experiences in Peru and Latin America. Placement Engineers: "The Employer's View- point" will be discussed by an experi- enced employer's representative, Wed., Feb. 27, and Thurs., Feb. 28, at 4:00 p.m., in Rm. 311 W. Engrg. All interest- ed students are invited and engineers who expect to graduate this year are r I I I 1 I . n in I E I r I SNew York Anunusual one-year college program I I r I a U I Write for a I I brchua re - I ea I ,I I New York University New Yor3,N.Yt 1 - , - *.. .Newci=oirk.Y.....====a === especially urged to attend one of these meetings. APPOINTMENT: Dr. Halfdan Gregersen, Director of the Scandinavian Seminar for Culture Stud- ies, will be on campus Fri., March 1. In- terviews with all students interested in the Seminar, and also with those planning to traved to Scandinavian countries next year. Room 3524, SAB, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. to 5:30. POSITION OPENINGS: Grand Rapids Art Gallery, Grand Rap- ids, Mich.-Director of Children's Edu- cation. BA or MA with Art History bkgd. Ability in oral & written expres- sion. Exper. not necessary but helpful. Will conduct tours & give lectures on art to 5th & 6th graders, etc. Conn. Civil Service-Social Worker II -Degree plus 1 yr. exper. in social work. City of Rockford, 111.-Public Health Nurse-Graduation from Sch. of Nurs- ing. The exam for this position can be given in Ann Arbor. Apply by April 5. * *.* For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview appointments with the following WED., FEB. 27-N Social Security Administration, Balti- more, Md.-Men & women.Seeking: Soc. & Psyh. & Public Health majors-the latter being only on the MS & PhD levels. Also Math-Stat. majors. Posi- tions: Social Research, Statistics. U.S. citizenship. THURS., FEB. 28- First National Bank of Chicago-Men in Liberal Arts with special mention of Econ. & Poli. Sci. majors. Bus. Ad. stu- dents with Accounting, Banking, Econ. Analysis, Finance, Corporation, Invest- ments. Positions: Banking, Economist, Mgmt. Training. U.S. citizenship. FRI., MARCH 1- Attention - This is the first an- nouncement of the following interview: Scott Paper Co.-Various locations - Men-General Liberal Arts, esp. Econ., Geog., Hist. & English for Personnel. Purchasing, Traffic & Trans., & Man- agement Training. SUMMER PLACEMENT: 212 SAB- The Wagon Wheel Playiouse, Warsaw, Ind.-Will open June 24 for its eighth season. Will be auditioning for: Singers, Dancers & Actors on Wed., Feb. 27 at the Mich. Union, Room 3-G from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Must provide your own accompaniment. Camp Nahelu, Mich.-A coed camp. Will interview students for camp posi- tions on Tues. & Wed., Feb. 26 & 27. Forest Beach Camp, New Buffalo, Mich.-Sponsored by Chicago YWCA. Will interview for a horseback riding director, unit leader (9-12 yr. olds), business manager, & cabin counselors. Interviews will be on Tues., Feb. 26 (to- day). DO NOT CALL for an appointment, come to Summer Placement. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign interview schedule at 128-H West Engrg. for the following: FEB. 28 & MARCH 1- Allen-Bradley Co., Headquarters - Milwaukee, Wis. & 40 sales offices- BS-MS: EE. BS: IE & ME. June grads. Men & Women. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. FEB. 28-- American Brake Shoe Co., Total Co. -47 plants throughout U.S.-BS-MS: ME & Met. BS: EE & IE. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Avco - Electronics Div., Electronics Operations, Cincinnati, Ohio-All De- grees:EE. BS-MS: ME. BS: E Physics. Men & Women. R. & D., Des. Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Rochester, N.Y. -All Degrees: EE & ME. BS-MS: IE, Physics & Math. MBA: Majors in Prod. Control or those who desire to work in Prod. Control. MS: Instrumentation.- BS: E Math & E Physics. R. & D., Des., & Prod. FEB. 28 & MARCH 1- Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y., Kingsport, Tenn., Longview, Texas-BS- MS: ChE, EE, EM, IE, ME, Met., Chem. - , i1 & Physics. BS: E Physics. Men & Wom- en. R. & D., Des.,Prod.-(Staff Sales). FEB. 28- The Falk Corp., Milwaukee, Wis.-BS- MS: ME. BS: IE & Mat'ls. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales, Plant Engrg.-(Train- ing Prog. prior to assignment in above areas). FEB. 28 & MARCH 1- Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., All Fire- stone except Los Angeles, Akron, Ohio; Pottstown, Pa.; Hopewell, Va.; Nobles- ville & New Castle, Ind.-B$: ChE, EE EM, E Physics, IE, ME & Set. Engrg. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Training Prog. FEB. 28- Huntington Alloy Products Div., In- ternational Nickel Co., Inc., Hunting- ton, W. Va.-BS: ChE, IE, ME. BS-MS: Met. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Inland Steel Co., Indiana Harbor Works, E. Chicago, Ind.-All Degrees: ChE, EE, ME & Met. BS-MS: Met. MS: Construction _(at Plant). BS: CE. R. & D., Prod., Quality Control, Ind. Engrg., Operating Services depts. Elec. Field Forces (constr. at plant sites), & Mech. FEB. 28 & MARCH 1-- Raytheon Co., Divs. of Col located in greater Boston area & other New Eng- land states-All Degrees: EE & Physics. BS-MS: IE & ME. BS: E Physics. Men & Women. R. & D., Des., & Prod. Scott Paper Co., Philadelphia Pa. Northeast & Midwest-All Degrees: ChE & ME. BS-MS: BE & Instru., Org. & Phys. Chem. & Math. BS: Se. Engrg. & Met. R. & D., Des., Prod. U.S. Gov't.-(Navy), U.S. Naval Ordi- nance Test Station, China Lake, Calif.- All Degrees: AE & Astro., ChE, EE, EM, ME & Physics. MS-PhD: All Phases of Chem. & Math. BS: E Math & E Physics. Men & Women. R. & D., Des. & Test. Part-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Part-time Placement Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., during the following hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring stu- dents for part-time or full-time tem- porary work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553. Students desiring miscellaneous odd jobs should consult the bulletin board in Rm. 2200, daily. MALE 2-Engineering or technical students to sell slide rules. Substantial commis- sion. 1-Who is at the MS or PhD level in Physical or Organic Chemistry to do research. 20 hours per week. 1-Native Voicer from Mexico. 5 to 10 hours per week. 4--Museum guides needed. For someone with a Natural Science background at least at the Junior level who is interested in gaining some experi-, ence in their field of study. 1-Lifeguard needed. Must have a Senior Life Saving Certificate. The hours are Mon. thru Fri., 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-Fri., 3 to 6 p.m.-Satur- day, 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 3 to 5:30 p.m. 1-Who has experience with free-hand lettering or a LeRoy Scriber. 10 hours/week. FEMALE 2-Engrg. or technical students to sell slide rules. Substantial commission. 1-Half-time temporary secretary to start March 6, and work thru March 29. Shorthand and secretarial experi- ence is required. 2-Key punch operators to work full or part-time for six to eight weeks. 1-Native Voicer from Mexico. 5 to 10 hours per week. 4-Museum guides needed. For someone with a Natural Science background at least at the Junior level who is interested in gaining some experi- ence in their field of study. 1-Who has experience with free-hand lettering or a LeRoy Scriber. 10 hours/week. WOMAN'S SKI BOOTS-Excellent con- dition. $15. Size 8. NO 5-3486. B34 FOR SALE-Maternity clothes; size 14. 662-8189. B23 3 BDRM. RANCH House-Furn'd. Rea- sonable. Call 665-5675 or 668-6231. B19 FOR SALE - Ski parka, hair dryer. skirts, slacks, sweaters, etc. Call 6442 Markley. 136 FOR SALE - Smith-Corona portable typewriter. Like new. Call Judy Bleir at NO 2-2591. B33 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Rugs, beds, and miscellaneous. Ph. NO 5-0393. B37 DIAMONDS at rock bottom prices through student representative of large Detroit Jewelry Store. Call 663- 7194. B7 LARGE, HEAVY-DUTY wooden tables, suitable for housing unit dining or private work tables. Call Don Mac- Ritchie, NO 5-9193. B21 1000 WAYS to have fun with Magic Tricks, Joke Novelties, Illusions, Gags. Big 160 page Catalog, only 10c. HOUSE OF 1000 MYSTERIES Dept. Col-63 Monroe, Conn. B26 HARPSICHORD-Same instrument used by Philadelphia Symphony. In kit form for home workshop assembly, $150. Clavichord kit, $100. Free bro-- chure. Write: Zuckermann Harpsi- chords, Dept. U, 115 Christopher St., NYC 14. B27 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING-.67 carat American Brilliant'Cut; color- rivers florescent; perfection-flawless; Appraised value $767; 14k white gold mounting; never worn. Save $107 in taxes. Write Box 106, Michigan Daily. B25 USED CARS '56 CHEV., 4 door, auto. trans., Good body. $250. R. Wolf. 3-4145. N21 '55 2-DR. CHEV. Good clean car, stand- ard trans. $325. HU 2-9425.' '61 CORVETTE soft top, red and white. 230-3 speed. New tires,' one owner. 23,000 miles. $2,950. Call 663-3452. N10 '59 T-BIRD-Hard top, full power, ex- cellent condition, original owner. LO 7-9515 or Sun. eve.,.TU 2-8522. Detroit call collect. N20; '55 OLDS-Very cheap, $79.59. Call NO 3-7959. N22 BIKES AND SCOOTERS A Bike is a Necessity Michigan's campus becomes Accessible with a BEAVER BIKE Save your feet and enjoy fall rides through the Arb. We Have EVERYTHING in bike accessories. PERSONAL MARSHMALLOWS anyone? ch F11 GET WELL soon, Charlie. Mr. Secrest P14 FROM 308 to 216: Many thanks for the ride, etc. Who else? Fl ROGER LOWENSTEIN was born in a log cabin. F13 DELENE, YOU'VE GOT 23 MORE DAYS!I F7 PERDITION if you don't petition for a league office. Petitioning begins Feb. 25. F17 MARCIA, Happy Birthday to you on your 20th from me on my 21st. Lee J. F16 TO ALL THE 'Indiana Transwers' at Sig Ep: So how's your gymnastic's team??? F15 DEAR BILL (ARP)-So you think I ran back into the closet. I'm out to get you now. Mother Bat. F18 POTATO CHIPS, sour cream, Cham- pagne, Pizza, Bawdy songs . .. Mon- day morning came too soon. P12 LEAGUE Dance Lessons registration March 5 and 6. League Bridge Lessons registration March 5. F7 EUROPE-Discover this bargain. Write: Europe, 255-C, Sequoia, Pasadena, Calif. F5 Mass Meeting for AIRFLIGHT TO NASSAU, Feb. 26, 7 p.m. Rm. 3-D Union. -wF12 KEYED to your textbooks . . . Barnes & Noble College Outlines are keyed to your textbooks. Ideal study aids at your bookstore now. F4 BARKLEY Send Marygrove Beneficiary Carole "BuBu" Barkley Send Ele- phant - not Cod. Your Marygrove Beneficiary. F8 KEYED TO your textbooks-Barnes & Noble College Outlines are keyed to your textbooks. Ideal study aids. Your Bookstroe now!l F9 Buy and use the MICHIGAN TECHNIC. We FLUFF IT AND BUFF IT SALES ARE NOW UNROLLING Flo BOOK DISCOUNTS-All publishers In- cluding foreign, 10-12% off; HI F- most makes, 25% off; kits 20%. Grovent, Roslyn 14, Pa. F6 AUSTIN DIAMOND CORPORATION - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University, 663- 7151. F43 MEDICAL HUMOR-Buy as a gift or earn $3 each as our agent selling imported hand carved, humorous fig- ures. Wonderful collector's item. Free catalog: Medical Humor Co., 506 West 57th St., New York City 19, N.Y. F3 LOOK, 40 issues $4.00; READER'S DI- GEST, 15 mo. $1.87; U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, 26 wks. $2.87; NEWSWEEK, 44 wks. $3.67. LOW RATES ALL MAGAZINES. SPARTAN SUBSCRIPTIONS SERVICE, Box 2301, Lansing. P2 GETTING MARRIED? Consult the doc- tors, nurses, marriage counselors of planned parenthood about birth con- trol and family spacing. Ann Arbor clinic hours: Tuesday afternoon by appointment, Tues. Thurs. 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Call NO 2-9282 for addi- tional information. Clinic is located at 201 East Liberty. F WHY BUY THE MICHIGAN TECHNIC? ON CAMPUS -- Parking available. Call NO 2-1443. CS ONE OR TWO GIRLS to share new apt. Jan.-June. Call NO 5-4828. C44 THIRD MAN wanted to share new apartment. Call NO 2-4866. C6 NEW 2 BEDROOM apts. for fall, on campus, furnished. $180. Call 668- 8723. C34 NEAR CAMPUS--Spacious 3-room, two- occupant apt. at 327 S. Division. See Bruce Smith, NO 2-1322. C28 4TH MAN wanted for brand new apt. 10 min. walk from campus. No lease, parking: Call NO 3-3159. C29 HOUSE IN THE country for rent. $60 per month. Close to N. Campus. Large yard. Phone NO 2-8016. C22 FOUR ROOMMATES wanted to share apartment with three girls. $40 per month. Huron Towers, NO 3-4890. C24 UPPERCLASSMAN or grad to share apt. with 3 men. $41 per month. Meals $5 per week. Call Ron, NO 5-3789. C16 FURNISHED HOUSE-Campus location, suitable for 4 or 5 students. $180 ma. Call NO 3-4062. C31 WANTED-Girl to share my modern 3-bedroom home. I am a public health nurse. NO 3-6995 after 5:30. C9 APARTMENT, only 330 yds. from Angell Hall; for 2; small, $100 per month. Call 665-6347. C10 THE GOOD LIFE At Huron Towers can cost as little as $113 per month. NO 3-0800. C22 ROOMMATE WANTED to share a fur- nished apt. with a grad, student. $45 per month. Call NO 3-5491 6-8 or see me at R. 3043 E.E. C32 THE SUMMIT HOUSE--1, 2, 3 bed- rooms. Act now for fall-fireplaces, on campus. Call NO 6-8873 from 12-12. C33' TWO SENIOR girls need one roommate for 3 bedroom apt. Rent $45 per mo. Util. pd. by landlord. 825 'Packard. Call NO 3-9453. C35 FOR RENT-Apt, for married couple. Unfurnished except for stove and refrigerator, Util. paid. Off street parking. Corner of State and Hoover. Call: NO 3-6274. C31 EAST SIDE-Furnished 3 rooms. Large bedroom, twin beds, carpeted living room. Private bath. Pleasant kitchen. Utilities furnished. Parking. $125/mo. NO 2-7445. ROOMMATE WANTED Male-Senior or graduate student for apt. at corner of Oakland and Church. Call NO 2-0189 between 5 and 7. C19 MALE ROOMMATE Wanted to share a modern furnished apartment at an excellent location. Includes air-con- ditioning, free off street parking. plus. 662-9401. Cl A LIMITED number of efficiency and 1 bedroom apts. for married students and faculty. Avail. for Feb. and March assignments. For further info, con- tact University Apts. Office, 2364 Bishop St., N. Campus, 662-3169. C7 THREE BEDROOM unfurn. house with attached garage. % mile west of Dex- ter, Mich. Available to Univ. faculty members only. Immediate occupancy. For further information contact Univ. Apts. Office, 2364 Bishop St., N. Campus. 662-3169. C6 Lubrication $1.50 Drive Yourself . AND SAVE pickups, panels, stakes, MOVING VANS DO YOU OWN A VOLKSWAGEN? If you do, you should know about Ann Arbor's only VOLKSWAGEN and Porsche service specialists Whit's Rent-A-Truck HU 2-4434 59 Ecorse Road, Ypsilanti, Michigan CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES DISCOUNTS ON NEW TIRES (With trade-in). Get our price before you buy! Life-time guarantee. No money down. Up to one-year to pay. Specializing in brake service and motor tune-ups. HICKEY'S SERVICE STATION Main at Catherine. NO 8-7717 $I FOREIGN CAR SERVICE We service all makes and models of Foregin and Sports Cars. 936 N. Main 665-0051 665-3583 TRANSPORTATION TWO GIRLS want ride to Pittsburgh any weekend before Easter. Call Joan. NO 5-7711, Ext. 5212. 019 THREE GIRLS want ride to Chicago weekend of March 2. Can leave any time after 4 on March 1. Call Judy at NO 2-2011. G17 1209 South U. 663-7151 GUITARS, ETC. Make, Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar Studio 209 5. STATE NO 5-8001X5 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY on radios, phonons, tape recorders and TVs with this ad. Campus Radio & TV, 325 E. Hoover. X9 A-1 NEW AND USED INSTRUMENTS BANJOS, GUITARS AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington MISCELLANEOUS CURLY LASAGNA, Rotino macaroni, Syrian bread - Hot dogs. We have them all at RALPH'S MARKET 709 PACKARD Ml 605 Church NO 5-6607 The MICHIGANENSIAN is only $5.00 "Ensian-the yearbook that's Your book" Cercle Francais, Une Soirde des Chan- sons Folklorique, Feb. 26. 8 p.m., 3050 FB. * * * Chess Club, Meeting, Feb. 27, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rms. 3K-L. Lessons for beginners. Everyone welcome. Congregational Disciples E & R Stu- dent Guild, Cost Luncheon, Discussion: "Judaism and American Society," Prof. N. Mezvinsky, Feb. 26, Noon, 802 Mon- roe. Deutscher Verein, Kaffee Stunde, Feb. 27, 2-4 p.m., 4072 FB. * * Italian Club, "La Strada," Feb. 27, 8 p.m., Multipurpose Rm., UGLI. UlIr Ski Club, Boyne & Aspen Trip Plans, Movie, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m., Union. * * * Wesleyan Guild, Class in New Testa- ment Survey, 7 p.m.; Class, 8:30 p.m.; Feb. 26, Methodist Church. * * * Young Democrats, Joint Meeting with Eastern Michigan University Young Democratic Club, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3B. Speaker: Z. A. Ferency, Chairman, Democratic State Central Committee. The Alpha Omega Fellowship cordial- ly invites all interested University stu- dents to attend its weekly meeting at 10:00 each Sunday morning at Grace Bible Church, 110 North State St. This is an opportunity to intellectually examine the claims of the Bible through lecture and discussion. The class is presently studying a "Harmony of the Gospels." BUSINESS SERVICES $1.50 HAIRCUT. Fri. and Sat. Master Barbers. $1.25 Mon. thru Thurs. 320 S. Main by Sears. J6 JIM'S RADIO and TV, 619 Packard, 665-0359. Have your radios and Hi Fi's fixed here. J3 ANY MOTH HOLES. TEARS or BURNS in your clothes. We'll reweave them likednew. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. J2 FOR THE FINEST SELECTION of party favors and unique gifts contact Bud- Mor Agency, 1103 S. University, NO 2-6362. J4 MANUSCRIPTS, TERM PAPERS typed, Multilith Offset for reproduction, photo copy, mailings. Gretzinger's Business Service, 320 S. Huron. HU 2-0191. J8 665-8184 Manuscript typing, transcription, med- ical, legal, technical conferences, mimeographing, offset. Quick, accu- rate, experienced. Professional Serv- ice Associates, 334 Catherine. J11 It's twistable Non-Elastic Crunchy Heterochromous Nice Inflammable Chewy On Sale Monday-Friday E. Eng., W. Eng., Union COME AND SEE US TODAY F23 I MIAMI (AP)-The University of Miami clamped down on the Kissometer last week. The kissometer is a gadget de- signed to measure the power of a guess. The students however may test the machine only with handshakes. The kissometer is rigged with flash- ing lights and ringing bells. The lowest quality kiss flashes a sign that says 'Dead Fish;' the hottest brings a 'wow' and rings the bell. The man and the woman hold an elec- tronically charged probe in their hands. It sends a small amount of current through their bodies. When their lips meet, the circuit is com- pleted. P19 CHRISTIAN ENTERPRISES presents THE DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Volter Poole, conducting with J EROME H IN ES, basso Monday, March 4-8:30 P.M. Ford Auditorium Tickets now on sale 650 Carpenter Rd. NO 8-9629 LOST AND FOUND LOST-BROWN Pocket Book in room 4203 Angel Hall. REWARD. Call 5-7711 ext. 3217. A-9 STUDENTS Several apartments available to share in campus area APARTMENTS, LIMITED NO 3-0511 Evenings NO 5-9271 C45 at Come on out, look around, have a tour of the beautiful Huron Towers. Studio, 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms. Rents from $113 to $312 per month. HURON TOWERS 2200 Fuller Road NO 3-0800 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sun. noon - 6:00 P.M. MEET' YOUR EAT GOOD at 215 Ashley While You're Here, Try a -Largest in town ONLY 50c 1 Attractive, modern one and two- bedroom apartments are available now in beautiful, spacious Pitts- field Village. Call Mrs. Wagner at NO 2-6553 for details or appoit- nent to inspect. Children are welcome in this pleasant New England-type com- munity. C4 LIQUOR - BEER--WINE WANTED TO RENT GARAGE WANTED . I BARGAIN CORNER r. -I1 111 i I Ii ATTFNTION " (DC'I IDr("'HA I RAF