FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1963 THE MICHIAN T 1A TK . iia aI 1 11Vfa1V111 li(1;L1 PAG of CHALLENGE OPINION: No Relationship Found Between Certain Lesions FAGERBURG LECTURE: Beadle Explores Genetics as Language Hutchinson Views Causes Of Union-Company Conflict I After three years of intensive research, three University re- searchers claim there is no clear relationship b e t w e e n certain speech disorders caused central nervous system lesions and the location of these lesions. The findings challenge existing medical opinions concerning the use of a patient's speech patterns to pin-point the spot where dam- age has occurred. The research, Prof. Ronald S. Tikofsky of the speech depart- ment declares, "may lead to a re- vision of the neurologist's ways of using speech to locate the lesion." Prof. Tikofsky, his wife and Ilse Lehiste of the Communications Science Laboratory have concen- trated on a condition called "dysarthria," a type of disorder which affects pronounciation and voice production. It is often caused by a lesion in the brain stem, but it may also result from damage to peripheral nerves or to the brain itself. The three conducted an exten- sive analysis of the speech of 20 normal and dysarthric persons. They made tape recordings of each person reading a specially con- structed list of test words and sentences. The material was sub- sequently charted on a "sound spectrogram" for analysis. In addition, more than 800 per- sons audited the tapes to deter- Conlin Balks At Assuming New Position (Continued from Page 1) mine how the average person in- terpreted the speech of the pa- tients. One aspect of the work--ex- pected to come to a head in the next few months-is the creation of a reliable list of words which can serve as a diagnostic yard- stick to measure the amount of speech imparement and his pro- gress under therapy. "There are some works which all patients with dysarthria have trouble pronouncing," Prof. Tik- ofsky. "Other words apparently discriminate between severe and mild forms of the disorder. When we find the right list of words, we will have a better tool for measuring the effects of the dis- order." Cites. Strides In Medicine Medical science has taken ma- jor strides towards conquering a group of diseases which cause men- tal retardation in children, Prof. George H. Lowrey of the Medical School asserted recently. Called "inborn errors of metabo- lism," the diseases stem from an absence of certain body enzymes- delicate chemicals essential to growth and body function. Prof. Lowrey noted at least 40 different diseases so classified. He described three of them recently to show the urgency of prompt diagnosis and early, preventative treatment : 1) Phenlyketonuria or PKU. This disease causes irreparable brain damage once it gets a foothold, he said. Normally, an enzyme converts nl~nr -mnuY 4r~n Li n1 f1nLU UI111I(AJA horse, has been unalterably oppos- which can be used by the body. ed to an income tax. wihcnb sdb h oy Income Tax Foe When this enzyme is missing, The Eau Claire Republican's phyenylalanine builds up toxic, spot was assumed by Folks, the brain-damaging concentration. new chairman, also an income tax "If the diagnosis is made in the foe, thavin thsoake-upcof tafirst few weeks of life, and treat- foe, thus leaving the makge-up of ment is started, we can prevent the taxation committee essential- the brain damage." The treatment se unchanged as far as Income tax simply eliminates all phenlyalan- Bursley's House Committee on ine containing foods, he explained. Economic Development was made 2) Galactosemia, a disorder a permanent unit also last week. which produces mental retarda- The group had been a ,temporary tion, eye cataracts and cirrhosis but continuing committee which of the liver. Here the missing en- held hearings and conducted in- zyme would normally convert milk vestigations in areas for economic sugar into products which the body growth throughout the state and can use. had concerned itself much with Modern tests, Prof. Lowrey said, research at the University. now enable the physician to iden- Rep. Henry M. Hogan (R-Birm- tify patients with galactosemia be- ingham) reported to the House in fore the usual damaging results favor of seating Rep.-elect Leon- set in. "The treatment is to elim- ard S. Walton (D-Detroit), who inate all milk and milk substances had been denied his seat earlier, from the diet. Early recognition due to election irregularities pend- and adequate treatment can pre- ing trial in Detroit. vent mental retardation, blindness The election case, which has yet and liver damage"; and to go to trial, involved only a 3) Cretinism, caused by absent misdemeanor, and Hogan's inves- or deformed thyroid glands. When tigating committee reported that blood tests discover the thyroid the House could only deny seating hormone missing, doctors proscribe inrthe matter of a felony. thyroid pills to correct the defi- Proposed Deadline ciency, he said. Both House and Senate subse- "None of these diseases is a quently approved Gov. George W. common one," Prof. Lowrey em- Romney's proposed April 26 dead- phasized, "but they are interesting line for the regular session of the because they illustrate the break- Legislature. During this time, they through in the treatment and pre- will wind up all normal business vention of some causes of mental of the year, including legislative retardation." appropriations. Romney then pro- poses to call the lawmakers back * 1 G*s into special session in September to consider "fiscal reform." Meanwhile, in advance of the De a 'G a t GOP State Convention in Grand Rapids on Feb. 16, Gov. Romney virtually committed the party to Prof. William I. Higuchi of the all-out support of the proposed pharmacy college has been award- new constitution, which goes on ed a research grant of $27,162 from the April ballot. the National Institutes of Health This promises to sit poorly with to study "The Quantitation of outstate Republican leaders, who Enamel Demineralization Mechan- have opposed the concept of a new isms" and investigation of tooth constitution from the start, and decay. He has also received $4,500 the matter could develop into a from the graduate school for a convention battle if it isn't pre- project titled, "A Quantitative eluded by a hassle over who will Study of Particle-Particle Attrac- succeed George M. Van Peursem tive Interactions in Dispersed Sys- as state chairman. tems." r r i f 3 t By GAIL BLUMBERG Developing t h e analogy of genetics as a language, Dr. George Y. Beadle, president of the Uni versity of Chicago, delivered the third Fagerburg Memorial Lecture last week. He described it as being com- posed of four basic gene sub-' units, each 0.0000001 of an inch across. Each unit contains but five types of atoms. These .mb- units form the DNA (deoxy-ribo- nucleic acid) molecule. As there are many sub-unit combinations in each DNA molecule, the num- ber of combinations possible be- comes infinite and there are no two people, with the exception of identical twins, who are genetic- ally alike. According to Dr. Beadle, the DNA molecule is composed of double parallel chains. It is this molecule which, with proteins, forms the chromosomes. Copies Self The language of genetics is the only one capable of copying it- self, Dr. Beadle said. The genetic information stored in one cell nucleus is comporabe to 1000 library volumes of 600 pages eacn. The process becomes remarkable, he added, when you note that for every human system to send spe- cifications on to the next genera- tion this gene pattern must be copied in from ten to thirty cell divisions. The proof that DNA controls the replications of genetic infor- mation lies in a set of experi- ments with virus and bacteria, according to Dr. Beadle. It was shown that after stripping cer- tain of these organisms of every- thing but the DNA, reproductions would still take place as beore. As virus and human genes are similar in transmission, he con- tinued, it has been concluded that DNA controls human reproduc- tion also. DNA has been replicated and the transformation processes from DNA to RNA (ribo-ncelic acid) to protein amino acids have all been synthesized. This has aided in the understanding and control of certain genetic diseases Many of these diseases are caused by mutations (a lack, excess, or faul- ty arrangement of one or more genes). If caught early enough some of these disease can be cor- rected. One such disease, phenol- ketenuria, can be compensated for by supplying the missing protein that a faulty gene was unable to produce. Geneticists can now interpret Hastings Starts Where Other Schools Quit By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO-The Hast- ings College of Law is so content with older workers that it won't hire a teacher under 65 years old, according to the Wall Street Jour- nal. The faculty's 17 members aver- ages 73 years of age and 42 years' experience teaching law. Hastings, affiliated with the University of California but run Jy its own directors, was faced with a shortage of professors during World War II. So it began hiring retired scholars. The oldsters did so well that in 1948 the school set 65 as the minimum hiring age. Hastings faculty members all teach full schedules to the school's 861 students and draw handsome salaries. Prof. Everett Fraser, 83- year old former law school dean at the University of Minnesota, is the oldest teacher and receives $19,000 a year. Other professors include J. Warren Madden, for- mer chairman of the National La- bor Relations Board, and Judson A. Crane, ex-law shool dean at the University of Pittsburgh. I 4 these coded genetic messages of the DNA molecule, Dr. Beadle said, adding that the mutations of genes are the basis of evolu- tion and have given rise to all types of life from simple to tie most complex. Going back in the evolutionary process, Dr. Beadle continued, it is thought that before the viruses came replicating DNA molecules which had developed from sim- pler non-organic substances. The ultimate return is to hyrogen, the base element, from which sl the other organic elements can be formed by inter-nuclear reac- tion. The evolutionary sequence has been by steps with inerceptible intervals between, Dr. Beadle said. Man has basically the same com- ponents as lower forms of life but at a higher level of develooment. Thus, he concluded, "man is quantitatively rather than qual- itatively superior." List Career Dr. Beadle is primarly a ;enet- icist. In 1958, while an Eastman visiting Professor at Oxford Uni- versity, he was awarded a Nobel Laureate in Medicine. With Dr. E. Tatum he demon- strated, by use of the red bread- mold, that genies exert a specific control over enzymes. Dr. Beadle received his doctorate in genetics at Cornell University where he subsequently taught. He also served as assistant professor of genetics at Harvard University, and professor of biology at Stan- ford University and the Califor- nia Institute of Technology. In 1956 he became President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. jI ANNIVERSARY-The Undergraduate Library celebrates its fifth anniversary and continues to look forward to a long future of providing students with a quiet, colorful and useful facilities for University students. UGLI Observes Fifth Year Of Service to U Students [CH ECKMAT E FOR BETT ER VA LUES! CORDUROY SLACKS Regular $7.95 Quality CHE CKMAATE SHOP FOR MEN ON STATE STREET-THAT GREAT STREET "One of the biggest causes of conflict between companies and unions for the next two or three years will be conflicting judgment over what comprises a fair day's work," John Hutchinson told a recent industrial relations seminar. The Columbia University pro- fessor pointed out that the auto- mobile industry is especially apt to be affected by "these differing viewpoints on how much work an employe should do in a day for his paycheck. Auto Role "The automobile industry, as a case in point, shows the vital part this issue will play in industrial relations in the future. Over a mil- lion workers in the United States make their living in this industry, and it is germinal to many sup- plier industries such as glass, tex- tiles, leather, and rubber. The key to labor peace in thi key indus- try is to find a solution to the dis- putes over the fair day's work. "Four conditions exist in autos which make sound work standards, tight technical organization, and tight discipline the core of suc- cessful auto industry operation. These conditions are the annual model change; decentralized forms of organization due to large size; the strong position of the general manager who must carry profit responsibility for the firm; the emphatic need for profits and tight cost control. Change Standards "Every year auto firms change the design of the car, and the tools, and they must change their work standards to suit. Such a dy- namic work climate requires good work standards. The Undergraduate Library isv "growing up," The UGLI was five years old on. Jan. 16. Over the five year period, 7,849,636 people h a v e come through the turnstiles to use the library's rich facilities. Designed by Albert Kahn Asso- ciates of-Detroit, the Undergrad- uate Library offers students ac- cess to a library of around 90,000 volumes, carefully selected to meet their needs. The colorful study area containing lounge chairs, settees and study tables for groups or individual students is filled to capacity much of the time. Other features of the library are an audio room with 72 turn- tables, each for use by two per- sons with earphones and seven individual listening booths with speakers; and a multipurpose room which seats 220 and is equipped with film screen and projectors and public addtess system. "Use of the books has been 'spectacular,'" Mrs. Roberta Ken- iston, chief librarian, says. "in the five-year period, book use rose from 414,756 the first year to 763,896 volumes this year." Mrs. Keniston points out that undergraduate enrollment has not increased in proportion as the use of the book collection has Easy access to the collection and the fact that the collection was selected with the needs of the To Hold Exhibition of Youths' Books The School of Education Cur- ricul:m Material Center will spon- sor an exhibit of new books for children and youths published dur- ing 1962 from Monday through Feb. 20 at the University High School library. The exhibit will be open to the public from 3:45 to 5 p.m. on weekdays, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and from 10 to 2 p.m. on Feb. 9. undergraduates in mind have en- couraged greater use of the books. "It is interesting to note that book use in all the other libraries has increased along with ours," Mrs. Keniston says. "Before this library opened, there was some speculation as to whether book use in other campus libraries might drop when this library opened. "Exactly the opposite happen- ed. It has been a stimulating ex- perience to have had a hand in getting this library into operation and to see it making a valuable contribution to undergraduate education." BEYOND THE PLANE OF THE ECLIPTIC... Whether in the forefront of space exploration or in bionics research, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company's almost limitless fields of endeavor offer a challenging choice to graduate engineers and scientists. Lockheed's location on the beautiful San Francisco Peninsula, its outstanding facilities, its sophisticated programs, its excellent employee benefits, among many other advantages, have all contributed to the Company's position as a leader in the aerospace industry. SPECIAL CAMPUS INTERVIEWS will be held THURSDAY & FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 & 15 See your placement office for details THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHER PROGRAM MICHIGAN MEN: Here is your opportunity to become An American Brother to an International Student. You may build a lasting friendship while helping him adjust to campus life. If you are interested, fill out this form and send it to International Affairs Committee, Stu- dent Offices, Michigan Union, Ann Arbor. For additional infor- mation call the Michigan Union Student Offices. Lockheed, Systems Manager for such projects as the a Lockheed's Tuition Reimbursement Program remits Navy POLARIS FBM and the AGENA vehicle in various seventy-five percent of the tuition for approved courses Air Force Satellite programs, is also an important con- taken by professional and technical people who are tributor to various NASA programs involving some of working full time. the nation's most interesting and advanced concepts. u The Graduate Study Program permits selected engi- As one of the largest organizations of its kind, the neers and scientists of outstanding scholarship and Company provides the finest technical equipment avail- professional potential to obtain advanced degrees at able; for example, the Sunnyvale facility houses one of company expense while on research assignments. the most modern satellite tracking and control centers in the world. Every opportunity is given members of the Candidates for degrees in all of the following should technical staff to participate in the initiation of advanced investigate opportunities at Lockheed: technological developments. Aeronautical Mathematics 3 9