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February 24, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-24

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urve Reports

U' Graduate Expenses Hig)h

It costs more to get a doctorate at the University than at other
large graduate schools.
In-state students here pay more than in-state students do at
other state supported universities. Out-of-state students here pay
more than students do at major private universities, a Graduate
Student Council ;report maintains.
GSC has been studying cost problems facing graduate students
in light of last semester's tuition increases which were especially
high in graduate departments. Last week the final report was
submitted to the council.
Compares Costs
The report compares costs at the University with costs at the
University of Chicago, Columbia University, Harvard University,
Princeton University, the University of Southern California, and
Yale University (private schools), and the Universities of Califor-
nia, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio State University
(state-supported schools).
Graduate students can take four-year, six-year, or eight-year
programs at most of these universities.
,Out-of-state University students pay a total of $3830, $5745,
or $6640 depending on the program. Students at the private uni-

versities mentioned in the report pay on the average $3734, $4403,
or $4705 for similar programs. University costs, especially in the
longer programs, are much higher.
In-state University students pay a total of $1304, $2010, or
$2320. In-state students at other state-supported universities pay
on the average $809, $1195, or $1229. University costs are again
much higher, the report states.
Out-of-state students here pay more than out-of-state students
at other state-supported institutions.
The report explains that "one reason why the University has
these significantly higher fees is the fact that tuition is drastically
reduced when the thesis is being written at these other schools."
Graduate students writing theses at private universities pay on
the average 26 per cent of full time tuition. At state supported
universities they pay an average of 25 per cent of full time tuition.
83 Per Cent
At the University, graduate students working on theses must
pay 83 per cent of full time tuition.
The committee's report expresses concern over three separate
administrative actions that went into affect last semester that
further increased graduate costs: the tuition increase, which the
Graduate Executive Board made no effort to inform a student of,

a consolidation of part time student definitions, and the lowering
of the number of hours that constitute a full-time student's load.
The number of hours constituting full time work was lowered
because students were electing fewer hours. The committee con-
cluded that students elected fewer hours because of rising costs
and this lowering makes it a vicious circle: tuition rises, students
have to take less hours because of limited resources, full-time work
is redefined as more students are taking fewer classes and this
causes another rise in expenses.
The committee also investigated the reasons behind the wide
differences in in-state and out-of-state costs. It is not a problem
of cost accounting, the report states, for it costs no more to educate
one type of student over another, but it is a political problem.
"The administration is between a backward Legislature and
an irate student body which may upset the Legislature even more.
We are faced with the choice of asking tough questions and pub-
licizing our complaints, which may antagonize the Legislature, or
being quiet and hoping that the University can lobby well enough
to make the Legislature more tractable," the report says.
The committee has discussed the problems with officials in
the graduate school as well as University administrators.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns replied
in a private letter that "the University has on many occasions in-
dicated its firm commitment to keeping fees and tuition as low
as possible, and we regret that they are now as high as they are.
"The University has been almost completely dependent upon
fee income for salary increases in recent years, and it is impossible
at this time for us to contemplate reducing fees...
"I recognize that this answer is not the one you desired, but
I assure you that your problem has received careful attention from
the Graduate Executive Board, the Fees Committee of the Uni-
versity, and from me.
Further Action
The report concludes that further action should be a study of
the 1958 Russell Report (of Michigan higher education) to deter-
mine the philosophy behind present cost accounting methods, a
close watch of the Legislature, an investigation of the areas in
which graduate students can exercise power, some thought as to
how the University can become fiscally independent of the Legis-
lature and further comparisons of University costs with other
One GSC member in commenting on the future action said,
"I favor raising hell."

See Editorial Page


Sir 4


Chance of more
snow tomorrow

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Democrats Hit Con-Con Plan

The supporters of Michigan's proposed new constitution have
put themselves in the position of backing things they don't really
believe in, two Democratic leaders charged yesterday.
New State Chairman Zolton Ferency and Prof. Gerhard Weinberg
of the history department, Ann Arbor Denocratic chairman, called
for a "real-life, practical appraisal" of the con-con proposal.
Prof. Weinberg told the Democrats attending a regional leader-

ship conference that "we have
Party Head
Says Group
The new chairman of the Demo
cratic State Central Committe
denied yesterday that any part
split has resulted from his last
minute victory at the state con
"I'm really exhilarated with th
state of the Democrats," Zoltoi
Ferency declared. He said that h
had not detected any signs o
lasting bitterness among the sup
porters of former chairman Joh
"Joe Collins, '57.
He characterized the aim of the
Collins backers as "not to roc
' the boat. They were interested i
the status quo." Ferency said tha
the desire not to change leader-
ship with an election nearing i
characteristic of many conven-
"Most of the elected official
were for Collins," he added, refer
ring primarily to the all-Demo
cratic state administrative board
Ferency said Collins, a forme
Student Government Council pres-
ident, is now "immersed in hi
private insurance business." He
expects Collins to continue party
work, but did not specify any po
sition he might be given.
Despite high morale, the party
is "in serious condition financial
ly," Ferency remarked. If he car
raise the funds, Ferency woud
like to purchase radio-television
time to plead the Democrats' con-
con case. He also envisioned a
regular, year-round party telecast
which would replace various other
campaign devices.
"This way we could present our
side of the issues directly," he
commented, criticizing the state's
newspapers for pro-con-con bias
Ferency claimed that the papers
-particularly the Detroit ones-
had already made up their minds
and were refusing to hear anti-
con-con arguments.
Chicago Dean
Permits Visit
Of Nazi Chief
In accordance with the Univer-
sity of Chicago's Student Code
which states that recognized stu-
dent associations "may invite and
hear speakers of, their choice on
subjects of their choice," the uni-
versity will permit George Lincoln
Rockwell, American Nazi Party
leader, to appear on campus.
The invitation came a few weeks
after his speaking engagement at
Northwestern University was can-
celled by that university's admin-
Apparently referring to this,
Dean of Students Warner A. Wick
issued a statement indicating that
the significance of Rockwell's visit

to make clear to the people that
*constitutional questions are going
to continue to be with us," wheth-
er or not the con-con product
They went on to view the ap-
propriations clauses of the pro-
posed document - especially as
they pertain to educationalyap-
Ferency attacked the passage
'- which asserts that an appropria-
e tion "is not a mandate to spend,"
y and requires that previously-ap-
-proved appropriations be cut if
- taxes fail to yield the expected in-
come. "If you honestly believe in
e a balanced budget, this is good
n language-but what does it mean
e in terms of practical application
f to government?"
What it means, Ferency assert-
ed, is the various state agencies
will have to curtail their services
e -to the detriment of the people
k they serve-and always operate in
a the shadow of a possible appropri-
Sations cut. Supplemental appro-
-priations, which now can be
s quietly handed out, would violate
- the new constitution, he said.
s e Possible Shortage
He added that the revenue
- shortage which would lead to ap-
propriations cuts is very possible.
r' "Appropriating is preparing the
r government to provide services 15-
18 months in advance of when
s they will be provided. But there is
no possible way to predict reve-
nues precisely 18 months ahead."
Prof. Weinberg pointed out an
implication of the appropriations
provisions for higher education.
During the 1959 "Cash Crisis,"
the Regents had to borrow money
to pay salaries. The local banks
were willing to make such loans,
because they knew the University
appropriation had already been
fixed.and would eventually come,
he said.
"But under the new constitu-
tion, there would be no fixed ap-
propriation-it could be changed
sduring the year. No bank in its
right mind would loan them
money under such circumstances.''
The Democrats' strongest scorn
was reserved for the legislative ap-
portionment provisions. Ferency,
considering the proposed bipar-
tisan apportionment commission,
asked. "do you believe that 50
per -cent of the commission should
represent 8 per cent of the state
-as it would-and the other 50
per cent represent the remaining
92 per cent?"
He also said that the provision
requiring a deadlocked apportion-
ment commission to submit its
dispute to the state supreme court
is not a workable solution.
1 Both speakers rapped the for-
mula by which the commission is
supposed to determine apportion-
ment. Prof. Weinberg commented,
"The state isn't stationary in pop-
ulation. The new apportionment
formula, applied over a period of
years, will be distorted as popula-
tion shifts continue."
Ferency accused Republicans of
"hypocrisy" with respect to the
circuit judge provisions. Prof.
Weinberg added that Sen. Stanley
G Thaver (R-Ann Arhr) and

...attacks con-con
Daily Collects
First Place
Press Award
special To The Daily
NEW YORK-The Fifth Inter-
national Affairs Conference for
College Editors yesterday awarded
The Daily one of the nation's top
awards for campus journalism.
The Daily placed first in compe-
tition of daily newspapers for
"distinguished campus coverage of
international and national af-
The annual conference at which
the awards were presented is
sponsored by Overseas Press Club
and the United States National
Student e Association in coopera-
tion with the Readers Digest
The University of Illinois Daily
Illini and the University of Texas
Daily Texan placed second and
third respectively. In the non-
daily paper competition, the Uni-
versity of New Mexico New Mexico
Lobo placed first followed by the
Trinity College Trinity Tripod and
the Columbia University Columbia
Individual awards for news cov-
erage were presented to Roger
Elbert of the Illini and John A.
Osborn of the Kalamazoo College

Tech Sets
S peaker
HOUGHTON - The Board of
Control of Michigan College of
Mining and Technology recently
adopted a policy on speakers in-
vited to campus by student groups
which is almost identical to that
which was previously proposed by
the Michigan Co-ordinating Coun-
cil for Public Higher Education.
The policy provides that the
speaker must not urge action
which is prohibited by the pub-
lished rules of the college, orE
which goes against either Mich-
igan or federal law.
It also places the responsibility
on the student group to inform
the speaker of these prohibitions.
Only Chartered Groups
Only student groups, chartered
by the dean of students as campus
organizations (as specified by cri-
teria of recognition) may invite
speakers to the campus.
The organization which does
the inviting must make full ar-
rangements including the filing of
a provided form, the new policy
states. The form in question re-
quires that the organization show
the time and place of the meeting,
the speaker and his subject.
Where the proposed subject is
controversial, it is suggested that
the technique of fair debate be-
tween speakers with dissimilar
views should be encouraged.
One To Go
Nine of the ten state-supported
colleges and universities have now
adopted similar speaker policies;
the tenth school, Ferris Institute,7
is expected to consider the matter
during a March meeting of its,
T h e Co-ordinating Council's)
policy, originally drafted by Prof.
Samuel Estep of the Law School;
and approved by the Council last
December, was adopted in sub-1
stance by the Regents in January.
The primary difference between
the Tech policy and the Univer-;
sity's is Tech's "suggestion" that1
"controversial" subjects should bei
treated in debate form, rather
than as a single speech.
The University policy makes no
provision for controversial sub-i
jects and makes no such sugges-1

Romney Asks State Unity
InO Second Inaugural Talk

YRs Elect Howell
As New Chairman
special To The Daily
GRAND RAPIDS-Allan Howell of Wayne State University, a
conservative Republican and a member of the Young Americans for
Freedom, pulled the rug out from under a surprised moderate candi-
date here yesterday to become the new Michigan Federation of College
Young Republicans chairman.
Lou Ferrand, a moderate from Alma College and the strongest
Howell opponent, was nominated by Douglas Brooks, '65, of the

Takes Oath
Of Office
In Escanaba
Governor To Heed
Economic Problems
ESCANABA (W - Republican
Gov. George Romney kept a, cam-
paign promise for a second in-
augural yesterday and called upon
Michigan to "pull itself together."
This inaugural was in this Up-
per Peninsula community. Hun-
dreds of legislators, Republican
leaders and ordinary citizens came
to see Romney take his oath of
office for the second time in two
In a speech which followed,
Romney promised his administra-
tion would pay heed to the special
problems of the economically dis-
tressed, but resources-rich Upper
Forgotten Citizens
Some of the 300,000 who popu-
late the 16,500 square miles of
Michigan above the Straits of
Mackinac, from time to time clas-
sify themselves as "forgotten
citizens" as far as the more popu-

Two Introduce
Bill To Outlaw
State Red Party
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Rep. Frederic Mar-
shall (R-Allen) is making another
attempt to outlaw the Communist
Party in Michigan.
His bill, co-sponsored by Rep.
Richard A. Guzowski (D-Detroit),
would bar that party and its suc-
cessors from appearing on the
Because the party's aim is to
overthrow the government by
force, it should "not be entitled
to be recognized as a political
party under the laws of this
state," the proposal states.
Marshall pushed a similar bill
through both houses last year,
only to see it vetoed by former
Gov. John B. Swainson.
This time, Guzowski wants to
see "if Gov. George ,Romney has
the courage to do the right thing
with this bill. He should have the
right to be heard on the matter."
Under the measure, the attor-
ney general is authorized to deter-
mine whether any political party
has as its objective the forcible
overthrow of the government.

University club, with the support
of a majority of that delegation
Ferrand, however, could not col-
lect sufficient vote strength to
prevent the convention from going
for Howell on the first ballot.
Powah, Vigah
Howell said the task of the
Federation is now "to forget fac-
tionalism and to move forward
with great vigor in working for
the proposed constitution and to
work hard in rebuilding the Re-
publican party in Michigan."
Howell was backed by such
prominent Young Republicans
as Peter McPherson of Michigan
State University, who recently
made a bid for the national Col-
lege YR chairmanship, and George
MacDonald of the Dearborn Cen-
Favorite-son candidate Denne
Osgood of Calvin College, who ran
in protest against the way the
campaign andconvention were
being conducted, was nominated
by Daily City Editor Michael Har-
rah, '64BAd.
Deadlock Fails
However, Osgdod was unable to
gather enough support at the
eleventh hour to deadlock the con-
Another conservative and YAP
member gained a seat on the Fed-
eration exceutive board as James
DeFrancis of Albion College de-
feated Lew Soli of Western Michi-
gan University in the race for the
vice-chairmanship. Ferrand-back-
ed Soli moved that the convention
cast a unanimous ballot for De-
Arthur Elliott, newly-elected
GOP State Central Committee
chairman, told the convention he
thought the College Young Repub-
licans had done an excellent job
of promoting the party's goals in
In a fiery keynote address, Gov.
George Romney asked the federa-
tion to repudiate the labels that
were being used to describe the
various "types of Republicanism."
No Such Animal
The governor maintained there
was no such thing as a "liberal
Republican or a moderate Republi-
can or somethnig else." Romney
said he personally resented such
labeling of himself by the press and
other factions in the state.
"It it unfortunate but true,"
the governor said, "that Michigan
Democrats have been captured by
economic pressure groups who
would use that party toward their

.. . state unity
Board Meets
.For Reports

Come Away With Me, Lucille..

The Board of Directors of the lous Lower Peninsula and state
University's Development Council government at Lansing-500 miles
met yesterday afternoon to discuss away-are concerned.
progress"reports from the Coun- "By cooperative actions, we can
cil's various committees. prove that we recognize our com-
Reporting on the Presidents mon interests as citizens of Michi-
Club, L. J. Kalmbach, chairman of gan are far superior to our separ-
the club's executive committee, ate interests," Romney declared,
estimated that the minimum "Michigan must pull together."
amount which the University has He said the Upper Peninsula
or will receive as a result of con- had been a particular victim in re-
tributions of the 146 charter mem- cent decades of what he termed
bers exceeds $3,250,000. The figure "the pitting of region against re-
includes cash received, pledges, be- gion, one economic class against
quests, life insurance and life in- another, citizen against citizen, for
come contracts. The minimum selfish partisan gain."
amount of this total which can Great Opportunity
be directly attributed to the Pres- retO portnty
idents Club program equals or The governor continued "our
exceeds $1,340,000. great opportunity as a state is to
In order to join the club a pros- again tap the vigor, faith and
pective member is required to imagination of the people them-
make a contribution of $10,000 selves. The future calls for re-
over a period of ten years or to newed personal effort guided by a
leave a deferred gift of $15,000. spiritual and moral rebirth.
First Campaign "Most problems of our present
In other reports, the Law School day are in moral terms and are
Fund indicated an increase of over oluable without generosity and
50 per cent from the results of von."yI
its irs camaig, th Almni Romney quipped "I hear a 'aem-
its first campaign, the Alumni ocratic prophet in this area said
Fund announced received gifts last fall it would be a long hard
amounting to $703,519, and it was fallertbouldabepablong h -
noted that the Kresge Foundation winter before a Republican gov-,
madea grnt f $10,00 totheernor ever came to Escanaba. Well,
made a grant of $100,000 to the it has 'been a long hard winter.
Institute for Social Research, con- While Romney carried it the Up-
tingent upon a matching amountWhlRonycridtteUp
from other sources. per Peninsula normally turns nut
The chairman's report from the Democratic majorities.
Phoenix Project evaluated the re- It was at the airport here last
sults from its last fund raising October-at a campaign stop-over
campaign and announced that as -that Romney promised to return
a result of these evaluations no' for a second inaugural if he were
more major campaigns would be elected governor.
planned for the project. The real thing took place at
According to Prof. William Kerr, the state capitol in Lansing Jan. 1.
acting director of the project, the A governor's recption and an in.
last fund raising efforts have in- augural ball filled out the day.
dicated that because "the emo-
tional impact of research in peace-
ful uses of nuclear energy is not New York Gets
as strong as it was formerly,"
neither industry nor individualsI&WI
are as eager to contribute to the

Y ''

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