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February 23, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-23

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r. i. ..y'.-...

Icer's Winmng Streak Halted

M' Gymnasts Tumble Gophers

Annual Report to Regents
Released by Athletic Board


Special To Tlke Daily
EAST LANSING - If someone
tells you that Michigan played a
hockey game with Michigan State
last night and lost 6-2 to the
Spartans, don't believe him.
Michigan. and Michigan State
actually COULDN'T have played
this hockey game because only
two penalties were handed out-
one to each team.
But, sad to say Spartans and
Wolverines did meet on a field of
ice to fight out their differences
and the Wolverines DID lose 6-2,
thanks mainly to the offensive
skills of the Lackey brothers-Tom
and Carl-from Sault Ste. Marie,
Tom picked up two goals and
brother Carl had four assists,
helping out on both of his broth-
er's goals. Pat Baldwin, Art
Thomas, Mel Orme, and Mark
Williams got the other tallies for
the Spartans, who led 4-0 at one
The Wolverines just didn't have
it last night, being out-played,
out-shot, out-scored, out-checked,
ad infinitum.
The Spartans were determined'
to turn the game into a rout.
Thomas made the score 4-0 at
0:32 of the next frame. Don Rod-
gers put Michigan in the scoring
column near the end of the period
when he skated through two
Spartans and then beat John
Chandik on a close in shot. Tom

Pendlebury received the period's
only penalty.
With about five minutes gone in
the second period, Gray removed
his mask. A little later defenseman
Dave Newton who has been ill all
week, complained of dizziness and
was removed from the game. The
remainder of the game was played
without Newton.
With the defensive corps limit-
ed to two, Michigan coach Al Ren-
frew had to dig into his already
weak bench to come up with some
more defensemen. As a result,
Pendlebury, Gary Butler, Gordie
Wilkie, and captain Larry Bab-
cock took extra turns on the ice.
Ron Coristine gave the few
Michigan hockey diehards some-
thing to cheer about when he
scored with almost ten minutes
gone in the third period.
The goal turned the game into
an exciting fast-moving game. For
50 minutes, the game was dull and,
lackluster with neither team giv-
ing reason why.they should be in
the Western Collegiate Hockey
Association or even why they
should be calledehockey teams,
except for the fact that they had
the equipment on.
Coristine's goal showed the Wol-
verines that it was still possible
to beat the Spartans and, for a

few minutes, the Wolverines play-
ed like they could. Then Tom
Lackey scored his second goal of
the evening and everything else
became anti-climactic, including
Williams' goal, which deflected off
skates and trickled past Gray, and
the penalty (only the game's sec-
ond) to Doug Roberts after the
last goal.
Reversal Reversed
Gray G Chandik
Rodgers D Musat
Kartusch D Williams
Wilkie C Johnstone
Babcock W Thomas
Butler W Lackey
First Period Scoring: MSU-Bald-
win (Orme, C. Lackey) 8:36; MSU-
T. Lackey (C. Lackey) 10:07; MSU-
Orme (Elliot, C. Lcakey) 18:37. Pen-
alties: -None.
Second Period Scoring: MSU -
Thomas (Johnstone, Musat) 0:32;
M-Rodgers (unassisted) 17:24. Pen-
alties: M-Pendlebury (illegal body
check) 4:16.
Third Period Scoring: M-Coris-
tine (McGonigal) 7:27; MSU - T.
Lackey (Thomas, C. Lackey) 13:58;
MSU-Williams (Doyle) 15:01. Pen-
alties: MSU - Roberts (tripping)
MICHIGAN 0 1 1-2
MSU 3 1 2-6
Gray (M) 14 9 8-31
Chandik (MSU) 9 3 7--19

Michigan's gymnastics team fin-
ished the Big Ten dual meet sea-
son in grand style last night, whip-
ping Minnesota 70-39 at the Intra-
mural Building.
The victory enabled the Wolver-
ines to finish the campaign with a
6-0 record. It was their second
consecutive win over a previously
unbeaten team, having eased over
Michigan State Wednesday by an
identical 70-39 count. Minnesota's
record is now 4-1 in the confer-
ence and 6-2 overall.
Today the Gophers travel to East
Lansing for a second-place show-
down with the Spartans.
Swan Song
The contest was the last Ann
Arbor appearance for Michigan
seniors Captain Gil Larose, Jim
Hynds and Barry Spicer, and they.
didn't disappoint the home folks.
Larose was his usual spectacular
self, walking off with two first
places, tying for another, and add-
ing two thirds. The dependable
Hynds tied for first on the high
bar, and a second on the parallel
bars, while Spicer came in third
in his specialty, the floor exercise.
Larose began the floor ex with
his patented one-handed hand-
stand and didn't let up until his
final twist-out from the still rings.
He took first place outright in
both of these events, and tied

Hynds on the high bar. His thirds,
on the sidehorse and parallel bars,
didn't count in the actual meet
score, as Michigan's larger num-
ber of participants led them to list
some as NTC (not to count).
Lascari Shines
Sharing the spotlight with La-
rose was junior Arno Lascari, who
took first on the p-bars, second
on the horse and rings, and third
on the high bar, to add heavily to
his team's total. The remaining
two first places taken by the Wol-
verines were both draw contests,
Fred Sanders and Gary Erwin ty-
ing on the trampoline, and Phil
Bolton and Mike Henderson turn-
ing the trick in tumbling.
The remaining first went to
Minnesota's Tom Arneson on the
sidehorse. The win preserved Ar-
neson's undefeated record this
year on the horse, but he barely
edged Lascari, 94-93.5, to keep his
streak alive. Gopher Coach Pat
Bird is very high on the Minne-
apolis junior, and looks forward
to him copping the Big Ten title
in his favorite event.
Endurance Plus
The most remarkable Minnesota
performer, however, was all-
around performer Larry Gleason.
Gleason was all-around in every
sense of the word, as he participat-
ed in all seven events. Although
he turned in some subpar exhibi-

tions, he did come up with a third
and three fourths. His double fly-
away from the high bar culminat-
ed his best routine of the evening.
After the meet, Bird had words
of praise, both for Michigan's gym-
nasts and his own. "I like to call
our team the 'five-man wonder',"
he remarked. "We've been hurt by'
ineligibility losses, but we've com-
piled a fine record for such a small
He cited Michigan's great depth
as the principal reason for its
success. "There's no doubt in my
mind that Michigan will take the
Big Ten championship," he said,
"and I'd even give them an edge
over Southern Illinois in the
Fall to SIU
Bird knows whereof he speaks,
since his team succumbed to
Southern Illinois earlier in the
year. Southern finished second in
the nationals last year, just ahead,
of the Wolverines.
Wolverine sophomore all-
arounder Alex Frecska came up
with a sore wrist this week and
couldn't participate in the meet.
However, he is expected to be at
full strength in time for the Big
Ten Meet in two weeks.
During the meet, the more than
2,000 fans were entertained by a
floor exercise and balance team
exhibition staged by the girl gym-
nasts of Flint Community College.
Fiery Finale
94. 2, Henderson (M) 91. 3, Spicer
(M) 90. 4, Gleason (Minn) 86. 5, Ol-
sen (Minn) 83.5.
TRAMPOLINE - 1, Sanders (M)
and Erwin _(M) 92.5 (tie). 3, Ham-
ilton (89). 4, Gleason (Minn) 85. 5,
Eibrink (Minn) 55.
SIDEHORSE-1, Arneson (Minn)
94. 2, Lascarl (M) 93.5. 3, Larose (M)
91 (NTC). 4, Levy (M) 89. 5, Fritze
(Minn) 88.5. 6, Gleason (Minn) 61.5.
HIGH BAR-1, Hynds (M) and La-
rose (M) 95 (tie). 3, Lascari (M) 92.5
(NTC). 4, Eibrink (Minn) 91. 5,
Gleason (Minn) 90.5.
PARALLEL BARS--1, Lascari (M)
95.5. 2, Hynds (M) 93.5 (NTC). 3,
Larose (M) 88. 4, Gleason (Minn) 87.
5, Eibrink (Minn) 86.5. 6, Arneson
(Minn) 85.5.
STILL RINGS-1, Larose (M) 95.
2, Lascari (M) 92.5. 3, Eibrink (Minn)
90. 4, Arneson (Minn) 88.5. 5, Hynds
(M) 86.5. 6, Gleason (Minn) 40.
TUMBLING-1, Bolton (M) and
Henderson (M) 91.5 (tie).-3, Gleason
#(Minn) 85.5. 4, Olsen (Minn) 67.5.

(Continued from Page 1)

stantially increase receipts or de-
crease expenditures. Acting in re-
sponse to a report by the board,
the Regents instructed Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance Wil-
bur Pierpont to make a study.
This study's purpose was to in-
vestigate "the maintenance cost of
the athletic plant and of the prob-
lems that might be entailed in
transferring the maintenance costs
of intramural and physical edu-
cation facilities from the athletic
budget to the general fund budg-
The board also said it was con-
sidering ways of "adjusting the
student athletic fees to a level
more consistent with the modern
costs and services provided the
students." As a first step in this
direction, the Board reviewed its
action of making students pay $1
each for an administrative charge
for student coupon books of foot-
ball tickets.
For a long period of time, stu-
dent fees for athletics have been
considerably lower than those of
other conference schools, the board
continued. The Regents have ad-
vised the board that it has the au-
thority to sell student athletic
coupon books and such a policy
may be started in future years, the
board said.
Net Income Increased
Net operating income or the dif-
ference of receipts over disburse-
ments for fiscal 1962 was $153,-
338.32. This is compared to the
fiscal 1961 figure of $60,461.59.
Total disbursements increased
by over $47,000 from fiscal 1961 to
1962 but this was more than off-
set by an increase of $162,000 in
total receipts.
The bulk of the increased re-
ceipts was made up of a $96,480.48
increase in football receipts. This
was mainly due to an increase of
50 cents in the ticket price and a
1961 home schedule that included
a sellout of the Michigan State

game and 80,000 fans at the Ohio
State game.
In an effort to stabilize at-
tendance, starting in 1968 one of
these games will be at home and
the other away each year. This was
accomplished when Michigan State
agreed to play both its 1967 and
1968 games in Ann Arbor.
Thus Michigan will be guaran-
teed an almost sure sell-out each
season. There won't be two sell-
outs in one season and then none
the next year as has occurred in
past seasons.
Field House
Mile .Record
Faces Assault
Over 450 contestants from col-
leges, high schools and track clubs
will flood Yost Field House today
in the Michigan Indoor Track
Federation Championships.
It will be an 18-event program
beginning at 1 p.m., with the
finals slated to start at 7 p.m., and
should feature an assault at the
Field House mile record. Howie
Deardorff of Penn State, who last
week set the record of 4:08.5, will
try to break his own mark. He
faces stiff competition from two
Michigan milers, Dave Hayes and
Jim Neahausen.
Michigan State will boast a
strong entry in the person of
freshman Jim Garrett who is
scheduled to compete in the 60-
yard dash, the broad jump and
the 300-yard run, and has excel-
lent marks in all of them, includ-
ing a 23110" winning broad jump
in the Michigan Relays.
There are 11 high school relay
teams set to compete, along with
39 entries in the high school mile,
headed by Dick Reamer of Uni-
versity of Detroit High who won
the Relays crown in 4:39.7.

- -- I

OSU Tankers Pose Stiff Challenge

Host MSU



Michigan matmen place their
perfect Big Ten record on the line
this afternoon as they play host
to Michigan State, also undefeated
in Big Ten competition, zt 4 p.m.
in Yost Field House.
The Spartans have already de-
feated defending Big Ten cham-
pion Iowa in a 14-11 decision in
compiling their 5-0 season record.

Swimming coaches Gus Stager
of Michigan and Mike Pepe of
Ohio State can't agree on the
question of which team is going
to win the dual meet this after-
Stager says Ohio State will take
the meet while Pepe claims Mich-
igan is going to win. Both coaches
have good reasons to back up
their positions. They both agree,
however, that the meet at the
Matt Mann Pool at 3:00 will be
close. This is Michigan's last home
meet of the season.
Pepe commented. "I think

Cagers Take to Road;
Oppose Boilermakers

Michigan has the better team.
They have more depth and are
more balanced than we are."
Stager is worried about some of
his swimmers that have been ill'
recently besides the toughness of
the meet itself.
Comparative Scores
The closeness of the meet is
demonstrated by the fact that
both teams have been beaten by
Minnesota. Michigan lost by three
points and Ohio State fell by
seven. This means that if the
Buckeyes had won one more sec-
ond place instead of a third, they
would have scored the same num-
ber of points against the Go-
phers that Michigan did.
Since the Minnesota loss Pepe
says, "We've been gradually trying
to develop throughout the season.
The Michigan meet is the most
important dual meet for us.
"We're going to have trouble
with Michigan. We always have
close meets like last year's meet,"
he predicted. In the meet at
Columbus last season, the Buck-
eyes won 58-47. The meet was
even closer than the score in-
dicates with several races ending
in touchouts.
Came Back
Michigan came back last sea-
son to edge the Buckeyes for sec-


ond place at the Big Ten Meet. butterfly, sophomores Ben Donald-
But Ohio State pulled another son and Nate Clark should give
reverse in winning the NCAA Jeff Moore and Longstreth a tough
Meet while Michigan fell to battle.
fourth. Bruce Norvell is within strik-
On paper, this season's OSU ing distance of Dick Nelson and
team looks stronger than ever. But Geza Bodolay in the 200-yd.
Buckeye teams have a tradition of breaststroke. In the distance free-
starting sl'owly and finishing style, Michigan has Captain John
strong. However, with the Big Ten Dumont, Roy Burry, Warren Uh-
Meet only two weeks away, the ler, and Tom Dudley to counter
Buckeyes should be near their Orrin Nordstrom, Dave Kondracke,
peak for the meet this afternoon, and Augie Shima.
Pepe has two NCAA champions Against Michigan divers Pete
in backstroker L. B. Schaefer and Cox and Ed Boothman, Pepe can
individual medleyist Marty Mull.
Neither has approached their best throw double NCAA champion Lou
performances of last season but Vitucci and Juan Botella who took
like the rest of the Buckeyes a second and a third place at the
probably are due for this ason's NCAA Meet.!

Special To The Daily
LAFAYETTE-Hopes for a high
berth in the Big Ten cage race
dimnied by two straight confer-
ence losses, Michigan will try to
regain a little forward motion
against cellar - dwelling Purdue
here this afternoon at 2 p.m.
The Wolverines are in a dead-
lock with Wisconsin for the sixthi
slot with a 4-5 record after de-
feats at the hands of Ohio State
and Northwestern last week. The
Boilermakers (1-10) have managed
to pull out only one win from the
Big Ten grab bag, that a 103-1
rout of Michigan State.
Won't Lay Off
In light of Big Ten basketball
action this winter it's needless to
say that the Wolverines aren't
expecting any lay-off from the
cage pressure just because Purdue
occupies the bottom spot on the
conference totem pole. The turn of
the second semester has seen the
Boilermakers put on some pretty
fancy basketmaking exhibitions.
Ever since sophomore center
Bill Jones (6'8") joined the team
after a semester of ineligibility,
Purdue hasn't been outscored on
field goals. Losing to Indiana, 74-
73, the Boilermakers led the bas-
ket-making, 33-26. Against Ohio
State, too, Purdue held a 40-36
field goal advantage.
Second Wind
The main reason for all this
second-semester second wind is a
dandy .509 shooting percentage--
plus one outcourt bomber in vet-
eran Mel Garland, who hit 30
points last Monday against 11-
linois to boost his average to 23.6
digits a game. That's fifth in the
Big Ten.
Garland's guard accomplice is
Ron Hughes (6'1"), now netting
the points at just under 16 a game.
The loss of All-American center
Terry Dischinger was a big defi-
cit for coach Ray Eddy to make
up. Jones' height may be the an-
swer. He's definitely boosted Boil-
ermaker rebound potential (Jones
picks off 16 a contest), and the
Purdue star also boasts a healthy
15.3 point average in the bargain.
Up front Eddy will go with

sophomore Bob Purkhiser, who
missed a basket against Minne-
sota to break a string of 18 won-
secutive field goals, and play-
maker Phil Dawkins. Dawkins is
only 6'3" but makes up for it in
jumping talent under the boards.
With the advent of Jones at
center, the Boilermakers sport
just over 6'4'' a man along the
forward compared to Michigan's
Bill Buntin, Wolverine 6'7" star,
will be at center to counter the
taller (by an inch) Jones in a
battle of the sophomoreapivot
men. Buntin's 22.6 point average
just trails Garland in the con-
ference statistics but he leads the
conference in rebounds with 140
in nine games.
Tom Cole and John Harris hold
down the rest of the forward line,
and Bob Cantrell and Doug Her-
ner will be outcourt.
St. Louis 115, Chicago 98
Detroit 126, Syracuse 117
New York 106, San Francisco 93
Yale 83, Columbia 7K
Princeton 89, Dartmouth 59
Penn 61, Harvard 58
St. Bonaventure 87, Niagara 63
Cornell 68, Brown 50
Syracuse 55, Boston College 54
Michigan Tech 85, Moorhead 80
Iowa 27, Indiana 3
Minnesota 58, Southern Illinois 37
Petitioning Now Open
Petitions va liable
at the
Michigan Union
Student Offices

top snowing. To oppose these two,
Stager has Ed Bartsch and Mike
Reissing in the backstroke and
Lanny Reppert and Jeff Long-
streth in the mnedley.
Times Bettered
Both Bartsch and Reppert have
bettered the times of their Buck-
eye opponents this season. But
the two Wolverines have not been
faster than the two Buckeyes were
at their best last season.
John Plain and Mull are top-
flight sprinters who will chal-
lenge Steve Thrasher, Frank Berry
and Jim Riutta. In the 200-yd.



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i LoesofDo-eGinow"et.


Olt C"U itghu
'~(Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf," "The Many

400 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor

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I. - . j
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Hate me if you will, but I must speak. We college types are
far too complacent. Sure, we've got plenty to be proud of.
We've got atom smashers, we've got graduate schools, we've got
new peaks in scholarship, new highs in academic honors. And yet,
in the midst of these triumphs, we have failed dismally to make
any progress in solving the oldest and most horrendous of all
campus problems: we've still got roommates.
To be sure, all roommates are not bad. There is the well-
documented case of Hilquit Glebe; a student at the Manhattan
College of Agriculture, majoring in curds and whey, who ad-
mitted publicly that he actually liked his roommate-an odd
admission when you consider that this roommate, Mervis
Trunz by name, was frankly not 'oo winsome a fellow. He
practiced his tympani in his room, he kept an alligator, and he
collected airplane tires.
But, on the other hand, Mervis bought two packs of Marlboro
Cigarettes every day and gave one of them to Hilquit and-I ask
you-who can stay mad at a man who gives you Marlboro
Cigarettes? Who, upon tasting that flavorful blend of Marlboro
tobaccos, upon drawing through that pure white Marlboro filter,
upon exulting in this best of all possible cigarettes, Marlboro-
who, I say, can harden his heart against his neighbor? Certainly
not Hilquit. Certainly not I. Certainly not you, as you will find
when you scurry to your nearest tobacconist and buy a supply.
Marlboros come in soft pack or Flip-Top Box. Tobacconists
come in small, medium, and large.
But I digress. Roommates, I say; are still with us and I
fear they always will be, so we better learn how to get along
with them. It can be done, you know. Take, for instance,:the
classic case of Dolly Pitcher and Molly Madison.
Dolly and Molly, roommates at a prominent Midwestern
girls' school (Vassar) had a problem that seemed insoluble. Dolly
conld only study late at night, and Molly could not stay awake
past nine o'clock. If Dolly kept the lights on, the room was too
bright for Molly to sleep. If Molly turned the lights off, the
room was too dark for Dolly to study. What to do?
Well sir, those two intelligent American kids found an an-
swer. They got a miner's cap for Dolly! Thus, she had enough
light to study by, and still the room was dark enough for
Molly to sleep.
It must be adniitted, however, that this solution, ingenious
as it was, had some unexpected sequelae. Dolly got so en-
chanted with her miner's cap that she switched her major from
18th'Century poetry to mining and metallurgy. Shortly after
graduation she had what appeared to be a great stroke of luck:
while out prospecting, she discovered what is without question
the world's largest feldspar mine. This might have made Dolly
very rich except that nobody, alas, has yet discovered a use for
feldspar. Today Dolly, a broken woman, squeezes out a meagre
living making echoes for tourists in Mammoth Cave.
Nor has Molly fared conspicuously better. Once Dolly got
the miner's hat, Molly was able to catch up on her long-lost
sleep. She woke after eight days, refreshed and vigorous-more
vigorous, alas, than she realized. It was the afternoon of the
annual Dean's tea. Molly stood in line with her classmates,



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