4r A#idtgan Daily Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTs OF THE UNIvrrrY of MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL of STUDENT PUBLiCATIONS "Where Opinions Are Fre STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBoR, Mca., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Witt Prevan"' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This nmst bi noted in all reprints. High-Price Spread COFO AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT: Progress Quite Slow, But Signs Encouraging TURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN Marta Cook Building- LovelyAnronism1 IF A CROSS between a dormitory and a sorority house is genetically conceivable, the Martha Cook Building is the campus' sole specimen of the resulting hybrid. Located on South University across from the Clements Library and kitty-corner from Presi- dent Hatcher's house, the imposing Gothic structure houses about 150 girls-sophomores through seniors with a few graduate students --who probably have a much softer life than any of "the envied residents of Washtenaw Avenue and Hill Street. The building is old-fashioned and beautiful. It is a three-minute walk from either library and five. minutes from the farthest point in Mason Hall. Its spacious rooms, mainly single suites or large doubles, have wall-to-wall car- peting and most have private sinks. The sprawling backyard has three gorgeous mag- nolia trees which are best admired fromi the terrace where one may eat breakfast and lunch on warm spring days. There are fre- quently seconds on the main course at dinner. B UT WHAT chiefly distinguishes life in Martha Cook from life in the other dorm- itories, even the smaller and more popular ones such as Barbour and Newberry, is the attitude of the staff. Surprisingly they do not seem to regard themselves as wardens of the vast University penitentiary for undergraduate women. Rather, they go out of their way to make life for the residents as gracious, charming and relaxed as is humanly possible-and life in Martha Cook is very, very pleasant indeed. All the little extra' privileges which make life, in a sorority so attractive are extended to the Cook residents. Phone messages are care- fully written down and posted for them when they are not at home, underclassmen are frequently permitted to remain after past closing hours if they have a reason considered valid by the house director, no one needs a meal ticket to enter the dining room and the' switchboard operators never, never say "Limit your call, please." NEVERTHELESS, Martha Cook is not a sorority. It is a residence for unaffiliated women, it sends delegates (and supplies a good many officers and committee chairmen) to Assembly Association and it is, at least nomin- ally,. under the authority of the Board of Governors of Residence Halls. But in addition to the Board of Governors, Martha Cook has its own board of governors, composed ;mainly of alumnae and always in- cluding a member of the Cook family-relatives of the late and eccentric William Cook who built the building and its next-door-neighbor, the Law Quad. The Cook board of governors can make special rules for the running of the house and has, just recently stipulated re- strictions regarding key privileges for senior women. In keeping ith the "high standards" Martha Cook girls are charged with upholding, the board has ruled that staying all night in, a man's apartment or drinking an inordinate amount of an alcoholic beverage constitutes a violation of the key privilege and is to be prosecuted by the house judiciary board. ALSO PECULIAR to Martha Cook, though greatly resembling sorority procedure, is the method of getting to live' in the house. Selection of new residents is made entirely by the house director after an interview with ap-- plic'ants who are required to write a detailed letter about themselves describing, among other things,'their home life, their economic situa- tion and their religious beliefs. They are also' required to fill out a preliminary application blank which must be accompanied by a snap- shot or photograph and which asks point blank 'What is your religion?" It is not clear whether the house director is completely free to use whatever criteria seem most relevant to her in choosing new residents, or whether she is in some measure >ound by the mysterious will of Mr. Cook which is known to exist but which no member >f the house seems to have read. Many strange rumors circulate on campus about the com- position of the house. One popular theory is hat girls must have at least a 3.5 average o live in Cook. Another holds that girls must be honors students. Fal So Neither of these rumors is founded in fact. While Cook consistently 'sets the record for the all-campus women's average, it is usually not more than a few tenths of a point above its closest competitor, Sigma Delta Tau soror- ity, and there are a great many girls whose averages are nowhere near the 3.5 mark. It is true, however, that nearly all of the girls participate in some campus activity, that a disproportionate number have been to Europe one or more times, and the residents probably represent a greater geographical variety than the members of any other house or dormitory on campus. IN MANY WAYS the director of the house faces the same problems sororities face in that each year there are far more applicants than places in the house, so that inevitably many girls must be turned away. The director must make her decision in the same way that members of a sorority make theirs-she must choose the girls who seem to have the most to contribute to the house and who stand to benefit the most from life in it. Her decision. like the decisions of the sorority members is motivated by what is best for the house and she, probably like the majority of the sororities, is not prejudiced racially or religiously. But whatever the good intentions of the house director, the basic fact remains: Martha Cook, though privately endowed, is recognized University housing. It does not even claim to be a "private social organization" as the sororities do. Yet University students may be turned away by the house director on prac- tically whatever grounds she wishes. In addition, the Office of Student Affairs and Student Government Council seem blind to the fact that the Martha 'Cook application form blatantly violates Regents' bylaw 2.14' which is being used as authority to require that sororities and fraternities submit to the Committee on Membership in Student Organi- zations the sections of their constitutions deal- ing with criteria for selecting members along with any other written or unwritten agree- ments. NO OTHER University organization or house would dare ask an applicant's religion on the application form. Residence halls are now prohibited even from requiring photographs until roommates have been assigned. Yet Martha Cook still requires a snapshot and has not even bothered to put an (optional) on its application form after the forthright and illegal "What is you religion?" How has this escaped the attention of the administration? :And how is it that while sororities and fraternities are being hounded for the membership sections of their con- stitutions no one has demanded to see this section of the Cook will? TfHEDIRECTORS of the Martha Cook Build- ing are not to blame. They are not discrim- inating but, on the contrary are attempting to achieve a harmonious variety among the residents of the house. They are doing a con- scientious and honest job. But pleasant as all this is for the residents of the building, it is not fair that the Uni- versity lets it continue. Martha Cook, like the sororities, is recognized University housing and as such must be made available to all campus women on equal terms, not on terms of per- sonal characteristics or attainments. While it would be excellent of the variety and graciousness found in Cook could be built into all dormitories-and they probably could' if the dormitories would concentrate their energies in this area and stop worrying about late minutes and meal tickets-there is no honest Justification for allowing Cook to con- tinue as it operates now. Like a dormitory, Cook should be open to all undergraduate women on a random, first- come, first-serve basis. Until such a change comes about, the least that can be done is for SGC and the OSA to insist that the religious question and snapshot requirement be dropped from the application form and any type of understanding about selection of residents submitted to the OSA immediately. -JUDITH OPPENHEIM Editorial Director STUDENT GOVERNMENT SIDELINES: HI3: Ac tion and 'Consequence By ELLEN SILVERMAN ALTHOUGH THE government is plodding along slowly toward Negro voter registration in the South, many groups are anxious for faster action. The tedious waiting period which comes with court cases and the individuality of each case pushes them to look for other means to register the Southern Negro. Massive drives to register voters have spread across. the South under the auspices of many groups. But the focus of, such activity is Mississippi. F o u r separate organizations, formed and staffed primarily by students, are now working together in Mississippi under the title of Council of Federated Organiza- tions. The idea behind COFO is to pool the talents of the members of the Student Non-Violent Co- ordinating Committee, the Con- gress for Racial Equality, the Na- tional Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, the National Urban League and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference under Martin Luther King. The various groups are working independently in most of the South conducting v o t e r registration drives, Freedom Rides and sit-ins. But the situation in Mississippi was considered unique. Wiley A. Branton of the Voter Education Project noted that because of the "extreme resistance, harassment and intimidation" in the state, the federated organization was launched. * * * THE HEAD of COFO is Robert Moses, a Negro who graduated with an MA in philosophy from Har- vard. Last August Moses arrived in Ruleville, Miss., to begin the effort. Although more Negroes have attempted to register in Sunflower County, consiered the most ex- treme situatiohin the state, the organization, has been plagued. by problems with the local authorities. Negroes who have joined the voter registration drives have suf- fered from violence-even shoot- ings-and economic harrassment. Many have been told to leave their tenant farms when the drop is in and others have been fired out- right from city jobs. At Williams Chapel, a Negro Baptist church where the regis- tration meetings were held, had its water turned off by the local mayor and its tax-exempt status revoked. The 4nayor, Charles M. Dor- rough, claimed "you all ain't hav- ing religious services down there.' You're carrying ona lot of mess and I ain't gonna stand for it." WITH ALL of the handicaps, the organization has not succeeded in registering as many Negroes as it had hoped. However, 60 were added to the voters' rolls in Sun- flower County in five months, and Moses notes that the campaign will continue. W. C. Patton of the NAACP feels that the group ought to aim for a test case and then pull out of the area and "go where we can get people on the books and reg- istered." But others take a more optimistie view of the COFO work. A government attorney noted that Moses goes where it "is tough." And courage seems to be spreading just as fear did when the harassments began. Many Ne- groes are now, more than ever, convinced that they must fight to get the vote, despite the abuse they must take from the local of- ficials. S * * THE GOVERNMENT and COFO have been working independently, but the Justice Department has recently filed suit to allow Moses to distribute literature to help the voting drives. He hwi previously been arrested in Indianola, in Sun- flower County, for passing out leaflets of this type. Moses, too, looks to the govern- ment to aid his work. He and sev- en others have brought suit against Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion Chief J Edgar Hoover to re- quire them to send federal mar- shals to the courthouses to protect Negroes. The Justice Department has thus far refused to do this on the grounds that it cannot act as a police force for the state. The student groups are rapidly gaining adhereits in the North as well as the South. White students have pitched in to send food and money to the Southern effort. While much of the work on voter registration has been done by Ne- groes, Northern whites have been aiding in the program since its inception. * . * MISSISSIPPI will not be won over quickly. The mere 150 Negroes who were registered in the state in the past months is a small frac- tion of the many who wait for aid. In 13 Mississippi counties the num- ber of Negroes registered, is' zero and in 20 others the percentage is .003.~ But the movement is pushing forward. For all its hopefulness, in many ways COFO moves as slowly as the Justice Department. But the two together inch forward more each day. Working in close coop- eration they should be able to get the needed test case and then the COFQ workers can move along more rapidly. At the same time that President John F. Kennedy is pressing for a domestic peace corps made up of youth, the college youth have found their own service project. It is they who are pushing the voter registration program on and it is they who are showing the, Presi- dent the effective way youth can work to serve the nation. By GLORIA BOWLES ON WEDNESDAY evening of this week, Student Govern- ment Council suspended the rules and placed on the agenda a mo- tion which would mandate Uni- versity President Harlan Hatcher to "make a public statement clear- ly stressing the Regental stand on non-discrimination and sup- porting a Fair Housing Ordi- nance." Daily editor Michael Olinick, '63, and Robert Ross, '63, explained their motion's intent, and noted that the University had done little to implement and publicly support the spirit of Regent's bylaw 2.14 which guarantees equality in housing for faculty and students. Though expressing regret at the hasty manner of presentation, they noted the necessity of its immediate consideration: the Ann Arbor City Council would meet on Thursday evening to consider a Fair Housing Ordinance, and a statement from the President of the University might greatly fa- cilitate passage of such legisla- tion. The substance of the motion represented a legitimate and honorable concern: according to a Human Relations Board survey of spring, 1960, "fifty per cent of the housing units surveyed would not accept non-whites as tenants." The Board also cited a letter from Dr. James Davis of the In- ternational Center, who said that "we recognize that there is pre- judice in Ann Arbor, but we have tried to 'cushion' the, foreign scholar from -it." The problem is a real one, and we do not need an HRB survey or a letter from Dr. Davis to prove it. The question which faced SGC was, in effect, what is the most effective and realistic way to pro- mote fairness in Ann Arbor hous- ing? COUNCIL MEMBERS, during consideration of the motion, were cognizant of plans for demon- strations by its HRB. In fact, Kenneth Miller, in a query direct- ed to the President at the begin- ning of thesmeeting, requested information on those proposed demonstrations. He asked why the Board had not appeared before Council for a discussion of its impending action. Although the HRB charge does not specifically call for prior con- sultation with the Council, some Council members, like pesident Steven Stockmeyer, '63, thought consultation would have been "ad- visable" for such "drastic action." Union president Robert Finke, '63, fearing an implied endorse- ment of the demonstration in a passage of the Olinick-Ross mo- tion, called for the addition of an amendment to read that this mo- tion should not "be construed as to support any public demonstra- tions' by any' group on this ques- tion." The amendment and the motion passed by a solid majority. On Thursday, dispite the cold, the HRB and supporters picketed and that evening went to the Ann Arbor City Council meeting. The City Council voted to table the motion and shoved the proposed fair housing ordinance off to a THE BOARD'S concern with inequality in Ann Arbor housing is admirable, and there are few of us who would deny the legitimacy of the Board's most basic concern: Ann Arbor housing discrimination, which sees foreign students and non-whites being refused equal living opportunities. HRB's con- cern also represents an important recognition of the problems posed by discrimination in the North. Unfortunately, the effects of a seemingly simple picket action are widespread. Those who pick:et for equality in Ann Arbor hous- ing also become involved in a range of related issues. The Board obviously acted too hastily to con- sider the ramifications of picket- ing in relation to the University, its Administration, student gov- ernment, the Regents, and the Ann Arbor community. In effect, nine students meeting for lunch on Wednesday voted to take an action which has stirred up much controversy. In the midst of idealistic passions, students often refuse to admit these reali- ties exist. A dismissal of such givens are only escapist. Alter- native courses of action need to be viewed in the context of these givens. The long range effects of ill-considered action can only be negative. * * * WE WOULD do well to consider three especially pertinent "givens" First, one administrator, in a statement to the press, outlined the history of action taken by his office to implement bylaw 2.14, and cited the background of the HRB, named its chairman, whose address he noted: Chicago. In addition many citizens and politicans resent the domination of student affairs by out of staters. Such anti-out-of-state feeling on the part of these power groups is discrimination of the worst kind, and is a disgrace. From the moment of admission a student should be on equal foot- ing with his fellows. But this is a problem with which student leaders and particularly out-of- state student leaders must deal. SECOND, the HRB picketing action, and the Board's direct ap- peal to the President of the Uni- versity, serves to underline one of the most difficult problems of the University: what should be the role of its President? Size is an inherent, and very real danger, which sees educational institu- tions being transformed into large-scale corporations. Specifically, the HRB was un- able to get through to the Presi- dent, and had its requests referred to the vice-president of student affairs. This is a normal course of action. The Board could not in- form the inaccessible president of the impending picket; he was in Washington at a congressional dinner. That, too,is the normal course of events. The President, however, should be less concerned about the "image" of the University, and more concerned about the issues directly relating to the University. The President should make an at- tempt to go beyond the hand- the demonstrations only served to put students ten steps behind for the small two or three forward. SGC, though it disavowed sup- port of the demonstrations, still finds its name tied to the picket- ing. The Board is a subqrdinate committee of the Council, and SGC bears the responsibility for its actions. Administrative error -with the administrative vice- president of Council showing a continuing failure to keep tabs on the boards under Council- may in part be responsible for what some consider the "insubor- dination of a rebellious board." Some administrators and Re- gents define picketing and dem- onstrations, especially hastily con- ceived, as "irresponsible" methods of forcing action. Demonstrations, as unfortunate and irrational as it may be, are not a drecognized means of expressing discontent. When such "irresponsible" ac- tion comes at the very moment when students are making appeals for student-faculty government and substantial changes in wo- men's hours, those authorities wonder just how "responsible" students. really are. The whole attitude toward students, and stu- dent action, is effected. The student cause at the Uni- versity' has been hurt by those who believe in itmost fervently. Participating student liberals are supposed to be able to look at the broad issues, to think of prob- lems in their widest context, to show some vision in resolving those problems. They have been ineffective, un- realistic and even narrow-minded this week. CHAMBER MUSIC: Standing Ovation AS WE HAVE said before, and as will be said again, the supreme accomplishment of the Budapest players and Mr. Istomin is precision of ensemble playing. Years of exercising this artistry, have led at the interpretive level to an approach which can best be called sophisticated. The latter is their 'strength in the artistic dimension as the former is in the technical. It is also their occasional weakness. Last evening's concert at Rackham was the best of the current Chamber Music Festival. Discussion along the sophistication dimension will explicate our earlier remarks. The Piano Quartet Opus 16, which opened the program, is adequate Beethoven, of moderate sophistication. The performance was appropriate. 'FROM HERE TO ETERNITY': Pretty Good--But Yet. Id Speak Up )ROF. JOSEPH LESTON was recently fired from Lincoln College in Ilinois for partici- ting in an anti-Cuban blockade demonstra- >n. At Oakland University, the question of :ademic freedom was raised when Prof. amuel Shapiro was not granted tenure. The cry is constantly being raised that achers are placed in a position of second ass citizens. They cannot voice their personal liefs and political convictions for fear of los- g their jobs. These men who have such a eat influence on our youth are forced to main impartial outside as well as inside the assroom. There is no denying the latent At Wednesday night's meeting, Student Gov- ernment Council ganted ad hoc recognition to an organization called the Students for Cudlip and White for Board of Regents 'Committee. This group had one problem concerning recog- nition by SGC. It had no faculty advisor. Ac- cording to its spokesman, this group could not find one member of the teaching staff who would act .as faculty advisor. One reason sub- mitted by the group spokesman was that no member of the faculty wished to get involved in a political battle for fear of possible con- sequences. i 7 j IF THERE is one thing that Hollywood can do well, it is tell a story. Usually with the help of a best seller conveniently convert- ed to movie screen proportions of length and morality, Hollywood stuffs the celluloid with a rack of stars and aims for the box office. Today, the added proportions of wide screen and color, stereophonic sound and plenty of action brand a movie, "Hollywood." But "From Here to Eternity" is without most ,of these embellish- ments because it was made before they became part of the vogue. There probably hasn't been an- other movie made about Hawaii since "Eternity" that isn't in color. Wide screen hadn't become popular yet and neither had stereo. But the Hollywood czars had to contend with the obsceni- ties of James Jones' best seller and, as they would call it, the "immoralities" the characters in- dulge in. What they imply on the screen is enough, they feel. And they may be right. * * * IT IS TO the credit of Jones that his story holds up under the Hollywood holy good. Brothels are changed for "dry" night spots, prostitutes for nice hostesses. Of forms his task of acting as Pvt. Robert E. Lee Pruet superbly without allowing it to fall into a maudlin character or some tough punk type. Deborah Kerr also has been an admirable actress. As Karen Holmes, she flits between some insipid lines and tender ren- ditions of emotion. Burt Lancaster is adequate to say the least in displaying his torso and adequate to say the most in giving a good performance. The other actors fall into the criticism that Zinnemann made the picture and not the actors. OF COURSE, you can't forget Frank Sinatra as Angelo. "Eter- nity" was his "comeback" debut from his days of singing for bobby- soxers. As a debut his performance is outstanding. Today, it may play sickly on our minds after seeing so many other loyal sidekicks who eventually get theirs before the end of the movie. Donna Reed as Pruet's Lorraine is the sweet young thing who rises above sentiment as often as fall- ing below it. "Eternity" made a name for her and won her an Academy Award. Looking back, it is hard to see how this or most of the other seven awards were won. Most interesting interpretatively was the slow movement, charac- terized by' fascinating apparent in- dependence of the instrumental parts, which were knit together at a higher level by that quality of performance under discussion. The -program concluded with the Quartet in G minor of Brahms, unquestionably the most sophis ticated of non-modern composers. Brahms is the Budapest-Istomin meat. The sudden subtlety of dy- namic contrast, the superb blend- ing of piano and strings into a single sound of voices yet distinct, the incredible gaiety and excite- ment of the Hungarian Finale- these were without peer in our recollection; and brought the so- phisticated audience at Rackham spontaneously to its feet. * * * THE ONLY faltering of the evening came just before inter- mission in the early movements of the Piano Trio Opus 49 of Mendelssohn. Between Brahms and Beethoven, Mendelssohn is transparent. His music has a boy- ish charm, exuberance. It has, as one says today, Vigah. And no- thing kills vigah like sophistica- tion. This music, performed intro- spectively and subtly, falls a bit on its face. This mood was finally broken by the Finale, whose vigah could shatter anyone's intro- spection. During intermission an ac- quaintance who finds my disquisi- tions a bit difficult of assimila-