MARTHA COOK, OSA AND SGC Si44r igan :4Iait t CLOUDY High-is8 Low-12 Slow temperature rise, occasional snow See Editorial Page Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 108 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX. PAGES Malinovsky Cites Cuban Warning Says Soviets Would Retaliate Against 'Western' Aggression By The Associated Press MOSCOW - Soviet Defense Minister Rodion Y. Malinovsky threatened the United States yesterday with nuclear devastation should it attack Cuba. "We would like to warn the aggressive circles of the United States that an attack on the Cuban republic would mean a third world war," the 64-year-old marshal declared. If an attack on Cuba is made, he continued, "the Soviet Union will be in the first ranks of those who will come to its assistance." Eliminate Evils In Washington Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) said Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, Malinovsky's American counterpart, "made it very clear that we are pursuing a policy that will result in ~the elimination of Castroism and 1 Communism from Cuba." Russell made this statement after the Senate Armed Services Committee, of which he is chair- man, met behind closed doors with the defense chief. hr$. xIn reply to questions, Russell said McNamara ,outlined methods for carrying out this country's Cuba policy, but he declined to adivulgedetails on the ground that these are classified matters. Capture Men The Cuban navy said it captured eight men trying to land on Cuba's shores and accused them of at- tacking and stealing two Cuban fishing boats. The Havana an- nouncement termed the men counter-revolutionaries and claim- ed they worked for the United States Central Intelligence Agency. RODION Y. MALINOVSKY The Cuban government said, the ...Cuba warning boats were being used to haul arms for use in guerrilla opera- OUITLAYtions. *_ _ A report made public by the Organization of American States said that because of the gravity of Se Fithe Cuban situation the nationsofr Of I the, hemisphere should consider invoking the Rio de Janeiro mut- r OSa ual defense treaty. It calls for concerted action when the hemis- pheric nations are confronted by By GERALD STORCH a common danger. Two state legislators yesterday ' Ten Too Many' agreed that the capital outlay Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss) proposal of Rep. Lester J. Allen urged a hard policy "to wipe out (R-Ithaca) probably won't be all Soviet-dominated governments passed. in this hemisphere," saying that His bill would require master's even as few as 10 Russian soldiers and bachelor's degree students in in Cuba are too many. state-supported universities to pay Stennis said in a speech pre- an extra $1200 into a special edu- pared for a Richmond, Va., aud- cation building fund within 12 ience that he hopes his Senate years after graduation. Doctoral preparedness subcommittee's in- degree graduates would be assess- quiry into the Cuban situation will1 ed $1500. contribute to the shaping of a "I haven't heard any sentiment "firm policy which will finally rid for the bill," Rep. Gilbert E. Burs- the Americas of this cancerous ley (R-Ann Arbor) said last night. growth." :Expect House Passage for Delta Bill 4) Gets Backing Of Education Committee Senate May Oppose 'Piggy-Back' Concept By KENNETH WINTER The "piggy-back" plan for giv- ing Michigan's thumb area a de- gree-granting college was endors- ed yesterday by the House Edu- cation Committee and apparently will receive bipartisan support in the House. In reporting out the bill, the education committee attached three strings to it: 1) It cut out the only state ap- propriation involved, a $50,000 grant to finance the initial steps toward the establishment of the school, Add Amendment 2- It added an amendment re- quiring that $1 million in local funds be raised to pay for the operation of the new school, and 3) It suggested that the bill be referred to the House Ways and Means Committee before the House takes final action on it. Despite these provisions, the bill's chances in the House look good. Ways and means committee chairman Arnell Engstrom (R- Traverse City) said that "the House is rather committed to this bill." He noted that the Legisla- ture had initiated the study by Dean John X. Jamrich of Michi- gan State University's education school which led to the writing of the "piggy-back" bill, so "I'm pret- ty sure we'll do something with' it." Need for Action Also, Engstrom cited the need to "go one way or another this year" toward setting up a degree-grant- ing institution in the area. This refers to an alternate proposal to Jamrich's "piggy-back" plan: the establishment . of a four-year branch of the University on the Delta campus. This plan will not be submitted as a bill this year. House Speaker Allison Green (R-Kingston) noted that the ways and means committee may restore the $50,000 in planning appropria- tions, or a similar figure. Green added, "I would say if it can pass two committees, there is little doubt that it can pass the House." Democrats Concur House Democrats seem to agree. Minority Floor Leader Joseph Ko- walski (D-Detroit), Rep. Joseph Gillis (D-Detroit) and Rep. George Montgomery (D-Detroit) all said they expect no party-line split on the issue. However, the Jamrich bill faces stiffer opposition in the Senate. There, the Education Committee chairman is Sen. William G. Milli- ken (R-Traverse City), who says, See DELTA, Page 2 * * * * * * * * * Hm i s sirnosPuz z l e s 'U' Ad Hatcher Restates Bias Stand tdical Unit nini stration University President Harlan Hatcher reiterated the University's policy and position on non-discrimination and the fair housing ordi- nance before the Ann Arbor City Council at yesterday's Regents' meeting and received support for his stand. He again stressed "that the University should not attempt to dictate legislation in Ann Arbor" by endorsing an ordinance. However, he maintained that just because the University will not interfere with the community, does not indicate an absence of direct endorsement of a goal. H President Hatcher said that the University's position on non- Construction Plan Leaves Building Out Await Official Word Explaining Reasons For State Program HARLAN HATCHER . reiterates stand 6 i "I don't think it will even come out of committee."' 'Very Discouraging' He said increased fees in such a measure "would be a very dis- couraging element in trying to get good students to come to the University," , Rep. Martin D. Buth (R-Com- stock Park), a member of the House Committee on Education which killed Allen's bill last year, said "there was not too much in- terest in it" at that time and he hasn't detected any this year either. Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont raised three objections: 1) Could the promissory notes S(hich students would have to sign before receiving a diploma) be enforced in court? Stop Non-Signers? 2) How could the state stop the University from granting a diplo-- ma to someone who hadn't signed the note? 3) A lot of capital outlay money is needed now, andthe bill simply won't provide enough money in enough time. Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor asserted that "this is a form of a delayed fee increase, and fees are plenty. high right now." Two Emerge In Competition For YR Post Special To The Daily GRAND RAPIDS-Two candi- dates emerged last night with the most backing in the race to suc- ceed Steven Stockmeyer, '63, as chairman of the Michigan Federa- tion of College Young Republicans. Claims of dirty campaign tactics were commonplace here as cam- paigning reached a fever peak. Lou Ferrand of Alma College and Allan Howell of Wayne State University gathered the strongest delegate support, while Fletcher Monnigh of Michigan State Uni- versity. apparently lacked suffi- cient voting strength to make a bid for the post. However, who will actually get the job is unlikely to be decided until late this afternoon when the votes are polled on the, conven- tion floor. Howell is a conservative and running on a platform ad- vocating "party unity." Ferrand, a moderate, claims the support of the University delegation. Relates Data On Negroes In compliance with the request from President John F. Kennedy's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity ,for employment sta- tistics on the number of minority group employes, the University has reported that 10.4 per cent of its employes are Negroes. A visual check was made which showed that 1,052 of the Universi- ty's 10,072 employes are Negroes, Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont told the Regents yesterday. Ask Information Kennedy's committee had asked that all contractors with the fed- eral government supply the re- quested information. The Univer- sity was reluctant to comply until it was advised that the compilation of these statistics was not in vio- lation of the .Michigan Fair Em- ployment Practices Act. The racial count is part of the committee's program to eliminate discrimination firms contracting with the government. The count is designed to help the group de- termine where discrimination may occur. Pierpont also reported that the University will transfer land to the federal government for a fisher- ies laboratory soon and that con- struction on the federal facility will begin this summer. Water Pollution He added that representatives of the Public Health Service were at the University to discuss a site for its water pollution con- trol laboratory. Planning will be- gin within a few weeks. Vice-President for Research Ralph A. Sawyer said he expects congressional action soon on ap- propriating ,funds for the pollution center. The Regents also cut in half fees for students over 65 years old enrolled in University programs. discrimination is "clear and forth Ordinance Views Varyt , By JOHN BRYANT 1 Reactions to the City Council'sI action slating discussion of a pro- posed fair housing ordinance for1 next Monday are varied. Mayor Cecil O. Creal and Fifth Ward Republican Councilman1 John R. Laird felt that the coun-t cil's action would not have been1 affected by a statement from Uni- versity President Harlan Hatcher1 favoring a fair housing ordinance. Both men also felt that a state- ment from Hatcher would have no effect on future legislation. Com- mented Creal, "No one person canj influence legislation." However, both Fourth Ward Re- publican Councilman Wendell E. Hulcher and First Ward Democrat CouncilmanLynn W. Eley felt that1 a statement from the president would have an effect on the pass- age of the ordinance. Wait for StateE Mrs. Wendell Hobbs, president of the Ann Arbor Board of Real- tors, felt that "it would be foolish for Ann Arbor to act before we, know what the state Legislature is going to do about the problem.", Mrs. Albert Wheeler, president; of the Ann Arbor Chapter of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, felt that President Hatcher should make a statement favoring a fair housing ordinance. Commend HRC She commended the Human Re- lations Commission for its work in drafting the ordinance but felt that some provisions ought to be changed. Specifically, she asked for a clearer definition of "owner" and "person," reduction of the mini- mum number of units in a multi- ple dwelling as defined in the or- dinance to four, and making an injunction mandatory if the com- mission fails to conciliate the par- ties, rather than leaving the de- cision to the city attorney. David Aroner, '64, chairman of the Student Government Council Human Relations Board, said the board would undertake a study of the proposed ordinance from "the viewpoint of the students." ,Paid Staff He also called for a paid profes- sional staff to enforce the ordi- nance and for a reduction in the minimum number of units in a defined multiple dwelling to three. Aroner added that "at no time did the board ask President Hatch- er to 'dictate' legislation to the city council." In fact, he thought that the board would object to the University "dictating" any legisla- tion to anyone. Graduate Student Council came out in favor of fair housing at its meeting Thursday night and called for a public statement from Presi- dent Hatcher in accord with Re- gental Bylaw 2.14. GSC said that since discrimina- tion largely falls on graduate stu- dents, it was an area in which council should properly act. State Democrats right." He commented that "our' Regents, administration and fac- ulty have worked constructively and sincerely over the years to eliminate discrimination in mat- ters affecting our students and employes in the community. Deplore Cases "We deplore the fact that there have been cases of discrimination in the community and sympathize with students and staff members who have been embarrassed by incidents." President Hatcher said that "I have been in constant touch with- the human relations groups of the University and Ann Arbor." Pro- gress indnon-discrimination has been made in every area of the University and the community. The University. welcomes all students from every land and has seen to it that in every University facility the policy of non-discrim- ination has been adhered to, he continued. Refuse Listings The University has refused to list as recognized housing, any unit which follows a discrimina- tory policy, he pointed out. Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor said that President Hatch- er's stand was a "positive policy on non-discrimination in housing" and he felt he spoke for the Re- gents in congratulating the presi- dent. The issue of President Hatcher's stand on non-discrimination and fair housing arose with picketing Thursday. Venezuela Reds Issue Threats CARACAS WP) - Venezuela's Communist Party threatened a "state of chaos" yesterday unless the government lifts its ban on the Communists and the fellow- traveling movement of the revolu- tioonary left (MIR) before the De- cember national elections. President Romulo Betancourt's government banned the Commun- ist and MIR parties from political activity last year after accusing them of complicity in two anti- government marine garrison re- volts. Since then, however, leaders of Betancourt's Democratic Action Party and its ally, the Social Christians, have said they would support reinstatement of the two extremist parties provided they renounce terrorism and prove it. May Receive -Unit Outline The University can expect to receive a report from Gov. George Romney early next week delineat- ing the purposes and functions of his proposed "blue-ribbon" com- mittee on education, Vice-Presi- dent and Director of the Dearborn Center William E. Stirton told the Regents yesterday. He said that it is his understand- ing that the committee would have a large number of members, but only a few would be professional educators. Educators would func- tion as consultants. Study Needs The general purpose of the pro- posed group would be to study the educational needs of the entire state in an attempt to formulate a "master plan" for education. Hopefully the group would report by next October, Stirton predicted. 'Regents Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor and Donald M. D. Thurber of Grosse Pointe voiced strong objections to the "blue rib- bon" body. 'Studied to Death' Power said education in the state has been "studied to death." He' deplored the fact that the Co- ordinating Council for Public. Higher Education has received no support from the new administra- tion. "This is just another study com- mittee to avoid making a decision" on the pressing needs of education, Power asserted. The study appar- ently is being made by "people who dop't know anything about education," .he added. 'Who Will Decide' Regent Thurber said that when the proposed study group finished its report there would be the prob- lem of "who will decide if the re- port is acceptable." He and Regent Power pointed out that the Russell Report on educational needs com- pleted in 1954 had been ignored and not even accepted. WILLIAM STIRTON 'blue ribbon' committee. By GAIL EVANS and CARL COHEN The administration appearea mystified yesterday by Gov. George Romney's capital outlay "quick action" recommendations which omitted the University's first priority request, the medical science unit two. In 1951, the Legislature prom- ised the University two new med- ical science units when the Medi- cal School increased its freshman class to 200. Since that time, one has been built, but the requests for funds to plan the. second have been ignored for 10 years. President Harlan Hatcher de- clared that he had not received an official explanation from the governor, and Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbert K. Pierpont added that "there is no sense in getting excited until we receive such information." Assistant to the vice-president for business and finance John J. McKevitt, said thjat "we cannot tell what is in Romney's mind. however, one possible explanation is that the Legislature was "think- ing in terms of cost projections for the next few years," and that per- haps there was a "dollar limit" on what the state can afford. "This could be an explanation, however it is not an excuse," he said. Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R- Traverse City), chairman of the Joint Legislative Committee on Capital Outlay, said that although he did not have the details, "it would appear that if it were not on this bill, the University would not get the money." President Hatcher told the Re- gents yesterday that although Senate Appropriations Committee gave the University a fine, sym- pathetic reception for its request for $1.5 million for the Institute of Science and Technology, he foresees no disposition to disrupt Romney's recommended budget. President Hatcher again em- phasized that he believes that the governor has put too much of his budget into the "mortgage" side of fiscal reform. The president said he believes that more money should have been invested in the universities as job-creating crea- tive institutions. He said that before the budget had been announced Romney had given him clear understanding that "things would be better than what they are" for the University financially. He stressed the IST role in aiding the state's economy. I ARNELL ENGSTROM . 'we're committed' s 'BEST THEATRE': Polish Drama Features Quality, Change By BURTON MICHAELS Emphasis on quality, diversity and experimentation characterizer Polish dramatic arts, Jerzy Golinski, producer-director of the Theatre Wybrzeze in Gdansk, and Ryszard Kowalski, administrator and tech-1 nical director of the Dramatic Theatre in Warsaw, said Wednesday. Polish theatre stresses quality "because we have no money to spendF on bad plays, and because every town competes to have the bestf theatre," Golinski said. Diversity comes from "our tradition that every producer and every director has his own tradition, his own view of theatre. and of . . I~ _ .. f - -xf 1zn Ye r r'h vpii MULTI-PURPOSE BUILDING: Report No Progress on Plans By BILL BULLARD Despite an improved financial situation, the erection of amulti- purpose building is not any more imminent than at the same time last year, the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics reported to the Regents yesterday. In its annual report, the board reviewed steps that had been taken prior to the 1962 annual report towards planning of the con- struction of a new structure to replace Yost Field House. Prof. H. O. "Fritz" Crisler, chairman, and Marcus L. Plant, secretary, submitted the report for the board. However, the proposed multi-purpose building will be more than a home court for the Michigan basketball team. Facilities for hockey, track, gymnastics, and wrestling would also be included so that the building would house all the winter sports except swimming. ~ ~~~ --- I,~ F.- +,A ~mVa a a ear fi.. Parallels to America's "Second City" and Britain's "Establish- ment," short and often impromptu satirical skits, also exist in Poland. "Mostly amateur student groups, these are a big force in our social, political and artistic life," Kowalski said. Polish acting techniques exhibit similar scope. Until ten years ago, the Stanislavsky method dominated, but today "it depends on the individual teacher. And every student must have different teach- ers, so there is a competition between methods," Golinski explained. In addition to Stanislavsky's, the Brecht technique and the Eng- lish school characterized by Sir Laurence Olivier enjoy attention. James Dean is "the idol of Poland's young actors," he said, citing the popular