THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21 TiE MC I A AL fifA~1'~fTA? # A' L' "a% U -A JM l k, -0 EAST LANSING: Icers Meet State for Cellar Soph Bartsch Looks to Olympics7 By STAN KUKLA Special To The Daily EAST LANSING-The Wolver- s meet the Spartans in a two- ne hockey series here tonight I tomorrow night with two im- tant factors in the outcome- th place (and possibly higher) the Western Collegiate Hockey ;ociation and vengeance for o earlier losses to Michigan te. 'riday night's game, which be- s at 8 p.m., will be carried by JOM-FM. k double win by Michigan over chigan Tech and a double loss State to Minnesota last week- I have set the stage for the ilverine -drive to get out of the lar-a position which they have d since the first game of the son. The Spartans are 3-9 and Wolverines are 3-11-2 for ntical .250 percents. In that game, Michigan bowed to the Spartans 2-1 in overtime. It is the general opinion of the team that those two games were the ones that broke their back. Until last weekend the Wolver- ines had only won one game, that from Denver in the third game of the season. Goalie Bob Gray's re- turn to the line-up last Friday night, though, seemed to rekindle a spark among the dying embers as Michigan rolled to a 4-1 vic- tory. The Wolverines were'not to be denied and they came roaring from behind the next night with a last-minute goal by Gary Butler to finish on the long end of a 5-4 score. Kartusch Stand-out A stand-out player in the series was Wayne Kartusch. Kartusch has eight points on three goals and five assists. He also has 29 penalties for a total of 72 minutes in the penalty box. Kartusch has played in 16 WCHA games. This gives him an average of 4.5 penalty minutes per game. By contrast, Howie Young of the Detroit Red Wings, the "baddest" bad man in history with 210 minutes in the penalty box and 13 games left to play, has an average of only 4.038 minutes in penalties per game. Young easily broke the record of the former bad man, Lou Fontinato, last weekend. Fontinato had 202 penalty min- utes in 70 games. The Spartans have also been on a downhill road since the Wolver- ine series. They have only won one other-that at the expense of North Dakota, while losing nine. Last year's All-American goalie John Chandik has given up an average of 6.0 goals per game in the Spartan nets. The Spartan substitute goalie, Harry Woolf, has given up 6.5 goals a game. Leading scorer for State is Dick Johnstone, a senior from Copper Cliff, Ont. He has 12 goals and five assists for 17 points, ranking him just a point behind Gord Wilkie of the Wolverines. Michigan will be laying their streak of having never lost a sea- son's series to MSU on the line in these games. To acomplish this, the Wolverines must sweep pride, they feel they must win by both games. To salvage some big margins. Besides, that will put Michigan State firmly in the cellar: By PERRY HOOD "One of the best backstrokers Michigan has ever had" is the way Coach Gus Stager describes soph- omore swimming star Ed Bartsch. Since his debut this season on Michigan's varsity swim team, Bartsch has set a new pool record in the 200 yard backstroke and has set the all-time record for this event, beating the old mark by almost four seconds with a time of 2:00.7. This time could con- ceivably be shortened further in this weekend's encounter with traditional rival Ohio State. Ohio's -ace backstroker L. B. Schaefer placed first in last year's NCAA meet with a time of 1:58.8. Bartsch statistically would have placed third in this meet. His real test will be against Schaefer this Saturday. In looking forward to this contest Bartsch says "Schae- Undefeated Gophers Test M' Gymnasts fer hasn't been pushed. He's a little bit stronger, a faster sprin- ter. I expect a real good race." Coach Stager feels that "Ed is a better backstroker than Schae- fer. He's had faster times this year than Schaefer has." Beats Stickles Although Bartsch did not per- form remarkedly well against In- diana last weekend, he did man- age to beat Ted Stickles, third place winner in last year's Big Ten meet. Stickles is a world record holder in the individual medley. The lone man who beat Bartsch at Indiana was Tom Stock, winner in last year's Big Ten meet with the official Ameri- can record time of 1:56.2 and world record holder in three back- stroke distances. Against Princeton this year Bartsch set a varsity record of 2:0-.2, only to be beaten by Princeton's Jed Graef; second place finisher in the NCAA meet last year. Graef set a pool record of 1:59.9 in that race. Bartsch, a native of Philadel- phia, swam in high school, but conditioned himself especially for the national AAU meets. In these meets he placed consistently third or fourth, his worst performance having been a fifth. When asked about which he considered his best performance ever, he recalled his third place finish in the 100 meter event in the AAU nationals the summer of 1961. In that race a world record of 1:01.3 was set, but Bartsch came in with a time of 1:01.9, two seconds faster than he had ever swam. Although he has competed in the 100 and 200 yard events, he much prefers the latter. "My con- ditioning is based around the 200 yard event," says Bartsch. I don't have that much speed, but I rely on better conditioning." The rec- ords would seem to show that he was equally good in both races. Looking Up His outlook is extremely opti- mistic. "I'm shooting for a 1:57- 1:58 race this year. I'm looking forward especially to the nation- als, and then too there are the Olympics next year." "Many of the team members are looking forward to the nationals. There'll probably be a five team field. We shouldn't take worse than third, and we could be first." The five schools to which he re- fers are Yale, Minnesota, Ohio State, Southern California, and Michigan. Roger Goettsche of Yale is a top backstroker; as is Bob Bennett of S. Cal. and Pete Ham- mer of Indiana. Michigan's own entry, Ed Bartsch will be the man to watch however, "With his great potential," said Gus Stager, "he should become one of the coun- try's top backstrokers." llini, Bucks Share Lead; radds Paces Scorers r SHE'LL NVANT TODD'S By BILL BULLARD Coach Newt Loken sends his un- defeated gymnastics squad into its second meet in three days tonight against the powerful and unde- feated Minnesota team. The meet tonight at 7:30 in the Sports Building is- the last dual meet of the season for the Wol- verines. After tonight Michigan will be pointing for the Big Ten and NCAA championships. Loken Calls this season's team the best he has had in his 15 years here. When his team crushed lie- viously unbeaten Michigan State Wednesday night, 70-39, Loken said that experienced observers at the meet told him it was one of the best team performances that they had ever seen. Now that the Big Ten Meet is By TOM WEINBERG With five games left to play in le Big Ten basketball season, Il- nois, which appeared to be coast- 1g to the championship, is knot- d up with the upsurging Ohio tate Buckeyes. The Big Ten title is not just an onor in itself. It is a qualification hich gives its owner the right to )mpete for the national title in ie NCAA odmpetition next month, In the event of a tie for the ti- e, the Big Ten has announced iat the ywill use the same sys- m used for determining the Rose yowl participant. This ,would en- ble Illinois to represent the Big en since they last won the title 1 1952, as compared with Ohio tate's championships in each of ie last three years., Gophers Close Minnesota, which is only a half- ame behind the leaders, has only ur games left to play and three f them are at home. Should Min- esota finish with a share of the rown, it would be the automatic hoice to play in the NCAA cham- ionships since it has never rep- esented the Big Ten in the tour- ament. Each of the title contenders can ace its success to some portion f' the latest Big Ten statistics. linois leads in offense with a Lng,,iaan and Slim. "CASINOS" To red orig nally for Todd's by hales and they're long, lean and slim ... right down to your shoe-tops. Take note of the 4-inch vent at the cvffless bottom. Sloshed front pockets, flip-flap bock pockets. Sanforized cotton in black, olive and white. $5 1209 S. Univ. Ann Arbor NO 5-9426 Triumph Over Tradition Open 'til 8:30 every Monday 90.9 points per game average, Ohio State boasts the leading scorer in Gary Bradds, and Minnesota has allowed the fewest points per game, 68.1. % Bradds' dominance in the scor- ing race has all but clinched the title for him. He has poured in a total of 282 points and has an average of 31.3. Jimmy Rayl, In- diana's hot-shot, is second, but he dropped to 26.1 after a two- point performance at Iowa last Monday. Leads Rebounders Michigan mainstay Bill Buntin is sixth in scoring with 22.9 points and leads all rebounders -with 140, a 15.6 per game average. As a team, the Wolverines are third in rebounding, eighth in free throw percentage with .655 and seventh in shooting percentage with .406. Illinois leads in shooting per- centage and free throw percent- age with .464 and .754, respective- ly. The individual leaders, are Bradds with .554 from the field and Rayl with .918 from the line. Indiana, which is second to Illi- nois in points per game, boasts the greatest two-man scoring punch in the Big Ten with Rayl at 26.1 and Tom Bolyard at 24.9, giving them a dual total of 51 points a game. BIG TEN RIVALRY:. Grappiers Face MSU To Renew Mat Feud , ,.._, Don't Forget By TOM ROWLAND Michigan's wrestlers will have one eye on the record books when they clash with Michigan State here Saturday afternoon in the annual renewal of one of the hot- test current Big Ten mat rivalries., It's in the books that three years ago aththis time the Wolver- ine grapplers were riding high on the crest of a nine-meet winning streak when the Spartans blottedi it all out with a 14-11 setback up at East Lansing. And again inl 1961: C'oach Cliff Keen's crew had: piled up a good-enough 9-0 sea-i son before State loused it up-this time with a stalling technique that3 frustrated the Wolverines, 20-16. Later that 'same spring the S-? boys, deciding that four-point vic- tories over Michigan were defin- itely for the good, won their first Big Ten wrestling title - edging out the Wolverines, 69-65. Anda talk about Michigan frustration: three MSU wrestlers won on one- point victories, Wolverine Nick Armelagos missed getting three points for a near fall after nearly pinning State's George Hobbs (Hobbs won the match), and Spartan Mike Sensig won by a' point-and he was flat on his back at the sound of the final buzzer. Revenge! Come February, 1962, Michigan, out for a bit of revenge, travelled up to East Lansing and unravelled a Michigan State undefeated string, 14-11, with Wolverine 177- pounder Jack Barden scoring the decisive match win, 3-2. And this winter the stage is all set again. Both Michigan and Michigan State have undefeated dual meet records in Big Ten com- petition, and both have eyes on that Big Ten title that defending champ Iowa will have on the block next month. State has already downed the Hawkeyes, who are favored to be at the top of the heap again this year, in a dual meet earlier this season, 14-11. (Michigan takes on the title-holders March 2.) The Spartans will bring a "well- balanced team, missing any great individual stars" according to M' assistant coach Doug Blubaugh. A. pair of sophomores, Gary Smith and Cecil Holmes, will be holding down the lightweight positions at 123 and 130-lbs., respectively, and David James will be at the 137-1b. class. James fell to Michigan's Jim Keen on a riding-time victory, 7-6, in a key match in the Wolver- ine win last year. State Champ State will go with former Mich- igan state champ Monty Byington in the ,147-lb. division with Happy Fry at 157-lbs. Bob Archer (167- lbs.), Alex Valcanoff (177-lbs.), two-time Michigan state titlist, a n d Homer McClure (heavy- weight) round out the MSU at- tack. McClure nosed out Ken Johnson of Iowa, 2-1, to cinch the Iowa meet for the Spartans after the score was tied 11-11 going into the final match. On the Michigan side of the ledger: Ralph Bahna at 123-lbs., Dave Dozeman at 130, and Gary Wilcox in the 137-lb. class carry Wolverine hopes in the light- weights. Keen will be at 147-lbs. while soph Rick Bay drops down into the 157-lb. department. In the upper weights: Chris Stowell holds the 167-1b. spot, Joe Arcure will face Valcanoff at 177, and Barden will be heavy- weight anchorman. only two weeks away and the NCAA Meet is five weeks away, Loken's gymnasts wont to make the most out of their last chance at meet competition before these all-important meets. Loken is op- timistic about his team and its chances of winning its third straight Big Ten championship and its first NCAA Championship, Gophers Tough But this doesn't mean that Lok- en doesn't have any worries. One of them is the meet tonight with Minnesota. Hhe Gophers have one of the more powerful conference teams and are 4-0 in league dual meets. Minnesota has three stars who compete in practically all the events. Also the team has more balance than last season when the Gophers' small squad finished sixth. Looking back on the hurdles that the Wolverines have already sur- mounted on the way to an unde- feated season, Loken said, "Min- nesota will test us further." The three top Gopher gymnasts are sophomore Bill Eibrink and juniors Tom Arneson and Larry Gleason. After dropping out of school last year, Gleason has re- turned to the form he had when placing third in the high bar at the 1961 Big Ten Meet. For example, Gleason won the parallel bars and placed in several events in the Gopher victory over Indiana on February 9. Arneson took two fifths against Indiana in the still rings and in the side horse. Eibrink won first Gym Show Four girl gymnastics stars will give an exhibition during a break in the Michigan- Minnesota meet tonight. Coach Herb Vogel is the coach of these girls who have won many regional and na- tional honors. The girls are: Janice Dunham, who recently placed sixth in the Pan- merican trials; Donna Schaen- American trials; Donna Schaencer, a former national champion; Liza Krall, a com- petitor in the last World Games; and Judy Dunham, a midwestern champion. place in the high bar. Both gym- nasts placed in other events. Against Michigan State, Michi- gan's depth was too much for the Spartans. An example of this is the trampoline event where the Wolverines' John Hamilton took first place. At the meet last Sat- urday against Illinois, Hamilton only finished fifth behind team- mates Gary Erwin and Fred San- ders and two Illini. Loken cited several other close rivalries on the team where his gymnasts are pushing each other to greater and greater perform- ances. Captain Gil Larose and Ar- no Lascari are close competitors in several events. Mike Henderson and Phil Bolton have beaten each other in tumbling, and the list of such cases goes on and on. William A. OILS, WATERCOLORS DRAWING'S Forsythe Gallery 201 Nickels Arcade - NOrmandy 3-0918 Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 10-4; Sat. 10-1 ;-- LAST WEEK Michigan's ..... ===a11 ED BARTSCH star backstroker IAA Tu", UM" . V few ";''.' !'.:1" ,4't'ti':o}:::":v:t ",Y.:..,y ..:k?:.:" ;:::.t,:.";;;"r":}iCi't:di:::::;}?;. .: :{':'fCi::,:'::ii:{:i:.i;2i:":k Lewis 40% OFF LIST PRICE I F ON EVERY RECORD IN STORE RIB,. "t b, p Choice standing ribs of beef served exactly the way you like it from rare to well done. COMPLETE DINNER FROM APPETIZER TO DESSERT U THROUGH FEBRUARY I with student I.D. i I I I Open Mon. and Fri 10-8:30; Tues., Wed., and Thurs. 10-7; Sat. 9-6 only $325 4 discountrecords, Rol Int. 337 S. Main St. Phone 5-4469 This Week in Sports FRIDAY HOCKEY-Michigan at Michigan State GYMNASTICS-Minnesota at Sports Building, 7:30 p.m. L LLYS, at 2900 JACKSON ROAD BANQUET ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR MEETINGS AND PARTIES _J ,... a.. .- .... - ..nw -own J w w w pp w A i Florsheim 11 Shoes start at $J995 LAUREL BLACK-BROWN Tropical Rarities §Subtle stride effects, entirely new and different; § muted and bold plaids in rare color combinations ... exclusive solid shades, § including medium and dark tones. § The new Spring collection of Van Boven tropical worsteds is our finest ever. fromt 5750} ~t 'a