WHAT CAUSED THE DEMONSTRATION? See Editorial Page Y Sir Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom :41atJ CONTINUING COLD High--2 Law-- Snow flurries today, a little warmer tomorrow VOL. LXXIII, No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX FAG i i 7 i 7 '71 I A 1 a 1 - { i t , i k ++ 1 ,.. t 1 j i i ,1 l 1 Allen Introduces e ns Construction Bill By DAVID MARCUS According to Regental decision Would Foree 'U' Graduates To Pa there will be no tuition boost for the coming year, Vice-President Extra $1200 for Capital Outlay for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said yesterday. By GERALD STORCH Despite Gov. George Romney's budget recommendatiop - which University students graduating with a master's or bachelor's de- slashed the University's request by gree would have to pay an extra $1200 back within 12 years to the approximately $5.5 million-the University-if a bill introduced in the House yesterday becomes law. University presently feels that Rep. Lester J. Allen (R-thaca) proposed a "mandatory alumni students are now paying about all fund" which would have graduates of public higher education insti- they should, Vice-President Heyns tutions pay a minimum of $100 a year into a state revolving con- said. struction fund, which would then rebate money back to the universi- "It is a philosophical question ties exclusively for capital outlay projects. of what proportion of a student's Students with doctor degrees would pay $1500, or a minimum of education he should pay for him- $125 a year. In-state and out-of-state students would be assessed feel we hase reached the limit," .R equally. "I doubt that the state he said. .. Legislature will be able to measure up to the physical facilities need- ed for higher education," Allen explained. "I feel it is necessary Sto provide more adequate facili- " :: :'< .::::" ties, and the possibility of using revenue from parking stickers to{ obtain such facilities. The driving committee will meet with Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont and Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis next week to discuss the problem. Danes Threaten WELCMET redicts No Tuition Last year, in the face of only a small appropriations increase from the state Legislature and mounting financial need, the Uni- versity raised tuition. Some legis- lators had insisted at that time that the University had to match the state's appropriations increase dollar for dollar through a fee hike. No Hike This year, "the University has clearly indicated to the Legisla- ture that for the time being, a boost in student fees is not a pos- sibility," he added. But this policy does not com- mit the University in some future year when the University might raise its fees, Vice-President Heyns stressed. He noted that although final appropriations will not be made for a little while yet, his office is working with the deans of the various schools and colleges and the department heads in order to construct a list of priorities for any increment .the Legislature gives. This work includes questions such as whether the University should add additional members to the junior faculty, raise pay for those already on the faculty or a little of both, he said. Assess Effect In discussing last year's tuition boost, he noted that it is still dif- ficult to assess its ultimate effect. The additional cost did not re- duce the number of out-of-state applications or students although some departments have said that the added cost deterred some grad- uate students. The University did appropriate more general scholarship aid this year which probably aided many students hit by the higher fees, Vice-President Heyns said. However, "there is no clear cut evidence" upon which one can judge its effect, he said. Research University President H a r 1 a n Hatcher recently went before the Senate Appropriations Committee and asked for a boost in Romney's recommended budget. But the ad- ditional funds, President Hatcher said, would be for research activi- ties, not general operations. These research activities in- clude the Institute for Science and Technology for which President Hatcher seeks an extra $500,000. IST currently receives approxi- mately $900,000 from the state. Graduate Education He is also seeking funds for the expansion of graduate education. Because of the bleak prospects for a substantial boost in last year's operating budget, the Uni- versity has so far put aside tem- porarily plans for beginning the transition to full-year operation. The added funds were to have been used to finance added faculty salaries and increased summer course offerings and programs. GER W. HEYNS . . student fees 'r Declines Endorsement islation for Fair Housing [SCUSS motion Draft Bill First Reading imously approved a mo- ordinance next Monday, rch 4 or March 11, and sentation of a proposed ations Commission. This would make it illegal rs of multiple housing efuse to sell to any per- oup on the basis of race, gion or national origin. Bans Bias bans discrimination in f publicly assisted hous- ars financial institutions ing discrimination in financial assistance to lesees of multiple dwel- with five units or more y assisted housing. r, the proposed ordi- empts renters of hous- who live in the actual t they are renting out anti-discrimination pro- the ordinance. ment rests first with the Zelations Commission. ablish Commission rson having a complaint ordinance will be able t his complaint to the on, which will attempt to dispute by merely iron- he problem between the nd the plaintiff. event that attempts at on fail, the complaint turned over to the city who in turn would seek njunction to remedy the Violation of the ordi- a misdemeanor. Mayor Creal ter to the council, Mayor real proposed the time- action on the proposed He also proposed send- to all parties concerned ordinance and consulting federal authorities for vs on such ordinances. Voices 'U'Policy: Not'T Interfere Students To Halt Demonstrations; Aroner Raps President for Silence By JEAN TENANDER Asserting that "we do not believe the University should attempt to dictate legislation to the city of Ann Arbor," Uni- versity President, Harlan Hatcher last night expressed "sym- pathy" but not open support for efforts of the Human Rela- tions Board to secure fair housing legislation. "The policy of the University on fair housing has always been clear and definitive," he said, "and I find it difficult to understand how it could be misinterpreted. The Regents, the faculty and the administration have worked constructively through the years to eliminate dis- crimination in any form and' we have seen all University buildings become absolutely Ext end uaie free of such discrimination. We are making progress in areas outside of University grounds." Emphasizes Concern President Hatcher emphasized Petitioning for senior class of- that the University's policy of not ficers in the business administra- interferring with city legislation tion school and the education Increase -Daily-Samtiel Haberman FAIR HOUSING PICKETERS-Students picketed the Adminis- tration Bldg. yesterday demanding President Harlan Hatcher's support for local fair housing legislation. The group braved sub- zero temperatures to air their views. HRIJ Picketing Activity, May Face SGC Censure By GLORIA BOWLES The Human Relations Board, which staged picketing yesterday to urge University President Harlan Hatcher's support for Ann Arbor fair housing legislation, faces possible censure by Student Govern- ment Council for its action. The Human Relations Board is one of eight boards responsible to Council, whose executive committee will meet early next week to 'consider the legality of the picket- t ;,.' To Consider Fee Request The Regents will hear a request for a new fee classification for University students of more than 65 years of age at their meeting at 2:30 p.m. today in the Re- gent's Rm., Administration Bldg. The proposal asks that retired people wishing to attend the Uni- versity be charged only half the normal tuition. The plan is part of the program offered by the Adult Education Center. o Look at It! ing action. Executive board members are SGC President Steven Stockmey- er, '63; Executive Vice-President Thomas Brown, '63; Administra- tive Vice-President Charles Barn- ellI, '63BAd, and Treasurer Russell Epker, '64. Board's Jurisdiction In calling the meeting, Stock- meyer. is acting in concurrence with provisions which state that "any complete action falling but-- side the jurisdiction of the HRB will be subject, to review by the executive committee of SGC." He also noted that it was "un- fortunate that in taking such a drastic step, the HRB did not come to the Council before actng." HRB, according to the delinea- tion of its duties and powers, was not bound to come before Council to discuss the picketing decision. Encourage Relations However, the committee's pur- pose as outlined by its charge from SGC is to work "in a positive manner to encourage betterhu mannrelations in the University community and the Ann Arbor community." Stockmeyer said the executive committee might question the "positive" effects of picketing. He indicated he did not think the executive committee would take independent action in the case, but would submit any recommen- dations to the whole Council. Brown said he would support in no way reflected an attitude of unconcern in the area of fair hous- ing. HRB chairman David Aroner, '64, said that yesterday's picket- ing of the Administration Bldg. and President Hatcher's home would not be resumed in view of the success of the demonstration.. He felt the success lay in their "bringing to public attention the refusal of the President and other administrative officials to openly endorse fair housing legislation." Ready To Talk Aroner said the HRB stood ready to meet with President Hatcher at any time for further discussion of the issue. Aroner 'eiterated his belief that the University has a responsibility to its students to make public its commitments on vital issues af- fecting the community. "By saying that the University cannot take a position on legisla- tion in Ann Arbor, President Hatcher has in effect said that the University has no public in- terest in fair housing legislation in Ann Arbor," Aroner said. "I would also like to take strong exception to President Hatcher's statement that the University's policy on fair housing has always been 'clear and definitive.' To my knowledge neither the President nor the University has made pub- lic any policy on fair housing." "Further, I believe the President has never even publicly endorsed Regents Bylaw 2.14," he said. Future Effect As to the possible effect of an endorsement, Democratic City Council member Lynn W. Eley commented that "I don't think a statement by President Hatcher would have had any effect on the school has been extended until Tuesday, Student Government Council Executive Vice-President Thomas Brown, '63, announced yesterday. SGC also released the names of students running for offices in the March 13 election: For SGC: incumbent Howard Abrams, '63; Joseph Chabot, '65; Michael Knapp, '64; Michael Marston, '64L; incumbent Genneth Miller, '64;, Sherry Miller, '63; Assembly Association President Mary Beth Norton, '64; Frederick Rhines, '64; Harry Richter, '64; Michael Royer, '64; John Rutherford, '64; Edwin Sasaki, Grad; East Quadrangle President Thom- as Smithson, '65, and Henry Walace, '64E. For the Board in Control of Student Publications: Michael Kass, '65; Daily Associate Editorial Director Fred Rus- sell Kramer, '64; Edward Langs, '65L; Michael Lewis, '63; Interfraternity Coun- cil Administrative Vice-President Fred- erick Riecker, '63; Daily Business Man- ager Lee Sclar, '63BAd,'and Daily Asso- ciate Sports Editor Jan Winkelman, '63. For the Board in Control of Inter- collegiate Athletics: Richard Bay, '65; Daily Sports Night Editor, William Bul- lard, '65, and Robert Timberlake, '65. For the Michigan Union Board of Directors: Steven Berkowitz, '65; Nath- aniel Cohen, '64; James Copeland, '64L; James Fadim, '64; John Karls, '64, and John Roadhouse, '64. SGC member Fernando Batlle, '63A&D, submitted his resigna- tion to that body.at its Wednes- day night meeting, effective im- mediately. Batlle, who has been absent from the last four SGC meetings, claimed academic rea- sons for his resignation. Batlle's term' on SGC was to end this spring, so his resignation will not create another vacancy in the spring election. Voice political party endorsed a record six candidates for SGC and hopefuls for the Board in Control of Student Publications and the literary college senior class presi- dency. It cited Abrams, Miller, Norton,