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(Continued from Page 5)
be filed by March 15, 1963. Award will be
granted for use during the first semes-
ter of 1963-64 and will be announced at
League Installation Night, April 22, 1963.
The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is
offered to undergraduate women on the
basis of academic performance, contri-
bution to University life and financial
need; the stipend is variable. Applica-
tion forms are available in the Office
of the Alumnae Secretary, Alumni Me-
morial Hall or Alumnae Council Office,
Michigan League, and must be return-
ed by March 3, 1962. Recipients will.
ed by March 15, 1963. Recipients will
be announced at League Installation
Night, April 22,'1963.
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., Feb.
22, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Dr.
Newbern Smith, Dept. of Elect. Engrg.,
will speak on "Ion Distributions in
Planetary Atmospheres."
Dept. of Biological Chemistry of the
Univ. of Mich. will have a lecture by Dr.
William . E. M. Lands, entitled "Bio-
synthesis of Phospholipids." At 4:00 p.m.
Fri., Feb. 22, in 6423 Med. Science Bldg.
Coffee will be served in the Dept. of
Biological Chem., 5410 Med. Science
Bldg. at 3:30.
Student Recital by Piano Majors: A
student recital by piano majors Rebecca
West, Jerry Davidson, Lorrie Pierce, and
Gail Haver will be presented Fri., Feb.
22, 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud. Com-
positions they will perform are by Schu-
bert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Ravel and
Bartok. Open to the public,
212 SAB-
Veterans Administration Hospital,
Knoxville, Iowa-Summer positions open
in Dietetics, Engrg., Physical Therapy,
Social Work, Psych., Accounting, Library
Science, & Occupational Therapy. De-
tails at Summer Placement.
Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.-Inter-
view will be held on campus March 5 &
6. Details at Engrg. Placement., 128-H
nouncements is available to officially
recognized and registered organizations
only. Organizations who are planning
to be active for the Spring semester
should register by Feb. 25. Forms
available, 1011 Student Activities Bldg.
* * *
Christian Science Organization, Week-
ly Meeting, Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m., 528D SAB.
Congregational Disciples E & R Stu-
dent Guild, Mid-Week Worship, Feb. 21,
12:10-12:40 p.m. 1st Congregational
Church, Douglas Chapel, William St.
s , - s
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Feb. 22,
7:30 p.m., Union. Speaker: Dr. K. E.
Boulding, Economics Dept.: "The
Christian Ethic in a Technological So-
SGC Student Book Exchange, Book
Return Period-students pick up your
money and unsold books (if: any). from
S*X, 3:30-5 p.m., Feb. 21, SAB Base-
Voice Political Party, Meeting to En-
dorse Candidates for SGC Elections;-
open meeting for speeches by SGC can-
didates and endorsement of those who
will run for SGC as Voice candidates,
Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m., Union, Em. 3B.
WAA Coeducational Fencing Club,
Meeting, Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m., WAB.
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Feb. 21, 3-5
p.m., 3050 FB. Venez-tousl
W. Engrg. Applications must
Feb. 28.
be in byj
of Appointments--Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointments with the following:
MON., FEB. 25--
Brunswick Corp. (a.m.) - Men for
Midwest & Southern locations. Seeking:
degree in any field Liberal Arts or
Bus. Ad. with special mention of de-
grees in Psych. & Accounting. Posi-
tions: Personnel, Prod., Union-Mgmt.
Rels., Personnel Mgmt., Prod. Mgmt.
U.S. citizenship required.
TUES., FEB. 26-
Housing & Home Finance - Men &
women for locations in Washington,
D.C. & thru U.S. Seeking: Liberal Arts
with, special mention of Poli. Sci., &
Social Sciences. Public Ad., Bus. Ad.,
LLB's & Econ. majors. Civil, Construc-
tion & Arch. Engnrs. Positions: Field
Reps., Building Administrators, City
Planners, Finance Analysts, Auditors, &
Trainees for a Market Analyst Trng.
Prog. U.S. citizenship required.
U.S. Civil Service Commission - Men
& women in Liberal Arts with all ma-
jors, also Bus. Ad. students. Positions:
all kinds of positions in the Federal
Govt. with primary emphasis on the
Fed. Entrance Exam (the latter is not
a requirement for an Interview). U.S.
Social Security Administration, Chica-
go Divisional Ofs.-Men & women.
Seeking: 1) LLB's with 1 full yr. of per-
tinent exper.-Benefits Authorizer who
makes findings of fact & law & deter-
minations as to entitlement & allow-
ance or disallowance of claims. 2) LLB-
no exper. for Trainee Claims Authorizer
who receives classroom & on-the-job
trng. in application of laws, regulations
& ,proceedings governing payment of
benefits. 3) Any major-no exper. for
Claims Examiner. U.S. citizenship.
Social Security Administration, Field
Offices thru U.S--Men &\women with
any major. Positions: Field Rep. Train-
ees who will check on references, in-
terview people & gather facts for the
divisional offices.
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board, Chi-
cago-Men & Women. Seeking: 1963 can-
didates for LLB in upper quarter of
their class for Attorneys' Honors Prog.
(beginning salaries competitive with
outstanding law firms or better). Also
interviewing Accountants & Actuaries.
Federal National Mortgage Associa-
tion, Chicago-Men & women. (This is
a branch of Housing & Home Finance.)
Seeking: Accountants, Auditors, those
who have passed the Fed. Svs. Entrance
Exam., Bus. Ad. majors who have ma-
jored in Real Estate Operation, Finance
Credit or Banking-have 24 hrs. in Acc't.
or Auditing. U.S. citizenship.
Owens-Corning Fiberglas - Plants &
offices thru U.S. Men. Seeking: Liberal
Arts students with special mention of
Econ., Poll. Sel., Engl., Foreign Lan-
guages, Psych., Hist., Philo. & Speech.
Chem., Physics & Math students on the
BS & ME levels are also desired. Posi-
tions: Design, Economist, Elec. Com-
puting, Labor Econ., Mgmt. Trng., Mkt.
Res., Office Mgmt., Personnel, Prod.,
Public Rels., Purchasing, Statistics,
Traffic, Res, & Dev., & Sales. U.S. citi-
WED., FEB. 27-
Higbee Co., Cleveland & Suburban-
Men & women. Seeking: degree in any
field. Positions: Exec. Trng. Prog. for
Retailing, Merchandising, Sales Promo-
tion & Personnel. Nature of Organiza-
tion: Dept. stores comparable to Hud-
son's or Jacobson's.
Social Security Administration, Balti-
more, Md.-Men & women. Seeking: Soc.
& Psych. & Public Health majors-the
latter being only on the MS & PhD
levels. Also Math-Stat. majors. Posi-
tions: Social Research, Statistics. U.S.
THURS., FEB. 28-
First National Bank of Chicago-Men
in Liberal Arts with special mention of
Econ. & Poll. Sci. majors. Bus. Ad. stu-
dents with Accounting, Banking, Econ.
Analysis, Finance, Corporation, Invest-
ments. Positions: Banking, Economist,
Mgmt. Training. U.S. citizenship.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for interview appointment with
the following:
FEB. 25-26-
American Oil Co. & Amoco Chemicals
Corp., Res. & Dev. Labs. in Whiting,
Ind. & openings for Chem. Eng. in
Texas City, Texas, Labs.-All Degrees:
ChE. MS-PhD: Math. PhD: Met. R. &
FEB. 25-
Archer-Daniels-Midland, Corporate-
Minneapolis, except prod. & sales posi-
tions-BS-MS: ChE. PhD: Met. BS: E
Math-(Operations Res.) & ME-(June
or Aug. grads. only). R. & D., Prod.,
Sales, Tech. Service & Process Engi-
California Texas Oil Corp, (Caltex),
N.Y. City-Overseas Assignments after
about 18 months-BS-MS: ChE & ME.
BS: EE. R. & D., Des., Process Engrg.;
Product Dev.; Gen'1. Engrg. of overseas
W. R. Grace & Co., Dewey & Almy
Chemical Co., Cambridge, Mass., Acton,
Mass., Adams, Mass., Chicago, Ill., Mon-
treal, Canada, Owensboro, Ky., Quaker-
town, Pa,. San Leandro, Calif., Tauton,
Mass.-BS-MS: ChE & ME. R. & D.,
Des. Prod., Sales, Prod. Dev., Process
Dev., Process Engrg., Project Engrg., &
Mfg. Engrg.
FEB. 25-27-
General Electric Co., All Co. locations
& Activities Training Prog. & specific
job placement-BS-MS: AE & Astro.,
ChE, EE, EM, IE, Mat'is., ME, Met., All
phases of Chem., Physics & Math. Men
& Women. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales.
All requirements for which a tech. bkgd.
is needed.
FEB. 25-
Johnson Service Co., 114 branch of-
fices thruout U.S. & Canada plus as-
signments in Milwaukee, Wis.-Ail De-
grees: EE & ME. BS-MS: Met. BS: ChE,
CE, EM, IE, NA & Marine & Sci. Engrg.
R. & D. & Sales.
Owens-Illinois Tech. Center, Toledo,
Ohio, plus engrg. & prod, facilities
throughout the U.S.-Al Degrees: ChE
& ME & Mat'ls. BS-MS: EE. BS: E
Physics & Sci. Engrg. Men & Women.
R. & D., Des., Prod.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Chem. Div.,
Barberton, Ohio. Sales-nationwide. Will
refer to other locations-BS-MS: ChE,
CE, EE, IE, ME & Met. MS: Construc-
tion & Instrumentation. BS: Sci. Engrg.
R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales, Process
Engrg., IE (Gen.) Maint. Plant Engrg.,
Construction & Planning, Plant Engr.,
Instru. & Controls, Corrosion Engr.
FEB. 25-26-
Marathon Oil Co., Mich. Refining Div.
Det. Refinery-BS-MS: ChE. Des., &
Union Carbide-Linde Co., Eastern &
Midwestern part of the U.S., Prod. &
Sales openings are nationwide-BS-MS:
AE & Astro., ChE, CE, EE, IE, ME &
Met. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales, Engrg.
& Mfg.
FEB. 25-27-
Procter & Gamble Co., Res. & Dev.,
Engrg. Div., Ind. Engrg. Div., 15 plants
-All Degrees: ChE. BS-MS: EE, EM, IE
& ME. BS: CE. MS: Instrumentation. R.
& D., Des., Prod.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.,
during the following hours: Mon. thru
Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:30
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
dents for part-time or full-time tem-
porary work, should contact'Bob Cope,
Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511,
Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
t-Engineering or technical students to
sell slide rules. Substantial commis-
1-Who is at the M8 or PhD level in
Physical or Organic Chemistry to
University of Michigan I
do research. 20 hours per week.
1-Native Voicer from Mexico. 5 to
hours per week.
beyond, the state of the art.. at the
Lawrence. Radiation Laboratory
2-Engrg. or technical students to sell
slide rules. Substantial commission.
1-Half-time temporary secretary to
start March 6, and work thru March
29. Shorthand and secretarial experi-
ence is required.
1-Dental Assistant who is not a stu-
dent. Experience as a dental assist-
ant would be helpful but is not
essential. Must be able to work all
day Thursdays only,
2-Key punch operators to work full
or part-time for six to eight weeks.
1-Native Voicer from Mexico. 5 to 10
hours per week.
K 1W ~/ M'fl. L I
1209 S. University
Ann Arbor
NO 5-9426
THE BERKELEY SITE of the Lawrence
Radiation Laboratory is located
above the University of California Cam-
pus overlooking the San Francisco Bay.
Our 3,200 employees are engaged in un-
classified, fundamental research.We use
machines such as our Bevatron, a 6.5
Billion Electron Volt particle accelerator
(model shown above) as basic tools in
our research program. The engineering
associated with the design, building and
operation of accelerators such as these
and the complex experimental equip.
ment surrounding them provides crea-
tive and unique assignments.;
Major Electronics development programs
deal with nuclear instrumentation, auto-
mated data handling and acquisition,
radio frequency and high voltage power
supply systems, fast-counting techniques
and semi-conductor device development.
Our Mechanical Engineering effort con-
centrates on accelerator design and as-
sociated instrumentation,"magnet devel-
opment, high vacuum systems, shielding
.problems and mechanical engineering
applied to medical research.
Engineering students interested in
learning more about LRL should contact
their Placement Office for appointments.
717 North University
The Inland Steel Company, East Chicago, Indiana, invites you to
investigate our many career opportunities. Our representatives
will be on your campus on Thursday, February 28th. Contact
Mr. John G. Young for an appointment.
ONLY 900
Operated by the University of California
for the Atomic Energy Commission
An Equal Opportunity Employer
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