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February 21, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-21

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LT, FEBUUARY 21, 1963


U.S. Offers Proposal
Slashing Requirement
For On-SiteInspection

Newsmen Barred
From Receptions

WASHINGTON (P)-Newsmen were told yesterday they no longer
may mingle or talk with guests at official receptions given by
President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy.
Press Secretary Pierre Salinger outlined changes in the
setup which has been followed for the two years of the Kennedy
administration. He said they were made after an examination of
the news coverage policy, but did not go into details about what
led to the decision. Reporters covering such receptions hereafter may
'only watch the guests arrive and
the Kennedys pose for pictures,
Administration and watch guests on the receiving
line-if there is any.
Tries To Pass But the Kennedys have made it
T Pass a point to eliminate the formal re-
ceiving line. In such a case, Salin-
Care of Aged ger said, the reporters would have
to leave after the guests arrive.
The new policy will apply to
WASHINGTON (A) - President coverage of a diplomatic recep-
John F. Kennedy will send Con- tion for some 300 members of the
gress a special message today on Washington embassy set on
the problems of elderly people, but Thursday. Salinger said a pool of
last-minute decisions were still representative reporters would be
being made on a new health care selected by the White House for
bill he hopes will appeal to Con- the limited coverage.
gress. IAsked how big a pool it would
The President's advisers have be, Salinger said "*we haven't
been conferring early and late on figured that out yet."
details of a plan to provide health In effect, Salinger said, the
care for the aged under the So- White House is returning to what
cial Security system. he said was the procedure follow-
They oeto sy e. ameasured under the Eisenhower Adminis-
They hope to have a measure rtn.Brprerwhcvr-
ready for introduction right after td the. But, reporters who cover-
President Kennedy's message has period esocial scene during that
been read today at noon, but from howers permitted reporters to
enthat .moment on the bill's progress migeral ogets ful
isinle bound to best slow toruoulan
s bound to e o cover the receptions.
uncertain. But Salinger said "this is going
One of the chief problems await- to be the policy," and "I think
Ing final decision was whether to this will be the policy for all re-
include an optional provision for ceptions."
private health insurance. Many news stories have resulted
Such a feature was added to last from the freedom of reporters to
year's unsuccessful bill in a com- talk with guests informally at
promise bid for Republican sup- White House social events.
port, but administration officials
were reported veering away from J7- 1i
it this year. le l
Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (D-
NM), who again will be the chief Lands in Port
Senate sponsor of the administra-
tion bill, plans to round up numer- L~Bal(P-h iak
ous co-sponsors. He says he be- edVzela, rig-hte hzoate-
t o bil pl n to r u d u nu e B L M Br zl( - h hi akb-lieves -the bill o.will epass ssthe eSenate ed Venezuelan freighter Anzoate-
this time. gui, flying a Brazilian flag and
Democratic congressional lead- wt personnel aboard eac ed
ers look for the big fight to be the Amazon river port of Macapa
made in the House. yesterday.
Last year the legislation was The Brazilian navy prepared, to
bottled up in the House Ways and transfer her pro-Communist hi-
Means Committee, although exten- jackers to a warship and bring
sive hearings were held. them to Belem.
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-Government forces took revenge yesterday on a crack
Communist battalion believed to be the one that mauled their troops
Jan. 2 in the bloodiest single battle of the Vietnamese war.
WASHINGTON-Rep. Adam C. Powell (D-NY) defended his
activities in and out of Congress yesterday and said Sen. John C. Wil-
liams (R-Del), who attacked him, was motivated by racial prejudice.
PORT AU PRINCE-President Francois Duvalier's government
has declared Col. Robert Debs Heinl, Marine chief of a 50-man United
States naval mission, persona non grata. The United States State
Department has been informed that Hein has been given until today
to leave.
WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy pledged full support
to Venezuela yesterday in resisting the "all-out campaign of interna-
tional Communists, aided especially by their Cuban allies," to over-
throw President Romulo Betancourt's government.
NEW YOLK-The stock market yesterday went through its sec-
ond straight session of profit taking following the achievement of a
recovery high on Monday, recording 76 new highs for the year and
only 5 new lows.

U.S. Tries
To Break
Foster Finds
Soviet Union
GENEVA (')-The United States
government guardedly offered yes-
terday to reduce its demand for
eight on-site inspections in the
Soviet Union if other arrange-
ments in a treaty for a nuclear
test ban are made fool proof.
William C. Foster, chief United
States disarmement negotiator,
carefully edged this proposal for-
ward in the 17-nation disarma-
ment conference in an effort to
break the East-West deadlock.
He tried to draw a response
from the Soviet side. But the Rus-
sians, who probably lacked instruc-
tions from Moscow, ignored the
First Deputy
Instead' Soviet First Deputy For-
eign Minister Vasily V. Kuznetsov
tried to shift the attention of the
conference to cold war questions
by exhuming a pet Moscow proj-
ect, a non-aggression past between
the North Atlantic Treaty Orga-
nization and Warsaw powers.
Later over the luncheon table
Kuznetsov discussed the test ban
problem with the leading negotia-
tors for the West.
In addition to Foster others pres-
ent as guests of the Soviet dele-
gate were Sen. Hubert H. Hum-
phrey (D-Minn), British Minister
of State Joseph B. Godber, Gen.
E. L. M. Burns of Canada and
Ambassador Francesco Cavaletti
of Italy.
Shortly after the luncheon Fos-
ter left for the United States to
report to President John F. Ken-
nedy and Secretary of State Dean
Rusk. Foster plans to return to
Geneva Sunday night.
Go Forward
As he departed from Geneva
Airport, Foster told reporters he
hoped the Soviet side would show
flexibility now so that negotia-
tions could go forward.
"I continue to hope that we
may develop the necessary meas-
ures which could lead to an in-
spected nuclear test ban treaty,"
he said.
"The outlook is not too prom-
ising because of the rigidity of the
Soviet Union in insisting on only
two to three annual on-site in-
spections-the same number they
proposed two months ago."
The Western powers believe it
would be foolhardy to rely on only
two or three on-site inspections a
year of suspicious earth tremors
on Soviet soil.
The United States, with Bri-
tain's support, publicly has insist-
ed on a minimum of eight. This
total in itself is a reduction of
earlier demands of 12 to 20 a year.
Foster did not mention a figure
below eight. To do so would have
given his hand away.

To Fleet.
LONDON (AP)-The British gov-
ernment yesterday disclosed a new
nuclear weapon up its sleeve - an
airborne missile to preserve Brit-
ain's independent deterrent pend-
ing arrival of Polaris missiles from
A defense white paper said the
weapon will remain operational
even after British Polaris sub-
marines go into service. This would
provide Britain with a private nu-
clear punch independent of Amer-
ican help.
The white paper, announcing a
record peacetime budget of 1.8
billion pounds ($5.2 billion), said
the new weapon is under develop-
ment but gave no specific per-.
formance details.
The missile is expected to go in-
to service in 1966, about four
years before the British-built nu-
clear submarines are due to start
service with Polaris missiles sup-
plied under the agreement signed
at Nassau last December by Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan and
President John F. Kennedy.
Until the end of last year, Brit-
ain was relying on the American
Skybolt missile to carry forward
its nuclear striking power into
the late 1960's and early '70's.
The new weapon, said the white
paper, was first developed as a
tactical weapon but subsequently
was adapted to a strategic role.

The recent crisis of the Cana-
dian parliament, which toppled
the Conservative government of
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker,
reportedly blew up over the con-
troversy concerning the nuclear
arming of Canadian units of the
North American Air Defense Com-
Whether this dispute with the
United States was the actual cause
or only the pretext grasped by
Diefenbaker's opponents for the
dissolutign of the government is
only conjecture.
It is ironical that the agree-,
ment for unified North American
air defense, which was designed to
cement further U.S.-Canadian re-
lations has actually divided the
two countries more than can be
conveniently remembered.
Peaceful Coexistence
The stakes, however, are higher
than peaceful coexistence. The
American Defense Department
must feel that the very security
of the North American continent
is endangered by Canadian refusal
to adopt nuclear warheads to the
Bomarc missiles and F-101 Voodoo
fighters that the U.S. has given
Ottawa, Prof. Robert Finley of
the department of air science said
"There is no doubt about it," he
said. Otherwise there wouldn't
have arisen so much controversy.
"The Bomarc missiles are de-
signed to carry nuclear warheads,"
Prof. Finley continued.
Nuclear Warhead
When armed with a nuclear
warhead, as opposed to a conven-

Warhead Ban Imperils U.S.

tional high-explosive as the Cana-
dians have done, the Bomarc
guided missiles possess sufficient
explosive force to neutralize large
segments of an attacking fleet.
The time between alert and missile
launch is considerably less than
two minutes.
The Canadians and Americans
joined in a pact for the defense
of the North American continent
against air attack on Sept. 12,
1957. In May of 1958 NORAD
became an official integrated
NORAD oversees a radar net-
work that stretches from the Pa-
cific to Greenland. It can launch
missiles within seconds of de-
tection of a bomber attack-and
jet fighters can be within striking
distance within minutes.
Nuclear Defense
The argument between the
North American powers came to a
head on Jan. 30 when the State
Department said Canada had fail-
ed to come up with a practical
nuclear defense plan for its por-
tion of the NORAD forces. The
question centers around the 56
Bomarcs and 66 Voodoos which
Canada has.
The Voodoo is a two-place air-
craft used as an all-weather long-
range interceptor flown by a two
man crew. The U.S. segment of the
NORAD forces is armed with
either Falcon missiles or Genie
rockets. Few planes are equipped
to carry both weapons.
There are many types of Falcons
-one specifically with nuclear
capibility and others designed for
more conventional use. The Fal-
cons are missiles guided by radar.
And the Genie is a high-yield air-
to-air nuclear rocket which is free

"There are two ways of iden-
tifying aircraft-by prearranged
flight plans, and by electronic
processes," Prof. Finley said.
As soon as a plane crosses any
of the radar lines which webb the
North American continent, its pat-
tern is checked against flight
plans previously filed with NORAD
bases. This should include all com-
mercial planes and individuals, he
If a plane cannot be identified
by the computer with any known
flight plan, Prof. Finley continued,
"the computer spits out an un-
Then if any identification can-
not be found on the plane either
by radio contact or some other
means, then through contact with
one of the bases where aircraft
are stationed planes are sent up
to investigate.
No Plane
"In one day, considering the
entire United States, 30 to 40
planes are scrambled to investigate
unknown aircraft. No plane goes
as unknown for more than five
minutes," Prof. Finley said.
When NORAD was established it
marked two firsts in American-
Canadian cooperation. It was the
first two-nation, multi-service mil-
itary command to operate in
North America,4 and it was the
first time the two governments
placed their military forces un-
der direct operational command
of a single commander. It was
also the first time inside the U.S.
that the Air Force, Army and
Navy had been placed under a
single commander.

700 OF THEM:
New Iraqi Regime to Keep
Its Soviet Bloc Technicians
BAGHDAD (JP)-Iraq's revolutionary regime emphasized yester-
day it will keep on using the services of 700 Soviet bloc technicians
despite attacks from Communist capitals on its- purge of home-
grown Reds.
'We must get the best out of their skill as you (Americans) did
out of the Nazis," President Abdel Salem Aref told a correspondent.
The remark was unlikely to make the regime any more welcome
to the Soviet bloc, which asserts that Iraq's Communists are being
subjected to a blood bath.
However, there was no indication the Communists governments,
which quickly recognized the new regime, would recall their tech-
nicians. A Soviet embassy spokes- "
man said the technicians stopped n ea an
work when the revolt against Pre-{L 1iianS eny
mier Abdel Karim Kassem broke Bases in Jungle
out, but all went back to their
jobs at the request of the new I

To Shoot Down
Both the Voodoo and Bomarcs
are designed to shoot down enemy
bombers, not missiles.
The Canadian refusal has limit-
ed the offensive effectiveness of
NORAD, Prof. Finley said. How-
ever, the elaborate detection ap-
paratus continues unphased, in-
cluding the radar network operat-
ed by the U.S. Air Force, and the
Mid-Canada line- a detection
system maintained by the Cana-
NORAD'S radar can spot and
report to headquarters within
seconds. The next problem is iden-
tification of the aircraft.

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"The country cannot do with-
out the presence of these tech-
nicians," Aref told a United States
correspondent who had asked
whether they were not to be con-
sidered a threat to security.
The president's remark about
American use of Nazis apparently
was a reference to German scient-
ists who worked on United States
projects after World War II.
Aref's government has detained
some 7,000 Communists and Kas-
sem supporters since the revolu-
Study in
Guadalajara, Mexico
The Guadalajara Summer School,
a fully accredited University of
Arizona program, conducted in co-
operation w i th professors f r om
Stanford University, University of
California, and Guadalajara, will
offer July 1 to August 11, art,
folklore, geography, history, lan-
guage and literature courses. Tui-
tion, board and room is $240.
Write Prof. Juan B. Roel, P.O. Box
7227, Stanford, Calif.

spokesman for Brazil's foreign of-
fice yesterday rejected as absolute-
ly ridiculous a Cuban exile leader's
statement that the Soviet Union
maintains a secret military base
in the jungles of northwest Brazil.
He said it is impossible that such
a base could exist without the
government's knowledge.

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