THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'FTTRl~qD V. l'~'Ut.TTAUe £AFIld3..L 1, .A491-V _. __ ti X. V ZIMUfinX 41, lyb3 4MPUS POLITICS: Stock meyer Attacks Apathy Mooney Claims Budget Will Surpass Estimate AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE: NROTC Offers Marine Option zj - (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series on student political ac- tion and student political apathy. The views of Student Government Council member Robert Ross, '63, and United States National Student Association President Dennis Shaul will be featured in coming articles.) By GLORIA BOWLES Disagreeing with reports of a new interest in politics on cam- puses across the country, Stu- dent Government Council Presi- dent Steven Stockmeyer told a Kalamazoo College audience re- cenity that "there is no outstand- ing increase in student political awareness and involvement." "In fact," noted Stockmeyer, Cite Criteria. For Evaluating Firm Location "political activity on the campus is not exceeding expectations and is following its normal, unexcit- ing course. That which would give you the opposite impression is largely phony and the results of a more public relations-minded student leader and a more gullible or sensational press." The SGC president, who ad- dressed a gathering of about 600 students at the small liberal arts college, pointed to the increased "sophistication" of student politi- cal leaders, who have discovered the value of newspapers and mag- azines in the presentation of their stands. Such publications, edited by a few individuals, give the impression of a burgeoning student movement. ;ational publications, depending on such information, thus build up a false image of American student action. Conservative Groups He pointed particularly to con- servative student groups, such as the Young Americans for Free- dom whose several publications gave the impression of a "conserv- ative revolt." Among leftist groups, Stockmey- er noted a tendency toward forma- tion of a large number of groups, which made the University cam- pus look like .a "hotbed of leftist activity."' In reality, Stockmeyer said that since the same students were members of the several groups, they are able to project an image of a wide following. Considering the various groups involved in student political action, Stockmeyer say the Young Repub- licans and the Young Democrats, supporting similar ideologies, but acting as the single effective or- gans sitting in the middle of ex- tremist groups of both the left and the right. Stockmeyer said he "despised the political apathy of my fellow students in the same way I despise the common thief--because an apathetic individual does nothing more than steal from himself, his school and more importantly from his state and country." He berated college campus apa- thy which saw 80-90 per cent of students politically inactive and unable to name their congressmen, their senators, or make a distinc- tion between the House of Repre- sentatives in Lansing and the House in Washington. However, he expressed his un- derstanding of American student apathy which originates in a res- ignation that "in this country students aren't listened to; they are not held in the high esteem that they are in other parts of the world." Regrets Reaction However, Stockmeyer regretted an American student approach to issues that most often manifests itself in reaction rather than ac- tion or initiation. He asserted that he did think that there are "certain channels open for effective student politi- cal action," and cited the student registration of Negro voters in the South as an example of opportuni- ties open to students. Stockmeyer then questioned the "popular misconception" of the purported educational value deriv- ed from participation in student politics. On the contrary, he thought that "many of these or- ganizations breed ignorance of and blindness of student issues." He cited the extremist groups as most guilty of a lack of objectivity, and recommended that interested stu- dents should engage in careful se- lection of groups. However, though he noted the drawbacks to student action, and particularly the discouragement faced by student leaders, Stock- meyer pointed to the individual "satisfaction" of political action and to the meaningful contribu- tion students could make on their campuses and in their communi- ties. (Continued from Page 1) The second criterion is whether the location is near a large uni- versity or not. More specifically, the university must offer a variety. "of refresher courses and lectures in topical subjects." The univer- sity itself must have diversified research programs Involving ex- perienced personnel," Boyd com- mented. Third, the university must "be near, but not in, a large metro- politan area." d A fourth criterion, Boyd said, was whether the community has experience in "cooperating and living with industrial research per- sonnel and their organizations." Research Oriented The community must also be principally oriented to education and research, disallowing manu- facturing "except for small, un- obtrusive products." The exact location of the com- munity is also important, Boyd noted. "It must not be so far re- moved from other educational and research communities as to'handi- cap communications and visita- tions with them." in addition, the community must be near recreational areas, allow- ing family excursions on holidays and weekends.\ Not Remote Finally, the city should not be too remote from other parts of the corporation, thereby handi- capping communication. "A strong research program at a university," Boyd said, "helps, not only the research firms in the conmunity but also students and faculty. The faculty must keep abreast of' what's going on in his own field. He can also pass this along to his. students in their course work "In sum, research needs a high- ly cultural community and a high- ly cultural community needs re- search." Nichols To Hold Two Day Seminar Prof. Ralph Nichols of the Uni- versity of Minnesota will conduct a two day seminar from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today and Friday on "Improved Comr unic atIons through Listening Training" in the third floor conference room of the Michigan Union. The seminar is part of the Bureau of Industrial Relations Personnel Techniques By BARBARA PASH Although President John F. Ken- nedy has estimated an administra- tive budget for fiscal 1964 of $98.8 billion, the government will actually spend approximately $120 billion next year, Richard Moon- ey, Washington, D.C. correspond- ent of the New York Times, declar- ed Tuesday. Speaking on "Taxing and Spend- ing on the New Frontier," he ex- plained that there are many ways of measuring federal spending. The administrative budget is one way: another is to add to this sum the extra $20 billion for social secur- ity, which is treated as a trust fund, not as part of the regular budget. Thus the entire spending is actually 20-25 per cent larger than the budget Kennedy will sub- mit to Congress soon. "There are four truths about the federal budget which must be not- ed. First, the federal budget is only partly an economic subject. Its other component is political. Most talk about the budget is made up of economics, politics, hypocrisy and ignorance," Mooney continued. Manipulations The second truth about the budget is that although federal spending is big now, it is going to increase. The Kennedy adminis- tration decided that it was best not to break the $100 billion mark. So, he said, they were able to manipulate computer figures and come up with a slightly lower fig- ure. "This, however, does not matter. The budget figure is just an esti- mate. It assumes that from now till June 30, 1964, the cold war won't get any colder or hotter, that only an average number of nations will need an average amount of American aid and that we will have an average agricultural pro- duction," Mooney continued. The January budgets for the past 5 completed years have es- timated a net surplus of $8 mil- lion, whereas actually we had a net deficit of $112 million. News- papers are as guilty as anything for identifying $98.8 billion as an exact amount in the public mind. Sizable Sector "Third, the much-discussed pub- lic sector is today exactly the same size (20 per cent of the Gross National Product) as it was 5 years ago during former Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's ad- ministration. It hasn't started growing yet," he said. The last truth is that the federal budget is neither a "family" budg- et in which we are trying to live within our income nor a "cor- porate" budget trying to make a profit. Neither terms should apply to federal spending. Theoretically, Congress controls the purse-strings. Actually, Moon- ey noted, unless Congress takes leave of its senses and abolishes the Air Force or stops veterans' pensions, it must appropriate the requested finances. Congress has already pledged some of the money in laws which it passed that specify that certain parts of the budget be automat- ically appropriated. However, it is interesting to note that the sec- ond largest item in the budget is interest on the national debt, which is now $800 million. "Back-door spending-spending which doesn't go through regular appropriation channels-is a pop- ular, effective device for smooth operations. And it is commonly known that programs usually start with small appropriations and be- come larger," Mooney declared. More Than Ike The Kennedy administration has increased spending more in three years than Eisenhower did in 8 years, and we haven't even touch- ed public welfare expenditures yet, according to Mooney. The whole question of the federal budget dif- fering from family and corporation budgets is really based on whether the government should incur a def- icit, he added. Peter Talks GENEVA-Delivering a paper at a United Nations Conference in Geneva, a University researcher recently said that applying sci- ence and technology to human lives depends more on men than on machines. Benefits from science and tech- nology come by a social process that requires more than changes in machinery, Hollis W. Peter, di- rector of the Foundation for Re- search on Human Behavior, ex- plained. Peter is one of some 2000 delegates from 80 countries at the conference, which is dealing with the application of science and technology for the benefit of less developed areas. Peter said that what is needed are social changes "that are more difficult and take more time to bring about-changes in knowl- edge, attitudes, thinking, skills and habits of people, and the way they are organized." Rapid and widespread applica- tion of technology depends in- creasingly on "our ability to ac- quire social knowledge," Peter em- phasized. By BARBARA LAZARUS All Naval ROTC midshipmen have the opportunity to elect to participate in t1-e Marine Corps officers' training program in their sophomore year. Major Marvin H. Stevens said that each of the 52 ROTC units offering a Marine option program has a Marine instructor with the rank of major and a sergeant as- sistant to handle the program. "Each university offers the same ROTC program as that of the Uni- versity, which consists of two two- semester sequences in the evolu- tion of the art of war and amphib- ious warfare," Maj. Stevens add- ed. Amphibious Warfare Amphibious warfare studies the development of amphibious opera- tions from the battle of Galipoli in World War I through the In- chon landing in the Korean War. It uses the basic Marine text and concentrates on such things as planning an amphibious opera- tion, embarking troops, moving to the objective area and operations ashore, he commented. "The evolution of the art of war studies the-evolution of tactics, in- fluence of new weapons on the battlefield and a historical cover- age of war from Alexander to the Korean War." Co-ed Credit Any student, male or female, may take Naval science courses and receives three hours credit for one semester. Some of these courses include navigation,, naval history and the two Marine ROTC courses, Maj. Stevens noted. Maj. Stevens explained the dif- ferences between a contract and a regular midshipman. A contract midshipman contracts to take Naval ROTC when he reaches col- 'U' To Confer With Churches The Michigan Association of Church Related Colleges, the Michigan Association of Catholic Colleges, and the University will hold a conference on Liberal Edu- cation today in Rackham Amph. Registration for the conference begins at 9:30 a.m. Prof. Gerald Else, chairman of the classical studies department, will speak on "The Origin of Tragedy." lege. Upon completing the pro- gram he is commissioned either an ensign in the Navy or second lieu- tenant in the Marine Corps and serves three years of active serv- ice as a reserve officer. At the University he receives his uni- fo'rms, books and a small retain- er his last two years. "A regular midshipman is se- lected on the basis of a national competitive exam and receives tui- tion, book fees, uniforms and a $50 retainer fee per month during his four years. He then serves four years of active service. VOICE To Hold General Meeting VOICE Political Party will hold a membership meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Room 3B of the Michi- gan Union. Endorsement of Stu- dent Government Council candi- dates is on the agenda. On the first class cruise between the Junior and senior years, a stu- dent electing the Marine option spends six weeks in training at Quantico, Va., and the Naval mid- shipmen spends it aboard ship, he explained. The contract midshipman takes only one cruise between his junior and senior years and is either as- signed aboard ship or, if he has elected the Marine option, goes to Quantico for training, Maj. Stev- ens added. DON'T SA Y yucan't find it, Till you've tried ULRICH'S Ann Arbor's busy and friendly bookstore Staytbright. Fight drowsiness and be at your brilliant best with Verge continuous action alertness capsules. 'Effective, safe, not habit-forming. 'VACUUM': Frank Notes Mortals' Search for Meaning, By ROBERT GRODY Prof. Viktor Frankl of the Uni- versity of Vienna, a pioneer in psychological theory, delivered a lecture yesterday on "Man's Search for Meaning." The lecture, which was spon- sored by the Office of Religious Affairs, dealt with what Prof. Frankl called the "existential vac- uum," that is, the feeling of lack of purpose and individuality. This feeling of emptiness, of purpose has in the past been looked upon as a symptom of mental ill- ness. Freud said that the moment an individual questioned the pres- ence of meaning in life, he became "sick." Prof. Frankl said that he could not accept this. Characteristic Rather than a sign of a mental disorder, the doctor said that liv- ing in the "vacuum" is character- istic of humanity. He cited statis- tics of the frequency of the search. for meaning among his students. In post-lecture discussions and questions, 40 per cent of Prof. Frankl's Viennese students admit- ted having felt the sense of doubt of purpose, and 81 per cent of his American students also admitted to the same feeling. The need for a sense of meaning to one's life, however, was stress- ed. Prof. Frankl pointed out that ideals are often the greatest caus- es for existence. Even though ide- ologies have been labeled by psy- chologists as rationalizations and defense mechanisms, people are still willing to live and/or die for them. Man needs a constant tension between the feeling of the void and fulfillment of the emptiness, Prof. Frankl said, adding that a juvenile delinquent strikes out at authority, not because he opposes its principles, but because he feels a need to assert himself. A dramatic example of what a strong sense of individual purpose is the German author Wolfgang Goethe. Prof. Frankl noted that Goethe worked, in ill health, for seven years until his masterpiece, "Faust," was completed. He died two years later, his great purpose had been fulfilled. Condition Humaine Prof. Frankl said that the most powerful antidote for the three fdarsome elements in life that make up the "condition humaine" (pain, death, and guilt) was an individual's ability to give his existence meaning. A man may be a financial and social success, but he still may feel that his life has been a failure. But a man who knows, there has been some pur- pose to his life is gratified, no matter what his worldly position may be, he continued. The final point Prof. Frankl made was that the method for ris- ing above one's circumstances was to take a positive attitude. Al- though man cannot change or de- termine his lot in life, he can ad- just his attitudes to make the best of it, Prof. Frankl concluded. Jordan To Speak On Military Aid Col. Amos A. Jordan of the United States Military Academy at West Point will speak on "Prob- lems of American Military Aid in Asia' at 8 p.m. tonight in the Rackham Assembly Hall. ___ t SEE IT TONIGHT! Kurt Weill and Bert Brecht's EXCITING MUSICAL HIT - $ 17'1, 1 I 11 i THE THREEPENNY OPERA LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE 8:00 P.M. Box office open 10:00-8:00 P.M. Good seats still available for tonight $1.75 Friday and Saturday sold out Presented by the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre 4.y CINEMA GUILD peet E I TONIGHT and TOMORROW at 7 and 9 John Huston's Production of Stephen Crane's 8 I THE RED BADGE ._ OF COURAGE starring AUDIE MURPHY - BILL MAULDIN I .. .ryt :.:.. : lulI ( %I I ;1l VIY l "PI I M'. 1 3AEi Y {VlEU