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February 21, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-21

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continue through Friday.

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


SGC To Recommend Changes in

Women s Hours

Encourages Groups
To Study Problems
Council Refuses To Endorse Plan
To Elect Candidates By Districts
Student Government Council, according to action taken last
night, will send six proposals for changes in women's hours to the
Office of Student Affairs.
Council recommends the granting of apartment permission to










junior women, the abolishment
'U' Draws
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
of a five-part series on University
research and Its relationship to
s.Michigan and Ann Arbor.)
Why does a research firm come
to Ann Arbor?
The existence of a large univer-
sity in the city is one of the great-
est attractions. It has thus far
helped draw 25 research establish-
ments not associated with the Uni-
versity to Ann Arbor.
These firms employ about 2500
people ahd have annual operating
budgets totaling more than $40
million. Fourteen of the 25 com-
panies have been organized by
former University personnel.
There are at least six attrac-
tions the University directly offers
to these research firms, Assistan
Director of Research Administra-
tion Hobert A. Boyd noted recent-
First, technological advances
are being made so rapidly that
"research laboratory people must
have a convenient way of keeping
up to date on developments in their
fields. In Ann Arbor, research firm
employes can attend conferences
symposia and other important
Small Sessions
Boyd also emphasized the im-
portance of small, informal meet-
ings in the city. "This is part of
the advantage of a highly cultural
community. People in research can
benefit from living in the same
community with those knowledg-
able in their area."
The second benefit the Univer-
sity offers to research firms is
"easy access to libraries. Firms in
Ann Arbor often borrow periodi-
cals and books through an inter-
library loan system," Boyd noted
Third, it is "always easy to find
a consultant in Ann Arbor. The
specialized help in the city en-
ables research establishments to
hire- employes for as little as one
to two days."
Graduate Students
Fourth, the existence of the re-
search firm in Ann Arbor can often
draw upon graduate students in
technical areas. The research
firms, Boyd emphasized, "would
like to see more graduates stay
in the city in order to build up its
scientific potential."
The fifth advantage, one closely
related to the fourth, is that em-
ployes of research corporations can
further their education while
working in Ann Arbor.
Finally, the research firm "can
make use of University laboratories
and special equipment by sub-
contracting some of its work,'
Boyd said.
Not Important
He emphasized, however, that
the existence of a large university
in Ann Arbor is not the only rea-
son 25 firms have established
themselves here. "In fact," Boyd
added, "this may not even be th
most important reason."
As an example, Boyd cited a
talk he recently had with the di-
rector of Martin-Marietta in Bal-
timore, a firm which was think-
ing about changing the location of
their Research Institute for Ad-
vanced Study. The director offer-
ed several criteria often used t
evaluate locations for research es-
The first question is whether or
not the location is "in a well-es-
tablished cultural community, sat-
isfying the living requirements o

of hours for all women excepting
" freshmen, and also asks for ex-
tension of the number of late
minutes allowed to women each
Three other proposals will be
submitted to the OSA along with
a request for more immediate im-
plementation. These include rec-
ommendations for an extension
of weekend pers of all women to
1:30 a.m. and weekday closings
of freshmen women to midnight.
Visit Apartments
The Council also asks for im-
mediate consideration of the
granting of permission for fresh-
men women to visit apartments.
In its rationale Council noted
that "at this time implimentation
of these regulations might present
difficult problems," but added that
Council "strongly encourages wo-
r men's organizations on campus
to study intensively such admin-
istrative problems toward the ob-
jective of realizing passage of tne
regulations with all possible
Four of the six proposals were
passed in a voice vote, but Coun-
cil called for a roll call in con-
sideration of the recommendations
for granting of apartment permis-
sion to juniors, which ended in
passage by a 9-6 vote, and in
t abolishment of hours for all wo-
men except freshmen, with eight
- for, six against, and one absten-
SGC final action on the women's
hours proposals, which originated
in the Committee on Student Ac-
tivities, followed a discussion of
last week and passage of four
amendments. However, action on
the entire motion was postponed.
Least Restrictive
Supporters of the motion cited
the Committee's survey on wo-
men's hours, and noted that hours
regulations "should be as least
f restrictive as possible under pres-
ent political and social pressures,
and should apply to all students
regardless of sex."
However, opponents questioned
the validity of the survey, the de-
sire of junior women to live out-
side of organized housing, and
also indicated a concern with
- Administration reaction to the
proposals. "No" votes came from
. several Council members who
doubted the possibility of OSA
implementation of the recom-
In other action, Council failed
to endorse the report of the Com-
mittee on Student Concerns call-
ing for election of SGC members
- by districts, and also refused to
mandate the Committee to make
further studies of districting.
Form Group
For Campaig
STwenty students have formed a
Students for Cudlip and White for
Regents, group, chairman Freder-
ick Riecker, '63, said last night.
s The group hopes to bring William
B. Cudlip of Grosse Pointe and Ink
White of St. Johns to campus to
speak to the student body and
present information.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A nation need-
ing "leadership universities" -
like the University - should not
neglect professional and graduate
education, University President
Harlan Hatcher told the annual
Washington alumni meeting last
Hetwarned that these units will
get lost in the attention given to
the tidal wave of college fresh-
"Most of the education bills now
before Congress are directed to-
ward the broad spread of educa-
U Needs Help
"Institutions like the University
need help, and they need it im-
mediately," President Hatcher
"Some 10,412 students who al-
ready have graduated from college
now are on the University cam-
pus-creating pressures and needs
that are just as great as those at
the freshman level," he added.
"Universities are emerging as
the centers of the most exciting
experiences in modern civilized
societies," he declared.
Post Accomplishment
President Hatcher cited the ac-
tivities of the University, but
warned that it could not stand
on past accomplishment.
The University has 22 "centers
of excellence" ranging from aero-
space instrumentation and missile
radiation to human genetics and
seismic detection of nuclear ex-
Each of these centers, he added,
has attractedenon-legislative in-
come of $1 million or more in the
past three years. "I believe this is
not duplicated by any university
in the nation," President Hatcher
"The University has been so
successful and it is so eminant
that there has developed, I fear,
an implied policy that the Uni-
versity may be allowed now to
stand on its accomplishments
while other institutions and other
obligations are developed and ful-
"This is a dangerous attitude
which neither the state nor the
nation can afford to accept,"
President Hatcher declared.
To Use Ships
With Missiles
WASHINGTON (Ae)-A sugges-
tion that surface ships can be
used for a start on a Polaris mis-
sile system for the North Atlintic
Treaty Organization got United
States backing yesterday.
The State Department, obvious-
ly after consultation with the De-
fense Department, said a multi-
nation force using Polaris nuclear
missiles could be composed of eith-
er surface ships or submarines or
A spokesman then added that
studies made by this country indi-
cate it would be advantageous to
equip the, force with surface ships
at least initially.
The United States position was
developed as Livingston J. Mer-
chant, special envoy to NATO,
prepared to leave for broad dis-
cussions with some of the allied
countries on the subject of the
NATO force.







SGC Urges Firm Stand
Student Government Council last night voted to urge University
President Harlan Hatcher to make a public statement "clearly stress-
ing the Regental stand on non-discrimination" and support of a fair
housing ordinance.
The action which came on a motion of Daily editor Michael Oli-
nick, '63, and Council member Robert Ross, '63, was taken to "in-
crease greatly the probability of the passage of the fair housing
,ordinance" under consideration by

Schools Ask
New Names
special To The Daily
LANSING - The Senate passed
bills to .change the names of
Northern Michigan College to
Northern Michigan University,
and Ferris Institute to Ferris State
College yesterday.
The Ferris College bill, however,
ran into some trouble on the floor
when Sen. Frank G. Beadle (R-
St. Claire) suggested "the word
'college' does not descride accur-
ately the course of study offered
by Ferris." The bill will now go
to the House.
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) commented that the stu-
dents of Ferris, who are "really
the important ones," would "feel
better ,and possibly have a great-
er chance for success in the fu-
ture," if they had graduated from
a "college."
His Signature
Both Rep. Dominic Jacobetti
(D-Negaunee) and NMC President
Edgar L. Harden expressed pleas-
ure at the passage of the bill,
which will now go to the Governor
for his signature.
"Now that the Attorney General
has made his ruling, I will not
press for passage for the Sales
Tax Exemption for Yearbooks
Bills," said Rep. Joseph Gillis (D-
Detroit). "It could be passed, but
there is really no need for it." He
stated that he was satisfied for
the time being, although "the
present attorney general's ruling
is not binding on future tax com
Real Estate
Bursley announced yesterday
that he plans to introduce a bill
concerning real estate taxes on
community theatres. "This legis-
lation would affect the Ann Arbor
Civic Theatre," he said.
In discussing the future of his
Joint Resolution B, Sen. Benja-
min Guzowski (D-Detroit) stated
"we are now negotiating to get it
out of committee." This legisla-
tion would prohibit subversives
from speaking at any state sup-
ported institutions.
"If we are unable to get the bill
out of committee, I will introduce
another bill, outlawing the Com-
munist Party in the State of
Michigan," Guzowski stated.

the Ann Arbor. City Council to-
The University policy against
discrimination is stated in Regents
Bylaw 2.14. According to the mo-
tion, the bylaw "commits the Uni-
versity to a policy of working for
the elimination of discrimination
. . from non-University sources
where students and employes of
the University are involved."
University Policy
Although the Regents bylaw was
passed in 1959, President Hatcher
has not made any statement con-
cerning fair housing, Olinick said.
Olinick said that the University
has taken very little strong ac-
tion in this field. He noted that up
until now the University has mere-
ly revoked the right to post apart-
ment advertisements on University
bulletin boards to landlords who
practiced discrimination.
Union President
On an amendment by Union'
President Robert Finke, '63, the
motion was amended so as not
to constitute this action as sup-
port of any public demonstration
by any group. This amendment
was to deny any tie with the pro-
posed student picket of President
Hatcher's house and the Adminis-
tration Building today. Olinick
stated that the motion was made
not in support of any demonstra-
tion but to get support for the
fair housing ordinance.'
SGC President Steven Stock-
meyer,d 63, and Council member
Richard G'sell, '63, called today's
demonstration illegal. G'sell claim-
ed that by passing this piece of
legislation, Council would in fact
be backing that demonstration. He
also cited that the passage of this
bill would make SGC a pressure
group instead of a legislative body.

-Daily-Richard Cooper
PICKET PROPOSAL-David Aroner, '64, chairman of the Human
Relations Boards, last night called for a student picket on tomor-
row's meeting of the Board of Regents. /
Various Student Groups
Support Demonstration
Various student groups have expressed statementssupporting the
demonstration which will be held from 3-5 p.m. today at the Admin-
istration Bldg.
The following are partial excerpts from the statement released
by the Human Relations Board:
In a survey conducted by the Student Government Council Human
Relations Board in the spring of 1960, it was found that approximately
50 per cent of the housing units'

tested would not accept non-whites
as tenants.
Dr. Davis, director of the In-
ternational Center, in a letter to
the Ann Arbor Human Relations
Commission on June 7, 1962, stat-
ed that: "We recognize that there
is prejudice in Ann Arbor, but we
tried to 'cushion' the foreign schol-
ar from it."
On Feb. 13, 1963, the Human
Relations Board requested that
President Hatcher publicly support
and urge the implementation of
this meaningful 'legislation. Vice-
President Lewis, speaking for
President Hatcher, informed a del-
egation of the Board that it is a
policy of the University not to in-
volve itself in "local political mat-
ters," that the President's office
will not issue any statement relat-
ed to housing legislation.


Panel Proclaims u' Program.

AASA Ignores Kennedy's ~
Aid to Education Program
Associated Press Education Writer
ATLANTIC CITY - The American Association of School Ad-
ministrators ignored President John F. Kennedy's 24-point aid to
education program yesterday.
It repeated its demands for massive federal expenditures restricted
to the first 14 years of public education.
With only one voice raised in dissent, the AASA asked for grants
to the states of at least $200 per public school pupil per year. No price
" tag was attached, but the cost
probably would exceed $8-9 billion
a year.
The Kennedy program, touch-
ing all bases of education from
tAdequate kindergarten through graduate
school and including private col-
leges and universities, would cost
an estimated $5.3 billion over a
four-year period.
Throughout their 95th annual
convention, starting Saturday and
ending yesterday, the administrat-
ors discussed Kennedy's omnibus
program. Cautious optimism was,
expressed that the President's
program might get through Con-
gress despite the obviously rough
road ahead.
The resolution adopted over-
whelmingly yesterday, however,
was written and presented as
though the President's message

Bill To Pose'
Tax Revision,
Special To The Daily
LANSING - R e p. Gilbert E.
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) plans to
introduce a bill to the House to-
day that will remove personal and
household property from the list
of items eligible for taxation.
He hopes thereby to solve the
problem of tax assessment which
has recently become cause for con-
cern for local fraternities and sor-
orities. He noted yesterday, "there
are several marginal chapters
which would be greatly hurt by
a tax of a few hundred dollars."
According to Bursley, difficulty
arose last year when the City of
Ann Arbor read the state tax law
and decided that under a strict
interpretation, fraternities and
sororities should be taxed for all
personal property in excess of
Attack That Problem
"There were three possible ways
of attacking the problem," Burs-
ley said. "First, we could exempt
fraternities and sororities from
this tax, as was suggested by Sen.
(Stanley G.) Thayer (R-Ann Ar-,
bor). One difficulty with this plan,
however, is that other organiza-
tions, such as fraternal lodges
could then demand the same ex-
Less Than One
This new exemption for all per-
sonal and household property
would cost the state a lot less
than one per cent of its revenue,
he said, and it would "possibly
save the state money in the long
run." Bursley explained that if
the fraternities and sororities were
assessed under the present law,
some of the more than 4000 stu-
dents who are presently living in
them would be forced to move
back into the dorms.
The trouble arose under the old
tax setup, because the wide variety
of assessment methods created a
situation where in some munici-
palities personal property was
taxed, and in others it wasn't.
"Generally, p e r s o n a 1 property
taxes have poorly and ununiform-

Protest Lack
Of Response
By President
HRB To Lead March
At Regents' Meeting;
Faculty To Take Part
The Human Relations Board
will hold a student-faculty picket
today protesting University Pres-
dent Harlan Hatcher's lack of re-
sponse to a request from the board
that he urge enactment of a fair
housing law in Ann Arbor.
The HRB asked for the state-
mont in a letter t4o President
Hatcher on Feb. 13. The letter in-
dicated that a definitive state-
ment from President Hatcher was
called for since Regents Bylaw
2-14 expressly states that the Uni-
versity "shall work for elimina-
tion of discrimination from non-
University sources where students
and employees of the University
are involved."
The statement the board hoped
to receive from President Hatcher
was intended to precede tonight's
meeting of the Ann Arbor city
council which is preparing a fair
housing ordinance.
However, President Hatcher re-
ferred the request to Vice-Presi-
dent James A. Lewis' office.
Lewis and Director of Univer-
sity Relations Michael Radock met
with the group on Monday, Feb.
18. At this time they informed
the HRB that it was not the
University policy to get involved
in local legislation.
David Aroner, '64, chairman of
the HRB, said "although Bylaw
2-14 does not commit the Univer-
sity to a definite policy of issuing
public statements or supporting
legislation, the moral issue in-
volved and the role of the Univer-
sity warrants such action."
Pointing out the University has
a responsibility to the students
and to the University community
to make strong public statements
on vital issues, Aroner said, "Such
a statement by the President
should be forthright and unam-
biguous, and be issued as an
administrative policy of the high-
est priority."
In accordance with such a be-
lief Aroner said the HRB had
decided that if the University was
unwilling to make a public state-
ment they should openly state
their reasons for failing to do so.
This, plus the imminence of the
city council's consideration of
housing legislation convinced the
HRB it could wait no longer with-
out action and it informed Vice-
President Lewis of its decision to
hold a demonstration.
The statement to Vice-President
for Student Affairs James Lewis
made it clear that the demon-
stration would be called off if
President Hatcher met the de-
mands of the board.
President Hatcher, presently at-
tending a conference in Washing-
ton, D.C., could not be reached by
Vice-President Lewis last night.
When informed by Aroner that the
demonstration was planned, Vice-
President Lewis attempted to con-
tact President Hatcher in the
hopes of obtaining a statement.
Despite the fact that President
Hatcher could not be reached, the
Board voted to go ahead with
the demonstration because the by-
law, which was passed by the Re-
gents four years ago, has never
received public recognition by
President Hatcher.
"Repeated attempts to elicit
some support from President
Hatcher for bylaw 2.14 faled.

While discussing their experience in public service, four panelists
concluded last night that the University's program in public admin-
istration provided the necessary material for successful careers.
Betty Lou Morris, member of a citizens advisory committee, told
local chapter of the American Society for Public Administration that
citizens advisory groups could be useful in local government.
She noted that the urban renewal group with which she works
had been successful in renaming urban renewal areas, naming three
new streets and presenting ideas to the local government on the
financing of the city's park and the solicitation of a community college
to the area.

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