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February 20, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-20

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SrvWwy-Third Year
"'Wh~er* OpInions Atr STUDENT Pm ucATIONs Bw,., ANw ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors This must be noted in all reprints.



Hatcher Should, Support
Fair Housing Ordinance


UNIVERSITY President Harlan H. Hatcher
has again remained silent in a situation
where he could help to eliminate discrimina-
tion in Ann Arbor,
The president's duty in such matters is set
down in Regents Bylaw 2.14 which says that
the University '"shall work for the elimination
of discrimination . . from non-University
sources where students and the employes of the
University are involved."
THROUGHi THE WORK of the Human Rela-
tions Board of Student Government Coun-
cil and from the advice of members of the
Office of Student Affairs, President Hatcher
should be aware that discrimination in hous-
ing does exist, affecting many groups connect-
ed with the University.
For instance, the HRB telephoned local land-
lords at random and found that over 50 per
cent of those called would not rent to Negroes.
There are more than 1800 students, profes-
sors, medical residents, researchers and visit-
ing scholars from foreign countries living in
Ann Arbor. The large number of people af-
fected has led James M. Davis, director of
the International Center at the University,
to say publicly that, "until the Center can be
assured that foreign students will receive the
same consideration as any others," the Cen-
ter has to "cushion" these students from "the
discrimination that exists in Ann Arbor."
HE PRESIDENT is therefore explicitly aware
that the conditions outlined in the Regen-
tal policy on non-discrimination are prevalent
in Ann Arbor, affecting the lives of a substan-
tial segment of the University community.
Yet, last year,, President Hatcher elected
not to "work for the elimination of discrim-
ination" in Pittsfield Village, a housing de-
velopment which would not admit students
Dilemma of Th4

and faculty of certain racial groups. He wa
urged to support the action of groups to inte
grate the development. Howover, the presider
declined to make a public statement of th
University's policy despite the fact that th
action would have implemented the Regente
Another opportunity to implement the by
law presented itself during the last few week
Tomorrow, the City Council is going to con
sider the enactment of a fair housing or
dinance. Specific, enforceable legislation woul
provide the legal means whereby the Univer
sity could guarantee to students- those right
outlined in its policy on non-discrimination.
An ordinance involving control of the renta
and sale of properties and regulation of th
activities of real estate agents, landlords, an
finance institutions, combined with the es
tablishment of an enforcement commission
would be the means by which discrimination i2
housing would be eliminated as a major Uni
versity problem.
]RESIDENT HATCHER could have greatl:
increased the probability of the passage o
such an ordinance by stating publicly th
University's support of its provisions. How
ever, he failed to do so, again indicating by hi
inaction, an apparent unwillingness to imple
ment the Regental policy on non-discrimina
tion. Though he may be working behind the
scenes, this type of action has had no effect
The president should act as moral leader o
the University community, implementing it
policy with a public statement.
The consequences of his inaction are grave
expressing themselves primarily in the faces of
students rejected by bigoted landlords. Con-
tinued inaction on the part of the president
would be a disgrace to the University.
Associate Editorial Director



Crusading Staff Brings
New Opinions to State

New Frontier for Youth

J ACKSON (CPS) --Mississippi's
newspapers are not known for
moderate positions on the inte-
gration question. The Jackson
dailies, followed by most papers
in the state, have printed diatribes
against James Meredith and the
federal government In recent
months that are, to put it midly,
shocking to a casual reader from
outside the South. Even the mild
stand of the University of Mis-
sissippi student newspaper editor
against the violence at Ole Miss
brought the low-level ,insinuations
about her morality and good sense.
But in the midst of the state's
racial hatred and atmosphere of
invective, one dissenting voice, al-
beit small, is beginning to make
itself felt. The Mississippi Free
Press, less than a year old, now
weekly provides Mississippians
with a point of view that has
never appeared in their press.
Founded last December by mem-
bers of the Student-Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee, Southern
student action group, the paper is
now under the direction of Charles
Butts, 20 years old, who left Ober-
lin College, Ohio, to work for in-
tegration in the South.
* * *
BUTTS WORKED for some time
in Fayette Cousty, Tennessee,
helping sharecroppers evicted from
their farms for registering to vote.
Hecame to Jackson and the Free
Press determined "to convince Ne-
groes that they are not inferior,
but indeed are human beings en-
titled to all the rights enjoyed by
other citizens."
Currently running the technical
end of the paper is Miss Lucy
Komisar, a senior on leave of ab-
scence from Queens College, New
York. Miss Komisar worked for
two years on the Queens Phoenix
student newspaper at Queens. She
has been active in civil rights
work during most of her college
life, was Jailed last year after a
sit-in at a segregated Maryland
The 21-year old circulation
manager of the Free Press, made
news this week as he sought to
become the second Negro to enter
the University. Turned down by
the university on grounds that he
was unqualified, Greene has filed
a suit in Federal Court seeking a
court order to admit him. A native
of Greenwood, Miss., which is also
the headquarters of the White
Citizens' Council.
THE FREE PRESS staff is paid
a subsistence salary of $20, a week,
largely financed by donations from
Northern college students. Stu-
dents at Tougaloo College, the
state's only integrated college,
help with office work of the news-
Things have not been all rosy
for the Free Press, however-t
cannot be printed in Mississippi,
and has to be printed in Memphis,
hundreds of miles away. Local
'ight hood'
IN THE period known as the
Dark Ages, or nighthood, every-
one was in the dark. Higher edu-
cation survived only because of
illuminated manuscripts, which
were discovered during a routine
burning of a library. It is interest-
ing to reconstruct a typical class-
room scene: a group of dedicated
students clustered around a glow-
ing piece of parchment, listening
to a lecture in Advanced Monasti-
cism, a 10 year course. If somet
found it hard to concentrate, it3
was because they were dreamingt
about quitting before exams and.
going off on a crusade. .
Some left even sooner, before
the end of the lecture, having
spied a beautiful damsel being
pursued by a dragon who had de-
signs on her. Damsels, who werex
invariably in distress, wrought
havoc on a young man's grade
point average.1

--Richard Armourz
University of Chicago
Alumni Magazine t


Negro Today:

A Question of Relative Values

LAST WEEK the administration of a small
Negro college in Arkansas suspended 10 of
its students for their refusal to obey a warning
to stop demonstrating in a series of local sit-
ins. Why?
Why were the students suspended? Why
were only these 10 willing to disregard the
warning and continue to demonstrate? More
important, why were only 45 students at maxi-
mum out of a student body of 1600 willing
to demonstrate at all?
On Feb. 1, 17 members of the Pine Bluff
Student Movement, most of them also stu-
dents at Arkansas Agriculture, Mining and
Normal College, began sit-in demonstrations
in a local Pine Bluff dime store.
A FEW DAYS LATER AM&N President Law-
rence Davis requested all of his students
taking part in the demonstrations to stop their
On Feb. 11, notices were placed in all of the
college buildings asking that all students who
were still sitting-in see Davis. These students,
10 of them, received their suspension notices
the next day. They continued to sit-in.
According to Davis the administration did
not back the sit-ins for several reasons. Fore-
most was the fear that official sanction of
such demonstrations would only tend to antag-
onize the legislature which is scheduled to
appropriate funds for the state-supported col-
lege this year. Never friendly to begin with,
any additional irritant might result in a seri-
ous cut-back of the school's appropriations.
DAVIS SAID he was also very concerned
about the danger to the students. Violence
spreads easily in a small Southern town, and
t would' not take long for anger to move
from a main street lunch counter to school
buildings on a nearby campus, especially if
he anger were generated by people on that
The campus government also failed to sup-
ort the movement. Although the Student Non-
violent Coordinating Committee had approach-
d AM&N as far back as November in an ef-
ort to plan simultaneous demonstrations all
icross the South on Feb. 1, James Dorsey, head
A campus government, claims the campus was
oo disorganized then and now to take part in
uch a movement. He said the college would
nly consider acting as a unit on a matter
ike sit-ins and at present that would be im-
Superimposed on these facts is the larger
attern of Negro-white relations in Pine Bluff.
,though by no means welcoming an altera-
ion of the status quo, the citizens of the town
ave apparently come to realize that change
s in the air and have decided the best way to
retend it isn't is to arrange for it to come
s quietly and as slowly as possible. Because ;
f this new realism, various community lead-
rs have taken it upon themselves to organize
roups whose functions are to ease the idea of
itegration into the community as painlessly
c +hpv ran-ThiRs..m.m o-nt rna wi na c

THESE, THEN, are the reasons why, backed
by 90 per pent of the student body, the ad-
ministration opposed the Pine Bluff Student
But there is more to it than these easy-to-
digest answers. And there is much more to it
than the superficial observation that the peo-
ple involved are "just scared." Here, under-
neath the worry about appropriations and the
safety of the college community, and in some
cases the fear, lies the basic dilemma of the
Negro in America.
THE PARADOX of the Negro in the United
States is this-in order for him to overcome
the impossibilities and the irrationalities tor-
menting his race, he is forced into a position
where the attainment of his long range goals
requires the outward repudiation of many of
his active, immediate beliefs.
He must at all costs maintain a cooperative
relationship with the white because only the
white can help him build schools, give him a
better job, and increase his wage scale. Such
a cooperative relationship is not without cost.
The cost varies with the situation but however
small or large it turns out to be it always in-
volves some degree of acquiescence to the
white's way of thinking.
Perhaps it. be merely the adoption of cer-
tain mannerisms in preference to his own. It
might be the decision to stay on a Northern
campus until graduation instead of going down
South and working with voter registration or
with SNCC. It might be self-control when the
word "nigger" inadvertantly falls from his em-
ployer's lips. In some instances it might be
the necessity to forbid college students from
staging demonstrations if these demonstra-
tions would antagonize the whites, and if the
rewards to be gained from a continued amnesty
seem greater than those to be gained from a
desegregated lunch counter.
Things lose their clarity and the decision to
act is made on the basis of the relative ad-
vantages to be gained from not acting. Com-
promises have to be made culturally, idealist-
ically, and politically. The over-all pattern has
to be considered before the individual pattern.
The over-all pattern has to be achieved as
quickly as possible and the individual pattern
of action may slow this attainment down con-
siderably. The Negro becomes confused and
wonders who is really on his side. Does he even
dare be on his own side anymore?
WHY WERE the 10 students suspended. Be-
cause President Davis places the continued
education of his students above the immediate
integration of Woolworth's. Undoubtedly he
sometimes regrets that he can no longer see
issues in terms of unqualified action and that
he cannot shake himself free from a cautious
evaluation of each new situation. With matur-
ity comes a sense of responsibility, however
stuffy and distasteful the word may sound.
Why were only 10 per cent of the students
willing to demonstrate to begin with? Because,
they want to go to school. They want to be
able to get an education. Who ultimately will
hn 1 ++ , r irvn +. U - .... .....4 - &U


BASKING IN the success of the
overseas Peace Corps, Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy has sent
three proposals for a new, do-
mestic corps to Congress.
Kennedy proposed a National
Service Corps, open to all ages,
which would work in hospitals, or
Indian reservations and in social
and educational institutions. It is
presumed that this -group would
berpatterned after the Peace
Corps, requiring that the corps-
men 'have the necessary skills for
such work.
The programs would service
areas where workers are needed
a n d provide employment for
youth, one of the major problems
in the labor market today.
The "home town youth corps"
would provide employment for
semi-skilled or. unskilled youth,
both sexes, in the 16 to 21 age
group. The- President noted that
this would boost the economy, cut
unemployment and train young
The third proposal encompasses
a "youth conservation corps" to
work in parks and forests and
build national roads. This, of
course, is patterned after Presi-
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt's Civil-
ian Conservation Corps which op-
erated in the 1930's.
T H E PROPOSALS, . whether
passed or not, point out one of
the major problems in modern
American society. Young people
who have graduated from high
school and not gone on to college
are finding it increasingly diffi-
cult to secure jobs in an already
crowded labor market. The un-
employment rate within the econ-
omy is high and the June gradu-
ates only increase the number of
unemployed each year.
The problem of high-school
drop-outs, too, is significant. This
increasingly important segment
of the high school population
plagues not only educators, who
constantly reevaluate programs to
fine ways to stimulate youth in
order to keep them in school, but,
economists as well.
These drop-outs usually do not
have sufficient skills to go into
any white collar or executive posi-
tions and they, too, push into the
semi- or unskilled labor market,
forcing unemployment figures
higher and higher.
ALL THREE Kennedy proposals
would serve to alleviate these
overflow problems. Both the indi-
vidual and the society profit by
the operation of the corps.
In the home-town and conser-
vation corps the training received
by the member will certainly be
useful and most likely saleable in
the future. The young people who
enter these groups will probably
be semi- or unskilled labor accord-
ing to present plans and the gain-
ing of a trade or skill will enable
them to return to the labor
market with better potentialities
for employment.
The economy, of course, will
benefit by the removal of these
youth from the -market. Unem-
ployment will go down and once
returnine to the market. youth

now under the auspices of the
national park system, could be
utilized for hiking, camping and
sightseeing if a "minimum" of
effort is put into development.
He cited the building of access
roads, hiking trails and shelters
as possible projects for the corps.
These projects are now being
neglected because of the shortage
of men. Trained conservationists
are now utilized in other areas re-
quiring the additional training
such as park administration or
wildlife preservation.,
Not many young men today go
into the field to aid in the de-
velopment of parks for public use
and the corps would not only
stimulate such work but also pro-
vide many urban males with op-
portunities not otherwise available
to them in the urban environ-
The home-town corps can, of
course, operate well only if the
local community is both aware of
problems within it and anxious
to alleviate them. However, the
applicability of such programs to
disadvantaged areas; such as city
slums, and depressed areas, such
as West Virginia, is obvious. Tak-
ing West Virginia as an example,
if the corps were to go into effect,
men now unemployed would go
back on a payroll and the com-
munity itself would benefit from
the operations of the corps.
The National Service Corps is
based on different assumptions.
The object is neither to train
youth nor to provide employment
for semi-skilled. Indeed, the corps
requirements preclude member-
ship without "necessary skills" for
the jobs proposed. This presup-
poses at least a high school and
probably some college education.
* * *
WHILE THE Peace Corps ap-
pealed to the imaginations of
many college students, the domes-

tic corps is less "flashy." But the
number of students already inter-
ested shows that while this corps
would probably have fewer appli-
cants than the overseas corps,
support would not be lacking.
Social workers and teachers in
disadvantaged areas are coping
with problems which are presently
almost too great to handle. Major
urban school systems are already
beginning to deal with the prob-
lems of adult illiterates but only
on a minor scale. Any help in the
area would immediately a i d
adults by providing them suffi-
cient education to secure employ-
ment and thus leave the relief
rolls which are voluminous in
most cities.
This, of course, is not the only
area which needs consideration in
the slums. Teachers' aides, social
case workers and public health
officials are desperately needed
to help improve the socio-eco-
nomic status of the slum-dweller
who is usually Negro in Detroit or
Chicago or Puerto Rican in New
S * * 4.
THE ORIGINAL proposals
which Kennedy made are small.
Five thousand or so workers is the
initial proposal for the National
Service Corps. But these are to be
taken as beginnings,
Although Congress is currently
worried about the increasing ex-
penditures of the government and
hopes to cut from domestic spend-
ing in the budget to offset in-
creased spending in the areas of
defense and space programming,
the corps expenditures should be
looked at with favor.
Employment will increase tax
monies and stimulate economic
growth. The new corps are needed
for both a better economy and a
better society. Youth here seems
to provide the answers for the

police keep close watch on the
paper's staff members, and Butts
was beaten after a picture of him
with an article attacking the Free
Press appeared in a Jackson paper.
The paper has gotten some fi-
nancial support from some local
Negro businessmen, students at
Oberlin, Earlham College, Swarth-
more College, Harvard, Brandeis,
Notre Dame, and Indiana Univer-
sity have sponsored subscription
drives to aid the Free Press.
In a recent article, the American
Liberal asserted that the Free
Press was beginning to have a real
Impact, not only in Mississippi, but
also in Washington, simply be-
cause it regularly prints news and
articles that do not normally get
into print in the state. By ex-
posingg examples of brutality and
giving big play to shootings and
beatings of integration workers,
the paper has called attention to
many incidents that might have
otherwise gone unnoticed.
IN THE past week, the adminis-
stration has gone to extra-
ordinary lengths to win the coun-
try's confidence in the reliability
of its information about the mili-
tary situation in Cuba.
The crisis of confidence origi-
nates in what happened in the
six weeks before the October con-
frontation. During the month of
September and into October, the
administration was insisting that
the Soviet Union had not brought
offensive weapons into Cuba Se.
Keating was insisting that they
had. When he was found to have
been right, there occured a loss
of confidence in the adminstra-
tion's intelligence services which
it is still struggling to repair.
On two occasions it was explain-
ed to me by high officials how're-
liable was our photographic sr-
veillance of the island and how
certainly we could detect the exact
nature of the weapons being in-
stalled in Cuba. These private
explanations came after the Pres-
ident had said categorically in his
press conference of Sept. 13 that
"these new shipments do not con-
stitute a serious threat to any
other part of the hemisphere.''
Some two weeks later, on Oct. 3,
the under secretary of state, Mr,
Ball, gave to a Congressional com-
mittee a summary of the Intel-
ligence information which came
from the CIA. The point of the
summary was that there were no
Offensive weapons in Cuba.
But in fact there were. A week
late, on Oct. 10, Sen. Keating in-
sisted that there were intermediate
range missiles in Cuba, and five
days later the President received
the photographs which confirmed
the charge.
* s* ,
THIS IS HOW Sen. Keating
won the right to be listened to,
and this is why the administra-
tion has now, belatedly, made the
right move, which is to arrange
for consultation and an exchange
of information between Sen. Keat-
ing and the CIA.
This should put an end to the
unseemly controversy about who
is telling the truth. But I am
not sure it will repair altogether
the damage done to public con-
fidence by the misleading infor-
mation given out in September
and October.
Photographs taken on Aug. 29
of the San Cistobal area and on
Sept. 5 at Sagua La Grande show
positively that no missile sites
had been built. The next photo-
graph referred to by Mr. Hughes
is that of Oct. 14. It shows inter-

mediate range missile sites being
erected. This is the photograph
which precipitated the interna-
tional crisis.
WHERE, we are bound to ask,
was our photographic intelligence
between Sept. 5 and Oct. 14? That
was when the administration was
telling the country that there were
no offensive weapons in Cuba.
This is the source of the infection
which will have to be removedif
full confidence is to be restored.
Having said this, I would say
that there is no reason to doubt
the thoroughness Or the reliability
f our photographic surveillance
f Cuba and of the sea around it.
The situation is extraordinary. We
are depending on being able to fly
daily photographic reconnaissance
planes at high and low altitude.
In Cuba, there are a large num-
ber of the latest anti-aircraft
weapons manned by Soviet sol-
We may say, how come? Up to
the present, the Soviet anti-air-
craft gunners are not attacking
our reconnaissance planes. They
nust be under orders from Mos-
cow, where it is well-known that
f the planes were attacked there
would be an immediate reprisal.
But where does this leave us?
[t leaves us with a fragile revised
version of the ;original Khrusn-
hey-Kennedy agreement. We are

Triangles Initiate Fraternity New Look

To the Editor:
Michaels'recent editorial "Can
Phi Kappa Tau Succeed?" we
would like to point out that such
a plan has been in effect since
September, 1961, in the policies of
the University chapter of Triangle
fraternity (engineers, architects
and scientists.) We have replaced
the traditional hell week with a
work week in which actives, pled-
ges, and alumni, living in the
house participate in equal meas-
Our pledge program includes no
hazing; pledges attend all house
meetings where the voicing of
their opinion is encouraged. Pledg-
ing only engineering, architecture,
chemistry and physics majors, we
have stressed academics: last
spring our pledge class was first
on camnu with a 3 1R veriage

rest of the fraternity system: Phi
Kappa Tau is our first disciple.
-University Chapter
Triangle Fraternity
To the Editor:
comprehension how anyone can
turn in the literary hash which
Miss Barbara Finch turns in and
get it published under the mis-
nomer: review. Several months
ago the same reviewer treated us
to an insipid review of the bad
movie version of Tennessee Wil-
liams' mad comedy, "Period of
Adjustment." In that review which
contained such notable phrasing
as, "The line which are spoken-
and there were some wonderful
ones . . ." also informed us (and
here my memory for these things
fails me slightly) that the comedy
was 'unlike a Peter Sellers . ."
Well movie fans we have now
been treated to a review of one

Mr. Sellers may well be the master
of slapstick, but it certainly was
not evident in "Waltz of the
Toreadors," which is anything but
a slapstick comedy.
The condescending tone with
which the review entirely dismisses
the serious aspects of this film
with, "who can't excuse a few
nostalgic scenes . ."and "we can
also excuse a few bitter scenes,"
indicate only a tragic' misunder-
standing of the movie. Mr. Sellers
is perhaps one of the finest actors
in the motion picture industry
today, and the serious, often semi-
tragic scenes in this film are to
its credit, not to its detriment. For
when comedy is able to rise above
the silliness of the situation com-
edy and pass into the realm of
serio-comic realism, then we must
only admire and applaud those
concerned with the work.
The reviewer obviously, for she
says so, "didn't come to hear
thoughts on old soldiers"; she
"came to see comedy." It is la-
mentable that one isnot +abl e to

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