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February 19, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-19

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


BurroughsMinimizes Effect

The University will not be
greatly affected by the recent
tightening of National Institutes
of Health Administrative proced-
ures as the University has gener-
ally, been following! the revised
standards, Director of Research
,Administration Robert E. Bur-
roughs noted yesterday.
The regulations, which went
into effect Jan. 1, follows increas-
ing Congressional concern qver
loose NIH policies. As a result of
Congressional scrutiny, all federal
agencies dealing in research have
tightened their administrative
procedures, he said. The changes,
Burroughs noted, have been most
dramatic in NIH.

The regulations require that
grant funds cannot be used to
purchase equipment without prior
NIH approval. Similarly, build-
ings in which the research would
be carried out cannot be altered
with grant funds without prior
More Specific Reports
The new rules also demand
more specific reports and pros-
pectuses about the undertaken or
suggested research projects.
Further, the regul'ations limit
research - connected travel ex-
"The National Institutes of
Health had a liberal administra-I

Goslin Cites Laek of Duties
As Rootof Child Frustration
By The Associated Press
The fact that society has nothing for them to do is causing
millions of American children to grow up frustrated with their ener-
gies blunted, Prof. Willard E. Goslin of Nashville's George Peabody
College said yesterday.I
Speaking before the American Association of School Adminis-
trators Gosling noted that, "We are possibly the first people in
history with little or no economic use for our children, unless one

Views Task
Of Education
WASHINGTON, D. C.-The task
of educating youth is the most
important job facing America,
Norman O. Harris of the Uni-
versity's Center for the Study of
Higher Education said yesterday.
Speaking for the American
Council on Education before the
House Committee on Education
and Labor, he said that people
reaching 18 years of age will in-
crease from 2.8 million in 1963 to
3.8 million in 1965, a gain of
about 36 per cent in 2 years.
About one million more young
people per year will start their
working careers by 1970 than be-
gin now. A forty per cent increase
of young people entering the labor
force is expected between the de-
cade 1950 and 1970, Harris said.
The increase will boost the
number of 17-20 year old work-
ers to 26 million by 1970.
Greater Difficulty
"Young people always have
greater difficulty in finding and
holding a job than do more ex-
perienced workers. In 1959, for
example, the unemployment rate
for the 16-20 year age group was
14 per cent."
Noting the reasons for this un-
employment problem, Harris cited
immaturity and age limits on cer-
tain jobs as factors. "But the
single most important reason for
the difficulty young people have
in getting started in their first
job is that they have no saleable
skill to offer in the job market,"
he added.
Harris said that for entry jobs
in the American economy today,
competence and skill of a rather
high order are absolutely essential.
It -is this which makes the ex-
pansion of schools and colleges
which offer needed occupational
education necessary, ,r he com-
mented, calling occupational edu-
cation "essential to national sur-
Need for Groups
Occupational groups including
professional, semiprofessional, and
technical workers will have to
increase by 40 per cent to meet
the job demands of our complex
society, Harris said.
Harris asserted that nearly the
entire burden of increasing out-
put of the needed semiprofessional
technicians will fall upon the com-
munity junior college, technical
institutes, and university exten-
sion services.
"Federalsupport is needed dur-
ing this decade, at least, for high-
er education and specifically for
semiprofessional and technical
education. The need is urgent and
substantial. If we expect to narrow
the technician gap, enrollments in
community college and technical
institute semiprofessional curri-
culums will have to be quadrupl-
ed," Harris concluded.
To Introduce
Buildings Bill
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann

considers their extensive exploit-
ation in advertising."
He claimed that society's tech-
nological advances. have made
children "unneeded if not useless.
The Old Days
Where as in the old days a child
carried in the wood at six, learned
to plow at 12 and was a farm hand
at 16, all he can do today is go
to school for) a few hours a day
with time off for "football and
teachers meetings," he added.
"The' remainder of his time,
nearly 90 perncent of his living
hours, even the school will be
closed to him. For a few there
are dancing lessons."
Nation-Wide Attack
Calling for a nation-wide at-
tack on the problem Gosling/ put
forth three proposals.
The first was that school should
be opened 12 to 14 hours a day
throughout the year with far-
reaching adaptations of programs.
Secondly he suggested parents
should try to find work for their
children instead of shielding them
from it.
Thirdy he called on business
and labor to accept their share of
the responsibility for furnishing
work opportunities for youth.
Free Learning

tive policy," Burroughs explained.
"They approved proposed research
and leave the universities to do
the research.
"Unfortunately, this policy had
been abused by some by not using
the funds for the work proposed."
Direct Funds
Some funds had been diverted
to related projects or to pay fac-
ulty salaries.
As the University had not been
following these practices, adjust-
ments only have to be made in
report writing and gaining prior
approval for equipment purchases
and building renovation, he noted.
"The faculty will have to spend
a little more effort in writing pro-
posals and reports," Burroughs
He said that NIH rule changes
puts its regulations in line with
phe more stringent defense depart-
ment and National Science Foun-
dation regulations.
Discuss New
Test Talks
WASHINGTON (M)-Discussions
are under way in the Adminis-
tration about what revisions in
United States nuclear test ban
demands might induce serious ne-
gotiations from the.Russians.
The revisions include a possible
cut in the number of proposed
in-site inspections.
Informed sources said the mat-
ter was discussed at an unpub-
licized meeting at the White
House yesterday and key Con-
gressmen have been sounded out
for their reaction. What reaction
came from the lawmakers was not
immediately known.
The White House review of the
situation was said to have fol-
lowed Russia's tough stand at the
Geneva disarmament conference.
The Reds have refused to budge
from their offer of two to three
on-site inspections a year to police
a test ban, compared with the
eight to ten sought by the West.
In the opinion of some ad-
ministration strategists, the Rus-
sians should be drawn out on
whether they really want a test
ban treaty and the Western offer
could be changed to force their
The United States-British po-
sition has been that the eight-to-
ten figure is not sacrosanct. But
the Western atomic powers have
branded the Soviet offer as un-
The Administration has kept in
touch with influential legislators
on the matter because of Congres-
sional criticism of past reductions
in United States inspections de-
mands and because a test ban
treaty must be ratified by the
United States Senate.

Cuba Plan
WASHINGTON (P) -President
John F. Kennedy and aides briefed
Congressional leaders last night
on the Cuban and'Latin American
Democrats who would talk
called it a routine report while
one Republican said it was an
effort to still criticism.
Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana said the
40-minute session was "just a
general intelligence roundup on
Cuba" and some other areas.
Cabinet Assistance
He said the President was
assisted in the reporting by Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk, Sec-
retary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara and John A. McCone,
director of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency.
Sen. George A. Smathers (D-
Fla) confirmed this, and when
asked whether he learned any-
thing new on the stubbornly
troublesome Cuban situation, he
replied: 1
"Not particularly. I would say
it was discussed and the general
feeling was that things looked a
little better."
'Brief Rehash'
But o n e Republican House
member who declined to be quot-
ed by name called the session just
a "brief and rehash of the situ-
ation in Cuba and Latin America."
He added he believes the Presi-
dent has been "disturbed by some
of the criticism Republicans have
been aiming at his foreign policy
and is trying to pacify us. They
are smart boys there."
The fact that the President
was summoning nearly a score of
Congress members, mainly from
the foreign policy and armed ser-
vices committees, was not even
announced in advance by the
White House. It was brought out
by questions directed at presi-
dential press secretary Pierre Sal-
inger at his afternoon briefing for
President Reports
After the meeting ended, Sal-
inger said it lasted 40 minutes
and "the President made a re-
port" to the Congressional lead-
ers. He added he Was talking
about a report in the broad sense,
rather than one on some specific
Salinger conceded that he had
not planned to announce the
meeting, but word of it had be-
gun leaking out on Capitol Hill.
Before the session, Salinger re-
fused to describe the meeting
either as urgent or routine, but
that it was of some urgency was
indicated by the fact that it was
called with several key senators
of both parties away from the



Second Negro t o l0 Mi

University Presidents
}Confer To Cut Costs
A special committee of the presidents of the Big Ten Universities
and the University of Chicago have formed a Committee on Institu-
tional Co-operation to seek ways of cutting the costs of higher edu-
cation while meeting the impact of the enrollment pressure expected
after 1964.
According to the Detroit News its primary aim at present is toy
eliminate, wherever possible, highly specialized courses which are
duplicated at neighboring schools within the conference. Air travel
travel and television are possible answers to some of these problems.
Recently the CIC agreed on a "Traveling Scholar" program. Due
to start next fall it will enable graduate students in any of the

Greene Case
Lacks Cause
For Action.

View Issues,
In YR Race
Heated denunciations marked
last night's University Young Re-
publican's meeting as the three
apparent candidates vied for po-
sition and support for the Feb.
23 race to succeed Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, as chairman of the
state Young Republicans federa-
The John Birch Society was the
central issue of debate between the
two conservative candidates, Flet-
cher Monnigh of Michigan State
University and Alan Howell of
Wayne State University while
moderate Louis Ferrand of Alma
College advocated a unified party
organization in the next year.
One-time ; Howell campaigner
Monnigh said he could not sup-
port the WSU candidate because
"He is just not acceptable and
does not represent the conserva-
tive faction in our organization
'Unified Working Force'
"I can better mold the organiza-
tion into the unified working force
so vital to success in the future,"
Monnigh continued.
Howell countered Monnigh's ac-
cusations with the argument that
his experience in working with
Romney-backed State Central
Committee chairman Arthur G
Elliott and Vice-Chairman Jack
Gibbs proved that he could work
effectively with both the moderate
and conservative wings of the
GOP party.
Another issue of debate con-
cerned the approach Young Re-
publicans would take in working
for passage of the proposed con-
stitution to come to a vote April 1.
'Political Action Committee'
Ferrand and Howell both ad-
vocated the setting up of a "Poli-
tical action committee' to educate
Young Republicans on the major
points of the document.
In the unofficial vote taken in
the University's club, Ferrand re-
ceived a two-thirds majority.
Ferrand advocates the, forma-
tion of a budget committee to
work toward curbing the annual
Young Republican deficit. Ferrand
would also like to see the state
divided into regions with three or
four clubs in each region. This
would facilitate inter-club co-
operation, he said.


member universities to transfer
at no extra cost to any CIC school
for short-term study in various
specialized areas.
The program is expected to be
followed by a broader plan design-
ed to cover an increasing number
of students. Courses elsewhere
will be cross-catalogued.
Costs the Same
Stanley F. Salwak, associate
director of CIC, explained that the
student "will pay no more al-
though the charges may be higher
at the university which he trans-
fers to for the special course. He
will enroll at his home university.
"Universities will have the op-
tion of dropping certain restricted
and costly courses in favor of rec-
ommending that students take
such courses at an institution
noted in the field."
The CIC is also considering sev-
eral other proposals.
Science Centers
In the discussion stage are cen-
ters offering advanced study in'
several of the sciences which will
be located at one or more of the
Also being considered is a com-
puter center, useable by all the
schools. Under study is the es-
tablishment of a regional chem-
ical analysis laboratory for an-
alyzing of geology problems.
Six of the institutions have
completed inital plans for taping
television courses featuring lead-
ing "teacher TV performers." The
tapes will thi'n be circulated to
010 schoolsso that students in
one school can take courses by'
professors in other institutions.
Federal Aid
To Education
lutions committee of the American'
Association of School Administra-
tors yesterday reiterated its re-
quest for a program of federal aid'
to educ tion that would cost
roughly '8-9 billion a year.
This is $3 billion more than
President John F. Kennedy has
proposed spending over a four-
year period.
The proposal was called "com-
pletely unrealistic" by Abraham A.
Ribicoff, then Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare, when it
was first made at last year's con-
vention of the AASA.
The resolution will be voted on
Wednesday morning.,





The American Association of
School Administrators recently
heard a proposal for free college
education in return for service to
the United Statep in either the
armed forces or the Peace Corps,
the Detroit News reported yester-
The proposal, which came from
Mrs. Margaret Lindsey, professor
of education at Teachers College,
Columbia University, included free.
schooling for at least two years.
Mrs. Lindsey said that her AASA
educational policies commission
was concerned about providing
"universal higher education.''
She estimated costs of the ad-
ditional education planned in her
proposal at $10 billion. "We aren't
thinking in terms of tuition alone
but of all costs including travel,
room and board if necessary, and
books and clothing," she explain-
ed. _
Anticipates Questions
Mrs. Lindsey anticipated ques-
tions to her plan. "They will ask
why society should pay for higher
education and who shall be taxed
to provide the revenue." Some will
question the scope of the plan
and want to restrict it to the aca-
demically gifted, while others will
demand that the plan offer voca-j
tional training, she said.
Viewing these criticisms of her
plan, Mrs. Lindsey said "These
questions were raised when it was
said that every child should have
an opportunity to attend high
school. Now universal secondary,
education is here to stay," broader
than ever expected, and willingly
Detroit superintendent of schools
Samuel M. Brownell, also a mem-
ber of the commission, would make
nio comment on the proposal ex-
cept to say that "we have to take
a long look at any such idea."
The AASA convention, held in
Atlantic City, also heard execu-{

Conant Announces Program
To Update Teacher Quality
ATLANTIC CITY ()-Dr. James B. Conant proposed yesterday
a three-point program to update the quality of public school teachers.
Conant, now concluding a two-year study of the education of
teachers, told the American Association of School Administrators,
convening here:
There should be a "very large" jump in salary for, teachers who
have proven themselves after at least four years of teaching.
Extra Pay
Older skillful teachers should be paid extra for providing "on
the job" training for new teachers.
State funds should be used to insure that the best teachers
available supervise college students on their practice teaching
assignments. <

... motion denied
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
third of a five-part series on Uni-
versity research and its relationship
to Michigan and Ann Arbor.)
Research, a basic part of the
University and its growth, while
providing much satisfaction to the
University, has also brought its
"The tremendous increase in
research enriches teaching as one
can't teach what is not known,"
Prof. Rensis Likert, director of
the Institute of Social Research
and chairman of the University
Senate committee on research,
declared recently.
"As a center of knowledge, it
is the role of University to be a
center of basic research," Prof.
Likert continued.
Certain Studies
Research itself enriches the ed-
ucational program of the Univer-
sity and provides funds for cer-
tain advanced graduate studies.
Last year, 4700 students, ap-
pioximately two-thirds of them
graduate students, were working
on research projects, Vice-Presi-
dent for Research Ralph A. Saw-
yer noted. More than 400 were
working doctoral research pro-
grams that would eventually lead
to dissertations.
Further, a vigorous research
program draws students to the
University. "Which schools draw
the best undergraduate students?"
Sawyer asked. "Harvard, Califor-
nia, the University-the institu-
tions with the best research pro-
grams. '
Personal Attention
"The best students want to go
where the best work is, not where
they get the best personal atten-
tion. It does not follow, though,
that undergraduates get less per-
sonal attention," he continued.
A major concern of the commit-
tee on research is the imbalance
of available funds for research.
The physical sciences and engi-
neering has much more available
money than the social sciences
and humanities.
The percentage of humanities
research funds was'so low that
it was difficult to figure a per-
centage for it, Prof. Likert said.
The University recognizes this
imbalance and attempts to aid
money-starved areas with its own
Seed Money
"It is fortunate that the gradu-
ate school has a $.5 million fund
to help fields that do not have
money. Surveys have found that
'seed money' pays off at about
ten to one," Sawyer said.
However, the humanities and
social sciences do not seem to be
suffering at the University.
This area had an increase of
38.1 per cent in master's degrees,
slightly ahea of the physical and
engineering science's 31.8 per cent
See 'U', Page 2
Johnson Wins
Dh W

Fails To Produce
Sufficient Evidence
To Justify Injunction
ATLANTA 00)-A three-judge
federal appeals court denied yes-
terday a motion for an emergency
order to admit Dewey Greene Jr.
to the University of Mississippi for
the spring semester.
The 22-year-old Negro from
Greenwood, Miss., wanted to be-
come the second member of his
race knowingly enrolled at Ole
Miss. The first was James H.
The 5th United States Circuit
Court of Appeals said it was ap-
parent that Greene "has not satis-
fied the strict and rigid require-
ments that must be met for the
court to grant an injunction or
other mandatory order of its own"
before the case reached the court
in regular course.
Great Likelihood
The opinion said the following:
"Unless an appellant can dem-
onstrate to the court on such an
emergency motion as this that
there is great likelihood, ap-
proaching near certainty, that he
will prevail when his case finally
comes to be heard on the merits,
he does not meet the standard
which all courts recognize must
be }eached to warrant the enter-
ing of an emergency order of this
Greene sought admission to the
university the same day Meredith
enrolled for a second term but
was turned away on grounds he
was trying to transfer from an
unaccredited college and because
of low grades. Greene then took
the case to court.
United States District Judge
Sidney Mize declined to issue a
final ruling after a hearing in
Hattiesburg, Miss., Feb. 4. He said
Greene should appeal his rejection
by the registrar to the university's
Recourse Futile
In pressing an appeal from
Mize's stand, Greene's attorney,
William M. Kinstler, said at a
hearing in Atlanta Friday that
recourse to the admissions com-
mittee would be futile.
Kunstler contended Greene was
turned down because of his race
and not because of academic quab
ifications. He said the same is
going to be true for any Negro
who applies.
Charles Clark of- Jackson, a
special assistant Mississippi At-
torney General, said Registrar
Robert Ellis was compelled to
carry out the university rules and
regulations and saw no reason to
make an exception for Greene.
At Oxford, Miss., Ellis said the
decision not to admit Greene
would stand unless the nine mem-
ber admissions committee over-
ruled- him.
The registrar added that Greene
was seeking to have the committee
make an exception in his case, and
reiterated that Greene's grgdes
were poor both in college and
high school.
The court's denial of the motion
for an emergency, order came on
the same day the United States
Supreme Court rejected a Missis-
sippi appeal asking review of ac-
tions by the justice department
and the 5th United States Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals in the ad-
mission of Meredith.
Kelley Gives
New Opinion
On Yearbooks
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Yearbooks, produc-
ed, and sold by students, fall into
the eategory of tax exempt enter-
prises,, Attorney General Frank
Kelley said yesterday.
Kelley's opinion was in response
to a query of State Superintendent

of Public Instruction Lynn Bart-
lett. There has been some ques-
tion raised by several school of-
ficials on the tax status of these
yearbooks especially in relation

Conant, President Emeritus of
Harvard University, said in a pre-
pared address:
"More attention should be paid
to rewarding those who have
proven themselves during the pro-
bationary period.
Stronger Morale
"Morale of the experienced
teacher would be strengthened.
The career teacher who mani-
fests desire to remain would be
rewarded rather than the tran-
sients who are now attracted by
the starting salary."
Conant said the teacher, just
out of college, is almost always
thrown into a teaching situation
with only the experience of prac-
tice teaching behind him.
"Financial arrangements should
be made so that some of the time
of some of the older, skillful
teachers could be devoted to help-
ing the new teacher become an ex-
perienced teacher as rapidly as
Supervise Students

The Truth Is Out

_________,~ ~Newso...

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