Daily Correspondent
KANPUR, India - University
professors here at the new Indian
Institute of Technology are acting
as catalysts in an. educational ex-
periment that's aimed to produce
a revolutionary new formula .for
Indian technical education.
They're providing Indian col-
leagues with American ideas and
insights to blend with local ex-
perience and requirements to pro-
duce the new compound.
Basic aim is to produce what
philosophical IIT Director P. K.
Kelkar likes to call a "climate"
for creative, scientific thinking
geared to developing India's na-
tional needs. The climate is not-
ably lacking at most Indian engi-
neering and 'science colleges which
aren't producing the free-think-
ing, inovating engineers needed
to blaze the technological trail to
national plenty. Using sterile, an-
tiquated methods centering around
dry lectures snd an all-encom-
passing final examination, these
colleges are producing graduates
capable only of working with exist-
ing facilities. Kelkar for one wants
to alter this, and he's using the
new foreign Aideas to trigger the
Top Universities
The United States government
has already backed the IIT revolu-
tion to the tune of $6 million and
promised as much more as is need-
ed. But more important, it has
spurred the organization of a con-
sortium of nine top American uni-
versities and technical schools who
are providing the advisers and ad-
vice-the new ideas. This is where
the University comes in.
Two Ann Arbor professors have
settled into Western-style houses
in Kanpur with their families. In-
dian linguist Prof. O. L. Chavar-
ria-Aguilar of the Near Eastern
studies department is helping to
plan a new departure in teach-
ing humanities .and social sciences
to Indian engineers. Prof. Moses,
Kaldjian of the engineering col-
lege is doing the same in his spe-
cialty, mechanical engineering.
In Ann Arbor, the English Lan-
guage Institute is analyzing IIT
students' written works to estab-
lish a factual basis for the English
American Notions
Many of the Americans' ideas-
apparently unrevolutionary no-
tions such as regular, graded
homework and weekly quizzes-
are being adopted straightway.
But Director Kelkar is quick to
stress that a successful IIT can't;
be based on simple copying.
Out of the interchange between
what is American and what is
Indian, he says, IIT must develop
its own self-sustaining intellectual
elan and tailor a methodology to
fit it. Needless to say, IT is going
to be different than present In-
dian technological colleges, but
Kelkar himself isn't sure of the
precise direction which the three-
year-old institution will take. In
his unassuming way, he's only
hoping to do what hasn't yet been
Kelkar bases his designs for
"drastic" change on the psycholog-
ically-oriented economic develop-
ment theory that says knowledge
and creative ability are just as
important as hardware, and cold
cash in a newly-growing economy.
For a further view of India,
See The Daily Magazine
It is "the psychological energy of
human beings which brings about
and sustains a revolution," and IIT
is supposed to breed revolution.
Without an "intellectual reser-
yoir" as a "base to vitalize indus-
trial activity to self-sufficiency,"
Kelkar believes, development will
be impossible.
The need for engineers who can
think for themselves to map In-I
dian solutions to Indian problems
is clear enough. Western aeronal-
tical technology, for instance, is
jet oriented, but what India needs
is a kind of economical, high-ca-
pacity, low speed air transport the
developed nations have little in-
terest in. She'll have to design
and build this herself.
Likewise, India needs not a pio-
neering new design for an automo-
Educa tion
bile, but, cheaper, more durable
bicycles. She needs a whole range
of simple but effective tools and
factories which can be operated by
workers unschooled in the most
advanced technology.
Mere operators won't solve these
problems; IIT-trained science-ori-
ented engineers should.
Though India is woefully short
of engineers of all stripes, IIT/
Kanpur thus aims more at quality
rather than quantity per se.
Beacon Light
IIT has another and potentially
even more important task than
turning out, 3-400 graduates every
year. If successful, it will act as
a beacon light for all India's 100
technological colleges in educating
the new generation of engineers
who can creatively bend "explod-
ing" modern technology to the na-
tion's needs.
(At the moment, Kelkar feels,
the India nengineers' prime duty
is creative adaptation rather than
so-called "blue-sky" research.)
The vehicle to carry these ambi-
tions aloft has just started to putt-
putt toward its destination. Hous-
ed in temporary quarters, IIT has
only 300 students, 100 each for the
first three years of a five-year
program. New buildings are just
now going up at Kalyanpur, a few
miles northwest of Kanpur, a
sprawling wool and leather goods-
producing city of 1.3 million.
When finished, the campus will
accommodate the entire IIT. It
will have everything from low-
rent housing for the entire aca-
demic and non-academic staff to
an air conditioned (150,000 vol-
ume) library and a swimming pool,
real boons on the sun-baked Gan-
geatic plains where summer tem-
peratures climb well over 100.
(Enough buildings will be fin-
ished for the present skeleton staff
and students to move to Kalyan-
pur this spring.)
The staff is right now mostly
planning ahead, it has just start-
ed to hire the 200 faculty need
to fill the table of organization.
Beyond technical skills, the prime
qualification is a willingness to
try new ways of doing things. IIT
has been swamped with applica-
The new faculty men will be
teaching at an institution which
however Indian it may be, will
also have a distinctly American
cast. Here's Kelkar's list of some
of the things he wants IIT to do
in order to "release the creative
energies" of his students., To an
American, they're old safety hel-
met; to an Indian, a new way of
academic life.
Academic Characteristics
1) Students, who normally de-
pend entirely on the lecturers and
rather poor "texts," must study
See 'U', Page 8
GOP State Conventio
Elecs Eliottas Lade
For Regents
Nisbet Nominated
For MSU Position,
Rouse Also Named
4LIE it lau
:43 a t I]y
-AP wirephoto
COMPETITORS-John A. Gibbs, left, and Arthur G. Elliott, Jr.,
rival contestants for the Republican state chairmanship, attempt
to pin campaign .badges on one another at the state convention
held in Grand Rapids.
Ann Arbor To Hold
Primary Balloting
Ann Arbor's only primary election, consisting of the race be-
tween Republicans Dominick A. DeVarti and Paul H. Johnson for
the nomination for council from the Third Ward will take place
Democrat Dallas R. Hodgins is running unopposed on the Demo-
cratic ticket.
Johnson describes his program as "conservative Republican" in
scope. It includes a proposal of no action on a fair housing or-
dinance, opposition to the sale of liquor by the glass in the city
and a call for improved relations"
between the University and the .
city government. atStudent' 's
De Varti's Program 'e es
City Editor
Special To The Daily
GRAND RAPIDS--With an at
least outward show of peace and
unity, John A. Gibbs of Royal Oak
nominated Arthur. G. Elliott of
Bloomfield Hills for Republican
state chairman yesterday, and the
former Oakland County chairman,
Gov. George Romney's reported
preference, was unanimously elect-
For the most part, Gibbs with-
drawal from the chairmanship
race settled the GOP state conven-
tion into a quiet rut, marked by
some close contests but no surface
As expected, former constitu-
tional convention delegates Wil-
1iam B. Cudlip (R-Grosse Pointe
Shores) and Ink 'White (R-St.
Johns) got the nod to oppose
Democrat Regents Eugene B. Pow-
er of Ann Arbor and Donald M.
D Thurber of Grosse Pointe in
the April 1 election.
Seventy-Two Years
of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXIII, N4. 103
AAUP Hits, Manner
Of Shapiro Dismissal
Special To The Daily
SWARTHMORE-Although the American Association of Univer-
sity Professors upheld the right of Oakland University to fire a pro-
fessor who does not have tenure, they have condemned the procedure
used in the case of Prof. Samuel Shapiro.
Oakland'University had violated the "one year's notice" stand
of the AAUP and were improper in their statements to the press
"concerningthe dismissal,. Prof.
- - Shapiro said here yesterday.
Arkansas College Head
Cites Expulsion Rationale
President Lawrence Davis of the Arkansas Agriculture Mining
and Normal College explained his reasons yesterday morning for
suspending the ten students who had continued, despite his orders, to
participate in the sit-in demonstratons.
He indicated that the situation was a complex one but said the
primary reasons for the administration's decision not to support the
...no flu now
Theory Cited
Personnel Director
Special To The Daily
SWARTHMORE - Political
scientists must be aware that
Social Darwinist theory is still
implicit in their thoughts when
they attempt to discern patterns
in Latin American countries,
Prof. George Blanksten of North-
western University p o1 i t i c a 1
science department told the con-
ference on Latin America here
Political theory of developing
nations seems to be a revival of
Social Darwinism with its impli-
cations of inevitability, separate
levels, increasing complication and
"progressiveness" of change. He
noted this phenomenon and warn-
ed that theoriticians should care-
fully define the political processes
that they are examining before
they make any value judgments
or correlations on developmental
Prof. Blanksten spoke on the
general "theory of politics and
development" as applied to Latin
America. He asked theorists to
remember that each country is
unique before he outlined five pre-
valent hypotheses on Latin Ameri-
can patterns.
Lack Specialization
These included observations on
the lack of specialization of such
institutions as the army and the
church, the nature of the political
parties, the highly fractured so-
ciety, the type of leadership and
the dynamism of the entire con-
The tendency of the church and
the army to fill many functions
of the society fills the same an-
alytic function for social scient-
ists as the lack of economic spe-
cialization does for economists
according to this "specialization"
Political parties are of a non-
aggregative nature in that they
have a specialized appeal as op-
posed to the aggutinative (all-
things-to-all-people-approach) of
American political parties accord-
ing to the second mentioned hy-
Loosely Associated
The societies are loosely asso-
'Shapiro is attending the Swarth-
more Conference on Latin Amer-
ica as a panelist. The AAUP has
asked , for a letter of retraction
from MSU's president John A.
Hannah and the MSU Board of
Trustees on the statements made
to the press about Prof. Shap.iro's
interest and competence in the
field of American history.
No Reply
There has been no official reply
as Hannah is now in Nigeria.
Prof. Shapiro protests the "in-
uendoes" leveled against his com-
petence and the refusal to clarify
them by university officials.
He declared that he believes he
has the right to know exactly what
has displeased the university as
he takes the responsibility for his
statements and actions. He as-
serted that he has done his job
well and that Latin American
politics are not outside the realm
of American history.
The university has not kept
faith with him, he said. In Jan-
uary 1961, he offered to resign if
his controversial statements were
injuring its reputation. He was
assured, he pointed out, that this
was not necessary.
Previous to that he had agreed
to'give up a Leverhume Fellowship
because they were shorthanded in
American history. This fellowship
would have allowed him a years
study in England and to research
on the Webster-Ashburton treaty.
A year ater Oakland University
fired hii for not being interested
in American history.
The controversy aroused by his
discharge has brought one .good
result, Prof. Shapiro said. Oak-
land University officials have ag-
reed to discuss changes in the
personnel policy.
As yet, Prof. Shapiro has ac-
cepted no new position. He was
offered a post at the University
of Havana and would have liked
to have taken it as it would have
offered him an excellent chance to
study current Cuba. The state-
department would not issue visas
to his family.
A nnis Details
Program Cost
By The Associated Press
The president-elect of the
American Medical Association said
Health Service
Reports Lack
Of Epidemic
The University' has no Asian
flu epidemic, Health Service Di-
rector Dr. Morley Beckett report-
ed yesterday.
Moreover, Dr. Beckett pointed
out, the Health Service infirmary
has less patients than usual at
this time of year. Of the thirteen
patients currently there, only
three are suffering from upper
respiratory ailments, he said.
Dr. Beckett noted that Health
Service treated two Asian flu
cases in January. However, tests
of the students, both from the
eastern United States where the
flu is' more prevalent, were not
completed until this week and re-
ported by Prof. Fred M. Daven-
port of the medical and public
health schools to state and De-
troit health officials.
He explained that Health Ser-
vice requested detailed tests by the
public health school's virology lab-
oratory of anyone suspected of
having Asian flu. These take
several weeks. Currently several
other students are being tested, he
demonstrations were because of
the danger involved to the stu-
The probability that such dem-
onstrations would be unfavorably
received by the state legislature,
which is due to appropriate funds
for the college this year, was an-
other factor in his action.
Unsponsored Movement
Davis pointed out that the Pine
Bluff Student Movement, the
group that organized the sit-ins,
was not a movement sponsored by
the AM&N student government
council and did not have the sup-
port of any but a very small num-
ber of students on campus.
"I recognize the leadership of
the student government council
and the sit-ins vwere carried on
despite their lack of support and
despite my advice to the con-
trary," Davis said.
There had been efforts to de-
segregate lunch counters in Pine
Bluff before the sit-ins started,
he noted, but they were primarily
attempted by citizens in the com-
munity rather than students.
No SNCC Participation
Apparently one of these groups,
in which Davis was a member, was
on the verge of reaching an agree-
ment with the local merchants
when the sit-ins began. One of
the ground-rules before an agree-
ment could be reached was that
the Student Nonviolent Coordin-
ating Committee have nothing to
do with negotiations.
He said the suspended students
would be readmitted to the college
as soon as they submitted a state-
ment requesting re-admission and
indicating they will stop the
CIC .details
An unprecedented plan .to en-
courage graduate students to move
freely from one institution to an-
other was announced yesterday by
the University and 10 other major
Midwestern schools.
"The basic idea is to share our
institutional s t r e n g t h s," Prof.
Robert W. Williams of the educa-
tion school, administrative dean
of the Office of the Vice-Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs, and
University representative to the
Committee on Institutional Co-
operation, the group that formu-
lated the proposal, said.
The program will allow gradu-
ate students, upon the initiation
and direction of their faculty ad-
visor, to visit another university
participating in the program for
one semester, while still being
registered and paying fees to their
home universities.
This way, Prof. Williams said,
universities "don't have to try to
compete with each other" to build
facilities that are already avail-
able elsewhere.
The plan is scheduled to begin!
in September of this year. "The
first two years are experimental,"
he noted. "After that, the insti-
tutions will expand into as many
areas as seems practical." This
would include extending the pro-
gram to the undergraduate level,
he added.
DeVarti's program calls for tax
relief for senior citizens; astrong
fair-housing ordinance; remnovai
of all restrictions on the sale of
liquor by the glass, including those
relating to the number of bars
permitted and the withdrawal of
city monetary assistance ;6 the
central business district.
Johnson's position on the fait
housing ordinance is based on his.
view that, since President John F.
Kennedy has not introduced legis-
lation on fair housing but rather
has given an executive order cah-
ing for its end the council should
take no action.
Housing Ordinance
De Varti, however, called for a
housing ordinance aimed espe-
cially at banks and lending agen-
Regarding the proposal to make
the sale of liquor by the glass
legal on Division St. Johnson said
he considers the sale of liquor by
the glass the first step in tcity's
DeVarti's view is diametricaliy
opposed to Johnson's in that he
feels that there ought to be noa
limitation on the sale of liquor'
by the glass not even regarding
the number of bars permitted or'
their location.
Tax Increase
Concerning the city's tax situa-
tion, Johnson feels that the pro-
perty tax should continue to be
the city's main form of taxation.
but warned that a tax increase
may be necessary.
DeVarti calls for the substitu-
tion of an income tax for the
property tax and a cut in taxes
if possible.
Both men agree that better re-
lations are needed between the
city and the University and both
said that University planners of-
ten fail to take the city's nee.is
into account in planning Univer-
sity expansion.
The polls will be open from 7
a.m. to 8 p.m.
In Bulgaria
African students disillusioned by
their 'treatment under Communist
Bulgaria's educational system and
by prejudice and restrictions on
their freedom have begun an exo-
dus from the country.
Twenty Ghanaians left Satur-
day, six Ethiopians are reported
to have left yesterday and the
British legation in Sofia announc-
ed it is making arrangements for
20 departing Nigerian students.
"The Balkan nations offer mon-
etarily-high fellowships to attract
African students who cannot af-
ford to go to the West. This brings
students from primitive back-
grounds into a situation where, for
the first time, they can act like
lords," a University graduate stu-
dent who had lived in the Bal-
kans for a number of years, com-
All-African Students' Union
Seven African students were ar-
rested by Bulgarian police Mon-
day as leaders of the All-African
Students' Union, which the Com-
mnunists had banned. The arrest
touched off a mass demonstration
The official Soviet news agency
Tass has reported that there are
370 African students in Bulgaria.
Most receive a monthly state pay-
ment of approximately $30.
Better Living Conditions
"Prejudices breaks out most
often where Africans live better
than the natives and date Balkan
girls. There is, also, a certain
amount of restriction on their per-
sonal freedom," he explained.
The majority of the African stu-
dents in Bulgaria, although they
have expressed a desire to leave,
are held up by lack of money for
airplane or train tickets.
"It is not necessarily true that
African students in the Balkans
become Communists. They accept
the fellowships because they. want
specific training in their field, not
for any political reasons."
He noted that the United States
should offer more scholarships for
African students, although the ed-
ucational emphasis should be for
the Africans to study in, nations
which are equivalent in progress
or a little higher than their home-
"There is not much use in hav-
ing Africans study with instru-
ments and techniques they will
have no opportunity to employ
once they return from a highly-
industrialized Western nation. It
is more advantageous for them to
study with the old-fashioned
equipment they will probably find
at home," he continued.
Regent Elections
They defeated Dr. Frederick E.
Ludwig of Port Huron and Edward
McCormick of Monroe. Other Re-,R
gental hopefuls, James Egan of
Brown City and Thomas Edwards
of Traverse City, were not nomin-
Former con-con President Ste-
phen S. Nisbet (R-Fremont), who
is still recuperating from a heart
attack, was nominated without dis-
sent for one opening on the Board
of Trustees of Michigan State Uni-
versity of Agriculture and Applied i
Science. The other seat went to
former Trustee Arthur K. Rouse
of Boyne City, who was unseated
in 1960.
The only other real contest came
for superintendent of public in-
struction. The convention nomin-
ated MSU Prof. "Raymond N.Hatcha
of Okemos in a close battle against
Eastern Michigan University Field
Services Director Carl R. Anderson
of Ypsilanti.
To Contest Incumbent
Hatch will face Democrat in-
cumbent Lynn M. Bartlett.
Other contests were humdrun,
The Wayne State University Board
of Governors, without contestants
for its two openings Friday night,
managed to draw Dr. Adfred H.
Whittaker of Grosse Pointe and
Marshall V. Noecker of Grosse
Pointe Farms.
Ford Motor executive James F.
O'Neil of Livonia, the only candi-
date for the single slot on the
State Board of Education, was
also nominated without dissent..
Two circuit judges from the
Ninth Congressional District were
named without opposition to op-
pose Justice Otis M. Smith and
former Justice Paul C. Adams.
Judges Richard G. Smith of Bay
City and Donald E. Holbrook of
Clare were named for the respec-
tive eight and six year openings.
The Republican platform, adopt-
ed with dispatch, calls for "ade-
quate appropriations" to higher
education, with an emphasis on
science and research.
'U' Structures
Research Setup
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond of a five-part series on Uni-
versity research and its relationship
to Michigan and Ann Arbor.)
University research is organtized
in a complex, but generally effi-
cient manner.
The academic units of the Uni-
versity conduct research and in
addition, several research insti-
tutes have been established to
handle interdisciplinary research
or studies that would be logistic-
ally impossible for departments,
schools or colleges to handle.
Heading up this $36 million re-
search complex is the vice-
president for research. His job is-
to co-ordinate University research
activities, both among themselves
and with the University's educa-
tional work. As graduate work and
research are so closely related;
the current vice-president for re-
search, Ralph A. Sawyer, is also
graduate school dean.
GreenbaumCompares Jewish Authors
American Jewish novelists write
about Jews for background mo-
tivation and symbolism, Leonard
A. Greenbaum, editor of Phoenix
publications and assistant to the
director of the Michigan Memorial
Phoenix Project, said Friday..
Comparing American Jewish
novelists of the '30's to contem-
porary ones, he found that the
earlier writers used Jewish sub-
ject matter as "incidental and
sociological" material while con-
temporary writers use it to add
"quality, not quantity, to their
human dignity and to live by a
code of integrity," Greenbaum
As an example he cited Edward
Wallant's "The Pawnbroker,"
which deals with a Jew persecuted
in Nazi concentration camps who
uses his income from illicit ac-
tivities in a Harlem pawnshop to
isolate himself from the world.
With its Jewish characters ,and
New York setting, "The Pawn-
broker" uses ethnic material for
background. The protagonist's ex-
perience as a Jew in Nazi Ger-
many motivates his mercenary
business life, his confused sociA
tomer who, embarassed, sneaks
across the street."
"The Assistant" portrays an ir-
religious Jew approaching bank-
ruptcy until a Gentile who once
robbed the Jew's grocery store
attempts to save the store and
its owners by way of retribution.
Through accepting suffering and'
serving others, the grocer sets an
example which results in the "as-
sistant's" conversion.
Symbol of Suffering
Although the novel notes that
suffering and the grocer's moral
precepts are common to all re-
liginns he feels the author used