THE MICHIGAN DAILY SA DA*k, ': THE MICHIGAN BAHaV SA ITIRDAV McConnell Wins Award DAVENPORT, HALE: Establish Training Program By STEVEN HALLER program provides post-doctoral search, Prof. Cohen said. He not- raining program in animal and pre-doctoral training in this ed that the very fact that re- ,nd maintenance for veter- new field as well as an opportun- searchers may happen to utilize is has been set up at the ity for advanced students of vet- live animals for their investiga- sity "as an effort to meet erinary medicine to spend some tions does not mean that the re-! eds of the rapidly growing time in supervised research and to searchers have the necessary back- feld of laboratory .'animal decide whether or not they wishi ground in animal husbandry, of ne," according to Prof. Ben- to pursue such a career further. whichdlaboratory animal medicine J. Cohen of the Medical The need for such a program is a new and special aspect. is a fairly recent development in Need Animals . Cohen explained that the the broader area of biological re- It is generally accepted without question in the scientific com - munity today that the use of animals for experimental research is necessary for scientific progress, Prof. Cohen pointed out. 't f However, not all institutions have yet achieved the kinds of professional standards which. present knowledge permits for the care and maintenance of labora- tory animals. "The objective of .4 our training program is to obtain Sithesestandards," Prof. Cohen ex- 3-.... . . . . . . . . . . . plained. Prof. Cohen added that the average student of veterinary medicine has little opportunity to r'become familiar with the types - .of animals used in laboratory re- search, such as mice and chimpan- zees, although he may have been well-trained as far as common domestic animals are concerned. f, rGrowing Field Although the field of laboratory -Daily-Kenneth Winter medicine is only about 15 years NSORED RESEARCH-This graph illustrates the increase in old, it is growing by leaps and volume of sponsored research which has been undertaken by bounds, as more and more medi- University in the last two decades. By 1970 this figure is ex- cal schools come to realize the im- ed to jump to nearly $140 million. portance of a sound background in the proper care of live labora- tory animals, Prof. Cohen added. rfo rh Currently a large number of vet- Lfen iU1u es o R esedre erifiarians come to the University to learn how facilities for animal intinuepToIn eseat jJ' "creandmaintenanceshould be The basic research facility for ()students in the field of laboratory (continued from Page 1) surpass defense department con- animal medicine is the University Listration and the Atomic tracts and grants. The latter have animal care unit, directed by Prof. rComission snd erving asremained at the same level while Cohen. re ponsosof Uersity NSF, NIH and NASA contracts The services provided by the large sponsors of University and grants have increased con- animal care unit are many and easing federal contracts and siderably in the last three years. varied. They range from main- have boosted University re- "These are large figures and tenance of standards of day-to- . In 1960-61, the govern- they place the University in the day care of the laboratory animals spent $23 million; this year very top rank of American uni- to professional counsel and guid- r predicts it will spend $30 versities in the amount of research ance "when such services are re- which is heing dnne fnr the fd- quested by any researcher." A a AM 9"11r"q ! i For Flatworm Research OSA KeepsAir of Transition Al Prof. James V. McConnell of the psychology department has re- ceived a Research Career Award from the National Institute of Health. The award is intended to en- able the University to provide his salary for five years for full-time research and research training. One of the top honors in the fields of health-related sciences, the award was made on the basis of a nationwide competition. P r o f. McConnell is widely known for his research on flat- worms which made significant contributions to the basic study of learning and memory. In addi- tion, the research points to pos- sibilities that may eventually open a new way of facilitating the learning process in man. Startling Things Prof. McConnell's work with the lowly Dugesia, a planarian worm, has uncovered, a m o n g other startling things, the fact that learning and memory are trans- ferable from one such flatworm to another via cannibalistic inges- tion. Evidence showed that learn- ing causes some chemical change in cells throughout the worm's body. Picking up this clue, Prof. Mc- Connell and his associates are now studying the biochemistry of learning in flatworms in an effort to pin-point and determine the Lost ID'S The Office of Registration and Records has been desig- nated as the official depository for lost identification cards, according to Associate Director Merlin W. Miller. Any student who loses his ID card should inquire at Window A of the Office of Registration and Records in the Adminis- tration Bldg. from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., exclusive of the 12:00 to 1:04 lunch hour. A charge of $10 is assessed to replace a lost ID card and its accompanying certificate. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth of a five-part series of pro- files on the several officials in the Office of Student Affairs.) By RONALD WILTON and THOMAS HUNTER Until a new director of housing is appointed, the Office of Student Affairs will retain an air of tran- sition. At present the housing office is under the direction of John Hale and Mrs. Elizabeth P. Davenport. Hale, former director of men's residence halls, serves in approxi- mately the same capacity under the new structure. Mrs. Davenport, former acting dean of women, works with women's housing and will get a new post once a new director is appointed. Hale noted recently that he gen- erally favors the new OSA set up and believes that it will facilitate the handling of University hous- ing problems as well as bring pol- icy-making closer in line with the interests of the student. Individual Student "The OSA is much more stu- dent-oriented, in that it will be able to take on more of a concern for the individual student," he commented. He pointed out that the long, step-by-step process of centraliza- tion has taken place by putting the bulk of record-keeping and paperwork under a single super- visor. He cited immediate changes involving uniform room applica- tions and a single descriptive book- let on housing. The elimination of male and female branches under the OSA not only makes it easier from the students' point of view, but it also gives the administrator "fuller perspective" in carrying out his duties. "Often the problem of the students are different but it is much better dealing with them as students," he said. Different Problems Mrs. Davenport agreed that "we want to deal with students as stu- dents, but there are different problems. Women think about their housing differently from men." She explained the University's position as trying hard to offer the student a choice of housing while being committed to a phil- osophy of growth. "We are try- ing to work out procedures for implementing the philosophy. We are all learning as we go along." While most of her job is work- ing out policies and procedures for women's housing with her staff she also does some counselling. "We are working harder now than be- fore because we are attempting to fill out new roles." She also meets with directors of the women's res- idence halls and members of the housing staff and attends to cor- respondence, and reports. Although she was unable to pre- dict what her new job mnight be when a new housing director is appointed, she added she would prefer something where "I would not lose all contact with students." JAMES V. McCONNELL ... studies in memory a -7 chemical change. Prof. McCon- nell notes that present experi- ments seem to indicate that trans- fer of memory might take place specifically through ingestion of a certain body chemical, ribonuc- leic acid (RNA), by a cannibal worm. "But this is still an assump- tion," Prof. McConnell explains. He adds that many questions re- main to be answered, such as "is it really RNA? If so, what kind of RNA is it?-and 6000 other questions." Practical Possibilities At this stage, the practical ap- plication of such discoveries can only be hinted at. But the increas- ing knowledge of the biochemistry of learning may someday lead to a chemical substance which would help man learn more readily. At the moment, however, Prof. McConnell's research is sending him back to school to gain a greater knowledge of organic chemistry. Prof. McConnell's research is sponsored by the National Insti- tute of Mental Health and the Atomic Energy Commission, as well as by his most recent award. s yc CINEMA GUILD poejenu AOA To Send' Hayes Abroad Dr. John T. Hayes of the Medi- cal Center will be a guest of the British Orthopedic Association in April and May. Hayes was one of four ortho- pedic surgeons in the United States selected by the American Orthopedic Association to view British procedures and techniques. He will deliver several reports on American methods. . Saturday and Sunday at 7 and 9 AN EXCEPTIONAL MOTION PICTURE Luis Bunnel's "VI RI DIANA" Starring SILVIA PINAL, FERNANDO RAY and FRANCISCO RABAL Banned in France and Spain-Grand Prize, Cannes An extraordinary study of personal and social decay *F ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents :. CHILDREN WITH PALSY: Study Shows Guidance Need An afflicted child's psychologi- cal adjustment to cerebral palsy has a vital but often overlooked effect on his rehabilitation, re- search by Gail Homer, '64, has revealed. Miss Homer found that the psy- chological adjustment is closely linked up with the child's con- ception of himself and his defense mechanisms which, in turn, are directly related to his response to rehabilitation. The practical significance of the study is that it makes more evi- dent the necessity of psychological research and guidance for handi- capped children. Such guidance "is an important prerequisite for Ruhlann To View Chinese Theatre The Alliance Francais will pre- sent the first in a series of luncheon lectures Saturday, Feb. 16 at 12:30 p.m. in the dining room of the Michigan Union Uni- versity Club. Professor Robert Ruhlmann, visiting lecturer in Chinese, will discuss "Le Theatre Chinois," and show slides. successful rehabilitation," Miss Homer explained. f To demonstrate the integral re- lationship between defense me- chanisms, self-concept, and ad- justment to disability, Miss Homer gave the children a series of scientific tests which were later combined with information on each child in reports by personnel involved in the therapy. The complex technical designs and procedures of the experiment, when put together and analyzed in detail, revealed a notice- able difference between the ad- justed children and the less ad- justed ones in their defense reac- tion. The children in the former group tended to cope with their disability through achievement in therapy or outside interests, while those in the latter group tended to live in a fantasy world, refusing to associate their affliction with themselves. Such tendencies were confirmed in scientific terms by the tests used in Miss Homer's experiment. For example, the less adjusted tended to distort or ignore the meanings of words, such as "walk," that are considered to produce anxiety in a cerebral palsy child. The children's case histories alone point up the necessity of psychological research and appli- cation, Miss Homer notes. They show that "the highest achievers are not those with the best physical potential, or those participating in the most ad- vanced therapeutic method, but rather those who have acquired adequate d e f e n s e mechanisms and, generally, those who have acquired a purpose in life." Miss Homer conducted her re- search as part of a psychology course, IMP14P * STARTING TODAY * DIAL 2-6264 Shows at 1-2:45-4:50 6:50 and 9:00 Feature 20 Mins. Later ~ He didn't know it, but he was giving his wife his I~ l business! a ' NX.