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February 15, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-15

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roes beck Explains Student Transfer Procei


Noting that the number of students requesting admission as
transfers to the University has increased by more than one-third
in the last five years, Assistant Director of Admissions Byron L.
Groesbeck Wednesday outlined transfer procedures and operations
of the, Admissions Office in that procedure.
Groesbeck explained that there are two types of transfers:
the transfer from one unit of the University to another and the
transfer from another college or university to this one.
In the case where the transfer is from another unit of the
University to either the literary college, the education school or
schools of nursing, pharmacy, music, and architecture (other Uni-
versity units have their own admissions offices), the student mere-
ly fills out one transfer form and one transcript order form.
Two-Point Average
"Generally, a student with a two point average will be ad-
mitted," Groesbeck said, "but there are exceptions. A few first
semester freshmen are admitted to' a different unit with averages
below a two point, but they must .make up the deficiency in their
first semester in the new unit."

Occasionally, he added, the school's academic standing com-
mittee to which the student is applying is consulted when he is
below a two-point. Most often such a student is turned down.
A transfer from another school or college entails a more ex-
tensive procedure. "Admissions at this level are a great deal like
freshman admissions," Groesbeck said. "Units tell us fow many
transfers they can handle. It differs only from freshman admis-
sions in that we have a college record in addition to a high school
record, as well as a confidential report on the student from the
dean at his previous school."
Depends on Program
In general a transfer student is required to have a two point
five average, but this depends on his program, Groesbeck said.
This is because studies have shown that transfer students usually
average about a half a grade-point lower at the University than
at the institution they previously attended. Sometimes an unfav-
orable personal record may prevent their admission.
As with freshman admissions, all qualified instate residents
are admitted first. Then applicants from out-of-state fill the re-

maining vacancies. "This usually results in a two-thirds instate
one-third out-of-state admissions ratio," Groesbeck said.
Aftre a student has been admitted, the Admissions Office must
evaluate the credits the transferee earned at his other school. This
process "has been receiving a fair amount of attention these
days," said Groesbeck, because "innovations (in courses) have
made it hard to keep up to date."
Two Types of Credit
Groesbeck explained that three types of credit are given. If a
student has taken a course which is comparable to one offered at
the University, he is given credit as if he had taken that course
here. For example, if a history course covers nearly the same ma-
terial as some history course here, the student would receive credit
for having taken the course here in terms of credit hours and
meeting distribution requirements.
If a student has taken a course which has no close equivalent
at the University, yet which clearly belongs within a certain depart-
ment, the student is given "departmental credit." Again this type
of credit can be used to meet distribution requirements, though it
does not always meet requirements for sequences.
A third type of credit is given for courses which, at the Uni-

versity, would be considered of an interdepartmental nature. This is
"divisional credit," and it is broadly classified under terms such as
social sciences, natural sciences and humanities. These credits are
usually applicable to meeting distribution requirements.
No Credit
"There are courses, however, where no credit is given," Groes-
beck said. Remedial courses and physical education courses are
examples of these. But despite the problems in evaluating courses
"we don't have many complaints" from transfer students, he said.
Groesbeck made it clear that although the credits from another
school count on a transfer student's transcript, "no grade trans-
fers to the University transcript" of the student. The justification
for this is that while the comparison of courses and their content
can be made, it is impossible to compare the grades received in
them, he explained.
This means that a transfer student has two separate grade
point averages that are in no way combined and that any aca-
demic honors he may receive at the University are solely dependent
upon his performance here.

See Editorial Page

Sir 43&U a



Fair and cold today,
turning colder tonight

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Union Adopts Publication Planj

The Michigan Union board of
directors adopted the executive
council-submitted policy state-
ment on the Michigan Union
Reports last night by a nine-four
This statement formally en-
dorses the Michigan Union Re-
ports, "as a further expansion into
the area of free expression," in
an organization that "provides for
an expression of creativity." Cir-
culated four or five times a year,I
it publicizes Union events, and onJ
occasion acts as an outlet for in-
dividual Union member's opinions.
All such individual articles, would1
carry disclaimers as in keepinga
with this a-political policy.
Two reasons were advanced for
the new policy. The first is-to1

1 '

help develop articulate leadership
among Union members by allowing
them opportunities for free ex-
pression. The second is to help
educate the campus.*
In answer to a charge that it
was not the aim of a service or-
ganization to "get into politics," a
plan proponent replied that there
are "different reasons why people
join dissimilar organizations. We
think Union members, service
people, should be able to expess
themselves as much as journal-
Natural Expression
The Michigan Union Report will
be a natural expansion of the
role of the Union and should
not be considered ani encroach-
ment into the domain of existing

Senate Sees Demonstration
Of 'U' Research Project
A Laser rod, an OGO package, a gauge to measure the moon's
atmosphere and a crestatron--all devices developed by University
researchers-were demonstrated by University President Harlan
Hatcher Wednesday at the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing
in Lansing.
The various scientific devices were used to show Senators on the
committee the scope of research work at the University, in hopes
" f convincing the committee to
recomnind an additional $1-1.5
million for the Institute of Science
and Technology.
President John F. Kennedy has
: called for a million more scientists
and the University is one place
to get more, President Hatcher
:: Grave Danger'

It will have a projected circula-
tion of 3500 and will be distribut-
ed to housing unit lounges by the
Union public relations staff. Each
issuance should cost about $250.
Also covered at the meeting was
the check-cashing problem. It is
felt that the Union cannot now
provide adequate service with
existing facilities. The: board-
approved plan calls for a check-
cashing service extended to fe-
male students and all faculty
members, separate from the main
desk. Its attendant will be con-'
cerned with check-cashing only,
thus relieving the overburdened
main desk staff and desk-area
congestion. The new rates, yet to
be established by the finance com-
mittee, will be the same for stu-
dents and faculty.
The proposed organization chart
for the combined Union-League
was submitted for future amend-
ment and approval. The structure
calls for a board of directors
responsible directly to the Re-
gents.-The board would consist
of four students, two faculty mem-
bers, two alumnae, a general man-
ager and a representative of the
Vice-President for Business and
The chairman of the board
would be either a faculty or
alumni member. The organization
plan calls for an executive com-
mittee, responsible for day to day
operation and a student activi-
ties committee. In addition an
OSA-related all-campus commit-
tee composed of the presidents of
major student organizations, and
related interes ,s would calendar
all student activities.
The concept of the Student Ac-
tivities Committee separate from
the executive 'committee denotes
a major break from the present
board runs both set ups.
The plan will be presented to
the Union-League study commit-
tee for discussion and possible
Shapiro Firing
The American Association of;
University Professors has decided
Michigan State University-Oak-
land followed approved procedure
in its decision not to renew the
contract of Prof. Samuel Shapiro.
Despite Shapiro's activity as a1
writer and lecturer on Cuba and:
Latin America, academic freedom
was not a factor in his failure to
win tenure, the AAUP said in call-i
ing off its investigation.

Delta Unit
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher said yesterday. that his
'request for $50,000 of state funds
for planning the proposed Univer-
sity four-year branch at Delta
College was not an impromptu re-
"I was not sure that the ques-
tion of Delta would come up at
the hearing (the Senate Approp-
riations Committee h e a r i n g
Wednesday), but I was fully
prepared" to ask for a Legislative
resolution which would provide
planning support and Legislative
commendation for the University's
effort to establish a center at
Delta, he commented. .
The University, in establishing
its Flint College and Dearborn
College, secured Legislative ap-
proval before expanding, although,
as a constitutional autonomous
body, it was not legally required
to do so.
The request for a resolution to
provide support for planning a'
college is not without precedent,
President Hatcher added. Grand
Valley State College received a
sum of money for planning from
the Legislature, he indicated.
.Provides Extra Aid
If such a resolution should pass,
it would provid3 additionalassist-
ance toward the completion of the
Delta-University, talks, although
the negotiations would be con-
tinued even without such state
funds, the President asserted.
The money, if appropriated,
would help finance administra-
tive time and staff attention to
implentation plans for a Univer-
sity branch.
From the direction of planning,
the University believes that an
agreement between the two insti-
tutions can be reached which
would be a contribution to highere
education in the tri-county area,
he said.


Battles rupt in Caracas

Hij ack

;. i: . "!:". .1(Asks U.S. Aid 'T ".,
........ s S A

In Defense

--Daily-Karl Menhart
IQC ELECTIQNS-The Inter-Quadrangle Council last night elected a new president and slate. of
officers. From' left to right are John Mattila, '65, secretary; John K. Bourland, '63, president;
Arthur Braun, '64E, treasurer, and Barry Kramer, '65E, vice-president. At the close of the meeting
outgoing president Robert Geary, '64E, handed the gavel over to Bourland.
IQC Elects Bourland President


'U' research /
Bonn Reveals
EEC Plans
BONN-West Germany has de-
veloped a four-stage plan design-
ed to ensure full Common Market
membership for Britain and forge
an unbreakable bond between
Europe and the United States, in-
formed sources reported yester-
The plan was unanimously ap-
proved by German Chancellor
K o n r a d Adenauer's Christian
Democratic Party and government
officials, the sources said.
The plan involves these steps:
1) Association of Britain with
the Common Market and creation
of a customs union between the
market and the European Free
Trade Association by 1965;
2) Full British membership in
the market sometime after 1965;
3) Political union among the
nations of the Common Market,
including Britain;
4) A cooperation pact betWeen

"There is grave danger of a
policy in Michigan that the state
can let the great University stand
while it brings other areas up to
its level," President Hatcher warn-
The University has been ex-
panding, however. There are now
10,412 graduate and prof'essional
students--as many students as
were> enrolled in the entire Uni-
versity at the time of Pearl Har-
bor, he said.
Although the number of en-
gineering students in undergradu-
ate programs have decreased here
and across the nation, the Uni-
versity's graduate engineering op-
eration has grown faster than any
other school, according to Presi-
dent Hatcher.
Different Facilities
Graduate students require dif-
ferent laboratory facilities and
faculty. It costs the state $3,058
per year to educate professional
students, $2,801 for doctoral can-
didates, $1,804 for master's can-
didates, $765 for juniors and
seniors and $318 for freshmen and
+sophomores, he pointed out.
Since the University provides
the most service to the state in
the graduate-professional job-J
filling areas, it deserves Legisla-
tive support in these areas, he j'-
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said
that every state dollar invested ;n
the University is matched by non-
state funds, including private gifts
and federal grants mostly for thej
graduate research level.-f
Asks More Funds
The University asked for ad-
ditional funds to meet the perat-
ing expenses on the new IST1
Bldg. which will be completed in1
June or July. It will provide 90,000

Within Possibility ~ ~~WiI~ UiU1I~
WihnPsiiiysaid he wants to reorient LQc
President Hatcher again pointed to individual house government.
out that "it is within the realm of The officers for the new year are
possibility" that a small-scale Barry Kramer, '65E, vice-presi-
program could begin at Delta this dent, John P. Mattila, '65, secre-
fall. tary and Arthur Braun, '64E,
This statement seemed to con- treasurer.
tradict earlier reports from Uni- Announce Candidacy
versity Executive Vice-President Present at the meeting were the
Marvin L. Niehuss and Vice- newly elected presidents of the
President for Academic Affairs different houses. Thomas Smith-
Roger W. Heyns that any such son, '65, and Jeff Fortune, '65E,
operations are "highly unlikely" both addressed the group about
for next fall. In fact, Vice-Presi- problems facing the quadrangles
dent Niehuss had said that "if, in the new year and also an-
things go smoothly, we might aim nounced their candidacy for the
for the fall of 1964." upcoming Student Government
However, these comments were Council elections.
made before the two vice-presi- The mandate concerning rules
dents knew that President Hatch- and regulations in the distribu-
er would request the extra $50,000. tion of literature in the quad-


John K. Bourland, '63 was elect-
ed last night as president of the
Inter-Quadrangle Council.
In accepting his nomination, he

rangle system and campaigning
and circulation of petitions in the
quadrangle system by candidates
on all levels of University student
government was passed by the
council and accepted as bylaws.
Circulate in Quads
The IQC rules and regulations
committee report adopted last
night allows SGC candidates to
circulate petitions in the quads,
but not in meal lines and at all
times "respectful of residents'
privacy." It allows stuffing of mail
boxes with the approval of the
house or quad council whose resi-
dents will receive the circulars.;
Robert Geary, '64E, advocated
the mandate since it provided
protection for the resident from
literature, petitioning and cam-
paigning which would invade his
A motion brought before the
council concerning the disolution
of IQC was defeated. The purpose

of the motion raised by Curtis'
Huntington, '65, was to show the
council that it was weak and in
order to remain effective must
make corrections.
Subversive Bill
Sta s Dormant.
In Committee
Special To The Daily
LANSING - Rep. Richard A.
(Honest John) Guzowski (D-
Detroit) yesterday decided not to
force discharge of his subversive
speaker resolution from the House
Committee on Revision and
Amendment of the Constitution.
Although Guzowski expects that
this group will report out his pro-
posal to the floor on Monday or
Tuesday, Rep. Homer Arnett (R-
Kalamazoo), 'chairman of the
committee, indicated last night
that he "still doubts very much"
whether the Detroit Democrat at
present has the votes to get the
bill out.
Guzowski last week proposed a
constitutional amendment which
would prohibit public education
institutions from opening their
facilities to speakers "advocating,
teaching or urging subversion."
While no legislator has voiced
opposition in principle to such a
revision, the committee would
rather hold off on any amendment
to the present state constitution
until after Michigan voters decide
the fate of the proposed con-
stitution April 1.
Guzowski said he decided
against a forcible discharge of
his bill as a "courtesy" to the

Of Country
Betancourt To Talk
With Kennedy Soon;
Alerts Army Units
By The Associated Press
CARACAS-Communist hijack.
ers of a Venezuelan freighter
claimed last night they were in
complete command of the.ship and
defied capture in an air-sea chase
in the Caribbean.
New violence broke out in Car-
acas and Venezuelan President
Romulo Betancourt alerted the na-
tion's -armed forces as he prepared
for his trip to Washington next
week for talks with President John
F. Kennedy.
United States warships and air-
craft joined in the search for the
fugitive 3,127-ton Anzoategui in
response to an appeal for_,help
from the Betancourt government,
which branded the hijackers as
Head to Santiago
Authorities said the hijackers
appeared headed for the eastern
Cuban pert of Santiago, about 40
miles from the United States naval
base at Guantanamo.
The United States Coast Guard
at San Juan reported interpreting
a radio ;message from the captive
ship-which read that the "crew
is well, and officers and men are
under arrest."
In Washington, informants said
United States searchers on locat-
ing the Anzoategui would report
the ship's position immediately to
Caracas. They suggested a Vene-
zuelan government request to in-
tercept it would be honored, but
the State Department and Navy
were officially cautioned in their
International Law
In branding the hijackers as pi-
rates,-Venezuelan Interior Minis-
ter Carlos Andres Perez declared
that all nations under internatioal
law are obligated to help in cap-
turing the Communists who seized
the freighter.
Perez rejected a reported pirate
broadcast offer to release the cap-
tain of the Anzoategui and his
crew of 35 in exchange for pardons
for jailed Venezuelan terrorists.
The Venezuelan government
blamed the hijacking on the Armed
Forces for National Liberation, an
organization with links to Cuba.
FALN leaflets strewn about Car-
acas newspaper offices said the
seizure of the ship was aimed at
turning world opinion against Bet
YD's Approve
Council Move
The Young Democrats have
passed a resolution commending
Student Government Council's de-
cision to take an active role in the
election of members of the Uni-

IBerle Calls Values Vital for Progress

The nation'. system of values
will determine the political and
economic progress of the Ameri-
can republic, Prof. Adolf A. Berle
of Columbia Universiy said yes-
"The elimination of poverty,
from an economic point of view, is
entirely feasible," Prof. Berle said
in the last of four William A.
Cook lectures.
"A party may soon even have
the elimination of poverty as its
political platform."
Why have certain localities pro-

they have the value of truth, half may be accumulated for individ-
of our cities would have to be torn uals through periodi, wage deduc-
down, Prof. Berle said. Greater tions, or the government may
efforts in this area would increase make direct grants and expendi-
employment and productivity. ,tures.
"We cannnot accept the situa- "As a nation thinks, so it is,"
tion where a considerable number Prof. Berle added. "The economic
of men are debarred from the op-
portunity to work. Unemployment progress that exists will be de-
not only deprives men of wages pendent on our sense of values."
but deprives them of meaningful Berle's lecture yesterday con-
participation in the functions of cluded his four part guest lecture
life. series on the "American Economic

nWelfare System a
."Welfare statism is not a drag
n the economy but is in fact a

Republic." In his talks since Mon-
day, Berle elaborated on the na-
ture and structure of the Ameri-

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