1 THE MICIIIGAN DAILY t 14' I L, SPECIAL STUDENT RATES VOGUE SEVENTEEN, Each $5 COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Three from Chicago Claim Attack in South NSA Asks Abolition of -A (Continued: Send to Mich. College Subscriptions 941 Spruce Berkeley 7, Calif. Your student headq uarters forK iTIG..bi Ca- rriesonly thehighest < grade of YARNS Nationally advertised in'- the leading magazines. Qi V r ^ > V- V f craft 0 ~j 10 NICKELS ARCADE NO 2-0303 i r jyn 3c~s Tfc c> e - :t-. < e ae a ~ ~ fc o >f CHICAGO-Three residents of I the University of Chicago commu- nity claim they were victims of violence and police brutality in Mississippi and Alabama jails. Ralph Fertig, Felix Singer and Terry Sullivan were arrested for participating in "Freedom Rides." A white woman was persuaded by an Alabama sheriff to accuse Fertig of "attempting to sit on her." (Fertig states that he had merely asked to sit by her.) Immediately Fertig was charged with assault and disturbing the peace. In jail that night he was warned he "would never leave town alive." Then the lights were turned off, all the cells unlocked. The other prisoners began beat- ing Fertig so severely that he mo- mentarily lost his hearing. Fertig posted bond and returned to Chicago to- enter a hospital. Singer and Sullivan, arrested in Mississippi, say they were dragged to jail through mud, across grass and then along the concrete floor. In their cells they were stripped then beat and kicked. MINNEAPOLIS - About 30, members of the Student Peace Union of the University of Min- nesota met Wednesday afternoon August 9, in front of the Union in 1,a silent observance of the drop- ping of the atomic bomb on Naga- saki 16 years ago. The group gathered in a semi- circle around a wastebasket of PAPER-BOUND BOOKS, Huge stock for all classes PROMPT SERVICE On Special Orders OVERBECK'S BOOKSTORE flowers to meditate on the need for I eliminating weapons of mass de- struction. Curious observers stud- ied the posters,'glanced at SPU lit-, erature or just sat on the Union steps and watched. SPU members believe that war, can no longer be used to settle in- ternational disputes. They study, alternatives to war and are work- ing to end the present arms race. They believe that to be effec- tive, any peace movement must be independent of existing power blocs and must seek new means of achieving a free and peaceful so- ciety. After a half hour of silence, the group listened to Dr George Hall, pastor of the Lutheran Stu- dent Association, speak on the sig- nificance of Hiroshima and Naga- saki. shape student ment. USNSA calls dents to seek to formal ca which prohibit doms, but also, ,ments with wh community whe by a common learning, nots atmosphere whi ters. USNSA conti belief that th not restrict t. thought, associ which are simu requisites of a social order and ment. USNSA dep government's i from Page 13)r f a.of the overwhelming majority of , PURPOSE OF STUDENT GOV- life and develop- those involved in the San Fran- ERNMENT - Student govern- csco demonstrations. ment, as a part of the educational on American stu- *!process, has a unique opportunity not only an end NON-VIOLENT ACTION Ito help the student become aware mpus restrictions USNSA, as a confederation of stu- of his social, academic, cultural legitimate free- dent bodies with full knowledge and political environment. By seek the instru- that a commitment to mAss civil disobdienetisa peronalde -making the student conscious of ich to generate a disobedience is a personal de- his environment, the student gov- re men are linked ision, does support the right of erninent complements the learn- ~remenarelinedstudents to. protest injustice commitment to ing process by creating within the segregated by the through dignified'non-violent ac- student the desire to form opin- ch paternalism fos- ton. ions and to take subsequent ac- . inherent dignity of the individual tions. nues to affirm the and the right of any individual The purpose of studentgovern- e university must to work.for rectification of ment is to encourage and provide hose freedoms of equality and injusticepresent in for this c eative thought process. ations and action services offered to him as part Within tht limits of interest and itaeouly he re-of the general public. c fln sly deocrtc USNSA commends the action of competence, student government Ifully democratic lean fulfill its function in educat- d personal develop- students who have chosen tQ work ing students by encouraging ef- for this rectification through non-'Ingctudensenc or n violent legal protest It strongly fective response to important lorss un believes that in this protest eac problems and issues on regional, cus sonui-national and international levels. we c+'m an xnu rye tuaietut't~f uvuit SEATTLE-A unique opportu- nity is offered at the University of Washington for students inter- ested in social work and social welfare. Students planning pro- fessional study in social work, those interested in non-profession- al social welfare positions,, and those who wish a liberal arts back- ground with an emphasis in so- cial sciences and social welfare, may elect a major in social welfare under the division of general stud- ies in the College of Arts and Sci- ences. Within this program the student will take a well-rounded program' in the social sciences, three courses in"social welfare, andhave an op- portunity to work in an agency that deals with a particular social welfare problem. Localagencies recently used in this program dealt with mental health, child welfare, juvenile and adult offenders, community orga- nization, mental retardation and physical handicaps and youth ac- tivities. versity autonomy and the academic rights of students and faculty members. Most seriously, USNSA condemns the present government policy of penalizing any and all criticisms of the Castro regime. The attainment of a Cuban solu- tion to these problems is jeopar- dized by such external interven- tions as the United States govern- ment involvement in the Cuban refugee invasion of April 1961 and the Soviet arms shipments to the Cuban government. USNSA there- fore condemns both these actions. * *-* OPERATION ABOLITION USNSA urges the United States House of Representatives to dis- ,claim the film "Operation Aboli- tion" as an official and accurate documentation of the San Fran- d demonstrations against the USNSA further feels that the film is being used to discredit those students. and .other citizens who protest the committee's procedures, tactics and its very existence. It considers the charges against these students as unwarranted and, as- serts its belief in the sincerity, independence and good intentions man must be guaranteed baothn theory and practice, due process of law and protection from in- timidation, no matter what its' source of sanction. * * *% VOTING RIGHTS - It is vital that a minority group possess the' right to vote. Were the laws now in effect properly enforced and ad- ministered they would be suf- ficient to guarantee the rights of, all citizens. USNSA reaffirms its desire to maintain and insure stu- dent rights in this area.' It urges that students assist' individuals in their efforts to qual- ify for registration, assist qual- fled individuals in their peaceful .efforts to register and encourage people to exercise their voting rights. * * * * BERLIN - USNSA condemns the border closing, which would 'deny the freedom of university access to the students of East Germany and in particular to the students living in 'the Soviet sec- tor of Berlin, who have been guaranteed the freedom of move-, ment under previous four power' agreements. COLLEGE ACADEMIC FACILI- TIES AND SCHOLARSHIP ACT- USNSA strongly urges the passage of the proposed College Academic Facilities and Scholarship Act and expresses its hope that the United States Congress will provide fed- eral aid to education. * *.: * COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION - It is suggested that each mem- ber school have a student educa- tional affairs representative to es- tablish programs to increase stu- dent interest in educational issues. USNSA belives this would also contribute to the formation of, or to the increased utilization of al- ready existing student groups con- cerning themselves with these is- sues. INTERNATIONAL RESOLU- TION NO. 1 - USNSA will send telegrams to Latin American gov- ernments and student organiza- tions requesting immediate action to save the lives of Alberto Muller and other Cuban students on trial for alleged counter revolutionary activity. I _I 3 t cl, lk A S o oOS, Qs kof '' yes 4b Aw, . P 5 Ng F , O C~ 464 o'p 4r4 hi', V ' F / , I V. 4 4 .. '. , For Every Course on the Mchigan Campus I RECORD 'TABLE Holds Largest pho- nograph with ample Record Room be- low. Size 14" x 20" x 231/2". $398 Ann Arbor's Friendly Bookstore x t o