THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY,. vv.".".", r s r. " ::wvrx v ::vrso". rraxvr "h ,:xrv " c x". vvv ""a" srr. "."."n hr..^.as r s rH...rws vvro "r" ." vhv. "ed.".-rv " .." ;". '++iS":'" . t{{{K '".. }:4sa:.. " '{" s hx:"." st " nvt :"hs"+r.". "rh+:"r v: r. ?. rrr..", ..} fiF.{"{ :ir11." "A'".. h. 'Y:.h v.a"" asv- " rrv ": " r x .: r .."r: ors ^. h .:.vw'" ......... ........?....".. 4... ..:. r. r.{ r}.... }}..... {" ".'v:{{" ." ........ "}" hv' : .. }". ' "" . .+$s . KSa h .t$-r o. .. ..!}}''. .. {" { '" {S. .. ...... ..:.v.""os ......... .. " . ..... ..}h. ..........r ....}.... ."v.. 'v .:"}:"°:"", !.."::' ti".'+'"' w v: "'s...1s .9:.x«"hY"y Mh vJ.. {. :y } yy "G5s'fit{ Ash... f . :.. rr .. r.. ..h. .2:. ... .rirP... v1. {";,. !w.'.n ". r" s .! !. ..{ s ..{.... s " aV . a. ... . "'L.A.."rv,: ssv::{{{".w.A. ...h.o a.. .}nr{..'.N.hAI.....h ..15.4"k.. h1 ".li J M1'A"Y.{".r!}:":.{hY."W.":.tiS'."rhs... :,'"$L '1e}anw,. dAA{t{n "w' .v1r v' "d e ..:..'}r:}3": 1~!CG'rll:YU':".::rr}}: '. 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ALL1"N. yi"';;:" ".'::::d ~ .-.':" Giiv:r'.:?Yti" 'd"::::{"...: v:r.:L :iSr:{vi:iiii"}:iSiiti 'ri.":?:Fr:":":rr":ii:".;:K:": rF(:::64 .. ra::v:"s ."rr:::r.+.w:"."r."."sr,>n.::.v.^.o. Those students who still have cards forms and format are available in 118 with the given name printed before Rackham Bldg., or call Ext. 3374. the surname (family name) may ex- change their cards the week of Feb. 5- Graduating Seniors: Orders for caps 10 in 414 Mason Hall. and gowns may now be placed at Moe's Students who need a new card be- Sport Shop, -711 North University. This cause of a name change resulting from order should have been placed before marriage, should immediately apply at Jan. 13, 1962. Window No. 2 of the Cashier's Office, Adm . cards may be replaced by Students who are definitely planning immediately making application at to transfer to the College of Literature, Window A, Office of Registration and Sience, and the Arts, School of Edu- WindowAdmfin gcation, School of Music, School of Records, Admin. Bldg. Nursing, College of Architecture and Students who are receiving Educa- Design, or the College of Pharmacy tion and Training Allowance under Pub- in February 1962 from another campus lien Law T550nig wand634 must dr u - iunit should come to the Office of Ad- lie Law 550 and 634 must 1) turn in missions, 1220 Student Activities Bldg. Dean's Monthly Certification form for immediately to make application for January, signed by instructors dur- ing the final exam period'. 2) Sign transfer. Month'ly IBM card for January any- time during the final examination per- ,he General Library will be open ad- iod in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, ditional hours on the weekend imme- 2226 SAB from 8:00-12:00 a.m. & 1:00- diately preceding examinations; on Sat., 5 p.m. Jan. 20, library hours will be 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Student Automobile Regulations The Undergraduate Library will ex- will be lifted for that period between tend its hours on Sat., Jan. 20 until the first and second semester, I.e., midnight. fro 5:0 pm.Fri, Jn.19, to 8:00 a.m. The Audio Room, Undergraduate L- from 5:00 p.m. Fri., Jan. brary, will be open from 1 to 10 p.m. Mo ., stue t driving permit holders on Sat., Jan. 20, and will have addi- are reminded to report any and all tional morning hours(8 a.m. to 12 changes of ownership, local address, in- noon) on the following days:2;Mon., surance, license plate changes, etc. to Jan. 22; Thurs., Jan. 25; Mon., Jan. the Office of Student Affairs, Driving 29;_Tu__.,_Jan._3_;_Wd.,_Jan._31_and Permit office. Office of the Dean of Men. Applications for Faculty Research Fund Grants: Faculty members who wish to apply for grants from faculty research funds to support research proj- ects should file their applications in the office of the Graduate School not later than Feb. 23, 1962. Instruction _____ ____presents: ORGANIZATION NOTICES Chess Club, Meeting, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3MN. Lessons for those who want them. Everyone wel, come. Ah, r s German Club, Coffee Hour Today Cancelled. SUllr Ski Club, Preparation for Trem- blant Trip, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3B. Beta Alpha Psi, Meeting, Jan. 17, 7 p.m., Bus. Ad. School, Faculty Lounge. Inter - Cooperative Council, Co - op Housing Applications for the Spring Semester are now being accepted. Apple Room 2546, SAB or phone NO 8- 6872, 9-12 or 2-5 p.m. -nt council "Sherwoodie has b since he got ICKS, & ROSS >A r )rium ,!I 75. $150. 11 .._.... .................... ............. "