FRENCH COURSES See Page 4 Y Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :43 xilu WINDY, CLOUDY High-30 Low-18 Growing colder tonight, clearing tomorrow III, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES V-o Hedge~s on Income Ta x * * * * * * * * * eague Council Adopts ove Abolishing LSTOR'S CONFERENCE: Ambassador Cites African Attitudes By JOHN McREYNOLDS and ROBERT SELWA "Africa is not only not Communist, but she will not be Communist if she can help it," R. S. Kelfa-Caulker, ambassador to the United States from Sierra Leone, told the 23rd Annual Michigan Pastors' Conference yesterday. "Africa has not been influenced by the East, but rather by the West," he continued. Africans Embittered He indicated that even though Africans have been embittered byI colonialists, they learned a better- Dutch W'4arn Indonesians _, R. S. KELFA-CAULKER. ... .no Communists EMBERSHIP: To Cons ider Socedures By CYNTHIA NEU Student Government Council will consider procedures for deter- mining the adequacy of member- ship statements at its meeting tonight. The SGC Executive Committee met Monday with the advisors and officers of Panhellenic Associa- tion and Interfraternity Council and the Committee on Member- ship in Student Organizations, to discuss the matter. It was agreed that SGC must determine the procedure to be used. There was a division of thought over whether the Council President or the Committee on Membership should decide if state- ments are complete. Deadline Today The deadline for the submission of statements is noon today. Ac- cording to SGC President Richard Nohl, '62BAd, no group petitioned for exemption, and 'all social fra- ternities and sororities have filed statements with the Office of the Vice-President for Student Affairs. A motion by Steven Stockmeyer, '63, would provide that houses, whose statements do not include the information required under the University Regulation of De- cember 13,. 1960, would be notified by the SGC president before Feb. 16, 1962. Filing Due Corrected statements would have to be filed within 60 days from the date of notification. Other items on the agenda in- clude a motion by Stockmeyer and Michigan Union President Paul Carder, 62, asking that a referen- dum be put before the student body at the March SGC election reading, "Shall SGC retain af- filiation with the United, States National Student Association?" SGC would commit itself to abide by the results of the referen- dum only if there were 3,000 voters, or 75 per cent of those voting in the election voting on the issue, whichever is greater. The Council will also receive the list of names suggested to fill the vacancy on Council. SGC may amend or add to the list by a two-thirds vote, and public in- terviews will take place at the Feb. 14 meeting. THE HAGUE (P--Indonesians talked war and the Dutch warned of the right of self-defense in bitter comment yesterday on a naval clash Monday off the south shore of Dutch New Guinea. Each accused the other of prov- ocation. Acting UN Secretary-General U Thant's appeal to both Indo- nesia and The Netherlands for a peaceful solution was supported by the United States. In Wash- ington, State Department Press Officer Lincoln White urged both nations to avoid fighting and "get on with constructive steps toward negotiation" of West New Guinea's future. But strong words were voiced in both Jakarta and The Hague. The Dutch gunfire which the Dutch announced sank one So- viet-built Indonesian torpedo boat and routed its flotilla companions "constitutes a direct challenge and war provocation," an Indonesian army spokesman declared in Ja- karta- "Indonesia will meet the chal- lenge."I Maj. Gen. Achmad Jani, chief of an operational staff command that President Sukarno has set up to enforce his claim to West New 'Guinea, declared "the Indonesian government is taking steps imme- diately to counter the Dutch at- tack." way of life from the people of the West, especially missionaries. "Why are you afraid of your pupils," he asked? African people feel colonialism to be bad, because it denies them the right to par- ticipate and makes them feel like second-class citizens, the ambassa- dor explained. Kelfa-Caulker said that non- alignment means for Africans the freedom to develop their countries in their ways, according to the methods and lessons the West has taught them. No Outsiders "We don't want to be Western- ers or Communists. We just want to be Africans," the ambassador declared. Africans do not consider the American racial problems as cru- cial, although they do consider them a burden on the United States government, Kelfa-Caulker said. He pointed out that land to Africans is a sacred commodity. "It belongs to those who have died on it, who are using it now, and who will be born." BULLETIN SANTO DOMINGO P) - Dominican President Joaquin Balaguer resigned early this morning after the wildest rioting in a month in the heart of Santo Domingo and a new, civil-military junta was sworn in to take over the govern- ment. Announcement of the gov- ernment change immediately drew the fire of the National Civic Union, the largest oppo- sition political faction. A spokesman for the party called it a military coup d'etat. ~enate, Committee Urges Groupf Disbandment Nemlaha Cites Plansr Forming New Body For Replacement r By DENISE WACKER r The Women's Senate has been abolished.E The action by Women's Leaguet Council was announced in a letterc sent to the women's senators and1 house presidents from Leaguek President Bea Nemlaha, '62. After nearly a semester of eval- uating the senate, the League Study Committee recommended' that the organization be dissolved. The committee is currently en- gaged in an attempt to modernize the structure of the League and formulate a more workable con- stitution.I Motion Passes The motion asking "that Wo- men's Senate cease to exist as of1 the end of this semester" wasY unanimously passed at the councilt meeting last Thursday. "Assembly Association, the League, and Panhellenic Associa- tion are in the process of forming. arother body to take its place," Miss Nemlaha said. The dean of women's office did not object to the "cessation" of senate. How- ever, Acting Dean of Women Elizabeth Davenport did suggest that another group, similar to it, be established. The new organization, which may retain the "Women's Senate"1 title, will be composed of represen- tatives from Panhellenic, Assembly and the League. The group would meet only when needed by any women's organization considering_ legislation which would affect wo- men at the University. Its primary function would be to obtain and1 to report on the opinions of wo- men. It would have no legislative powers of its own. Procuring Problem "Part of the (old) senate's prob- lems came from the fact that it1 had no legislative powers and was simply an opinion-procuring1 group," senate chairman Margaret' Skiles, '63, said. "The controversy over senate has been going on for quite a while. At one time, the senate' had nominal legislative powers, but it could only express approval or disapproval of proposed changes' in women's rules brought to it by women's judiciary. "Last year we attempted to re- define the areas of legislative powers by giving women's judi- ciary the powers which senate had formerly had. Unfortunately, many people still were discontent with senate," Miss Skiles added. ' Membership Problem The members of senate had been chosen by election or appointment from each women's independent and sorority house. It was the only organization on campus which had representation from both affiliate and non-affiliate . women in one body. d"The women from the sororities did not know if they should rep- resent their own views or those of their houses, many of which are opposed to automatic apartment permission," Miss Nemlaha said. Knives Stolen From Lloyd The women of Alice ,Lloyd Hall ate their swiss steak dinners last niht, without knives.TJack N. Lim- Statehouse Seeks IST Fund Grant By The Associated Press LANSING-Gov. John B. Swain- son yesterday called upon the Legislature 'to improve the eco- nomic status of the State of Mich- igan, and four Republican senators hinted that their opposition to a state income tax might be weaken- ng. Both houses received a message from the Governor, recommending specific measures for improving business conditions, including a request for $2.8 million for the Institute of Science and Tech- nology He will deliver more specific requests for education tomorrow. This message, in addition to the 1ST plan, asked only $225,000 for Michigan State University and Michigan College of Mining and Technology research in education money. In response, four of the 'mod- erate' Republicans indicated in- terest in constitutional convention delegate George Romney's (R- Bloomfield Hills) program for the state that includes a flat-rate in-a come tax.1 Senators Stanley G. Thayer (R- Ann Arbor), William G. Milliken (R-Traverse City), John W. Fitz-, gerald (R-Grand Lodge), and Far- rell E. Roberts (R-Pontiac) con- curred that "it is paramount to face up to the fiscal responsibility of this state," and agreed to con- sider the income tax on its relative merits. Thayer said that "we are never going to solve our tax problem until we accept some form of flat- rate income tax." Milliken agreed that such a tax was "inevitable." Plan Army Streamlining WASHINGTON (') -President John F. Kennedy sent Congress yesterday a six-point plan for drastic streamlining of the Army's high command so it will be better geared to meet swift-changing military demands. "The primary purpose of this reorganization is to develop an army with .the best possible com- mand structure, management, training, doctrine, weapons, equip- ment and morale," Secretary of the Army Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. said. The first major Army reorgani- zation in nine years affects the top headquarters level but leaves undisturbed the Army's combat structure and the headquarters of its field commands. It involves creation of two new top-level commands under which will be concentrated research, de- velopment, procurement and other functions now performed by such individual technical services as the ordnance. The "Tech" services will con- tinue to exist, but the posts of chief of ordnance, chief chemical officer and quartermaster general will be abolished, and the general staff will be relieved of many com- mand-like and detailed operating chores. The Continental Army Com- mand, headquartered at Ft. Mon- roe, Va., will take over from the technical services the job of train- ing their personnel. By JUDITH OPPENHEIM The general consensus of last night's panel discussion on faculty responsibility for academic freedom was that "there is a difference between freedom of the body and freedom of the soul." Prof. Philip Monypenny of the University of Illinois political science department, chairman of the American Association of Uni- versity Professors Committee on Faculty Responsibility for Students' Academic Freedom, said the line between strictly academic freedom and a wider area of civil liberties is somewhat hazy but that consid- eration of purely academic freedoms should be given priority. Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, Prof. John Reed of the law school, and Richard Nohl, '62BAd, joined Prof. Mony- penny in a panel discussion mod-i erated by Prof. George Peek of the political science department. Stresses Freedom Prof. Monypenny stressed free- dom of speech and publication as the most urgent questions. He said in matters of speech members of an academic community should be entitled at least to the rights guaranteed in the United States Constitution and that student pub- lications should be as free of re- strictions as commercial newspa- pers. Other panel members assented to this opinion but did not believe that students were automatically entitled at the same time to free- dom from the restrictions of an "in-loco parentis" policy. Lewis said this type of restric- tion was necessary because of the extreme difference in age levels of the students, ranging from 16 to past 21. Same Practice Panelists Differentiate -Daily-Ed Langs STUDENT FREEDOM-Left to right are Prof. Philip Monypenny, SGC President Richard Nohl, Prof. George Peek, Prof. John Reed and Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis who discussed student responsibility last night. 'U' President -Views OA By MICHAEL OLINICK University President H a r 1 a n Hatcher addressed the Office of Student Affairs Stud Committee yesterday, setting forth his views on the philosophy which should underlie student life outside the classroom and its consequences in restructuring the OSA. President Hatcher also discuss- ed the possible reactions alumni, parents and legislators might have to changes in the OSA and how they could be brought to bear on the University, Prof. John Reed of the law school, committee chairman, said last night. The study committee decided to seek an informal meeting with the. Regents in February before the University's top administrative, board acts on committee recom- mendations in March. Prof. Reed said the committee' will draft one edition of the re- port, but that there would be "op- portunity for Student Government Council and the University Sen- ate's Faculty Committee on Stu- dent Relations to discuss it and make alternate recommendations before presentation to the Re- gents. Prof. Reed and Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lew- is renewed their pledge to make the final report public, but were not certain when this would be possible. "The committee has decided not to decide that question right now," Prof. Reed said. "We will handle that when the i'eport is finished." Literary College Directs, Department Room Use By NEIL COSSMAN Matching up hours, teachers, and class rooms is a decentralized procedure at the University, but the result is the single, 136-page Time Schedule that is now available to students for the spring semes- ter classes. Although at some universities all the scheduling is done by one office,\here each school and college is master of its own space and time. Faculty Committee A faculty room scheduling committee helps the literary college allocate a percentage of its classrooms to each of its departments. Prof. C. M. Davis of the geography department, chairman of the committee, said that its functions were to allocate the available rooms equitably, to judicate controversies or conflicts for rooms be- tween departments, and to help departments fit into their schedules. "Rooms are allocated because there are popular and unpopular hours. Since there are not enough rooms for everyone to have classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 9 and 11 a.m. each de- partment is limited to a certain number of rooms at any one hour," Prof. Davis explained. Special Rooms The committee only supervises general purpose classrooms. Sem- inar rooms, laboratories, and rooms with special equipment such as permanent maps or typewriters are the property of particular de- partments. A department's room allocation for the year is determined by the following procedure: First, a count is made of the class hours used by each depart- ment during the first semester of the preceding year. The use by each department is then figured as' a percentage of the total use. (The total class hours for the 1962-63 allocation is 5,- 381 and the number of general purpose classrooms is 173.) Monypenny Views Duty Of Faculty Nohl agreed, stressing, however, the necessity of due process when- ever a student is brought before a campus judiciary body. He said he would not want the deans' of- fices to discontinue their practice of counseling students who appear before such bodies. Prof. Reed said that, whereas faculty members may be justified in an authoritarian position in the classroom because they are ex- perts in their various fields, it is possible that they are not equally expert in the area of counseling. "Nevertheless," he said, "we operate under the assumption that old heads are wiser than young and that the University family has constructive advice to offer in the field of extra-curricular life just as it has in the classroom." Prof. Monypenny said the field of student conduct should at some point be considered by the faculty. Students struggling to maintain academic freedom on university campuses will soon be receiving aid from the American Associa- tion of University Professors Com- mittee on Faculty Responsibility for Students' Academic Freedom, Prof. Philip Monypenny of the University of Illinois' political sci- ence department, chairman of the committee, says faculty are re- sponsible for student academic freedom because good teaching is possible only where access to all types of ideas is completely free and opposing theories may be dis- cussed openly and fully. The committee, which was set up by the current president of AAUP this year, will meet for the first time at the end of February. Prepared Memos The six members will draw up a policy to submit to the national AAUP at its April meeting. Prior to the February meeting, Prof. Monypenny will prepare a set of memoranda which will serve as an outline from which to formulate policy. "It is hard . to say specifically what the AAUP should do toward achieving the freest possible type of discussion on campus," Prof. Monypenny said. "There is a general feeling among committee members that student organizations should be able to sponsor any speaker and conduct an orderly advocacy of any idea." Five Areas He cited five main areas where undue restraint is likely to be imposed on students: 1) Speakers sponsored by stu- dent organizations. 2) Control and censorship of student publications. 3) Student participation in off- campus political activities, par- ticularly anti-segregation demon- strations.x 4) Demonstrations and picket- ing on campus (Prof. Monypenny believes that such activities should be permitted on campuses just as they are off-campus, as long as they are orderly and no one's safety is endangered). 5) Segregation in campus hous- ing and student organizations. Due Process Due process for students accused of violating campus regulaions and freedom from double jeopardy for students tried by civil authori- ties are also important considera- tions, he said. Within at least p8 months the committee should have established a set of policies acceptable as standards for academic institu- tions in several areas pertaining to academic freedom. 'U' To Honor Two Citizens At Graduation The Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emerich of Grosse Pointe, Episcopal bishop of Michigan, and Democratic National Committeeman Neil S. Staebler of Ann Arbor will receive .I Academic Refresher--On Ice. 'Tackle' I .; . :.;..; vr.: 5....? c:....x::.::,'FCi'? :%' . :;rrt-o- r:;:.:5 ":::: ' r.::....:.u::::+::.:a:.;i ::.x?::::.a:::r::::. ::: _