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January 16, 1962 - Image 1

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See Page -4

Clearing tonight,
slightly warmer Wednesday

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

XXII, No. 78




wainson Dares Romney
'o Exert Influence in '62



LANSING (A') -Gov. John B.
wainson challenged George M.
omney yesterday to use his lead-
rship during the 1962 legislative
ession to help solve some of
Elchigan's most pressing- prob-
Romney, who may run for gov-
.nor on the Republican ticket this
ear, could be influential with the
gislators in helping the state
feet its needs in education, men-
)i health, capital outlay and other
reas, Swainson told a news con-
Swainson commented in reply

to Romney's statement on the
weekend that he had no intention
of urging the legislature to adopt
the tax reform program of Citizens
for Michigan, a non-partisan or-
ganization which he heads. Rom-
ney, American Motors Corp. presi-
dent and a vice-president .of the
Constitutional Convention, said he
is too deeply involved with the
convention to push for adoption of
a tax program in the legislature.
Brushed Aside
The Democratic governor
brushed aside Romney's assertion

that he will beat Swainson if he
decides to run, with:
"Every candidate that have ever
been against me has-said that."

See related story, page 3

-Daily-Larry Vanice
PATIENCE-Chester Bowles, special advisor to the President,
urged Americans to view the neutral and emerging nations with
patience and understanding in a speech last night.,
Bowles Cites Dig nit Action
A National Global Goals
Individual rights, .gignity, justice and a greater sense of partici-
pntion-these are the goals that America, fulfilling her national pur-
pose, is obliged to seek in her foreign relations.
"Our aim is to make these goals global," Chester Bowles, special
adviser to President John F. Kennedy on Africa, Asia and Latin
America, told a University audience last night. "We seek a world
community of fellow participants in the age-old struggle for the right

Swainson is undefeated in four
elections, twice running the 18th
district seat in the State Senate
and once being elected lieutenant
governor before -his successful bid
for governor in 1960.
The governor firmly turned aside
most of the questions put to him
about Romney.
Building State
"If and when Romney becomes a
candidate I will be happy to dis-
cuss his comments in greater de-
tail. J am much too busy trying to
work to build Michigan to concern
myself with Romney's statements
at this time," he said.
Swainson answered Romney's
charges that the AFL-CIO now
has more influence in the gover-
nor's office than it had under for-
mer Gov. G. Mennen Williams. He
said that similar claims have been
made about the administration of
the late President Franklin D.
Roosevelt, of Williams and of
President Kennedy.
"But the people have repudiated
these charges," he said.
Lao Princes,
Join in Talk
GENEVA (M)-Two of the feud-
ing princes of Laos arrived in
Geneva yesterday and made plain
the feud runs deep.
First to arrive for talks spon-
sored by the 14-nation Laos con-
ference was pro-Western Prince
Boun Oum. A spokesman for Boun
Oum said that formation of a
coalition government, object of the
talks, could take place only on
Laotian soil, not in Geneva.
Neutralist Prince Souvanna
Phouma arrived next and said
Boun Oum "is seeking to discard
any settlement of the Laotian
The third prince, pro-Commun-
ist Souphanouvong, is on the way
to Geneva from Peiking via Mos-
cow, accompanied by Red China's
delegate to the Laos conference.
Until his arrival, no definite ar-
rangements have been made for a
meeting of the three who failed in
a previous attempt in Vientiane
to set up a coalition government.
Souvanna said he would stay in
Geneva "as long as necessary to
settle our national problem."
W. Averell Harriman, chief U.S.
negotiator here, was optimistic
despite Boun Oum's statements.
He said "many statements are
made and there are many ways
of coming to an agreement.

Expect U.S.
To Approve
Trade Pact
BRUSSELS ()-After a final
round of conferences, the United
States and the Common Market
are expected to initial today an
agreement to cut tariffs on many
industrial goods, informed sources
In Washington President John F.
Kennedy conceded yesterday it will
take an "educational job" to put
over his proposal for broad author-
ity to negotiate tariffs in dealing
with the European Common Mar-
Balance Trade
Kennedy said there will have
to be a balancing of industrial and
agricultural exports and imports.
He noted that this country now
exports much more in farm com-
modities to Western Europe than
it imports.
Some hitches may 'develop, but
the sources predicted prospects are
good that the first step will be
taken toward what President Ken-
nedy hopes eventually will be a
meshing of the two economies to
head off a trade war that might
shake the Atlantic Community.
Even with the initialing, how-
ever, the agreement still must win
the unanimous approval of the
Council of Ministers of the six-
nation Common Market.
Provides Tariff Cuts
Informants said the agreement
would provide for tariff cuts of
as much as 20 per cent on some
items. The list of industrial goods
to be affected was not disclosed.
While Kennedy has authority
under existing law to put the
tariff cuts into effect, a spokes-
man for the United States mis-
sion said the agreement also must
be referred back to the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Organization in Geneva that spon-
sored the negotiations.
Howard Peterson, special adviser
to Kennedy, has been conferring
with Common Market officials. He
will meet with Jean Rey, Common
Market member in charge of for-
eign relations, for today's expected
initialing ceremony.
Could Change Mind
Common Market sources said
the initialing was about as good
as a formal ratification, although
one of the parties still could have
a change of mind about some of
the clauses.
Informants note some minor
differences still are being studied
and conferences will continue up
until the last moment.
Agreements to cover agricultural
products such as wheat, corn and
poultry will be discussed at some
later date, informants added.
Agricultural products have been
a major headache for the-Common
Market. But their negotiators, af-
ter 16 days of hard bargaining,
agreed Sunday to begin cutting
such tariffs.



'U Shelters
The Special Hazards Subcom-
mittee of the University Safety
Committee has begun inquires into
the problems of safety in the nu-
clear age, as related to the Uni-
versity community.
Peter A. Ostafin, Chairman of
the subcommittee, emphasized
that this program is an extension
of general safety, rather than an
isolated project, and has been un-
dertaken not in the expectation of
a crisis, but in the necessity of a
knowledgeable approach to an age,
of nuclear dimensions.
Findings Limited
Findings of the special subcom-
mittee have so far been limited
to reaching an adequate defini-
tion of the specific problems in-
volved, with the goal of a practical
program for the campus com-
The subcommittee is investigat-
ing the capacity of present shelter
space relative to the campus popu-
lation; hazards of food, water,
oxygen and other shortages; dis-
posal of waste; sickness; air and
other contamination, and prepara-
tion for radiation monitoring.
The committee hopes to release
printed information for the in-
struction of students and person-
nel in dealing with radiation haz-
ards, in the not too distant future,
when its work shall have progress-
ed to the point where a definite
form of such information is feas-
ible and justified.
Survival After Attack
Survival after the initial shelter
period will depend "almost en-
tirely" on circumstances at that
The idea of a civil defense pro-
gram at the University is not a
new one, Ostafin said. Such a
program existed during World War
II and was abandoned after that
But during the Korean War the
University established a program
for nuclear attack.
This year, the Berlin crisis,
President John F. Kennedy's con-
cern for a general fallout shelter
program, and inquiries to Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
from parents of University stu-
dents led to the formation of the

4. '
-AP Wirephoto
X' MARKS THE SPOT-Dutch patrol boats yesterday discovered
three Indonesian torpedo boats and sank two of them off the
coast of Dutch New Guinea.

Claim Shij
To Invade
New Guin4
Flotilla Intercep
Inside Dutch We


Dutch Destroyers Attac
IndonesiT oruedo Bo




Whee ler~ Claims Plan
Ma y Change Pakistan
Pakistan's new "basic democracy" system, composed of small
administrative councils on the local level should provide a frame-
work for change, Prof. Richard Wheeler of Duke University said
Prof. Wheeler discussed "Changing Patterns of Local Government

Sees Error
In Goa War
India's forcible take-over of the
Portuguese enclave of Goa was
"very wrong and a great mistake,"
Chester Bowles, a former ambas-
sador to India said last night.
India had been suffering a great
sense of- frustration in trying to
resolve the Goa problem with Por-
tugal. "Goa was not the first ex-
ample of a nation like India
violating its principles because of
a sense of frustration," he said.
Bowles indicated that frustra-
tion often lead to extreme views
or actions, and stressed the im-
portance of America being patient
and understanding with the new
Bowles was ,Senator John F.
Kennedy's chief advisor on foreign
policy during the presidential cam-.
paign. After Kennedy was elected,
Bowles became Assistant Secretary
of State. However, Bowles was
transferred to the position of spe-'
cial advisor to the President on
Latin American, Asian and Afri-
can affairs.
Bowles is happier in his new
position because he has opportun-
ity to "move around" now, being
a free agent to present and ad-
vance ideas, according to' his
special assistant, Andrew E. Rice.
"The enormous amount of ad-
ministrative work in the under-
secretaryship was a tremendous
demand on him (Bowles)," Rice
Kennedy Sees
Science Drop
WASHINGTON (P) - Presidentj
John F. Kennedy expressed "grow-
ing concern" yesterday over the
decline in students studying sci-
ence, engineering and technical
courses in America and announced
a review of the, situation.
The President, speaking shortly
after a special report disclosed the
Runcsaa wer !nrouin inf twice as


of every individual to develop his
own abilities and interests within
his -'own culture and in his own
way," Bowles said.
To Meet Opportunity
"We shall extend our aid
wherever the opportunity exists to
help create such a community."
Bowles said the United States
has ridden into this crucial age
poorly prepared. This adult gen-
eration was born in a simple world
and was not educated to today's
.complex problems.
He indicated that the national
purpose is to affirm the ideals of
freedom stated in the Declaration
of Independence and to continue
the American revolution through-
out the world.
Belong to Mankind
"Our task is to demonstrate in
J practical terms that the Ameri-
can revolution, as Jefferson once
said, 'belongs to all mankind.' We
must build a world partnership."
To do this, he explained, we
have to develop a better under-
standing of the new nations of
Latin America, Africa and Asia,
avoiding expressions like "com-
mitted" and "uncommitted" be-
cause these words can lead us
"The neutrals and the new na-
tions are deeply committed-
against colonialism and for self-
development. They may be un-
aligned, but it is immoral and tin-
just to call them uncommitted."
American Neutralism
Bowles drew a parallel between
the neutrals of today and the
America of the Nineteenth cen-
tury. America was successful in
staying neutral then during the
world struggle between Britain and
France, getting aid from both to
overcome the immense problems
of organization and development.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev's problems are great because
Communism throughout the world
is becoming increasingly sterile,
Bowles said.
"Communist brainwashing prov-
ed a bitter failure in Hungary,
and they have had a big disap-
pointment in central Africa. The
'Ugly Russian' has really come in-
to his own.

Last-Second Shot Wis Game

and Administration in Pakistan,"
Ayub Khan's coup in 1958. Be-
lieving that the old parliamentary
system was;not fulfilling the as-
pirations of the masses, Ayub de-
centralized the administration and
established democratic govern-
ment in the form of local "union
councils," Prof. Wheeler said.
Elected Councils
The union councils are elected.
by the people in each village. A.
coordinating committee called a
"tehsil" or thana," composed of,
members of the union councils,
serves as the regional admiistra-.
tive board.
An extensive "propaganda" cam-
paign has been carried out under
the supervision of Ayub to edu-
cate the Pakistani villagers in the
rudimentary aspects of democracy,
Prof. Wheeler said.
This was implemented through
the already existing Village Aid
Organization which had originally
been created as a guidance or-
ganization for community develop-
ment. Under the new title of Na-
tional Development Organization,
(NDO's), it was reorganized to-
serve the needs of each coordi-
nating committee, he said.1
Meets Criticism
Ayub's use of this old organiza-'
tion to assist in putting over-the
principles of the new "basic demo-'
cracy" system met with criticism.
The NDO's, therefore, were re-
organized and aspects of the new
democracy are now being taught
through "Agricultural Develop-
ment Corporations," Prof. Wheeler
"The government is determined
to make the new system work and
the propaganda will continue," he
In conclusion, Prof. Wheeler
said that 'whether or not it serves
as a new departure of local gov-
ernment or a changed administra-
tion it has brought about an awak-
ening on the local level."
Debate Begins
On Tax Relief
For Stock Sale
WASHINGTON (P)-Senate de-
bate opened on the sharply dis-
puted du Pont tax bill yesterday
and it appeared likely the talk
would continue for several days.
Proponents of the measure held
the floor for most of the four
hours of discussion, interrupted
frequently by foes of the bill.

since Field Marshal Mohammed
The Residence Halls Board of
Governors yesterday deferred ac-
tion on a proposal to grant senior
women apartment permission, but.
took steps to alleviate one of its
"most crucial problems": how to
recruit and retain high quality
James A. Lewis, vice-president
for student affairs and chairman
of the board, said he would con-
sult with the subcommittee on
Student Discipline before asking a
board decision next month on the
request by Women's Senate and
Women's Judic. Both Lewis and
acting Dean of Women Elizabeth
Davenport saw "d lot of merit" in
the proposal which would affect
about 350 women.
Raise Salaries
On a motion by Prof. Frank X.
Braun of the German department,
the board unanimously approved
raising the salary of staff coun-
selors from the present 40 per
cent to 60 per cent of the room
and board costs.
Prof. Braun notedw a general
feeling by the quadrangle direc-
tors and resident advisors that
staff counselors cannot be attract-
ed or kept because of the low
John Hale, assistant dean of
men for residence halls, concurred
with Prof. Braun. He said that
half .of those who apply for staff
counselor positions refuse to ac-
cept them when they discover the
job pays only $326 a year.
Counselors Cet More
Miss Davenport noted that res-
ident counselors in the women's
dormitories-who play a roughly
parallel role - receive well over
twice as much as the staff coun-
Lewis said that problem of low
pay for staff counselors symboliz-
ed the University's overall need
"to meet the problems of compe-
tition" from other colleges. "We
tition" from other colleges and
cautioned the board that any
change is dependent on increases
in income "We have got to find
money somewhere to imnprove all
The Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee is vitally inter-
ested in the residence halls, Lewis
See BOARD, Page 2

HOLLANDIA, New Guinea (MP-
Dutch destroyers caught three In-
donesian torpedo boats off the
invasion-threatened ,southeast
coast of New Guinea, sank at least
one and drove the others off.
Na'val sources here and in the
Netherlands capital of the Hague
claimed the small fiottilla was
speeding toward Dutch-ruled West
New Guinea as an invasion van-
Confirms Loss
In Jakarta the Indonesian gov-
ernment confirmed the sinking of
one torpedo boat but scoffed at
the Dutch claim the craft were
part of an invasion force.
Maj. Gen. Achmad Jani, head of
Indonesia's newly - created New
Guinea operational staff command
declared that Indonesian patrol
activity in the West New Guinea
region would be stepped up and
said a report on the fight would
be forwarded to the United Na-
The official Indonesin version
was that the torpedo boats were
deliberately attacked on the open
Inside Dutch Waters
A naval spokesman in Hollandia
said the Indonesian 'craft were
intercepted inside Dutch waters
near Etna Bay yesterday.
The first official report from
here was that the Dutch ships
opened up on the Indonesian flo-
tilla after it ignored warning'
shots But the Netherlands de-
fense ministry later, announced
that the Indonesians fired first,at
a Dutch patrol plane.
The Dutch radio said 70 Indo-
nesian survivors were picked up by
Netherlands ships and naval
sources cited the number as proof
of an invasion mission.
No Dutch Casualties
No mention was made of the
number of Dutch ships in the en-
gagement or of any damage to
them. There were no Dutch cas-
Aside from skirmishes with In-
donesian infiltrators the battle was
the first armed clash since Indo-
nesian President Sukarno warned
last' month he would take West
New Guinea by force unless the
Hague government handed over
the wild and forbidding region.
Panel Explores
Student Rights,
In general students do not have
as many rights as others in their
age group and they should have
This was the general consensus
Sunday of Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis, Prof.
Marvin Felheim of the English
department and Brian Glick, '62,
a member of Student Government
Council, at a Voice Political Par-
ty symposium on "Do and Should
Students Have Rights?"
Lewis spoke first on whether
students have rights. "I have a
strong feeling that in many areas/
students do not have rights that
others in their age group have.
Young citizens working in Ann
Arbor exercise rights students do
not have."
In examining the cause of this
situation Lewis explained thated-
ucation was delegated to the states
by the founding fathers because
of their fear of strong federal gov-
ernmental control over education.
"The states themselves decen-
tralized education bringing it clos-
er to the home. This built up the
tradition of the school as an ex-
tension of the home, which is the
basis of "in loco parentis" and
which gave rise to the very strong

With one second remaining Tom
Cole connected on a free throw
to give Michigan a 56-55 upset
victory over a powerful Iowa
squad in the Wolverines' Big Ten
Don Nelson of Iowa led all
scorers with 20 points, but the
Hawkeye star ironically made two
fatal mistakes that cost Iowa the
ball game.
Steals Ball
With less than 30 seconds on
the clock, Iowa had possession of
the ball with the score tied 55-55,
when Bobby Cantrell alertly stole
the ball from Nelson. Michigan
was trying for a last shot when
Nelson fouled Cole battling for
the ball.
Cole had only one foul throw
and sunk it for the victory.
The Wolverines' victory snapped
a seven game losing streak, the
last win being over Denver on De-
cember 11.
Win Opening Tip}
Taking the opening tip, the Wol-
verines led 5-3 in the early stages
of the game. But Iowa then put
the lid on the basket holding
Michigan scoreless for the next
three and a half minutes, and the
Hawkeyes jumped to a four point

.m5m a. ... -

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